THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of Kenya VoI. LXV-No. 14 NAIROBI, 26th March, 1963 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTENonms-(Contd.) PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc. 320 Probate and Administration . 338-339 The Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Registration of Voters) Bankruptcies . .. 33!2-340 , Regulations, 1962-Appointment . 320 The Companies Ordinance-Notices . 340-341 The Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958- The Societies Ordinance-Notices . 341-342 Revocation of Appointment of Parliamentary Secretary 320 Local Government Notices . .. 342 The Employment Ordinance-Appointments and Revoca- tions . 320 Tender . ". 342 The Water Ordinance-Appointment and Variation . 321 The Trust Land Ordinance-Setting Apart of Land . 343-348 Loss of Certificates and Policies 348 The Courts Ordinance-Cancellation and Appointments 321 . Dissolution of Partnership . 348 The Municipalities Ordinance-Appointment . 321 Changes of Name . 349 The Interpretation and General Provisions Ordinance- Temporary Transfer of Ministerial Powers . The Local Government (County Councils) Ordinance, 1962-Nominations . SUPPLEMENT No. 21 Bills, 1963 The Townships Ordinance-Appointments . The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointments . The Prisons Ordinance-Appointments, etc. SUPPLEMENT No. 22 Legislative Supplement The African District Councils Ordinance, 1950- LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE Appointments and Elections . 184, 185-The Forests Ordinance-Proclamations . 357, 358 The Public Order OrdinanceProhibition . 186-The Interpretation and General Provisions The Animal Diseases Ordinance-.Scheduled Areas . Ordinance-Delegation of Powers . 358 Vacancies . 324 187-The Trust Land Ordinance-Adjustment of Boundary of the Kerio Land Unit . 359 The Land and Agriculturpl Bank of Kenya--Notices . 325 188-The Land (Registration of Titles) Order, 1963 360 The Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance, 1956-Addition 325 189-The Local Government (County Councils) H.M. Supreme Court of Kenya at Nakuru-Civil Cause Ordinance, 1952-Nakuru County Council- List . 326 Variation of Scheme of County Adminis- tration . .. 36 1 Liquor Licensing . 326 19GThe African District Councils (Nyeri African Famine Relief Appeal Fund-Statement . 327 Land Development Joint Board) (Revocation) Order, 1963 . 361 High Commission Stocks . 327 191-The Stamp Duty Ordinance--Direction . 362 The Trout Ordinance-Appointment . 327 192-The Advocates Pupilage (Amendment) Regula- Customs and Excise-Public Auction . 328-330 tions, 1963 . 363 Customs Tariff Interpretation . 330-331 Transport Licensing . 332-333 SPECIAL NOTICE The Registration of Titles Ordinance-Notices . 333 IN ORDER to avoid undue delay in the publication of the Kenya Gazette during the Easter period, the final time and date The Police Ordinance, 196GAppointment of Police for the acceptance of matter for publication in the Kenya Gazette Station . 333 of 16th April, 1963, will be 4 p.m., Wednesday, 10th April. The Crown Lands Ordinance-Determination . 333 Nairobi, H. G. LOFTING, 15th March, 1963. Government Printer. Trade Marks . .. 337 320 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 26th M arch, 1963 CORR IGEN DU M REVERSION S G AZB'I'TE N otice N o. 893 apm aring on page 230 of the ANTHONY JOHN H Al-l-owes ceased to act as Senior Labour Om cer, Kenya G azette dated 5th M arch, 1963, is amended by deletilîg Nyanza Province, with effect from 1 5th Janual'y, 1963. the first paragraph and illserting the following : - AN'rHOXY THOMAS BROLJGH r M.A. (cA.NTAB.) 2.ceased to act as :'il ORDER that no m usic or hum an speech or ether sound D irector, Econom ics and Statistics D ivislon, Treasury, with shall be amplified, broadcast, relayed or otherwise reproduced efïect from 4th M arch, 1963. by artificial m eans in any public place in the areas specified JACK LoMAx AI-LEN, B.A. (coM.), ceased to act as Senior in the Schedule hereto except under and in accordance with Economist/statistician, Economics and Statistics Division, the term s and conditions of a written perm it issued by the Treasury, with effect from 4th M arch, 1963. polico oë cer in charge of the N airobi Area.'' NORMAN STEWART BEAN, A.R.I.B.A., DIP. ARCH. (SHEFFIELD), Ceascd to act as Superintending A rchitect, M inistry of W orks and Comm unications, with eFect from 231-d February, 1963. GAzs'r'rfs Norrlcil No. 1260 GII-BERT EDwIN TOMLINSON ceased tO' aCt as Executive Oflver, D epartm ent of Trade and Supplies, with effect f rom 13th M ay, APPOINTM EN TS 1963. M ICHAEI- l7RsosRlcK HAYNE ABRAHAM, B.sc. (FoR.) (sm x.), to be GERT STERN, B.sc. (AG1tIc.) tot-AsGowl, ceased to ad as Provincial Consôl-yasor of Forests with effect from 6th June, 1962. Agricultural Om cer, D epartm ent of Agriculture, with efllect LFSI-IE RII-TON BRowN, B.sc. (zoo) (Hoxotms), sT. AxtmEw s, from 6th M arch, 1963. A.I.c.T.A., to act as Director of Agriculture, D epartment of A griculture, with efïect from 21st M arch, 1963. By Com mand of the Governor. 