GOVERNMENT OF THE UNION TERRITORY OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU ANNUAL PLAN 1981-84 ‘Va- , DffiECTORATE OF PLANNING, STATISTICS AND EVALUATION P AN A JI —GO A iff'ff OT''P’°'P pypiESB'iMii3i'iMtinn?S{P8i Government o f India PLANNING COMMISSION LIBRARY I ClLA'SS NO. "T> ^ S ^ “ 1 "1 9 I BCOO)KNO.____________^ ‘T n _____I a n n u a l p l a n 1963-84 I D -E X *nnual Plan In outline 1-34 I — Agriculture and Allied Services 1. Agriculture .............. 35-91 2. Soil and Water Conservation 92-95 3. Animal Husbandry ... 96-120 4. Dairy Development ... 12CV125 5. Fisheries .............. 126-144 6. Forest .......................... 145-154 7. Agricultural credit ... 155 8. Agricultural Marketing & Quality control 156-159 9. Community Development ... 160-164 10. Land reforms .............. 165-168 1. Co-operation 169-194 III — Water and Power Development. 1. Water Development .............. 195 2. Major and Medium Irrigution 196-202 3. Minor Irrigation .............. 203-206 4. Command Area Development Authority (C.'A. D. A.) 207-208 5. ‘ Flood C o n tr o l.......................... 209-210 6. Transmission & Distribution ... 211-227. ■ rV — Industries and Mines ■ 1. Largre and Medium Industries ... ’ ............................. 22&-231 2. Village and Small Scale Industries.............. ............... 232-250 « V — Transport and Communlcatioii 1. Ports, Lighthouses and Shipping 251-252 2. Roads & Bridges ... ..., 253-261 3. RoAd TransJ)ort ... ... 262-266 4. Water Transport .............. 267-272 5. Tourism ..................................... 273-287 V I— Social and Community Services 1. Education . a) General Education.............. 289-314 b) Sports and Youth Welfare 315-331 c) Archives ... ... ... 332T-336 d) Gazetteer ......................... 336-337 2. T«cbnloaX Ekiucatlon a) Pol^chnlc .............. 338-343 Craft Institute 343 c) Engineering College 344-347 3. Medical, Public Health aijd Sanitation a) General Health ... 348-363' b) B. S. I. S.................. 363-364 c) Goa Medical .College 364-366 d) Pharmacy College 367-368J e) Dental College ... 368-369 f) Institute of Psychiatiy and Human Behaviour 369-370 4. Sewerag^e and Water Supply . ....................... 371-378 5. Housing a) General Housing I) Housing B oard.............. 379-380 II) Village Housing ... 381 iii) Housesites for landless 381-382 b) Police Housing .............. 382-383 c) Departmental Housing ... 383-385 d) Public Works .............. 3S5-387 6. Urban Development * a) Town' land Country Planning ... 388-396 b) Urban Development (Local Bodies) 396-397 0 7. Information and P u b licity ................. 398-401 ,8. Labour and Labour Wel^re- ... 402-410 9. Social Welfare a) Welfare of Beickward C lasses......................... 411-419 b) Social Welfare ................................................. % • 419-423^ 10.- Nutrition ............................................................ 424^25 VII — Ebononilc Services 1. Secretaiiat Economic Services ’ ......................... 427-429 "2. Other General Economic Services......................... 430-438 3. Regulation of Weights and’ Measures .............. 439-440 V llI — General Services • 1. Administration and Accounts Services for Planning Purposes ... '441-443 ^ STATEMENTS Statement I — Major and Minor HeadWise/Schemewlse Plan Outlays. 445-469 ■Statement H — Physical Programme ................................................. 470-488 GOAi DAMAN AND DIU ANNUAL PLAN 1983^84 I — ANNUAL PLAN IN OUTLINE The Planning. Commission appro;ved a total outlay of Rs., 192.00 trore for the Sixth Five Year Plan of Goa, Daman and Diu beginning from the year 1980-81. The year 1983-84 is the fourth Year .of the ^ixth Five Year P^an. During, the first 3 years^ investment has been .stepped proportionately from Rs. 31.25 crore in 1980-81, Rs. 34.50 crore in l£>^l-82 to Rs. 44.12 crore in 1982-83. During the first thaee" years i.e. 1980-81, 1981-82 and 1982-83 the actual plan ^enditure incurred was Rs. 31.70 crore, Rs. 37.67 crore and Rs. 48.95 crore. The eXpenditure Eigure during 1982-83 is yet to be reconciled and it' includes the ex­ penditure on works covered under CHOG-M (83) 'programme. For the (fear 1983-84. an outlay of Rs. 69.63 crore had been proposed keeping in view the guidelines circulated by the Planning Commission which included special outlays amounting to Rs. 5.38 cror^ for CHp(J-M(83) works. The Planning Commission however after considering the deve^ lopment need of the territory approved an outlay of* Rs. '56.60 crore with provision that the U. T. Administration would mobilise additional resources to the tune of Rs. 2.00 crore during 1983-84. If there is any shortfall in realisation of this target a corresponding reduction will be made in the approved outlay. A sum of Rs. 5.49 crore has been Piloted for works conncctcd with*CHOG-M. The approved outlay will be financed b under. (i) Union Territory’s own resources Rs. 16.72 crore (ii) Central Assistance .............. Rs. 39.88 crore Total ......................... Rs. 56.60. crore The statemeiit given below indicated the expenditure incurred during the first three years of the Sixth Plan and the approved outlay for the year 1983*84 under cach major sector of development. (Rs. in lakh) Sixth Five Actual Actual Expenditure Approved Major Sector of Year Plan Expen­ Expen­ fncurrisd (non­ outlay Development OuUay diture diture reconciled) 1983-84 1920-85 19S0-81 1981-82 1982-S3 X 2 3 4 5 6 I. Agriculture a n d Allied Services ... 