LIGHTING-UP TIME WEATHER FORECAST 726 RM. Mainly Fine „_ * INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (EstabUshed 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 21—NO. 108 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1936 3D PER COPY —40/- PER ANNUM ADDIS ABABA IN HANDS OF FANATICAL TRIBESMEN IN THE HOUSE ETHIOPIAN STATEMENT TREASURY REPORTS I Mayor Welcomes the Visiting THEY SAY TWENTY-FOUR RESIDENTS RE­ Amateur Unit Yesterday Foreign Secretary Explains Customs Revenue Still Pre­ That the Garden Club meeting was Proposal to Reduce Liquor most interesting. PORTED SLAIN—LOOTING AND Government's Wishes In Re­ dominant Feature The first of the Major Bowes amat- Duty Rejected | eur units to travel oversea to a foreign FIRE BRING HORROR TO CITY gard to Former Emperor country arrived here yesterday morn­ That the idea of encouraging the Three Messages were received by Selassie Now that the Hospital BUl has ing' in the Monarch of Bermuda. smaUer garden owner is very sound. the House of Assembly yesterday become too "hot" to write about any At No. 1 Shed, where the Monarch | * * * from the Acting Governor, two of longer, daylight saving time in Ber­ docked, the unit was greeted by the That some good work is being done LONDON, May 4. (BOP)—A state- on the raUway route. American Minister Appeals to Wash* which were dealt with by the House muda is threatened, and somebody Mayor of HamUton, Sir Henry Wat- Iment on the situation in Abyssinia * * . before the adjournment. The first has discovered that the Customs duty Ungton, on behalf of the Corporation. was made by the Foreign Secretary of these, No. 118, was a request for on butter is very considerably higher j with the Mayor was the Corpora That what about a prize for the tid­ ington for Help—French Troops in reply to a private notice question tion £350 from the Chairman of the Air than that on diamonds (diamonds iest backyard seen from the train. in Commons this afternoon. The Secretary, Mr. J. D. B. Talbot, and Port Construction Committee for 10%—12}%, butter 10% plus l}d Mr. B. V. Smith, Assists on Way to Protect Foreigners Emperor of Ethiopia sent his sec­ nt Secretary That Selassie said Ethiopia was goii the extension of the waiting Room per lb.), the question of the Colony's of the Trade Devolopment Board. g retary to inform Sir Sidney Barton to fight to the last man. for the purpose of examination of surplus funds (if any) engages at­ that he had renounced his affairs Mr. M. A. Gibbons, of Bermuda passengers, and their luggage, re­ tention. General Theatres, Ltd., was another and had confided to his councU of That he never Deserted by its kingly head, Addis Ababa, erstwhile quired by the Bermuda Government. It may be questioned what the member of the welcoming party. said he would be the ministers that he intended to leave first to flee. of Ethiopia, today presents a scene of carnage, with The Supplementary Appropriation Re­ Hospital BUl has to do with an article for Jibuti with his family immed- The Mayor expressed the hope that ire, pillaging, murder and anarchy predominant. White solve later introduced by Mr. Trim­ on the Colony's finances, but this the amateurs would have a successful i iately. In communicating this mes­ That perhaps this is one of the divine ingham to give effect to the recom­ highly interestingmeasure, now being aptiers are reportd killed. Two French Sengalese de- sage the Emperor made it clear that and pleasant stay in the Islands. rights of Kings. mendation of the Committee of the forced through the Legislative Coun­ iments are enroute to the stricken city to maintain order. his wish was to proceed with bis The unit consists of seven white * * * House, provides for £350 for the cost cU, has reached a stage where it itself family to Palestine. His Majesty's and five coloured performers, and it That the article in the Diocesan he Emperor Selassie and his suite are safe on French soil, of providing facilities for Customs, provides an exceUent precedent for Government felt it incumbent upon opened a week's run at the .local Magazine on the Book of Common Djibouti, French SomaUland, and reported by Anthony Health and Immigration Examina­ mixing things up, since it consti­ them to grant this request and so cinemas with a programme at the Prayer is very instructive and in­ :n, British Foreign Secretary, as destined for a haven in tions at the Air Port. tutes yet another piecs of Bermuda far as lay in their power to facilitate Colonial Opera House last night. teresting. Message No. 200, covered a recom­ legislation where one Act changes the ne, aboard the "Enterprise." The British Cabinet the passing of the party to Jerusalem. * * * mendation by the Board of Works provisions of another Act—in