1' J t- i charge, JtNairobi . ToM ANDRF,w W A'n-S, M.B.E., to act as Oë cer- n- A . M . W E BB, ' Extra / -provincial D istrict, with effect from 18th M arch, 1963. M inister jor Legal Apairs. Roy W ILLIAM EVANS LEW IS, M.R.C.V.S., to ad as D eputy D irector ' of Veterinary Services, with effect from 1st M arch, 1963. GAZETTE NorlcE N o. 1261 GERRARD M ONTFOR'r BEBB resum ed duty as Under-secretary, ' M inistr.y of A gricultural and Anim al H usbandry, with efïect THE KENYA (ELECTORAL PROVISIONS) from 6th M arch, 1963. (REGISTRATION OF VOTERS) CI-IVE K ELDAY SMITH to be District Com missioner, N orthern REG U LATION S, 1962 Frontier Distlict, N orthern Province, with effect . from 1st (L.N. 433 oj 1962) M arch, 1963. ' A PPOINTM BNT ' JOHN BOLTON SMART, B.sc. (EDIN.), to. act as Conservator ()f IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraph (2) of , i ' Forests with effect from 3rd January, 1963. regulation 4 of the Kenya (Electoral Provisions) (Registration of NANAT-AL PIJRASHOTAM SHBTH, BARRISTER-AT-I.A.w (Llxcot-xs INN), Voters) Regulations, 1962, the Governor hereby appoints- to act as Registrar of Titles with effeot from 22nd January, M . J. SAw YER 1963. to be Deputy Supervisor of Elections. ERT-E CHARLES M ARKHAM GRBEN to ad as Chief A griculturist, Departm ent of A griculture, with effect from 21.st M arch, 1963. D ated thks 15th day of M arch, 1963. ALEXANDER LESSLIE, B.SC. (.ST. ANDREWS), resumed duties aS M . M ACD ON ALD , A ssistant Director of A griculture, D epartm ent of Agriculture, - Nyanza Province, with effect from 6th M arch, 1* 3. G overnor. 'M AIUE LINDIAY, M.A. (cAN'rAB.), A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.w .E., to be Superintending Engineer (Hydraulics), M inistry of W orks and GAZETTE NOTICE No. 1262 Comm unications, with effect from 27th April, 1962. (CONST. 1/3) CHARLES LYNMORE RYI-NND to be District Com m issioner, Turkana District, N orthem Province, with effect from 1st M arch, 1963. THE KENYX (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUN CIL 1958 PIIII-IP K IMw E'I-E to be D istrict Officer, Central N yanza D istrkct, N yanza Province, with effect from 4th M arch, 1963. (L.N. 158 oj 1958) R ilvocA'rlox olx A PPOINTM ENT oF PARLIAM ENTARY SK RETARY W ILI-OUGHBY H ARRY THoMpsox, M .B.E., to be D istrict Oflicer, Northern Frontier District, Northern Province, with effect froln By the Right H onourable M alcolm John M acDonald, G overnor 25th M arch, 1963. and Com mander-in-chief in and over Kenya : PERCY BRADW ELL A RKCOL,L A.R.I.B.A., to act as Superintending IN EX ER CISE of tho powers conferred by section 22 of the Kenya (Constitution) Order in Council, 1958, as amended, and 'Architect, M inistry of W orks and Com munications, with esect from 28th M arch, 1962. of a11 other powers thereunto m e enabling, 1 hereby revoke the appointm ent* of- VYAI-E M wExowA, B.A. (Ruooss), to be Senior Education Oflicer, M inistry of Education, with effect from 14th M arch, 1963. JOHN LEBOI NCHIROINE OI-E KONCHELLAH to be a Parliam entary Secretary. CHARI-SS PETER RIPI-EY NOTTIDGE, B.A. (Q.u.B.), tllp. AGRIC. (cANTAB.), D.T.A., to act as Deputy Director of Settlement, Given under m y hand and the public seal of K enya this M inistry of Land Settlement and W ater D evelopm ent, with 21st day of M arch, 1963. effect from lbth M arch, 1963. M . M ACDONA LD , IVRRV M ARTYN BIUDGMAN to aùt as Area Settlement Controlier, G overnor. M inistry of Land Settlement and W ater D evelopm ent, with 'VG .N. 2/62. efïect from 10th M arch, 1963. ANTHONY R HN HALLOw ES to act as Senior Labour Oflicer, N yanza Province, with egect from 5th N ovem ber, 1962. GAZEA''I'S NoTfcis N o. 1263 (LAB. 59/ 1. 1IIj NATHANIEL N ESBITT to acf as Senior Labour Oflicer, Nyanza Province, with efïect from 15th January, 1963. TH E EM PLOYM EN T ORD IN AN CE M OHAMED SEBAKUNO ATHIJMANI M ul-Exow s to act as Senior (Cap. 2.16) Labour Om cer, Southem Province and N airobi Extra-provincial District, with effect from 1st M arch, 1963. A PPOINTM ENTS ANt) R EvocA'rloxs PETF,R M AGNALL REES, M.A. (oXON.), resumed duty as Director? IN EXERCISE of the powors conferred by section 4 (2) (Jf Econom ics afld Statistics D ivision, Treasury, with effect from the Employm ent Ordinance, the M inister for Labour hereby- 4th M arch, 1963.
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