Volume 1 No. 3 Volume ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN PUBLIC HEALTH MAGAZINE APRIL-MAY 2005 Israeli Perspective Challenges Facing the Nutritional Status of Israel Palestinian Perspective Armed Conflict and Food Security Special Interview Marc Lalonde, Former Canadian Minister of Health and Social Welfare OurOur NutritionalNutritional StatusStatus ProgressProgress oror Inertia?Inertia? Advisory Board Members: Dr. Sameer Abdalla Mission Statement Director, Palestinian Economic Research Institute (MAS), Ramallah bridges, the Israeli-Palestinian with health care. Developed with Prof. Joseph Abramson Emeritus Professor of Social Medicine, Public Health Magazine, is a unique health care professionals, decision Hebrew University, Jerusalem Dr. Ahmad Abu Tawahena publication conceived, written, edit- makers and academics in mind, the Clinical Psychologist,Clinical Supervisor, Gaza ed, produced and managed jointly magazine covers public health top- Dr. Rafik Al Husseini Deputy Director General, Director of by Palestinian and Israeli academ- ics relevant to both populations and Operation, Welfare Association, Jerusalem ics and health professionals under seeks to analyze the impact of the Prof. Alean Al-Krenawi, PhD Chairman, Spitzer Department of Social Work, the sponsorship of the World Health conflict on the health and well-being Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva Organization (WHO). The maga- of both societies. In both structure Dr. Dan Bar On Chair, Department of Behavioral Science, zine embodies the WHO paradigm and content bridges is a coopera- Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva of “Health as a Bridge for Peace”: tive endeavor seeking to build rela- Prof. Zvi Bentwitch Chairman of Board, the integration of peace-building tionships, links and common under- Physicians for Human Rights - Israel concerns, strategies and practices standing. Dr. David Chinitz Senior Lecturer, Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, Hebrew University - Hadassah, Jerusalem Prof. Orly Elpeleg Table of Contents Head of Metabolic Disease Unit, Shaare-Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem Editorial 3 Dr. Eyad El Sarraj by Fathi Abumoghli Chairman, Gaza Community Mental Health Programme Challenges Facing the 4 Ms. Tamar Gozansky Nutritional Status of Israel Former Member of Knesset Israel, Lecturer in Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva by Dorit Nitzan Kaluski, Ted Tulchinsky Prof. Miriam Hirschfeld and Elliot M. Berry Michlelet Emek Izrael Dr. May Kaileh Armed Conflict 8 Family Health Officer, UNRWA, West Bank and Food Security Dr. Joseph Katan by Ziad Abdeen Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv Prevention of 13 Dr. Omayah Khammash Micronutrient Malnutrition Director of MARAM Project, West Bank Dr. Sharif Munzer by Ziad Abdeen and Ted Tulchinsky President's Advisor for Health Affairs, Former Deputy Minister of Health, PNA, West Bank Interview with Marc Lalonde, 14 Prof. Avinoam Reches Former Canadian Minister Chairman, Ethics Committee, of Health and Social Welfare Israel Medical Association Dr. Varsein Shaheen by Saleem Sakakini and Shiri Ourian Director of Research and Planning, Mothers, the Newborn Welfare Association, Jerusalem Dr. Abdel Aziz Mousa Thabet and Children 16 School of Public Health, Highlights from the World Health Al-Quds University, Jerusalem Report 2005 Dr. Nihayah Tilbani Head Business Department, Cover Photo: Ilya Melnikov How to… Wheat Flour 18 Faculty of Economics and Administrative Enrichment and Fortification: Science, Al-Azhar University, Gaza Dr. Theodore Tulchinsky Serving Mutual Needs Associate Professor, Braun School of Public by Omar Dary Health, Hebrew University - Hadassah, Jerusalem News Items 24 Prof. Sam Tyano Prof. of General Psychiatry and Child and Study Break from the Conflict 27 Adolescent Psychiatry, Tel Aviv University, by Noa Cedar Tel Aviv A Day in the Life - Prof. Abdeen 28 Editorial Board: Treats His Students' Wounds Dr. Ambrogio Manenti by Lily Galili Head of Office, WHO West Bank and Gaza Prof. Hani Abdeen A Day in the Life – Prof. Carmi 30 Coming soon: Dean, Al-Quds Medical School, Diagnoses Life During the Conflict Al-Quds University, Jerusalem www.bridgesmagazine.org Dr. Fathi Abumoghli by Abd el Raouf Arnaout National Health Officer, WHO on Nutrition: 32 WHO West Bank and Gaza Ms. Randi Garber The Editorial Board invites submissions Determinants and Consequences JDC-Middle East Program, Jerusalem of letters, comments or articles on public WHO Literature Review Dr. Itzhak Levav Consultant to WHO, Jerusalem health to bridges at: Readers’ Forum 34 [email protected] by Jaime Gofin Production team: Ben Or Consulting / Letters to the Editor 35 Goldfinger Communications This publication contains the views of independent authors and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editorial Board or ABS-Palestine the Advisory Board individually or collectively on any matter. The named authors alone are responsible for the views expressed in Maria Restrepo WHO West Bank and Gaza this publication. The designations employed and presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of Hagit Maimon Graphic Designer its authorities, or concerning the delimination of its frontiers or boundaries. The World Health Organization does not warrant that the information contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its issue. 