N E W J E R S E Y Setting the Pace for SMARTER GROWTH 3 A CELEBRATION of Smart Growth 4 LEGISLATIVE WATCH 6 FUTURE THANKS 7 Working for a Sustainable Economy, Environment and Society Summer 2002 “An irrevocable A SALUTE TO REDEVELOPMENT co m m i t m e n t ” ov e r nor James E. McGreevey told Seven Projects Claim Smart Growth Awards some 300 guests at New Jersey G even redevelopment efforts that are man, chair of New Jersey Future, and Fu t u re ’ s Smart Growth Awa r ds Celebra- changing the face, and the future, of president of Elizabethtown Water Com- tion June 10 that his Administration and New Jersey were honored on June pa n y . the state have “an irrevocable commit- S ment” to the State Development and 10 with New Jersey Future’s 2002 Smart “These honorees demonstrate why Redevelopment Plan. Growth Awa r d s . good redevelopment is a critical part of In impassioned and unscripted Governor James E. McGreevey and smart growth,” Chapman said. “The suc- remarks, the Governor noted with concern several members of his cabinet were cess of their efforts demonstrates clearly the land consumption visible from the among some 300 corporate, government that New Jerseyans are eager to live in state helicopter. When it comes to grow - and development leaders on hand for the communities once considered second ing smarte r , he said, “New Jersey must awards celebration at the Newark Club in choice to sprawling development.” get this right.” Newark. The event was hosted by Ver i - New Jersey Future’s 2002 Smart He offe r ed as models Great Britain zon, and chaired by Verizon New Jersey Growth Pioneer Award went to Ver i z o n , and the Netherlands, where smart land President Dennis M. Bone. for spurring the redevelopment of an use planning has pres e r ved the rural lands The seven honored projects, located important business district in Newark by su r rounding London and Amsterda m . in suburban and urban communities its decision to stay in the city and invest in New Jersey needs to encourage statewide, represent the best of New Jer- the renovation of its historic 540 Broad redevelopment in partnership with pre- se r ving open lands, he noted. se y ’ s progress toward “smart growth” – Street building. “The changes needed aren ’ t going growth that contributes to New Jersey’s “Our commitment to the State of to make us the most popular people in economy without taking away its last open New Jersey includes endorsing sound Trenton,” the Governor said, “but they spaces, according to Andrew M. Chap- continued on page 2 ar e the right thing to do.” ■ DID YOU KNOW... ■ New Jersey may be the nation’s fifth smallest state in size, but it is home in whole or in part to eight urbanized areas, according to the latest Census figures. ■ New Jersey is home to one-third of the population of the New York City/Newark urban area, the nation’s largest. ■ It is also home to nearly a fifth of the population of the Philadelphia urban area, the nation’s fourth largest. ■ The fastest growing of these eight urban areas entirely in Governor James E. McGreevey greets Verizon NJ President Dennis Bone at New Jersey Future’s Smart Growth Awards celebration. New Jersey is the Atlantic City area, with a population growth of Looking on, from center, are the governor’s security, NJF Trustee Anne Babineau, and State Attorney General David Samson. nearly 34 percent in the past decade. N E W J E R S E Y FUTURE Seven Projects Claim Awards vation of a derelict shopping center into continued from page 1 a town center in Wil l i n g b o r o is published bimonthly from ■ RPM Development Group, developer, September through June each year. public policy initiatives such as those pro- and the NJ Department of Community posed by New Jersey Future,” Bone said. Af f a i r s for their partnership in turning New Jersey Future is a non- “W e applaud each of the redevelopment an old bakery in Newark into environ- profit organization founded in 1987 by concerned civic, efforts being recognized by New Jersey mentally friendly family housing environmental and Future because they exemplify what can be ■ Th e City of South Orange and LC O R corporate leaders in New done to address critical quality of life issues In c o r p o r a t e d , developer, for residential, Jersey to address the need to for all the state's citizens.” business and cultural redevelopment in manage the state’s rapid growth. Tod a y , New Jersey New Jersey Future’s 2002 Smart Growth the downtown/train station area. Future continues to Design Awards were given to six projects