Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange 1832 9-7-1832 Gambier Observer, September 07, 1834 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/observer1832 Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation "Gambier Observer, September 07, 1834" (1832). 1832. 17. https://digital.kenyon.edu/observer1832/17 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1832 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.” ---------- ------------------------------------- VOL. III. GAMBIER, OHIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1832. NO. 1. REV. M. T. C. WING, EDITOR. in its simplicity and purity, and the principles families who are subject to the same common which it inculcates fully believed and practised, blessings together, should together make their GEORGE W. MYERS. PRINTER. there will be found a sound, rational, and fervent humble acknowledgments to the giver of them. piety; free from fanaticism on the one hand, and It is an inestimable privilege by the providence MOON UPON THE SPIRE. formality on the other. If we look at Protestant of God, granted unto us, that in our family cir­ We recollect, says the N. Y. Mirror, few morceaux more Christendom, we behold an almost universal at­ cles we can erect an altar to the Lord;—and there, graphical and poetical than “The Moon upon the Spire,” by tachment to the inestimable formularies of our excluded from the world, offer up acceptable Miss Gould, of which we select the first three stanzas.—N. Church. As one evidence in proof of this, I Y. Observer. sacrifices to the Most High. would state, that our Liturgy has been recently The full-orbed moon has reached no higher Will any, then, having the spirit of Christ, and Than yon old Church’s mossy spire; translated into the Chinese language, and also into possessing the mind which dwelt in Him, in these And seems, as gliding up the air that dialect of Indian, called Indo-Portuguese: peaceful times when none dare molest or make She saw the fane; and, pausing there, the former version was made by a Presbyterian afraid neglect the duty of family prayer ? What! Would worship, in the tranquil night, minister, Rev. Dr. Morrison, and the latter by a a disciple of Jesus, and not do as much to honor The Prince of peace—the Source of light, Where man for God prepared the place, Wesleyan Methodist Missionary, Rev. Mr. New- the cause of religion, in this day of gospel light, And God to man unveils his face. stead. May we, then, as lovers of this book, as was done previous to the Mosaic dispensation evince our gratitude tor our distinguished privi­ Her tribute all around is seen, by Job—who offered sacrifice for all his children, She bends and worships like a queen! leges, in endeavoring hy every means in our pow­ attended, undoubtedly) with fervent prayer for Her robe of light and beaming crown, er, to promote its circulation. And let us cherish their present and eternal welfare? A Christian_ In silence she is casting down; the expectation, in dependence on our exertions and not erect and keep erected the family altar_ And, as a creature of the earth and the divine blessing, that the time is not far and morning and evening, not surround it? Who She feels her lowliness of birth— Her weakness and inconstancy distant when the Bible, the only chart of life, and can believe that such persons pray with all man­ Before unchanging purity! the Book of Common Prayer, as a most useful ner of prayer? Rale traveller, on thy lonely way, and invaluable concomitant, shall have been trans­ Oh! ye heads of families, who are professors of ’Tis well thine homage thus to pay; lated into every tongue and dialect under heaven; the religion of Jesus: think of this important To reverence that ancient pile, that all the nations, and kindreds, and tribes of subject; and if you have hitherto neglected the And spread thy silver o’er the aisle, the earth, may be able to read in their own lan­ duty of family prayer—do so no more: imme­ Which many a pious foot hath trod, guage, the wonderful works of God. That now is dust beneath the sod; diately commence it; let this day ever be remem­ Where many a sacred tear has wept, bered as that on which you commenced so noble From eyes that long in death have slept. From Badger’s Weekly Messenger* a work; and continue, while you dwell on earth, FAMILY FRA/’ER. to “sow your seed in the morning, and in the even­ RELIGIOUS. There is no part of the Christian religion, that ing withhold not your hand; for ye know not which may be productive of more good than that of fam­ shall prosper, either this or that, or whether both BENEFIT OF THE LITURGY. ily prayer, if performed with regularity and due shall be alike good.” And if you thus observe the In looking over the proceedings of the London solemnity. But, it is a lamentable truth, that commandment of the Lord, an harvest of glory Prayer-Book and Homily Society, held in May, scarcely any religious duty is so generally neg­ in heaven will amply repay for your care and pains 1830, I find the following anecdote related on lected by professors of Christianity. Excuses the in sowing here. that occasion, by Capt. Gambier, of the Royal most frivolous, are, too often, sufficient grounds But, if you continue to neglect this duty, in this Navy. for its neglect. An increase of business; an irre­ luminous and pacific age, you become extremely The facts recorded in it are, I think, strikingly ligious companion, and various other pleas equally guilty, and you cannot be supprised if your chil­ illustrative of the truly evangelical tendency of irrational, are but too successfully pleaded to par­ dren grow up entirely destitute of a true know­ our sublime and spiritual Liturgy. As such, they alyse this engine of good. But are not all these, ledge of God; become a cause of many sorrows will doubtless he read with interest by those who if rightly considered, so many powerful reasons to you; a curse to their country; and you—and duly appreciate the excellence of this most inval­ why, if we are Christians, we should attend to them finally doomed to perditiou—for wrath shall uable of all human compositions. the duty in question? Every one, who rightly not only be poured out “upon the heathen, but also “In the course of a journey, said Capt. Gam­ performs it, will answer in the affirmative. What “upon the families that call not upon the name bier, which I lately took to the North of England, means of grace is better calculated to give and of the Lord.” I became acquainted with a gentleman belonging preserve a calm and serene frame of mind, amidst to the Society of Wesleyan Methodists, who told the tumultuous fluctuation of worldly affairs?— THE GRAVE OF MY FATHER. me, without my seeking it from him, this remark­ What exercise better to improve the talent of A year has passed since the death of my best able circumstance. He said, “ Sir, perhaps you prayer? Andas a help thereunto, the reading of earthly friend, and three years since I had heard are not aware that in our Society, when it pleases the sacred scriptures, which contain an inexhaust­ his kind words and salutary admonitions. Eighty- God to send, as he sometimes does, suddenly a ible treasure of the purest sentiment and most five winters have howled around his head—yet great increase of numbers to hear the word, we expressive language. What will make more deep they had not whitened his locks; nor had multi­ find after a certain time—at least, this is our gene­ and lasting impressions on the minds of careless plied s'orrows obliterated that native energy of the ral observation—that half of them usually fall servants, thoughtless children, or an unconverted soul, and produced that second childhood which away. Some fall into fanaticism; some dislike companion, than family prayer? The holy and is so common to age. He diopped away—he fell the discipline to which they are subjected; and benign influences, which result from a proper at­ like the leaf, because he was ripened and the time others depart lor various reasons. But some time tention to this part of our religion are experienced of his gathering had come. ago, a revival happened in the congregation to and enjoyed, by none, but those who engage and I stood by his grave—had traversed a long and which I belong; and to our great surprise, that continue therein. Was it not because Abraham tedious way for the sole purpose—and while all which we have usually observed, has not taken discharged this duty, the Almighty granted him a was hushed, a voice whispering from the sleeping lace. The minister, a most excellent person, peculiar favor? “I know him,” said Gcd unto dust seemed to say, “Child, have you come to as been diligently considering what are the means the Angel, “that he will command his children, bedew my dust with filial tears? Wipe them away which GoD had been pleased to use, to prevent and his household after him.” —I am walking the streets of the New Jerusalem.
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