Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(3):309-318, 2006 Copyright © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia Ituglanis cahyensis, a new catfish from Bahia, Brazil (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) Luisa M. Sarmento-Soares*, Ronaldo F. Martins-Pinheiro**, Arion T. Aranda*** and Carine C. Chamon* A new trichomycterid catfish of the genus Ituglanis is described from the rio Palmares, a tributary of the rio Cahy in southeast Bahia State, Brazil. Ituglanis cahyensis is distinguished from all other congeners through a combination of characters, as the supraorbital laterosensory canal branch with pores s3 and s6 present, the low count of branched pectoral fin rays, and low number of paired ribs. It is further distinguished in proportional measurements, such as elongate nasal, maxillary, and rictal barbels, and small eye diameter. É descrito um novo trichomycterídeo do gênero Ituglanis, capturado no rio Palmares, um tributário do rio Cahy, na costa sudeste do estado da Bahia, Brasil. Ituglanis cahyensis distingue-se das demais espécies congêneres por uma combinação de caracteres, como o canal laterosensorial supraorbital com os poros s3 e s6 presentes, um pequeno número de raios ramificados nas nadadeiras peitorais, e um pequeno número de costelas. Distingue-se ainda quanto a proporções morfométricas, como os barbilhões nasal, maxilar e rictal alongados, e o pequeno diâmetro ocular. Key words: Catfish, Systematics, Trichomycterus, Freshwater, Southeastern Bahia. Introduction The genus Ituglanis was erected to include nine species The genus Ituglanis was proposed by Costa & Bockmann formerly assigned to Trichomycterus (Costa & Bockmann, (1993) and defined on the basis of derived characters as: su- 1993; de Pinna & Wosiacki, 2003). Nowadays the genus is praoccipital fontanel reduced to a small posterior round ori- composed by 17 species (see Table 1). Although de Pinna & fice; palatine with a deep concavity on its medial margin and Keith (2003) suggested I. eichorniarum and I. herberti as anterior portion of sphenotic directed anteriorly. Compara- conspecifics, we agree with Datovo & Landim (2005) that both tively, Ituglanis is an extremely important taxon to under- represent distinct species. stand the major modifications undergone by several members The BIOBAHIA project (Diversity, endemism and bioge- of some trichomycterid subfamilies (de Pinna, 1998). Ituglanis ography of catfishes in less explored aquatic systems in the is the sister group of a monophyletic clade composed by the extreme southern Bahia) aims to provide an inventory of the subfamilies of the hematophagous Vandelliinae catfishes, the freshwater fishes of the hydrologic systems opening to the lepidophagous Stegophilinae, and also the Tridentinae, Atlantic at southern Bahia region. The project relied upon the Sarcoglanidinae and Glanapteryginae (Costa & Bockmann, cooperation of the Museu Nacional and the “All Catfish Spe- 1993; de Pinna, 1998). The whole group shares a proportion- cies Inventory Project”. A recent ichthyological survey to- ally small number of pleural ribs: two to seven pairs, differing wards northeastern Minas Gerais and southern Bahia rivers from the count of over eight ribs in other trichomycterids was undertaken and a peculiar species of Trichomycteridae considered as primitive (Costa & Bockmann, 1993; de Pinna, was obtained, which upon examination revealed to be a new 1998; Fernández & Bichuette, 2002). Ituglanis species, described herein. * Setor de Ictiologia, Departamento de Vertebrados, Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] **Projeto BIOBAHIA. Alto do rio do peixe pequeno, quadra 2, lote 14, Cumuruxatiba, 45983-000 Prado, BA, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] ***Curador Técnico da Coleção de Simulídeos/LSO. Convênio FAPERJ/FIOCRUZ. Laboratório de Referência Nacional em Simulídeos e Oncocercose. Pavilhão Carlos Chagas, 4º andar, sala 07. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz/FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] 309 310 Ituglanis cahyensis, a new catfish from Bahia, Brazil Table 1. Distribution of Ituglanis species. Species Distribution 1 Ituglanis amazonicus (Steindachner, 1882) Amazon basin in Brazil and French Guiana 2 Ituglanis bambui Bichuette & Trajano, 2004 Angelica Cave, São Domingos, Goiás, Brazil 3 Ituglanis cahyensis new species Rio Cahy drainage, Southern Bahia, Brazil 4 Ituglanis eichorniarum (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1912) Upper Paraguay basin in Brazil 5 Ituglanis epikarsticus Bichuette & Trajano, 2004 São Mateus Cave in São Domingos, Goiás, Brazil 6 Ituglanis gracilior (Eigenmann, 1912) Guyana 7 Ituglanis guayaberensis (Dahl, 1960) Rio Guayabero basin, rio Orinoco drainage 8 Ituglanis herberti (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1940) Rio Bodoquena in Paraguay basin, Brazil 