H576 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 10, 2005 truth is that we all are committed to that ideal, The motion was agreed to; accord- 20 Jim Costa but this administration seems incapable of pro- ingly (at 3 o’clock and 17 minutes 21 Devin Nunes viding clarity on its plans in this war. p.m.), under its previous order, the 22 William M. Thomas From the very beginning we have been left 23 Lois Capps House adjourned until Monday, Feb- 24 Elton Gallegly in the dark as to what this administration was ruary 14, 2005, at noon. 25 Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon planning in regards to Iraq. Our troops and f 26 David Dreier their families have been the ones to suffer and 27 Brad Sherman the fact is that the Iraqis have yet to see a OATH OF OFFICE MEMBERS, RESI- 28 Howard L. Berman free and stable nation. Yes, the recent elec- DENT COMMISSIONERS, AND 29 Adam B. Schiff tions were positive outcome, but they are far DELEGATES 30 Henry A. Waxman 31 Xavier Becerra far from resolving the predicament in Iraq. I The oath of office required by the support my colleague’s legislation and I urge 32 Hilda L. Solis sixth article of the Constitution of the 33 Diane E. Watson all Members of this body to support it. How United States, and as provided by sec- 34 Lucille Roybal-Allard can we possibly be against legislation that tion 2 of the act of May 13, 1884 (23 35 Maxine Waters calls upon the President to notify Congress Stat. 22), to be administered to Mem- 36 Jane Harman and the American people about the future bers, Resident Commissioner, and Dele- 37 Juanita Millender-McDonald plans for the war in Iraq. gates of the House of Representatives, 38 Grace F. Napolitano 39 Linda T. Sa´ nchez In formulating a success and exit plan, we the text of which is carried in 5 U.S.C. must take additional steps to improve Iraq’s 40 Edward R. Royce 3331: 41 Jerry Lewis economic and political stability. We must ‘I, AB, do solemnly swear (or af- change our military focus from combat oper- 42 Gary G. Miller firm) that I will support and defend 43 Joe Baca ations to training the Iraqi army. Moreover, we the Constitution of the United 44 Ken Calvert must intensify our reconstruction efforts with States against all enemies, foreign 45 Mary Bono projects that give the Iraqi people real, tan- and domestic; that I will bear true 46 Dana Rohrabacher gible hope for their future. faith and allegiance to the same; 47 Loretta Sanchez The fact remains that American troops have 48 Christopher Cox that I take this obligation freely, remained in Iraq for 2 years, and the death toll 49 Darrell E. Issa without any mental reservation or continues to rise; therefore, we must proceed 50 Randy ‘‘Duke’’ Cunningham purpose of evasion; and that I will with caution. The positive momentum that has 51 Bob Filner well and faithfully discharge the 52 Duncan Hunter come from a successful election must be used duties of the office on which I am 53 Susan A. Davis as an opportunity to stop the bloodshed and about to enter. So help me God.’ COLORADO the expenditure of tax dollars on this effort. I has been subscribed to in person and hope that the administration will use the posi- 1 Diana DeGette filed in duplicate with the Clerk of the 2 Mark Udall tive momentum of this achievement as an op- House of Representatives by the fol- 3 John T. Salazar portunity to devise an success and exit plan lowing Members of the 109th Congress, 4 Marilyn N. Musgrave for our troops as outlined by Representative pursuant to the provisions of 2 U.S.C. 5 Joel Hefley WOOLSEY’s legislation. 25: 6 Thomas G. Tancredo f 7 Bob Beauprez ALABAMA CONNECTICUT LEAVE OF ABSENCE 1 Jo Bonner 1 John B. Larson 2 Terry Everett By unanimous consent, leave of ab- 2 Rob Simmons 3 Mike Rogers sence was granted to: 3 Rosa L. DeLauro 4 Robert B. Aderholt Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas (at the re- 4 Christopher Shays 5 Robert E. (Bud) Cramer Jr. quest of Ms. PELOSI) for today after 1:45 5 Nancy L. Johnson p.m. on account of business in the dis- 6 Spencer Bachus 7 Artur Davis DELAWARE trict. ALASKA At Large, Michael N. Castle f At Large, Don Young FLORIDA SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED ARIZONA 1 Jeff Miller 2 Allen Boyd By unanimous consent, permission to 1 Rick Renzi 3 Corrine Brown address the House, following the legis- 2 Trent Franks 4 Ander Crenshaw 3 John B. Shadegg lative program and any special orders 5 Ginny Brown-Waite 4 Ed Pastor heretofore entered, was granted to: 6 Cliff Stearns 5 J. D. Hayworth (The following Members (at the re- 7 John L. Mica 6 Jeff Flake quest of Ms. WOOLSEY) to revise and ex- 8 Ric Keller 7 Rau´ l M. Grijalva 9 Michael Bilirakis tend their remarks and include extra- 8 Jim Kolbe neous material:) 10 C. W. Bill Young ARKANSAS Mr. SCHIFF for 5 minutes, today. 