HUREWICZ HOMOMORPHISMS BY ANH-CHI LE B.Sc.,University of British Columbia,1969 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE in the Department of MATHEMATICS We accept this as conforming to the required standard, THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA May,197^ In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requiremenrs for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by his representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Depa rtment The University of British Columbia Vancouver 8, Canada ii Supervisor s Dr Roy Douglas ABSTRACT ; Theorem : Let X be simply connected . Hq(X) be finitely generated for each q JCq(X) be finite for each q ^. n . n > 1 Then , hq ,7Tq(X) > Hq(X) has finite kernel for q 4 2n has finite cokernel for q < 2n+l ker h2n+1 8 Q = ker KJ where , u is the cup product or n+1 the square free cup product on R (X) depending on whether n+1 is even or odd , respectively . ( RN+1(X) is a quotient group of H2+1(X)® HQ+1(X) to be defined in this thesis ) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I Introduction 1 II The Meta-theorem 8 III The kernels and cokernels of Hurewicz homomorphisms 10 Bibliography Zk iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author thanks his supervisor , Dr Roy Rene Douglas , without whom the realization of this thesis would have been impossible , The author is also very happy to thank the University of British Columbia for their financial support (1972-197^) and Dr Rene' Held for his many helpful suggestions . 1 Chapter I INTRODUCTION The Mod ^Hurewicz Theorem provides a vital link between homotopy groups and homology groups . In particular , its importance lies in the fact that homology groups are more readily computable . The well-known theorem asserts that if X is simply connected and 7Tq(X) e^.a perfect and weakly complete class (Serre) of abelian groups , for q i- n ;then , fi^+1(X) is ^-isomorphic to Hn+1(X) by the Hurewicz n a homomorphism hn+^ , and at one level higher , n+2 ^-epimorphism . This thesis extends the theorem to higher dimensions for the case \f = ft , the Serre class of finite abelian groups . We establish that hq , q 4 2n , are £ isomorphisms and h2n+l is. epimorphism . We also compute kernel h2n+l (Mod ft ) . Counter-examples are provided to conclude' that further extensions' are not possible , in general . 2 l.Qn fi brat ions and the process of killing homotopy groups. (1.1)The definition of a fibration.- Let p :E ^ B be a map between topological spaces. Then , the map p is called a fibration (in the sense of Serre) if given any finite CW complex K,a map g :K > E and a map F :KxI B such that F(x,0)=p(g(x)) for all x in K ; then there exists a map G:KxI—E such that G(x,0)=g(x) and pG(x,t)=F(x,t) Let * be the base point of B. Then,F=p (*) is called the fibre of the fibration p We have a Hurewicz fibration if the above description holds when K is an arbitrary topological space. In this thesis,we shall use the term "fibration" without specifying "Serre" or "Hurewicz" when the two are both admissable. (1.2)Remark.- Any map A =»B can be identified up to homotopy with a fibration (See [s]p.99 ) E p > B such that the following diagram is commutative : (homotopy equivalences) By the(artificial)fibre of f , we mean the fibre of p . 3 (1.3)Annihilating homotopy groups .- Let X be a CW-complex and denote its n-skeleton by Xn For the following construction , let us assume that X is a connected CW-complex with X°= pt . Let L*^ifei be a set of generators of the homotopy group 7^+1(X) . By cellular approximation , we may assume that : n+1 n+1 *. :s » x l We now attach an n+2 -cell corresponding to each<^ =inclusion X C > Cc< Clearly , 71^(X)S K±(C* ) for (KUn and •^n+1(Cc<)=0 In order to "kill off" all the homotopy groups -^(X) for q>n , we iterate this process until we arrive at a space X(l,...,n) . where : the inclusion X ^ > X(l,...,n) induces; K_(X)=/T(X(1,...,n))for q*n and , moreover , 7T (X(l,...,n))=0 for q>n Now , the Cartan-Serre -Whitehead construction is to take the fibre (See (1.2)) of X C »X(l,...,n) and , we obtain : X(n+1,.. ,-) > X > X(l,..,,n) where TC (X(n+1,... ,°»)£0 if qfen = 7T(X) if q^n+1 Taking the fibre X(n+1,...,«) and killing off its homotopy groups in dimensions greater than m gives a space denote by X(n+l,...,m) Clearly , TT (X(n,...,m))=0 if q^n-1 Stt_(X) if n*q*=m =0 if q>m Observation.