26'^.00 459.94 493.64 450.46 591.90 II. Co-operation ... 450.00 89.70 63.57 151.20 75.00 III. Water and Power « Development ... 5850.00 766.63 i019.08 1397.44 1540.00 IV. Industry and Mining .............. 2790.00 561.45 643.01 .. - 823.33 763.00 V. Transport and communications ... 850.00 167.00 144.21 160.19 200.00 VI. Social and Com­ munity Services ... 6500.00 1113.43 1383.10 1794.82 2257.00 VII. Economic Services 65.00 9.25 14.51 21.35 '29.10 VIII. General Services 10.00 2.41 5.32 6.25 .4.00 GRAND TOTAL 19200.00 3169.81 3766.44 4895.04 5460,00« ------ :-----fe . *The approved outlay of Rs. 56.60 crore has been reduced because of the provision for fresh additional resource riiobilisation of Rs: 2.00 crore hy the Administrsftion in 1983-84. While detailed plan proposals under each sector and sub-sector of development have been discussed in separate chapter, some highlights of the Annual Pfan 1983-84 are indicated in the following paragraphs. SECTORAL AND SU^-SECTORAL OUTLAYS AND PROGRAMMES IN BRIEF AGRICtJt,TURE & ALLIED SEiEVIGES 1. Agriculture: In the agricultural programme of this territory an outlay of Rs. 450.00 lakb was approved for the SiXth Plan (19S0-85). During the first two years, the actual eXjjenditure incurred was Rs. 145.84 lakh. The 1982-83 outlay of Rs. 85.00 lakh fell short of actual eXpenditure by Rs. 8.91 lakh. For the year 1983-84, an outlay of Rs. 89.91 lakh has been approvM with a capital content of Rs.. 22.00 lakh. The major items of eXpenditure on some of the important programmes under this sub-head of development aXe the following. ■ f'Ks. in lakh) Outlay proposed Scheme for 1983-84 1. Multiplication and Distribution of seed 21.50 2. Manures & Fertilizers ... 5.50 3. Plant Protection.............. 9.00 4. Agricultural Engineering 25.00 5. Agricultural Research ... 13.11 6. Horticultural Prograrnme 9.50 Under multiplication and distribution of seed programme high yielding and improved vjarieties of Paddy, Ragi, Wheat, Bajra, Maize, Jowar, Pulses and Groundnuts are procured, multiplied and distributed amongst the farmers to increase the agricultural production. A target of 0,60 lakh ha. area has been fiXed for the year 1983-84 to cover under High Yielding varieties of different seeds as against 0.57 lakh ha. fiXed during 1982. Under sugar cane development programme a target of 2000 ^la. is proposed for cane cultivation as against 1700 ha. during the 1982-831. Seven agricultural farms will be run and developed for production and multiplication of 'quality seed and supply of horticultural planting mate­ rial like coconut, cashew, pineapple; banana etc. The total food grain production is fiXed at 1.53 lakh tonnes during 1983-84 as against 1.46 lakh tonnes during 1982-83. Under plant protection, aji additional area of about 3000 ha. is pro­ posed to be covered during 1983-54 to increase the per unit yield of various crops. 7450 tonnes of chemical fertilizers (N.PaOj and K2O) will be distributed amongst the cultivators during 1983-84. Production and use of organic manures for improvement of soil fertility and teXture will be encouraged diu-ing 1983-84. The movement of setting up bio-gas plants will also be intensified and a target of 175 such plants has been fiX e d . Under agricultural engineering prqgramme, no additional agricultural machinery will be acquired and the strength will be maintained at 70 tractors, 15 bulldozers and 30 power tillers only after disposing 7 tractors 3 bulldozers and 3 power tillers which are old and unserviceable. With the running of 60,000 hours of the above machinery during 1983-84, the Government will get a gross return of Rs. 34.00 lakh revenue towards hire charges as against eXpected revenue of Rs. 30 lakh during 82-83, besides bringing an additional 1000 ha. of wasteland under cultivation. Under agricultural research programme, works on agi’onomic trails, adaptibility trails, testing of soil sample from cultivator’s field and recommending proper doses of fertilizers, seed testing and distri­ bution of quality seeds, s^re undertaken. Under horticulture programme quality seeds and quality stocks of planting materials are made available to farmers, besides the required credit facilities for starting new plan­ tations and also for rejuvenating the old gardens. 2. Land Kefonns; During the first three years of the SiXth Plan, the eXpenditure incurred is around Rs.
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