§ 15.717 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) § 27.4 of this chapter, and to allow the § 0.459 of this chapter. This public no- removal and replacement of registra- tice will include proposed test proce- tion information in the database when dures and methodologies. corrections or updates are necessary. (ii) The Commission will conduct lab- (o) Remove from the database the oratory and field tests of the pre-pro- registrations of fixed white space de- duction device. This testing will be vices that have not checked the data- conducted to evaluate proof of per- base for at least three months to up- formance of the device, including char- date their channel lists. A database ad- acterization of its sensing capability ministrator may charge a new registra- and its interference potential. The tion fee for a fixed white space device testing will be open to the public. that is removed from the database (iii) Subsequent to the completion of under this provision but is later re-reg- testing, the Commission will issue by istered. public notice, a test report including (p) Establish procedures to allow recommendations. The public notice health care facilities to register the lo- will specify a minimum of 30 days for cations of facilities where they operate comments and, if any objections are re- WMTS networks on channel 37. ceived, an additional 15 days for reply (q) Establish procedures to allow un- comments. licensed wireless microphone users in the 600 MHz band to register with the (b) Power limit for devices that rely on database and to provide lists of chan- sensing. The white space device shall nels available for wireless microphones meet the requirements for personal/ at a given location. portable devices in this subpart except that it will be limited to a maximum [80 FR 73070, Nov. 23, 2015, as amended at 81 EIRP of 50 mW per 6 megahertz of FR 4975, Jan. 29, 2016] bandwidth on which the device oper- § 15.717 White space devices that rely ates and it does not have to comply on spectrum sensing. with the requirements for geo-location and database access in § 15.711(b), (d), (a) Par- Applications for certification. and (e). Compliance with the detection ties may submit applications for cer- threshold for spectrum sensing in tification of white space devices that § 15.717(c), although required, is not rely solely on spectrum sensing to necessarily sufficient for dem- identify available channels. Devices onstrating reliable interference avoid- authorized under this section must ance. Once a device is certified, addi- demonstrate with an extremely high tional devices that are identical in degree of confidence that they will not electrical characteristics and antenna cause harmful interference to incum- systems may be certified under the bent radio services. procedures of part 2, Subpart J of this (1) In addition to the procedures in chapter. subpart J of part 2 of this chapter, ap- plicants shall comply with the fol- (c) Sensing requirements—(1) Detection lowing. threshold. (i) The required detection (i) The application must include a thresholds are: ¥ full explanation of how the device will (A) ATSC digital TV signals: 114 protect incumbent authorized services dBm, averaged over a 6 MHz band- against interference. width; (ii) Applicants must submit a pre- (B) NTSC analog TV signals: ¥114 production device, identical to the de- dBm, averaged over a 100 kHz band- vice expected to be marketed. width; (2) The Commission will follow the (C) Low power auxiliary, including procedures below for processing appli- wireless microphone, signals: ¥107 cations pursuant to this section. dBm, averaged over a 200 kHz band- (i) Applications will be placed on width. public notice for a minimum of 30 days (ii) The detection thresholds are ref- for comments and 15 days for reply erenced to an omnidirectional receive comments. Applicants may request antenna with a gain of 0 dBi. If a re- that portions of their application re- ceive antenna with a minimum direc- main confidential in accordance with tional gain of less than 0 dBi is used, 1002 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:43 Jun 03, 2021 Jkt 250214 PO 00000 Frm 01012 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250214.XXX 250214 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 17.2 the detection threshold shall be re- 17.14–17.17 [Reserved] duced by the amount in dB that the minimum directional gain of the an- Subpart C—Specifications for Obstruction tenna is less than 0 dBi. Minimum di- Marking and Lighting of Antenna rectional gain shall be defined as the Structures antenna gain in the direction and at 17.21 Painting and lighting, when required. the frequency that exhibits the least 17.22 [Reserved] gain. Alternative approaches for the 17.23 Specifications for painting and light- sensing antenna are permitted, e.g., ing antenna structures. electronically rotatable antennas, pro- 17.24 Existing structures. vided the applicant for equipment au- 17.25–17.45 [Reserved] 17.47 Inspection of antenna structure lights thorization can demonstrate that its and associated control equipment. sensing antenna provides at least the 17.48 Notification of extinguishment or im- same performance as an proper functioning of lights. omnidirectional antenna with 0 dBi 17.49 Recording of antenna structure light gain. inspections in the owner record. (2) Channel availability check time. A 17.50 Cleaning and repainting. white space device may start operating 17.51 [Reserved] on a TV channel if no TV, wireless 17.53 Lighting equipment and paint. 