- Given any map Y: X => X(i,...,m) «* B we can pull back through the path space PB of B , and have the fibration : SIB ^ W=X(m+l,.. ,co) P X 2.The Serre - Leray Spectral Sequence of a fibration . (2.1) A-spectral sequence is a sequence of abelian groups En together with a sequence of differential endomorphisms : dn 5 En >E n dndn=° » ^ E =H(E ,d ker d im d such that n+l n n^ * n / n (2.2) We shall describe the Serre-Leray spectral sequence which arises from a Serre fibration 0 = ( F * X P >B ) We assume B to be a simply - connected CW -complex with finite skeleta and X of the homotopy type of a finite CW-complex Remark.- Simply - connectednesss of the base space B is imposed in order-to avoid the discussion of "local coeffici -ents" in this general setting . The total space is filtered by the inverse p-images of the n-skeleton Bn of the base space B . 1 n Set Xn=p" (B ) Let H* stand for the ordinary "cellular" cohomology theory . We are now going to define the Serre - Leray Spectral Sequence (Er($£)tdr) of j£ in terms of the following exact couple : p+q DP,q= H (xp) The exactnesss axiom of H : h +( f ^P^X^X^) l , HP ^(Xp) 1 > HP^Xp^) +( +1 >HP i (xp,xp_1) , . enables us to derive (inductively) the following exact couple : r ' / r "r where , Dr+1=im fr , fr = r h E =H(E d ) dr=Sr r » r+l r! r deg(dr)=(r,l-r) Proposition.- a) Ep'q =Hp(BjHq(F)) P q p q p+q E ' = ker (H + (X) >H (X ^ ) _ Gr Hp+q (X) ker (Hp+q(X) > Hp+q(X„) ) b) H = H ( ;G) is a multiplicative cohomology theory if G is a commutative ring with unit . Therefore , the spectral sequence inherits a canonical multiplicative structure .With respect to this multiplication , the differentials dr turn out to be derivations , i.e. p+q dr(ab) = dr(a)b +(-l) adr(b) where a eEp'q r c)The edge homomorphisms f , p can be computed as follows Hn(B) -> Hn(X) ^ l£'0<$) Hn (X) JL__^ Hn ( F) (2.3)Pictorially , the Eg term of the spectral sequence can be represented as follows : H (F) • r-l 2 H (B) 7 The following proposition can be shown using the Serre -Leray spectral sequence Proposition .- Let F •—£-» X —>B be a fibration B be m-connected , F n-connected Then , we have Serre homology and cohomology exact sequences of finite lengths : H P H B F m+n+l< '-^— Vn+l^ m+n+1< '—^ W > > . ... „ Hm+n(F) , Hm+n+1(B)_P!^Hm+n+1(X)_£l Hm+n+1(F) Chapter II THE META-THEOREM Let us define a homomorphism X) (n X) hn(X) : 7Tn(X) >V - relating homotopy and homology groups of a space X . This homomorphism is given by : hn(X)([fl)=hn([fl>)=f^(gn) 11 for any homotopy class [f] € JT^CS ) where gnis a generator n of Hn(S ;Z) hn is natural and is called "Hurewicz*homomorphism" . The following is a crucial observation as far as studying the Hurewicz homomorphisms is concerned . We shall call it "THE META-THEOREM" 9 Let P(k,n) stand for : "h^^has finite kernel and cokernel" . This notation is used to formulate the theorem (3.1) The Meta-Theorem.- Let k £ 1 , n >, max(k-l,l) . If P(k,n) is true for any n-connected space , then , P(k,n+1) is true for any n+1 -connected space . PROOF : Suppose Y is n+1 -connected . We get , from the Serre exact sequence of the path fibration ftY > PY > Y , the following commutative diagram , the rows of which being exact s {PY) » \+kUY) rrn+k(PY) ren+k + n+k+ h n+k+1 H {PY) H. -> H. (ay) PY ^ n+k+ n+k+ n+k * W >: 0' ^ o Since n+k+1 4 n+l+n+1 = 2n+2 , the above commutative diagram is always true given the hypothesis of the theorem. In particular , by the square [L].hn+k(£Y) is equivalent to hn+jc+^(Y) .
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