Ardeola 53(1), 2006, 115-126 INTER-LOCALITY VARIATION IN BREEDING PHENOLOGY AND NESTING HABITAT OF THE CITRIL FINCH CARDUELIS CITRINELLA IN THE CATALONIAN PRE-PYRENEES Marc Imanuel FÖRSCHLER* ** *** 1, Antoni BORRAS*, Elisabeth K. V. KALKO**, Josep CABRERA*, Toni CABRERA* and Juan Carlos SENAR* SUMMARY.—Inter-locality variation in breeding phenology and nesting habitat of the citril finch Car- duelis citrinella in the Catalonian Pre-Pyrenees. Aims: Considerable variations have been found amongst several citril finch sub-populations at Port del Comte mountain in the Catalonian Pre-Pyrenees in reproductive success, body mass, fat score, diet, sur- vival rate and speed of moult due to different habitat quality and different slope exposition. In line with these studies, the aim of this study was to investigate variations in breeding phenology and nesting habi- tat between north-facing high quality areas (Vansa) and south-facing low quality areas (Bofia) as well as east-facing areas of intermediate quality (Port Comte / Sucre). Since the species habitat requirements have been little studied before, another aim of this study was the recording of some basic data on the phenolo- gy of this species and its nesting habitat in Spain. Location: The slopes of Port del Comte mountain (Catalonian Pre-Pyrenees). Results and Conclusions: As expected, variations were found in breeding phenology and nesting habi- tat. Birds on the moister and cooler north-and east-facing slopes (Vansa, Port Comte) started breeding ear- lier than did birds from the drier and sunnier south-facing slopes (Bofia). All nests at the slightly more elevated locality of Bofia were built in mountain pines Pinus mugo, while at the other two study sites a small proportion of the nests were also situated in scots pines Pinus sylvestris. Nests were built mainly in the top of the trees or in large side branches at a similar height above ground. At Bofia solitary trees were more often used instead of tree groups or forest than at the other sites. Furthermore, nests were situated at greater distance from each other and the proportion of subadult birds with breeding activity was high- er at Bofia. Key words: Citril finch, Carduelis citrinella, breeding phenology, nesting habitat, inter-locality variation. RESUMEN.—Variación entre localidades en la fenología reproductiva y en el hábitat de nidificación en el verderón serrano Carduelis citrinella en los pre-pirinéos catalanes. Objetivos: Con anterioridad, se han encontrado considerables variaciones entre distintas subpoblacio- nes de verderón serrano en el Port del Compte (pre-pirinéos catalanes), en éxito reproductor, peso cor- poral, grasa corporal, dieta, probabilidad de supervivencia y en la velocidad de muda. Estas diferencias se deben por una lado a diferencias en la calidad del hábitat, y por otro a diferencias en la exposición de la ladera de la montaña. En línea con estos resultados previos, el primer objetivo de este estudio fue estu- diar las variaciones en la fenología reproductiva y en el hábitat de nidificación entre la pendiente norte que representa un hábitat de alta calidad (Vansa) y la pendiente sur que representa un hábitat de baja ca- lidad (Bofia), teniendo como población intermedia una población localizada en la ladera este de la mon- * P. Picasso s/n, Parc Ciutadella, Museu Ciències Naturals, E-08003 Barcelona, Spain. ** Max Planck Research Centre for Ornithology, Vogelwarte Radolfzell, G-78315 Radolfzell, Germany. *** University of Ulm, Department of Experimental Ecology, D-89069 Ulm, Germany. 1 Corresponding author: [email protected] 116 FÖRSCHLER, M. I., BORRAS, A., KALKO, E., CABRERA, J., CABRERA, T. AND SENAR, J. C. taña (Port Comte / Sucre). Debido a que los requerimientos de hábitat han sido poco estudiadas, el se- gundo objetivo del presente estudio fue el registrar los datos básicos de la fenología reproductora y el há- bitat de nidificación de esta especie en España. Localidad: Las laderas del Port del Comte (pre-pirinéos catalanes). Resultados y Conclusiones: Como era esperado, se encontraron diferencias en la fenología reproduc- tora y el hábitat de nidificación entre las distintas poblaciones estudiadas. Las parejas que se reproducen en la ladera norte y este, que presentaban un mayor grado de humedad y una temperatura menor (Vansa, Port Comte) iniciaban su reproducción antes que las parejas situadas en la ladera sur (Bofia) que es más seca y soleada. Todos los nidos de Bofia se encontraron en Pinus mugo, mientras que en las otras locali- dades hubo un porcentaje de nidos tambien situados en Pinus sylvestris. Los nidos se situaron principal- mente en la parte alta de los árboles o en las ramas laterales grandes a una altura similar. En Bofia, en com- paración con las otras localidades, se utilizaron más frecuentemente los árboles solitarios que los grupos de árboles. Además, en esta localidad, los nidos se encontraron a mayor distancia entre sí y el porcentaje de subadultos reproductores fue mayor que en las otras poblaciones estudiadas. Palabras clave: Verderón serrano, Carduelis