ISSN 2443-5228 2019 Report on equality between women and men in the EU Justice and Consumers Europe Direct is a service to help you find answers to your questions about the European Union. Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. Print ISBN 978-92-76-00028-0 ISSN 1831-2802 doi:10.2838/776419 DS-AU-19-001-EN-C PDF ISBN 978-92-76-00027-3 ISSN 2443-5228 doi:10.2838/395144 DS-AU-19-001-EN-N 2019 — pp. 80 — 21 × 21 cm Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of the following information. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019 © European Union, 2019 Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The reuse policy of European Commission documents is regulated by Decision 2011/833/EU (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not under the EU copyright, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders. Contents FOREWORD 4 STATISTICAL ANNEX 63 KEY HIGHLIGHTS 6 ANNEX 1: MEMBER STATES’ PERFORMANCE IN KEY AREAS 63 INTRODUCTION 6 Equal economic independence 65 1. INCREASING FEMALE LABOUR MARKET PARTICIPATION AND THE EQUAL ECONOMIC Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value 68 INDEPENDENCE OF WOMEN AND MEN 7 Gender equality in decision making 72 Gender-based violence 73 2. REDUCING GENDER PAY, EARNINGS AND PENSION GAPS, THUS FIGHTING POVERTY AMONG WOMEN 17 ANNEX 2: BASELINE FOR THE 2016-2019 STRATEGIC 3. PROMOTING EQUALITY IN DECISION MAKING 25 ENGAGEMENT AND MONITORING OF INDICATORS WITH LATEST AVAILABLE DATA 72 Women in economic decision making 25 Women in political decision making 31 Increasing female labour market participation The Commission’s action to promote and the equal economic independence of women and men (indicators. latest available data and targets) 72 gender equality in decision making 40 Reducing the gender pay. earnings and pension gaps 4. COMBATING GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE and thus fighting poverty among women (indicators AND PROTECTING AND SUPPORTING VICTIMS 42 available data and targets) 73 5. PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY Promoting equality between women and men in decision AND WOMEN’S RIGHTS ACROSS THE WORLD 48 making (indicators. latest available data and targets) 74 6. GENDER MAINSTREAMING, FUNDING FOR GENDER Combating gender-based violence and protecting EQUALITY AND COOPERATION WITH ALL ACTORS 54 and supporting victims (indicators. latest available 7. CONCLUSION 61 data and targets) 75 3 Foreword Equality between men and women in education, in eco- The work is not finished though. nomic decision-making and political power, and women’s economic independence and equal earning potential are I am confident for the future. The recent #MeToo movement key for Europe's future. The EU cannot fail on enforcing helps us in our effort in bringing women’s rights and em- this important right to equality and on making use of the powerment back in the public debate. The recent attention huge potential lying in half of its population. and discussions all over Europe and beyond, at all levels, inspire for the successor of the Strategic engagement for The good news is that we are making progress in gender gender equality 2016-2019. The on-going evaluation of equality. However, this progress could be accelerated. the principle of equal pay in the EU will provide the basis to strengthen the enforcement of this principle and bring the We already know that it is not only through education gender pay gap down. The up-coming European elections that the remaining gender gaps in employment, pay or will offer an excellent opportunity for EU citizens, political pension can be closed in the EU. Gender inequalities are parties and groups to demonstrate their commitment to socially constructed, and this is generating slow progress parity-based decision-making. and continuing gender gaps over time. Over the current mandate, the Commission made sustained efforts to put As my mandate as Commissioner for Justice, Consumers in place measures that would encourage a change in so- and Equality is approaching towards its end, I am happy to cial behaviors, confront persisting stereotypes, strengthen see gender equality at the heart of the public debate and women’s economic independence, and empowerment in trust that we will continue to make progress towards true decision-making. equality between men and women in Europe. The work life balance Directive is the first new legislation in this area since 10 years. The Commission itself strives at leading by example and the proportion of its female managers has reached 39 % at all levels, 37 % at senior management level and 40 % at middle management level. The Commission is also stepping up its efforts to close the gender pay gap by implementing the holistic set of meas- ures of its 2017 Action Plan. The Commission continues to fight gender stereotypes and combat violence against women, as well as bring about a behavioral change at sectoral level, for instance through initiatives such as the Commission’s strategy on Women in Digital, or Women in transport – EU Platform for change. The Commission also Vĕra Jourová maintained the prominent place accorded to gender equality Commissioner for Justice, in its external relations. Consumers and Gender Equality 4 KEY HIGHLIGHTS The Commission’s Strategic engagement for gender equality adopted a Reflection Paper “Towards a sustainable Europe by will end in 2019, as will the mandate of the current Com- 2030”7 in the follow-up to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustain- mission. This report is the last monitoring exercise of its able Development and as part of the future of Europe debate, type before the Commission takes stock of progress made emphasising the need to prioritise ambitious additional ac- over the whole 2016-2019 period and sets priorities for the tions to deliver on the promise of gender equality in the EU. future. Even though employment rates have reached histori- cally high levels in the EU and more women than ever are Attention given to women’s rights in the public sphere follow- in positions of power, a lot remains to be done for equality ing the #MeToo movement has been instrumental in promot- between women and men. The labour market participation ing gender equality. With gender equality issues becoming of women in the EU remains at about 11.5 pp. lower than more prominent in the international debates and a clearly that of men. Women’s average pay is about 16 % lower than enhanced engagement for gender equality on the political that of men. Women rarely reach the highest management scene, equality between women and men stands a chance of positions, with only 6.3 % of CEO positions in major publicly getting more vigour and consideration in the coming years. listed companies in the EU being held by women. Attitudes The informal meeting of gender equality ministers that took and behaviours are changing very slowly, which shows a need place under the Austrian Presidency, the first meeting of its for the continuous commitment of all actors. kind since October 2011, is an important first step in this direction. In 2018, the Commission put significant efforts in pushing for- ward and concluding open files on equality between women in A ‘joint trio’ declaration of the Estonian, Bulgarian and Aus- men in the EU and its Member States. It finalised negotiations trian Presidencies called for a high-level and stand-alone EU on work-life balance1, and it strived to overcome blockage gender equality strategy under the future new Commission on women on boards2 and to conclude the ratification of and highlighted the importance of regular meetings of EU the Istanbul Convention3. It launched an evaluation on equal ministers for gender equality and the guiding role of the EU pay4, put in place measures to strengthen the role of equality strategy for national strategies. This should ensure stronger bodies, reinforced the gender dimension in its international action on gender equality and get gender indicators finally policy5, as well as in a number of sectoral initiatives6. It also moving. 1 See more in Chapter 1 on the Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU 2 See more in Chapter 3 on the Directive on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures 3 See more in Chapter 4 on the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence 4 See more in Chapter 2 on the evaluation of Directive 2006/54/EC on equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in employment and occupation 5 See more in Chapter 5 6 See more in Chapter 6 7 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/rp_sustainable_europe_30-01_en_web.pdf 5 1. Increasing female labour market participation and the equal economic independence of women and men INTRODUCTION The European Commission’s Strategic engagement for It focuses in particular on: gender equality 2016-20198 sets the current framework for EU action to promote one the Union’s fundamental values > key trends and the newest available data on the strategic of equality between women and men. This report takes stock engagement’s indicators; of the main initiatives launched or completed in 2018 in the five thematic areas of the strategic engagement: > key actions in the EU, focusing on the achievements by EU Member States and the EU institutions; 1.
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