this , today to consider resultant conditions on Italy's success- They therefore placed themselves in PRESIDENTR00SEVELT A That most churchmen wU_ agree that to grant to the St. George's Historical particular case the Medical Reg­ communication with the French "the church must.... retain its nquest, while at Geneva those in authority hold that Society the sum of £200 for the re­ istration Act, and or/> member of "MILD" PHILATELIST Government who for their part ex­ inaUenable right ... to formulate lays of the League as at present constituted are num- construction of Gates Fort. This CouncU has already vigorously de­ pressed their readiness to give effect its Faith in Him and to arrange :d, and a frank revision is counselled. Meanwhile, Addis recommendation was adopted, and clared that it is high time for this There is a general beUef that no to whatever wishes the Emperor the expression of that Holy Faith the appropriation was included in extremely bad form of legislation to be phUateUst can resist the offer of a i awaits the arrival of the main ItaUan column of might express, as to his further de­ in its form of worship.'' the same Supplementary Resolve. discontinued, quite apart from rare stamp. Likewise, it is common­ ;oldiery to take formal possession. stination. In these circumstances * * * Sir Stanley Spurling explained that whether or not it contravenes the ly held that every Scotsman is a born His Majesty's Government have or­ That the non-churchman claims Major" Vaudrey, R.A. who has al­ Royal Instructions or whether the numismatist. Whether the latter dered the cruiser "Enterprise" to that in that case the Church should IS ABABA, May 4 (CP).—Fire, pillaging, murder ways shewn a keen interest in the | Chairman wUl give a ruling unless is true or not is probably not estab­ proceed to Jibuti and take the Em­ be separated from the State. hy raged in governmentless Addis Ababa Sunday, preservation of places of historic he is forced to. Ushed, but that there is at least one peror and his party direct to Haifa. * * # interest in St. George's, had offered However, to return to the present distinguished exception to the form­ capital a ghastly wreck. The streets were strewn The Emperor who has renounced the That some noted churchmen agree. the Society his services in connection subject, the craze for accuracy and er rule has recently been proved, ; and mutilated casualties were unestimable. direction of affairs wffl naturaUy * * * with the matter. The Fort, Sir improvement has reached even the said exception being no less a per­ sported casualty among foreigners was Mrs. N. A. be expected while in Palestine not to That the House looks like sitting Stanley said, is believed by many monthly Treasury Reports, which sonage than the President of the participate in any way in further weU into June wife of an American missionary doctor, who was people to be the oldest EngUsh fort­ appeared for March, February and United States. hostilities. * * * hen a bullet pierced the roof of the mission where ification on this side of the Atlantic, January on April 22nd in revised A generous stamp coUector here The ChanceUor of the Exchequer That it all depends on how quickly and to have it restored to anything and not extremely delayed form. Al­ in Bermuda, who has contributed eping. The entire retail centre is demolished made a statement at Commons ques­ important measures are sent to I Uke its original condition would en- though the total receipts for these to the coUection of England's late ion stores are exploding. The British Legation tion time on the aUeged leakage of the House and how long they are j hance tremendously its attraction three months under the old system King, George Fifth, and has episto­ dust on a hilltop which might be the advance budset'secrets. He said the chairman debated. to our visitors, especially in view of would have been £95,138 whereas lary proof thereof, decided to show of Lloyd's had not been able to carry * * * the Italians. Most of the Legations where for- its association with the Virginian under the revised form tboy are only simUar generosity to President Roose­ his enquiries far enough to come to That the question was asked recently took refuge are well fortified. colonists, and would be a source of a Uttle more, -"-tamely, £95,606, the velt. TTis offer met the fine courtesy any conclusion, but the evidence he in the Council whether it was not a revolution continued to sweep through the Ethi- gratification to all Bermudians. Finance Committee appears so de- that one expects from gentlemen of had coUected was of such a character high office, but greatly to the donor's general principle that unexpended Message No.
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