Mr. & rs. L. S. Kuhn 407 E. Front St. City Illinois Wesleyan University Bulletin ALUMNI ISSUE MARCH, 1950 Federal Aid To Education Subject Of Town Meeting Senator Scott Lucas will be one of Chimes For Wesleyan, the speakers at "American Town Events of Centennial Year Meeting of the Air" Tuesday, March American Town Meeting of the Air Gift of Mrs. Gulick 21, when it comes to Bloomington. Broadcast, March 21 Returning alumni will be sur- The other speaker will be Dr. Laur- Commencement, June 3-5 ence Gould, president of Carleton prised and thrilled to hear the Meeting of Illinois Conference, June College. Senator Lucas will uphold sound of chimes floating out over 5-11 the campus. They are the gift of the idea of federal aid to educa- Homecoming, Mrs. Anna Gulick, who also made tion, and Dr. Gould will oppose it. November 3-5 Gulick Hall possible. Of unusually George V. Denny Jr., founder of Centennial Pageant sweet tone, the Westminster chimes Town Meeting, will preside. Art Purchase Show ring every quarter hour from 8 a.m. The broadcast will be heard coast Educational Conference, December to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. to coast over 267 stations of the 2 They will not play on Sunday. In American Broadcasting Company. Alumni Meetings from coast to the morning, at noon, and in the It will originate in the Blooming- coast, December 2 evening hymns are played. ton Consistory under the sponsor- new chimes, played for the The ship of Illinois Wesleyan, the Daily first time March 3, were a sur- Pantagraph, and station WJBC. All Class of 1900 to Be Honored prise to the students. The system alumni are urged to listen to the The class was installed by Leon Vanderwater, of 1900 will celebrate broadcast at 8 p.m., central stan- its 50th and the only visible evidence of the anniversary on Alumni dard time. Tickets for the broad- Day, carillon system are four speaker Saturday, June 3. The class cast are on sale at the Wesleyan was a small one, but there are a horns attached to the chimney of Memorial Center, The Daily Panta- Presser Hall. The mechanism and number planning to be here for re- graph, W. B. Read & Company, and controls are installed in a small union. Graduates and former stu- station WJBC. Alumni living near dents of the liberal arts and law vestibule on the third floor of Press- may obtain tickets through any one bells could be school whose addresses are known er. At full power the of these places. heard any place in Bloomington. are: 'Charles F. Agle, Calista Fox Music for the bells is a perforated Senator Scott Lucas graduated Anthony, Dr. Everett Bradway (H), roll similar to those used in player from the Illinois Wesleyan Law Frank Fornoff, J. Dwight Funk, pianos. school in 1914. After being admitted James M. Groff, Arthur M. Hester, Mrs. Gulick, although not an to the bar, he practiced law in Ha- Maude Harris Lane, Walter H. alumnus, has been a good friend of vana, Illinois. He was state's at- Jones (C), Edwin K. Mason, Sarah the college for many years. Her torney for Mason County and chair- Sanborn Partridge, William F. home was formerly in, Manteno, man of the Illinois State Tax Com- Rampendahl, David S. Ritchie, Ed- where she taught music. Her pur- mission 1933-35. He served as a ward E. Robeson, Mary Danly pose in making this splendid gift is member of the 74th and 75th Con- Slaughter (C), Burchard H. Smith, to bring the gospel message to the gress and was elected to the U. S. Letta Brock Stone, Maurice H. young people. Senate in 1938. He was re-elected White. The addresses of the follow- to the Senate in 1944. In 1947 he ing are unknown: Walter H. Jones History of IWU Nearly Complete became minority leader in the Sen- (H), Thomas Patrick McDonnell, ate, and in 1949, became majority Jay T. Michael, James Lawrence A history of Illinois Wesleyan by leader. O'Dwyer, Elmer Bennett Palmer, Professor Elmo Scott Watson is Dwight Will. nearing completion and part of it Dr. Laurence Gould is a graduate has gone to the printers. The book of the University of Michigan. He Fifteen members of the liberal will be on sale at Commencement holds degrees from several univer- arts class have been reported de- time and may be ordered by any sities. He was a geology instructor ceased, and eleven members of the of the alumni. Professor Watson has at Michigan, began teaching at law class. spent many months on this and he Carleton College, advancing from has put in long hours going over assistant to a full professor, and old papers and magazines, unearth- in 1945 became president of Carle- dition in 1927. He was second in ing much new material. He has re- ton. He went on a geographical ex- command, and geologist and geog- ceived help from alumni and friends pedition to Greenland in 1926 and rapher with the Bird Anarctic ex- all over the country. was with the Putnam Baffin expe- pedition in 1928-30. