Six stories US Army Reservist Toeseinu’upotopoto from Manu’a U. Ume, one of the three men who died High School during an electrocution accident that happened at the Manu’a’s Store site in the part of online Tafuna Industrial Park, on Jan. 14, 20017, Pacific Story tellers was buried with full military honors yes- Page 7 terday, in Futiga. He is the first of the three men that died from the incident to be interned. In a ceremony performed by an Honor First lady says Guard at Ume’s gravesite, the US flag that high profile draped Ume’s coffin was folded and pre- sented to his mother, Mrs. Masina Ume. could mean mil- [photo: Leua Aiono Frost] lions for brand Page 10 ONLINE @ SAMOANEWS.COM Pasia e le Fono Faitulafono ia C M nisi tofiga a le Y K Kovana DAILY CIRCULATION 7,000 Le Lali PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 08, 2017 $1.00 Math teacher gives Major changes at DPS credit to his students for by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu administration “holds the safety of the people Samoa News Reporter very seriously and the Commissioner is given he Department of Public Safety now the mandate to treat the lives of the people as EXPOSED photography has two deputy commissioners and being sacrosanct and everything must be done an advisor to the Commissioner, to protect them.” The governor’s memo is also By Leiloa Ese Malala at Samoana High School, he according to a memo, (obtained addressed to all DPS personnel. Samoa News staff writer would always find talented, by TSamoa News) dated Tuesday, February 7, The governor points out in his memo that “Here at EXPOSED, we are artistic students and would 2017, in which DPS Commissioner Le’i Sonny the DPS organization chart is being revised and a group of artists who believe work closely with them to Thompson has reassigned certain personnel, would be reviewed and acted upon later. “This, that every day holds beauty. encourage, motivate and inspire and the changes go into effect immediately. The however, serves to promulgate my approval Every moment should be cher- one another. He said some of memo is addressed to all DPS personnel. of the proposed personnel changes within the ished. Every talent should be these students had talents and In his memo, Le’i appoints Falana’ipupu Department of Public Safety.” EXPOSED,” says Ammon interest in photography, cre- Ta’ase Sagapolutele, as Deputy Commissioner He says, “Accountability and collaboration Fepuleai, a 30-year-old from ative media, singing, dancing, of Police Bureau Operations, Vaimaga Maiava reflect the operating mantra of the American Pago Pago, and a Math teacher sculpturing, modeling etc. is now the Deputy Commissioner of the Admin- Samoa Government for the next four years, at Samoana High School. He Fepulea’i said, “Every year istrative Support Bureau, while Police Chief and it behooves all of you, therefore, to work is talking about a highly suc- students would either inspire Vaaomala Sunia is now the Special Advisor to together in order to assure the accomplishment cessful social site he devel- me or I would inspire them. We the Commissioner. of our vision for the safety of our people, and our oped with the help of his SHS have many talented students GOVERNOR’S MEMO community.” students. who I enjoy working with and Le’i’s memo is backed by a memo issued POLICE COMMISSIONER’S MEMO “As much as I would love I have learned so much from.” by Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga on the same Le’i in his memo explains the new organiza- to take all the credit, but no In 2010, Fepuleai worked day, where the governor indicates “approval of tional chart for the department. if it wasn’t for my students I closely with some of the stu- Commissioner’s personnel order.” Lolo says the would not have Exposed Pho- dents in creating the SHS (Continued on page 4) tography,” Ammon told Samoa yearbook. One of his students, News. Gabby Fuaiaso, had a strong Fepuleai a graduate of the interest in photography, which University of Wyoming has Fepulea’i took notice of, and been teaching Mathematics started to combine their knowl- for about 7 years at Samoana edge to make that year’s year- High School. Fepuleai enjoys book highly successful. teaching to help his students Gabby, who now owns her reach their potential and goals own photography business told in life — especially students Samoa News, “I have learned a with artistic talents. Art has lot from Ammon, he really did always played a big part in his inspire me to do a lot.” life. Exposed Photography C M But, as with many other started in 2015 when Ammon Y K Samoan parents, Fepulea’i’s and a few of his students such parents encouraged