Alice Munro fonds FOR ADDITIONAL ARCHIVAL MATERIALS CLICK HERE https://searcharchives.ucalgary.ca/index.php/alice-munro-fonds ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 The Alice Munro Fonds Accession No. 396/87.3 CORRESPONDENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 2 WORKS ON ALICE MUNRO .......................................................................................................................... 27 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS .............................................................................................................................. 28 Page 2 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE CORRESPONDENCE Not yet identified correspondents 1.1 _____, George [removed to 1.49a] 1984 1.2 _____, Jean [removed to 1.72] 1984 1.3 _____, Kay 1982 1.4 _____, Marty 1982 1.5 _____, Sue 1984 1.6 _____, Sylvia 1976 1.7 Alberta. Department of Culture 1984 1.8 Alfred A. Knopf 1979-1985 1.9 Algoma University College 1984 1.10 Page 3 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE American Association of University Women 1984 1.11 ARC (Periodical) 1983 1.12 Art Gallery at Harbourfront 1984 1.13 Atheneum 1982 1.14 Atlantis Films Limited 1982 1.15 Authors Guild, Inc. 1983 1.16 Barker, Helen 1985 1.17 Bekken, Bonnie 1985 1.18 Bentley, College 1983 1.19 Berg, Sharon 1985 1.20 Bishop’s University 1983-1984 1.21 Page 4 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Book Publishers’ Professional Association 1985 1.22 The Book Store on Bastion 1982 1.23 Bookmen’s Club 1984 1.24 Boyle, Harry J. 1984 1.25 Brazos Bookstore 1984 1.26 Browne, Colin 1983 1.27 SEE ALSO 1.53 Bueau du Québec à Toronto 1983 1.28 Burrows, Ivory 1983 1.29 Camosun College 1983 1.30 Campus Digest 1984 1.31 Page 5 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Camrose Lutheran College 1982 1.32 Canada Council 1982 1.33 Canada. Chancellery of Canadian Orders and 1983 1.34 Decorations Canada. Consulate General (New York, NY) 1983 1.35 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [19--], 1.36 1983-1984 Canadian Fiction Magazine (encloses outline for 1982 1.37 interview with A. Munro) Canadian Literature 1982 1.38 Canadian Who’s Who 1983(?) 1.39 Carscallen, James [19--] 1.40 Center for Writers & Mississippi Review 1985 1.41 Page 6 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Chatelaine 1984 1.42 Chatto & Windus/The Hogarth Press 1985 1.43 Churchill, Tom 1984 1.44 Clark, Joan 1982 1.45 Colby College 1983 1.46 Cooper, Caryl 1985 1.47 Crandall Library 1985 1.48 Crespi, Todd 1982 1.49 Cuomo, George 1984 1.49a D.C. Heath and Company 1983-1984 1.50 Dagg, Anne 1984 1.51 Page 7 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Dahlie, Hallvard 1982 1.52 David Thompson University Centre 1984 1.53 SEE ALSO 1.27 DeBlasio, Chris 1984 1.54 Doubleday 1982 1.55 [Dragland], Stan 1984 1.56 Drake University 1985 1.57 Durrant, J. Stuart 1984 1.58 E.P. Dutton, Inc. 1983 1.59 East Kootenay Community College 1984 1.60 Edinburgh Book Festival 1985 1.61 Ethos 1983 1.62 Page 8 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Everard, Mark 1984 1.63 Exile (periodical) 1985 1.64 Fairleigh Dickinson University 1985 1.65 Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1984 1.66 Fibrearts 1984 1.67 Fiddlehead Poetry Books 1984 1.68 Fine Arts Work Center in Province Town 1983-1984 1.69 Fisher, Douglas 1983 1.70 Fitzgerald, Sally 1983 1.71 Forest City Gallery 1983-1984 1.72 Friends of the Library of Atascadero 1983 1.73 Page 9 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Fruehe, Monika 1985 1.74 Gage Publishing 1984 1.75 General Publishing Co. 1983-1984 1.76 German, A.B. (Tony) 1984 1.77 Gerson, Carole 1984 1.78 Gould, Terry 1985 1.79 Govier, Katherine [19--] 1.80 Gyldental Norsk Forlag 1983 1.81 Hampshire College 1983 1.82 Harbourfront 1984-1985 1.83 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1983 1.84 Page 10 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Harley, Peter R. 1982 1.85 Harrison, Pat 1985 1.86 Hartwick College 1984 1.87 Hawaii Literary Arts Council 1983 1.88 Horsdal & Schubart Publishers 1985 1.89 Huron Centre for Children and Youth 1984 1.90 Institute Simone de Beauvoir - Montréal [19--] 1.91 International Bibliographical Centre 1981 1.92 International P.E.N. Canadian Centre 1983-1985 1.93 Interval House 1982 1.94 Irvine, Arnold 1983(?) 1.95 Page 11 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Ithaca College 1982 1.96 Jeffery, Sue 1980 1.97 Jewish Community Centers of South Florida [19--] 1.98 Jewish Public Library (Montreal) 1985 1.99 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1983 1.100 Joseph the Provider 1983 1.101 Keller, Betty 1984 1.102 Kitchener Public Library 1983 1.103 Kristina Potapczyk Trust Fund 1984(?) 