9 Ituglanis laticeps (Kner, 1863) Ecuador 10 Ituglanis macunaima Datovo & Landim, 2005 Rio Araguaia basin 11 Ituglanis metae (Eigenmann, 1917) Colombia 12 Ituglanis nebulosus de Pinna & Keith, 2003 French Guiana 13 Ituglanis parahybae (Eigenmann, 1918) Rio Paraíba do Sul and rio São João basins, Brazil 14 Ituglanis parkoi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1944) Amazon basin in Brazil 15 Ituglanis passensis Fernández & Bichuette, 2002 Passa Três Cave system, São Domingos, Goiás, Brazil 16 Ituglanis proops (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1908) Rio Ribeira de Iguape basin, Brazil 17 Ituglanis ramiroi Bichuette & Trajano, 2004 São Bernardo Cave, São Domingos, Goiás, Brazil Ituglanis cahyensis, new species Material and Methods Fig. 1 Straight-line measurements were taken under a stereomi- Holotype. MNRJ 28404 (48.6 mm SL), Brazil, Bahia: Prado, rio croscope with a Mitutoyo digital caliper, and recorded in tenths Palmares on road Guarany- Corumbau, in direction to Corumbau of millimeter. Methodology and terminology for measurements after the joint with the road to the mouth of rio Cahy, (16º57’48"S followed Tchernavin (1944), de Pinna (1992), and Trajano & 39º16’33"W), 24 Oct 2004, L. M. Sarmento-Soares, A. T. Aranda, de Pinna (1996). Standard length (SL) is expressed in milimeters. C. C. Chamon & R. F. M. Pinheiro. Paratypes. Brazil, Bahia: MNRJ 28405 (2 C&S, 41.3-48.6 mm SL) Specimens very old in collections such as MNRJ 782 were collected with the holotype. MNRJ 28406 (1, 28.6 mm SL), Prado, not considered suitable for measurements but nevertheless rio Palmares on road Guarany-Corumbau, near Palmares (16º56’25"S were analyzed regarding meristic features and external mor- 39º19’48"W), 24 Oct 2004, same collectors as holotype. phology. Meristic data were obtained from alcoholic and cleared and stained specimens. Fin rays were counted under Diagnosis. The new species is distinguished from most of its a stereomicroscope. Dorsal and anal-fin ray counts included congeners, except I. macunaima and I. parahybae, by the the two unbranched rays, visible when back lighted and sub- pectoral fin ray count of i,4. The coloration pattern with lon- sequent branched rays; pectoral- and pelvic-fin rays included gitudinal rows of coalescing blotches differentiate the new the first unbranched plus the branched rays. Vertebral counts species from all its congeners, with the exception of I. para- follow de Pinna (1992). Branchiostegal ray and rib counts hybae, from whom it is distinguished by the supraorbital were performed in cleared and stained specimens and upon laterosensory canal branch with pores s3 and s6 present (vs. dissection of some specimens. Osteological examination was pores s3 and s6 absent in I. parahybae). made on cleared and stained (C&S) specimens according to Ituglanis cahyensis is distinguished from I. amazonicus the procedures of Taylor & Van Dyke (1985). Terminology by the higher number of ribs, four (vs. three), by the supraor- and nomenclature for osteological data followed Arratia & bital laterosensory canal lacking pore s1 (vs. s1 pore present), Huaquin (1995) and Arratia (2003). Morphological informa- and by the color pattern blotched (vs. uniformly colored, with tion about I. gracilior, I. laticeps, I. nebulosus, and I. metae grayish dots). From the subterranean species I. bambui, I. were based on digital photographic images (I) and radiographs epikarsticus, I. passensis and I. ramiroi by the color pattern (R). Morphological data about I. bambui, I. epikarsticus, I. with round dark spots often coalescent and forming longitu- guayaberensis, I. herberti, I. macunaima I. parkoi, I. dinal rows (vs. pale yellowish with no rows of dark pigmenta- passensis, and I. ramiroi were based on literature (Eigen- tion) and by the normally developed eyes, with orbital diam- mann, 1912; Miranda Ribeiro, 1944; Férnandez & Bichuette, eter corresponding to more than 7.0% of HL (vs. less than 2002; de Pinna & Keith, 2003; Bichuette & Trajano, 2004; 6.1% of HL). From I. eichorniarum by the low number of Datovo & Landim, 2005). Institutional abbreviations follow branched dorsal fin rays, seven (vs. eight), by the supraor- Leviton et al. (1985). bital laterosensory canal lacking pore s1 (vs. s1 pore present), L. M. Sarmento-Soares, R. F. Martins-Pinheiro, A. T. Aranda & C. C. Chamon 311 Fig. 1. Ituglanis cahyensis, holotype, MNRJ 28404, 48.6 mm SL. Rio Palmares on the road Guarany-Corumbau, Prado, Bahia, Brazil. a. lateral; b. dorsal; c. ventral views. and by the color pattern with rows of dark blotches (vs. scat- longitudinal rows of coalescing blotches on trunk (vs. ob- tered small spots). From I. gracilior by the higher number of scure spots). From I. macunaima by the presence of a poste- ribs, four (vs. two or three), by the low vertebral count, 40 (vs. rior
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