organised crime. organised Further details on policing in the Division where you live are included in the centre of this leaflet. this of centre the in included are live you where Division the in policing on details Further and Humberside area on issues such as counter-terroism and tackling serious and serious tackling and counter-terroism as such issues on area Humberside and about inspecting the police.... Chief Constable’s Strategic Statement Division). (‘D’ Kingston-Upon-Hull of area We have agreed to work jointly with the other forces and authorities in the yorkshire the in authorities and forces other the with jointly work to agreed have We Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) is responsible for examining Vision urban the and Division) (‘C’ Yorkshire of Riding East the Division), (‘B’ Lincolnshire Working with other forces other with Working the Police Service in England and Wales, with the aim of promoting the efficiency People have a fundamental need to be safe - safe wherever they are and whatever they North Division), (‘A’ Lincolnshire East North of authorities local the as boundaries are doing. Humberside Police have a particular responsibility in helping people both to same the share which Divisions four of up made is Force a as Humberside and effectiveness of policing. Investigation'. of Hour 'Golden the of advantage full take and incident such any with . a a e e r r a a e e c c i i l l o o p p e e d d i i s s r r e e b b m m u u h h e e h h t t t t u u o o b b a be and to feel safe. We will do this by providing a service that is intended to protect, a In addition, the Audit Commission is responsible for the financial audit of police authorities. help and reassure all of our communities and we will deliver it in a way which treats all deal to action immediate into swing can MIT The etc. extortion kidnapping, murder, with If you wish to view their reports, they can be accessed via the Humberside Police Authority people fairly and with respect and dignity. deal to (MIT) Team Incident Major a establishing into investment significant put also We dealers and other criminals of their status symbols. status their of criminals other and dealers Our purpose Teams Policing Neighbourhood of network increasing an through you to website www.humberside-pa.org.uk drug depriving criminals, Humberside from seized been have boat motor luxury and nationally and locally. The Chief Constable has responsibility for this and delivers policing delivers and this for responsibility has Constable Chief The locally. and nationally Our purpose is to make the communities served by Humberside Police safer. In caravan a motorcycles, cars, range the of - delivers a police service to you with priorities set both set priorities with you to service police a delivers - Force Police Humberside response to public concern we are committed to: top year, last the In criminals. local of reach about listening.... communities your and police local the between bridge the as acting area, Reducing crime, disorder and road casualties the of out them putting assets, ill-gotten of Your views are used to influence the way that Humberside Police delivers policing your in force police effective and efficient an of maintenance the secures to aims Authority We have restrained more than £2.75 million £2.75 than more restrained have We to your neighbourhood. Being visible and readily accessible Police The members. independent and magistrates councillors, of mixture a comprising as well as having their assets taken away. taken assets their having as well as - an independent body made up of 17 local people local 17 of up made body independent an - Being accountable for all that we do Authority Police Humberside As part of our community consultation programme many of you highlighted issues such periods, long for imprisoned and prosecuted Authority. as: being criminals many with year last success We are regularly asked about the difference between the Police Force and the Police the and Force Police the between difference the about asked regularly are We lack of visible policing, about our priorities for 2006/07.... substantial had Unit Crime Major The . s s u u t t u u o o b b a a the anti-social use of motorbikes and minimotos, The Home Secretary publishes the National Policing Plan crime major Fighting every year which sets out his strategic priorities for locations. those in service interpreter the to access enabling desks call handling and contacting the police Authority Police Humberside of Chairman Stroud, Graham Cllr the police service for the next three years. enquiry and suites custody in installed been also have handsets Dual system. phone responds to those issues concerning you the most. the you concerning issues those to responds ....as the main areas of concern in your neighbourhoods during 2005/06. This Plan sets the framework for policing across the three-way a using caller the and call-taker the between information relays and used being the Chief Constable to ensure that the service provided service the that ensure to Constable Chief the As a result of this, we have responded by: Humberside area and we reflect the Home Secretary's is language what decides then interpreter The Police Authority will continue to work closely with you and you with closely work to continue will Authority Police The connected to a highly-skilled interpreter. The interpreter. highly-skilled a to connected priorities in the Humberside Policing Plan which we produce “ speak English will immediately be immediately will English speak secure. looks Police Humberside of future the and proposals increasing the number of uniformed patrols in local communities, including designated annually. You can access a full version of our Policing Plan phones Humberside Police and cannot and Police Humberside phones neighbourhood officers and Police Community Support Officers, on the Force website: www.humberside.police.uk “ merger the withdrawn now has Secretary Home The improve. English speakers. In addition, anyone who anyone addition, In speakers. English implementing targeted operations such as Yokohama to tackle nuisance motorbikes, to continued has Police Humberside say to proud am I Our priorities for 2006/07 are represented here: non- with communicate better to beat the us face the possibility of imposed Force mergers. Despite this, Despite mergers. Force imposed of possibility the face us continuing to improve the way in which your calls to the non-emergency number are on officers allowing interpreters to access To improve the way in which your calls are handled so seen has year past the but challenging is policing in year Every dealt with and directed. as to ensure you receive a prompt response and are dealt offer now carry officers that handsets The Tim Hollis, Chief Constable of Humberside Police Police Humberside of Constable Chief Hollis, Tim The Police Authority’s major public opinion survey in 2006 showed that overall satisfaction with effectively facilities language New with Humberside Police was up on the previous year from 59% in 2005 to 63% in 2006 - visit. to area attractive an and work and live to which 90%. of target To implement a system for investigating crime that in place happy and safe a Humberside making in momentum breaking these numbers down to local level shows that residents in the East Riding and were answered within 10 seconds against our against seconds 10 within answered were 85.6% ensures, when these, Of calls. 999 153,000 over successes of the last couple of years and maintain our maintain and years of couple last the of successes North Lincolnshire were the most satisfied with 66% level of overall satisfaction, Hull “ evidence exists, the offender is identified received we 2005/06 In effectively. more managed being calls with service of quality better showed 60% and North East Lincolnshire showed 58%. the on build will we partners, local our and you with work and dealt with promptly a delivered has and handling call on impact significant a had has Team Improvement strengthening ties with local communities. By continuing to continuing By communities. local with ties strengthening We are working hard to improve our telephone contact with you. The work done by the by done work The you. with contact telephone our improve to hard working are We “ Satisfaction with the police To provide dedicated, visible, and Policing Neighbourhood with developments recent Call handling Call Over the last year, interviews with victims of crime have shown that their satisfaction with accessible and responsive policing teams particularly and years, of couple last the over Force the across to all neighbourhoods in the Humberside the police in Humberside has continued to improve, with Humberside showing one of the achieved been have that improvements the of proud really I'm most significant rises nationally in victim satisfaction: Policing Area include: year past the over you more of an idea of how to access, engage with and influence policing in your area. your in policing influence and with engage access, to how of idea an of more you 89.7% felt that their treatment by Humberside Police staff was satisfactory achievements and successes key The issues. of range wide a with dealing in partners our you about how policing is being delivered and the priorities for local policing, as well as giving as well as policing, local for priorities the and delivered being is policing how about you To increase pride and respect within with challenges difficult face still we but year past the over improve to continued have We 88.9% believed that ease of contact was satisfactory neighbourhoods by dealing effectively informing better of aim the with area, your for Summary Policing Local our added also have We with anti-social behaviour, criminal year.
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