advocate for planning, which represent significant redevelopment Full profiles of the honorees begin on conservation and economic ■ development policies that efforts in urban and suburban settings, and page 3. will help create a sustainable embody one or more specific design princi- fu t u r e . ples outlined in New Jersey’s State Develop- Barbara L. Lawrence ment and Redevelopment Plan. The hon- Executive Direc t o r orees are: Samuel M. Hamill, Jr. ■ Group USA, de v e l o p e r , and the City of Senior Staff Consultant Eric R. Wilkinson, Esq. En g l e w o o d for perseverance in launching Policy Direc t o r a turnaround of downtown Englewood Susan M. Burrows ■ The City of Hoboken and the Po r t Communications Di re c t o r Authority of NY & NJ for renovation of B. Timothy Evans the Hoboken Waterfront and creation of Research Direc t o r the Hoboken Waterfront Park Josephine (Teri) Jover ■ Policy Analyst Pennrose Properties, Inc., developer, for Rebecca Hersh its adaptive reuse and rehabilitation pro- Policy Analyst jects in Edison, New Brunswick and Red Marianne Jann Ba n k Accountant and Historic Tile: Verizon NJ President Dennis Bone, at left, accepts Verizon’s Smart Growth Pio- ■ neer Award from Andrew Chapman, chair of New Jersey Future and president of Elizabeth- Office Manager Re N E W al Realty, de v e l o p e r , for its reno- town Water Co. Address editorial correspondence to: New Jersey Future 114 West State Street The Historic Tile Awards Trenton, NJ 08608 Scott Lenox, whose fine china was the equal detailed patterns. Its chief designers and 60 9 / 3 9 3 - 0 0 0 8 ach of New Jersey’s great cities once fax 609/393-1189 Eheld a stake to national or even global of Europe's. Indeed, it is the rich clay soil of modelers were Isaac Broome and William You may reach us on the fame, and that is particularly true of our Trenton and its strategic location on major Wood Gallimore. In its prime, Trent Tile Internet by sending e-mail state capital. shipping routes that helped make it one of employed 300 people and operated more to: [email protected] Many identify Trenton with Was h i n g t o n the world’s great tile capitals. 20 kilns. Or visit our web site at The antique tiles featured in this New Jersey Future is proud to feature http://www.njfuture.org cr ossing the Delaware River Christmas night, Articles in New Jersey 1776, for the surprise attack that gave him year’s Smart Growth awards were produced these tiles in its 2002 Smart Growth awards Fu t u r e do not necessarily his first great victory. But Trenton also has by the Trent Tile Company, founded in Tren- as a reminder of the great heritage of New reflect the views of all board been home to the engineering genius of the ton in 1889. The company produced beauti- Jersey cities, and in salute to tonight’s hon- me m b e r s . Roeblings, who designed and built the Broo k - ful fireplace, bathroom and decorative tiles orees for their commitment to building a PRINTEDON 100% RECYCLED PAPER, lyn Bridge; and the creative genius of Wal t e r coveted for their subtle, artistic glazes and great future for New Jersey. ■ 75% POSTCONSUMER, USING VEGETABLE-BASEDINKS. DESIGN: MARILYN ROSE DESIGN 2 2002 SMART GROWTH AWARDS Setting the Pace for Smarter Growth he seven redevelopment projects honored places where development takes maximum June 10 with New Jersey Future’s 2002 advantage of public investments already made. TSmart Growth Awards were selected by “These projects also win high marks for ‘how’ New Jersey Future’s Board of Trustees for out- they were developed. They restore options that standing redevelopment work that advances are missing in places marked by sprawl, options smart growth, and so strengthens the prosperity like walking or using public transit to get around, and the future of New Jersey. and options for meeting neighbors in attractive “The essence of smart growth is getting the common spaces.” ‘where’ and ‘how’ of development correct,” The financial success of the projects proves noted Andrew M. Chapman, New Jersey Future yet another benefit about smart growth, Chap- Chair and President of Elizabethtown Wat e r man said: smart growth makes good business. Co m p a n y . “These honorees have done both. Following are brief profiles of New Jersey “The projects we honor are all in places Fu t u r e ’ s 2002 Smart Growth Award recipients. where development can be accommodated with Further details are available from our website, minimal adverse impact to the environment; ww w.
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