him to as Gideon Leiato and Etenauga focus on Mathematics as a Voigt got together for the fun of career — more than the Arts it to do a photo shoot. — it pays the bills. Fepulea’i saw a lot of talent Fepulea’i agreed, believing in his students, so he decided to the Arts would not get him “expose” it on facebook. Their far in life — Exposed Photog- work went viral in the Samoan raphy has proved him wrong, community — locally and inspiring him to enhance his off-island — on social media students’ lives, as they do his. people shared the work and Fepulea’i still teaches at wanted to see more of it. Samoana High School, but He knew right then with during his spare time exposes technology being the biggest his work with other talented influence in our society today students and artists on social and despite not having a talent media. He encourages students outlet on island, he wanted to to try new things and if you expose his students using social love it to keep doing it. media. Explaining how the idea of The SHS teacher said, “At “Exposed” evolved, Fepulea’i school we even have students says each year while teaching Ammon Fepuleai, Math teacher at Samoana High School – during a photoshoot with some of his tal- (Continued on page 8) ented students who worked with him, and graduated — Class of 2016. [courtesy photo] Page 2 samoa news, Wednesday, February 08, 2017 VALENTINE’S Feb 3rd – 13th 2 BURNER GAS COOKER with stand incl hose, regulator set WAS: $165.75 NOW: $132.00 Tafuna Industrial Park 699-9740 Nominee for Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources director, Va’amua Henry Ses- Newly confirmed Department of Parks and epasara during his Senate confirmation hearing Recreation director Tamaaiga Pili Gaoteote yesterday. The Senate while pending a motion during his Senate confirmation hearing yes- for reconsideration in the House, later confirmed DID YOU terday. [photo; FS] him. [photo: FS] KNOW? Classifieds Ads are posted on our website DMWR nominee passed by (www.samoanews.com) and read world wide. Senate, but House motion VALENTINE’S for reconsideration pending Feb 3rd – 13th by Fili Sagapolutele new six-year Multilateral Treaty on Fisheries LPG-AMANA 30inch wide, Black Samoa News Correspondent was signed Dec. 2 last year in Nadi, Fiji between In separate, but unanimous votes of 16-0, the United States and 16 Pacific Island coun- (free delivery, installation, 1yr warranty) the Senate yesterday confirmed the nomination tries. American Tunaboat Association execu- of Va’amua Henry Sesepasara as Department tive director Brian Hallman told Samoa News WAS: of Marine and Wildlife Resource director and in December that the US purse seiner fleet can Tamaaiga Pili Gaoteote as director of Parks and choose the number of fishing days to purchase $600.00 Recreation Department. under the Treaty in which the US fleet pays NOW: The Fono with the House vote last Friday of $12,500 per fishing day. (See Samoa News edi- 15-3 now officially confirmed Tamaaiga. The tion Dec. 5 for details.) $545.00 Fono now has confirmed six cabinet members. Sen. Misaalefua J. Hudson inquired about the However, for Va’amua, his nomination was alia fishing fleet in Manu’a and what the govern- rejected last Friday in the House but survived in a ment is doing to help them. Va’amua said the Tafuna motion of reconsideration. No date for when the governor asked him last year to look at the alia House will re-vote on Va’amua’s nomination. fleet based in the island group and he also visited Industrial Park Prior to yesterday’s Senate vote, Va’amua, Manu’a. 699-9740 who had served as director for DMWR during And the governor was given a report, which the first Coleman Administration, and Tama- states that there are 12 alia boats on Ta’u Island aiga, who served in the department’s director- in need of repairs while there are about 5 on Ofu ship post in the last four years, went through and Olosega islands. He said the government is separate Senate confirmation hearings. looking at money ASG receives for its shares FAIRNESS DMWR DIRECTOR on fines imposed by the federal government on We make an issue Among the questions asked during Va’amua’s vessels fishing illegally in American Samoa’s confirmation before the Senate Communica- exclusive economic zone to fund repairs for of it every day. tions/ Fisheries/Marine & Wildlife Committee these alias. If you want to comment were those dealing with the local cannery and Va’amua also shared information about the about our fairness, call fishing industry, which Sen. Taua’a Saunoa new “super alia” catamaran, which can go out Lewis at 633-5599.
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