citrinella, fenología reproductora, habitat de nidificación, variación entre localidades. INTRODUCTION al. (2002) and Borras et al. (2004) found no- table differences in the speed of moult, body The distribution of the citril finch Cardu- condition, survival rate and wing morphology, elis citrinella is in the boreal mountain zones as well as asymmetric population exchange be- of western temperate Europe (Cramp and Per- tween the two subpopulations located on the rins, 1994). Some of the highest breeding den- same mountain at a distance of only 5 km sities are found in the Pyrenees (Baccetti and (Senar et al., 2002). Furthermore, birds at the Märki, 1997). Most birds nest in loose north-facing locality (Vansa) were found re- breeding groups of 5 to 25 pairs. Characteris- cently to rely more on mountain pine seeds Pi- tically, there are often unoccupied areas be- nus uncinata than birds on the south-facing lo- tween breeding spots of the species, which are cality (Bofia), which feed more on a series of in potentially suitable habitats (Förschler, herb seeds (Borras et al., 2003). Finally, 2002a; Dorka, 1986; Glutz von Blotzheim and these differences in inter-locality variation man- Bauer, 1997). The population of the Port del ifest themselves also in significant variations Comte mountain in the Catalonian Pre-Pyre- in reproductive success between the breeding nees was estimated in 2002 to be about 1200 groups of north-facing Vansa with high suc- to 2400 citril finch pairs, based on estimates cess, and south-facing Bofia with low breed- of settlement densities in sample areas. This ing success (Förschler et al., 2005). makes it one of the most densely settled areas Since habitat quality is known to differ con- of the species in Spain (Borras and Senar, siderably between the various areas at Port del 2002; Borras et al., 2005). Comte mountain (Gutiérrez, 1991; Borras and The slopes of Port del Comte mountain show Junyent, 1993; Senar et al., 2002; Borras et al., an important bioclimatical contrast between 2003), it may be supposed that those environ- hygrophilous and cooler north-facing, and more mental conditions may also have effects on xerophyllous and sunnier south-facing facing breeding phenology and nest habitat of the slopes (Gutiérrez, 1991; Borras and Junyent, species. Furthermore, up to now, the nesting 1993). In over 10 years of capture-recapture habits of citril finches have been rarely stud- studies at Port del Comte mountain, Senar et ied. Therefore, analysis was carried out of data Ardeola 53(1), 2006, 115-126 BREEDING PHENOLOGY AND NESTING HABITAT OF THE CITRIL FINCH 117 on the breeding phenology and nesting habitat Age combination of nesting pairs of citril finches, these data obtained during a study on reproductive success (Förschler et al., Whenever possible, the age of nesting birds 2005) at the three localities of Port del Comte was determined, especially during nest build- mountain: Vansa (north-facing slope), Bofia ing, by means of typical plumage marks. (south-facing slope) and Port Comte / Sucre Subadult birds (2nd calendar year) can be (east-facing slope). distinguished under good observation condi- tions from adult birds (3rd calendar year or old- er) by the whitish coloration of some greater MATERIAL AND METHODS wing coverts (Jenni and Winkler, 1994; Glutz von Blotzheim and Bauer, 1997). Searching for nests Between April and June 2002, citril finch Statistical analysis nests were searched for systematically during nest building time on three localities of Port Statistical comparison was carried out be- del Comte mountain. These comprised the tween the three study sites. If the data was dis- north-facing slope at the skiing resort Vansa / tributed parametrically, ANOVA was used. If Prat Llong, a high-quality locality (Senar et al., the data showed no parametric distribution, 2002), the south-facing slope of Bofia, a low- Kruskal Wallis Anova was used and Dunn’s quality locality (Senar et al., 2002) and the east- pairwise multiple comparison procedure car- facing slope of Port Comte as well as the ski- ried out to detect statistical differences between ing area Sucre, areas of intermediate quality groups. for citril finches (Förschler et al., 2005). Most nests were found by following the females that were engaged in nest building. RESULTS A total of 72 nests was found on the three Nest parameters slopes of Port del Comte mountain, including 14 nests on the south-facing slopes of Bofia When a nest was found, the following pa- (Refugi, Canalda), 24 nests on the north-fac- rameters were noted: slope inclination, eleva- ing slopes of the skiing resort Vansa (L’Arp, tion, tree species, height, shape of tree, posi- Prat Llong) and 34 nests on the east-facing tion and structure of nest, nest height, distance slope of the skiing resort Porte del Comte / Su- of nest to main trunk and to end of nest branch, cre (Forat de Bofia, Prat de Botons, Rasa de exposition of nest and nesting tree, slope incli- Bofia, golfing area and around the hotels).
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