11 Jim Davis Mr. BROWN of Ohio, for 5 minutes, 1 Marion Berry 12 Adam H. Putnam today. 2 Vic Snyder 13 Katherine Harris Ms. WOOLSEY, for 5 minutes, today. 3 John Boozman 14 Connie Mack Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. 4 Mike Ross 15 Dave Weldon 16 Mark Foley Mr. PALLONE, for 5 minutes, today. CALIFORNIA 17 Kendrick B. Meek Mr. ROSS, for 5 minutes, today. 1 Mike Thompson 18 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Mr. SANDERS, for 5 minutes, today. 2 Wally Herger 19 Robert Wexler Mr. CUMMINGS, for 5 minutes, today. 3 Daniel E. Lungren 20 Debbie Wasserman Schultz Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, for 5 min- 4 John T. Doolittle 21 Lincoln Diaz-Balart 6 Lynn C. Woolsey utes, today. 22 E. Clay Shaw Jr. 7 George Miller (The following Members (at the re- 23 Alcee L. Hastings 8 Nancy Pelosi quest of Mr. POE) to revise and extend 24 Tom Feeney 9 Barbara Lee their remarks and include extraneous 25 Mario Diaz-Balart 10 Ellen O. Tauscher material:) 11 Richard W. Pombo GEORGIA Mr. MURPHY, for 5 minutes, today. 12 Tom Lantos 1 Jack Kingston Mr. BOEHLERT, for 5 minutes, today. 13 Fortney Pete Stark 2 Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. Mr. POE, for 5 minutes, today. 14 Anna G. Eshoo 3 Jim Marshall f 15 Michael M. Honda 4 Cynthia McKinney ADJOURNMENT 16 Zoe Lofgren 5 John Lewis 17 Sam Farr 6 Tom Price Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I move 18 Dennis A. Cardoza 7 John Linder that the House do now adjourn. 19 George Radanovich 8 Lynn A. Westmoreland VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:38 Feb 11, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10FE7.094 H10PT1 February 10, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H577 9 Charlie Norwood 3 James P. McGovern 3 Peter T. King 10 Nathan Deal 4 Barney Frank 4 Carolyn McCarthy 11 Phil Gingrey 5 Martin T. Meehan 5 Gary L. Ackerman 12 John Barrow 6 John F. Tierney 6 Gregory W. Meeks 13 David Scott 7 Edward J. Markey 7 Joseph Crowley HAWAII 8 Michael E. Capuano 8 Jerrold Nadler 9 Stephen F. Lynch 9 Anthony D. Weiner 1 Neil Abercrombie 10 William D. Delahunt 10 Edolphus Towns 2 Ed Case MICHIGAN 11 Major R. Owens IDAHO 12 Nydia M. Vela´ zquez 1 Bart Stupak 1 C. L. ‘‘Butch’’ Otter 13 Vito Fossella 2 Peter Hoekstra 2 Michael K. Simpson 14 Carolyn B. Maloney 3 Vernon J. Ehlers 15 Charles B. Rangel ILLINOIS 4 Dave Camp 16 Jose´ E. Serrano 1 Bobby L. Rush 5 Dale E. Kildee 17 Eliot L. Engel 2 Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. 6 Fred Upton 18 Nita M. Lowey 3 Daniel Lipinski 7 John J. H. ‘‘Joe’’ Schwarz 19 Sue W. Kelly 4 Luis V. Gutierrez 8 Mike Rogers 20 John E. Sweeney 5 Rahm Emanuel 9 Joe Knollenberg 21 Michael R. McNulty 6 Henry J. Hyde 10 Candice S. Miller 22 Maurice D. Hinchey 7 Danny K. Davis 11 Thaddeus G. McCotter 23 John M. McHugh 8 Melissa L. Bean 12 Sander M. Levin 24 Sherwood Boehlert 9 Janice D. Schakowsky 13 Carolyn C. Kilpatrick 25 James T. Walsh 10 Mark Steven Kirk 14 John Conyers, Jr. 26 Thomas M. Reynolds 11 Jerry Weller 15 John D. Dingell 27 Brian Higgins 12 Jerry F. Costello MINNESOTA 28 Louise McIntosh Slaughter 13 Judy Biggert 1 Gil Gutknecht 29 John R. ‘‘Randy’’ Kuhl, Jr. 14 J. Dennis Hastert 2 John Kline 15 Timothy V. Johnson NORTH CAROLINA 3 Jim Ramstad 16 Donald A. Manzullo 1 G. K. Butterfield 4 Betty McCollum 17 Lane Evans 2 Bob Etheridge 5 Martin Olav Sabo 18 Ray LaHood 3 Walter B. Jones 6 Mark R. Kennedy 19 John Shimkus 4 David E. Price 7 Collin C. Peterson 5 Virginia Foxx INDIANA 8 James L. Oberstar 6 Howard Coble 1 Peter J. Visclosky MISSISSIPPI 7 Mike McIntyre 2 Chris Chocola 1 Roger F. Wicker 8 Robin Hayes 3 Mark E. Souder 2 Bennie G. Thomson 9 Sue Wilkins Myrick 4 Steve Buyer 3 Charles W. ‘‘Chip’’ Pickering 10 Patrick T. McHenry 5 Dan Burton 4 Gene Taylor 11 Charles H. Taylor 6 Mike Pence 12 Melvin L. Watt MISSOURI 7 Julia Carson 13 Brad Miller 8 John N. Hostettler 1 Wm. Lacy Clay NORTH DAKOTA 9 Michael E. Sodrel 2 W. Todd Akin At Large, Earl Pomeroy IOWA 3 Russ Carnahan 4 Ike Skelton OHIO 1 Jim Nussle 5 Emanuel Cleaver 2 James A.
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