17.54 Rated lamp voltage. microphone or other low power auxil- 17.56 Maintenance of lighting equipment. iary device signals above the detection 17.57 Report of radio transmitting antenna threshold are detected within a min- construction, alteration, and/or removal. imum time interval of 30 seconds. 17.58 [Reserved] (3) In-service monitoring. A white AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 301, 303, 309. space device must perform in-service monitoring of an operating channel at Subpart A—General Information least once every 60 seconds. There is no minimum channel availability check § 17.1 Basis and purpose. time for in-service monitoring. (a) The rules in this part are issued (4) Channel move time. After a TV, pursuant to the authority contained in wireless microphone or other low Title III of the Communications Act of power auxiliary device signal is de- 1934, as amended, which vest authority tected on a white space device oper- in the Federal Communications Com- ating channel, all transmissions by the mission to issue licenses to radio sta- white space device must cease within tions when it is found that the public two seconds. interest, convenience, and necessity would be served thereby, and to require PART 17—CONSTRUCTION, MARK- the painting, and/or illumination of an- ING, AND LIGHTING OF AN- tenna structures if and when in its TENNA STRUCTURES judgment such structures constitute, or there is reasonable possibility that Subpart A—General Information they may constitute, a menace to air navigation. Sec. 17.1 Basis and purpose. (b) The purpose of this part is to pre- 17.2 Definitions. scribe certain procedures for antenna 17.4 Antenna structure registration. structure registration and standards 17.5 Commission consideration of applica- with respect to the Commission’s con- tions for station authorization. sideration of proposed antenna struc- 17.6 Responsibility for painting and lighting tures which will serve as a guide to an- compliance. tenna structure owners. Subpart B—Federal Aviation Administration [61 FR 4362, Feb. 6, 1996, as amended at 79 FR Notification Criteria 56984, Sept. 24, 2014] 17.7 Antenna structures requiring notifica- § 17.2 Definitions. tion to the FAA. 17.8 Establishment of antenna farm areas. (a) Antenna structure. The term an- 17.9 Designated antenna farm areas. tenna structure means a structure that 17.10 Antenna structures over 304.80 meters is constructed or used to transmit (1,000 feet) in height. radio energy, or that is constructed or 1003 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:43 Jun 03, 2021 Jkt 250214 PO 00000 Frm 01013 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\250214.XXX 250214 spaschal on DSKJM0X7X2PROD with CFR § 17.4 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) used for the primary purpose of sup- mission. If the FAA exempts an an- porting antennas to transmit and/or re- tenna structure from notification, it is ceive radio energy, and any antennas exempt from the requirement that it and other appurtenances mounted register with the Commission. (See thereon, from the time construction of § 17.7(e) for exemptions to FAA notifi- the supporting structure begins until cation requirements.) such time as the supporting structure (1) For a proposed antenna structure is dismantled. or alteration of an existing antenna (b) Antenna farm area. A geographical structure, the owner must register the location, with established boundaries, structure prior to construction or al- designated by the Federal Communica- teration. tions Commission, in which antenna (2) For a structure that did not origi- structures with a common impact on nally fall under the definition of ‘‘an- aviation may be grouped. tenna structure,’’ the owner must reg- (c) Antenna structure owner. For the ister the structure prior to hosting a purposes of this part, an antenna struc- Commission licensee. ture owner is the individual or entity (b) Except as provided in paragraph vested with ownership, equitable own- (e) of this section, each owner of an an- ership, dominion, or title to the an- tenna structure described in paragraph tenna structure that is constructed or (a) of this section must file FCC Form used to transmit radio energy, or the 854 with the Commission. Additionally, underlying antenna structure that sup- each owner of a proposed structure re- ports or is intended to support anten- ferred to in paragraph (a) of this sec- nas and other appurtenances.
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