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN IWU BULLETIN Page 2 UNIVERSITY BULLETIN ALUMNI ISSUE In the News Justin Alikonis '35 sails April 1st Address communications, changes of address to Mrs. Edith Elliott Kuhn, Alumni Sec- retary. March, 1950. Series 48, No. 3. Issued monthly by Illinois Wesleyan Univer- for Rotterdam to spend some time sity, 210 E. University St., Bloomington, Ill. Entered as Second Class Matter___________________ in the Kwatta plants in Breda, Hol- at the Post Office in Bloomington, Illinois, under Act of Congress of August 24, 1912. land, Bois d' Haine, Belgium, and Espina Seine. He will spend a A Gift From An Alumnus month inspecting chocolate plants Will H. Johnson '93 has given to "Miss Constance Ferguson, our in Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, longtime friend, has promised to be and England. He will also visit in- Illinois Wesleyan his personal li- dustrial fairs on the continent brary for the use of the students. the permanent custodian-librarian. Occasionally she will ask the pro- wherever they are showing choco- The books are in the Browsing fessional librarians, Orlin Spicer late making equipment. The trip is made for the purpose Room in the Memorial Center and and Joan Jarrett, our cousin, for of explain- have been arranged by Mr. John- suggestions. We hope that all of you ing the chocolate making process son. They are, according to his students who frequent the Lounge which he has developed for the wish, to be available to the stu- Room will appoint yourselves as- Paul F. Belch company in Bloom- dents. This is an outstanding gift, sistant librarians, especially our ington. Many chocolate firms are since the library has many first two lovely nieces, Mary Read and interested in obtaining licenses for editions, and an unusually large Frances Funk. George Melton and these new patents. Mr. Alikonis has number of autographed books. In Richard Keplinger will be able to received much publicity as the re- giving the books, Mr. Johnson wrote answer any questions. Once a year sult of these patents and will de- the following letter to the students rub the leather-bound books with liver a paper at the Institute of through the columns of THE AR- a little neat's foot oil. Rub the oil Food Technicians in Chicago on GUS : with your hands. May 26 and at the Forum of Na- "Some of the books which were "All of you students, teachers, tional Confectioners Association in rescued from the hellish fire which guests and alumni of the Illinois New York in June. devoured our big old house and Wesleyan university (especially The "World Outlook" for the most of its precious contents are mentioned are Mary Hickman and month of February has an article now comfortably and safely shelved Charles Knapp) we urge you to by Joyce Brabner-Smith '28, which in the spacious bookcases in the visit often the Lounge Room - to all alumni will be interested in Lounge Room of Memorial Center. handle the books, look at the titles, reading. George Melton and Richard Kep- the inscriptions, the forewords, the linger were my capable assistants table of contents, and then lounge Rev. Harold Reisch is managing and we had a grand time doing it. and read at random. editor of a new publication, "The Their interest and enthusiasm kept "And then 'PLEASE RETURN' Country Christian." It is an inter- me from drowning in a flood of the books to their proper places on denominational protestant publica- tearful memories. the shelves." tion, aimed at reporting and serv- ing the rural protestant churches of America. The first two issues are Founders' Day Convocation four years of college for all stu- excellent and have articles by out- dents whether they are able to standing people. Held February 8 complete the work in less time or Special convocation services were not. It is among the upper class- Dr. ,H. W. McPherson has been held in Memorial gymnasium Feb- men that the student begins to made Associate Executive Secretary ruary 8 in observance of Founders' reach the realm of philosophy and of the Illinois Church Council. Dr. Day. This was the only time this its liberating power. A student who McPherson helped develop the year that the entire student body hurries through college loses many council and brings to it a great deal had met together for convocation of the intangibles of college. The of experience. Having recently re- services. Members of the faculty real aim of college is to help each signed as executive secretary of the and seniors wore gowns, and the individual reach complete fulfill- Methodist Board of Education, it processional was impressive, espe- ment of his personality.
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