2 bridges April-May 2005 time decreasing the costs and effort needed. One of the main achievements in NutritionNutrition nutrition has been the ability to focus on the common interests concern- ing the issue of micronutrient mal- nutrition through joint conferences andand PeacePeace as mentioned in the joint article by by Fathi Abu-Moghli Tulchinsky and Abdeen. The authors call for the establishment of a joint Israeli-Palestinian nutrition working riting an edito- transfer to our audience the Canadian group, as an advisory body to report rial for a scien- experience in health promotion and regularly to the Palestinian Author- tific magazine is how we can utilize the principles of ity and the Israeli ministries of health a real hard task. health promotion to advance peace. and nutritional related issues. It is even harder In Dr. Omar Dary’s “how to” article As a Palestinian, I am confident Wto write the editorial for a magazine on fortification, he states that 40% of that when my Israeli colleagues read like bridges, which has a mandate to the need for flour in the West Bank is about the extent of diseases related to integrate peace building concerns, Photo: strategies and practices with health care and to encourage Israeli and Pal- George Azar UNDP/PAPP, estinian professionals to raise pub- lic health issues of common concern as well as analyze the impact of the conflict on the health and well-being of both societies. No matter how conflicts separate and create gaps between people, still common interest and common hard- ships bring them back together. Poverty, disabilities and nutrition are the themes of the first three issues of bridges and women’s health will be the topic of the next issue. These top- ics are aspects we deal with through our daily lives, without thinking of borders, gender, color and ethnicity. covered by imports from Israel. There- malnutrition among children, women The feedback we have received so fore, through collaboration between of child-bearing age and elderly in the far is very positive and encouraging, Israel and the Palestinian Author- occupied Palestinian territory, they indicating that the path we have cho- ity, imported flour could be forti- will realize that these trends in mal- sen is correct and we shall proceed fied according to Palestinian stand- nutrition are related to levels of pov- with our mission, knowing that this ards. This could eventually lead to an erty and unemployment never seen demands hard and continuous work. improvement in the nutritional status to this extent before. The deteriora- We ask for the support of all health that prevails in the Palestinian society. tion of social determinants are strictly practitioners; we ask them to provide What might come as a surprise to connected with closures and curfews us with new ideas and to use bridg- the Palestinian reader, are the facts caused by Israeli military activities. es as a source of creative and com- presented in the article by Kaluski et All health professionals are aware mon activities on the ground. We are al, “Challenges Facing the Nutrition- that the continuation of the military grateful to those who have already al Status of Israel”, which show that measures will intensify the heath cri- taken time out from their busy days, Israeli society suffers from deficien- sis and there is no path out, except to like Ted Tulchinsky and Ziad Abdeen, cies in iron, iodine, vitamin D and fol- end the occupation and having two and served as co-editors of this edi- ic acid. This common problem shared independent, neighboring states. tion of bridges, significantly shaping by the Israeli and Palestinian societies Health professionals take advan- the content of the following pages. could open the gates for future joint tage of their special position in both I would like to thank Marc Lalonde, cooperation in order to obtain the societies, and promote this solution, former Canadian Minister of Health, most suitable tools to resolve com- in order to ensure social well-being for giving bridges the opportunity to mon health problems and at the same for Israelis and Palestinians. April-May 2005 bridges 3 Challenges Facing the Nutritional Status of Israel by Dorit Nitzan Kaluski, Ted Tulchinsky and Elliot M. Berry Ilya Melnikov photos: 4 bridges April-May 2005 .an elevated waist-hip ratio ישראל סובלת משילוב פרדוקסאלי של ﺗﻌﺎﻧﻲ اﺳﺮاﺋﻴﻞ ﻣﻦ ﺗﻨﺎﻗﺾ ﺷﺎذ Socio-economic status affected צריכה מופרזת של קלוריות (סוכרת) ﺣﻴﺚ ﻳﺘﺮاﻓﻖ وﺟﻮد ﻣﺸﻜﻠﺔ زﻳﺎدة women more than men. 36.9% in the לצד מיעוט בצריכה של מרכיבי מזון ﺗﻨﺎول اﻟﺴﻌﺮات اﻟﺤﺮارﻳﺔ ﻣﻊ ﻧﻘﺺ ﻓﻲ lowest tertile for SES had a BMI >30 (מזינים נחוצים).
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