1.104 Kwantlen College 1984 1.105 Lake Erie Regional Library System 1982-1983 1.106 Page 12 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Leisure Ways 1984 1.107 Lemberg, C. Marcy 1982 1.108 Lopez, Victor [198-] 1.109 Lyceum Club and Women’s Art Association of 1985 1.110 Canada Macmillan of Canada 1976 1.111 1982-1984 Magnus Theatre 1985 1.112 Mallory, Noreen 1985 1.113 Marshall, Joyce 1985 1.114 Martin, Walter 1984 1.115 Mascott, Cynthia 1983 1.116 Page 13 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE McClelland and Stewart 1983 1.117 McGifford, Diane 1983 1.118 McGraw-Hill Ryerson 1984 1.119 McMaster University 1983 1.120 Meijer, Hank 1984 2.1 Metcalf, John 1984-1985 2.2 Micros, Marianne 1982 2.3 Midwestern Regional Library System 1983 2.4 Mon Pere, Carol 1977-1983 2.5 Mosaic 1983 2.6 Mount Allison University 1983 2.7 Page 14 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Mount Holyoke College 1983 2.8 National Film Board 1980 2.9 Netherwood 1983 2.10 New Press Anthology 1984 2.11 New Republic [19--] 2.12 New Yorker 1980-1985 2.13 Newest Press 1983 2.14 Nicholson, Christan 1984 2.15 North York Public Library 1984 2.16 Northwestern University 1983 2.17 Oberlin College 1983 2.18 Page 15 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Ontario Council of Teachers of English 1982 2.19 Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 1983 2.20 Osmond, Rosalie 1983 2.21 Oxford University Press 1984 2.22 Pantheon Books 1984 2.23 Paris Review 1983 2.24 Paterson Photographic Works 1978 2.25 Peace Arts 84 [1984] 2.26 PEN American Center 1985 2.27 Penhall, John 1985 2.28 Penguin Books 1984 2.29 Page 16 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Penguin Books Canada 1983 2.30 1985 Penguin Books Limited 1982-1985 2.31 - including book cover illustrations for Something I’ve been meaning to tell you Periodical Writers Association of Canada 1982 2.32 Peters, Jody 1982 2.33 Peterson, Tom 1984 2.34 Pfaus, Brenda [198-?] 2.35 Ploughshares 1984-1985 2.36 Poetry Center 1982-1983 2.37 Project Ploughshares Saskatoon 1983 2.38 Page 17 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Quebec. Government Office 1983 2.39 Queen’s University 1984 2.40 Reader’s Digest 1984 2.41 Red River Community College 1983 2.42 Reed College 1985 2.43 Reid, Corrine 1985 2.44 Research Committee on Women Writers & 1983 2.45 Feminism River Editorial Service 1985 2.46 Rochette-Crawley, Susan 1983 2.47 Rooke, Leon 1985 2.48 Roycraft, Margaret 1985 2.49 Page 18 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Sarah, Robyn 1983 2.50 Sarnia University Women’s Club 1984 2.51 Saturday Night 1984 2.52 Sault Ste. Marie Public library 1983-1984 2.53 Seluzicki, Charles 1983 2.54 Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology 1982, 1985 2.55 Seyersted, Per 1984-1985 2.56 Shaw Festival Theatre Foundation 1982 2.57 Shields, Carol [19--], 1983 2.58 Simon & Schuster 1984 2.59 Smith College [198-?] 2.60 Page 19 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Somerville House 1984 2.61 Southwest Missouri State University 1984 2.62 Smith, Frank 1984 2.63 Solecki, Sam 1982 2.64 St. Lawrence University 1984 2.65 St. Thomas University 1983 2.66 Stephens, _____ 1980 2.67 Stevens, Peter 1980 2.68 Stratford Central Secondary School 1984 2.69 Stratford Public Library 1983 2.70 Straus, Roger Williams [19--] 2.71 Page 20 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Struthers, J.R. (Tim) 1983 2.72 Sudbury Conference on Refining Education 1983 2.73 Sward, Robert 1978 2.74 Syracuse University 1983 2.75 Tausky, Tom 1984-1985 2.75a Thompson, Kent 1979 2.76 Thomson, Janet 1985 2.77 Thornhill Public library 1983 2.78 Three Lives & Company 1983 2.79 Trafalgar School for Girls 1983 2.80 TV Ontario 1984 2.81 Page 21 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE Université de Paris XII - Val de Marne 1982 2.82 Université de Strasbourg 1982 2.83 University of Alberta 1984 2.84 University of Calgary 1984-1985 2.85 University of Guelph 1982-1983 2.86 University of Houston 1983 2.87 University of Iowa 1984-1985 2.88 University of Montana 1984 2.89 University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1984 2.90 University of New Hampshire 1983 2.91 1985 Page 22 ALICE MUNRO fonds ACCESSION NO.: 396/87.3 FILE TITLE DATE BOX/FILE University of North Dakota 1984 2.92 University of Ottawa 1979, 2.93 1984-1985 University of Reading 1984 2.94 University of Toronto Review [198-?] 2.95 University of Toronto.
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