2006 REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS AND SOCIETY Economic Report p. 6 Record fi nancial performance Total 2006 shareholder return of 31.6% R&D spend at 5% of revenues; total spend of €115 million Environmental Report p. 30 Progress on most of the environmental key indicators 2006 Soil remediation actions started Group safety target for 2006 not met: additional efforts required Umicore Umicore Social Report P. 46 Umicore and associates employ 17,180 people in 37 countries New social objectives are introduced at 63 sites 2006 was year of intensive leadership training activities 2006 Report to Shareholders and Society Financial statements p. 69 Dividend of €2.10 per share – up 13.5% Net fi nancial debt at €773 million ROCE of 16.5% Governance report P. 112 Umicore Tel + 32 2 227 71 11 VAT BE 401 574 852 EN Société Anonyme/Naamloze Vennootschap Fax + 32 2 227 79 00 Company Number 0401574852 Broekstraat 31 rue du Marais e-mail [email protected] Registered Office: Broekstraat 31 rue du Marais - B-1000 Brussels - Belgium B-1000 Brussels, Belgium www.umicore.com 2006 REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS AND SOCIETY Economic Report p. 6 Record fi nancial performance Total 2006 shareholder return of 31.6% R&D spend at 5% of revenues; total spend of €115 million Environmental Report p. 30 Progress on most of the environmental key indicators 2006 Soil remediation actions started Group safety target for 2006 not met: additional efforts required Umicore Umicore Social Report P. 46 Umicore and associates employ 17,180 people in 37 countries New social objectives are introduced at 63 sites 2006 was year of intensive leadership training activities 2006 Report to Shareholders and Society Financial statements p. 69 Dividend of €2.10 per share – up 13.5% Net fi nancial debt at €773 million ROCE of 16.5% Governance report P. 112 Umicore Tel + 32 2 227 71 11 VAT BE 401 574 852 EN Société Anonyme/Naamloze Vennootschap Fax + 32 2 227 79 00 Company Number 0401574852 Broekstraat 31 rue du Marais e-mail [email protected] Registered Office: Broekstraat 31 rue du Marais - B-1000 Brussels - Belgium B-1000 Brussels, Belgium www.umicore.com WHAT WE BELIEVE WHERE WE STAND We believe that materials have been a key element in furthering the progress of mankind, that they Since 2001 we have been progressing towards sustainable development reporting and this are at the core of today’s life and will continue to be enablers for future wealth creation. report marks the full integration of economic, environmental and social elements in one Dividends Additional information We believe that metal related materials have a vital role, as they can be effi ciently and infi nitely comprehensive document. We have decided that it is more in keeping with our sustainable development vision If the appropriation of profi t proposed to you is approved, Stock Euronext Brussels recycled, which makes them the basis for sustainable products and services. € and strategy to combine these elements in one report instead of producing a separate Annual a gross dividend of 2.10 per share will be paid for the We want Umicore to be a leader in providing and creating material based solutions which contribute Financial Tim Weekes Report and sustainable development report. We have used the Global Reporting Initiative® fi nancial year 2006 upon presentation of coupon No. 16. to improvements in the quality of life. information Phone: 32-2-227.73.98 (GRI) to guide us in determining the scope of information contained in this report. E-mail: [email protected] We are committed to the growth of our business through the competence of our people, excellence Starting 27 April 2007 in operations and technological innovation. Our guiding document in terms of formulating our approach to this report comes in the Payment of dividends on presentation of coupon No. 16 at the Social Mark Dolfyn We recognize that our commitment to fi nancial success must also take into account the broader fi rst instance from The Umicore Way. This document sets out the vision of our Group and information Phone : 32-2-227.73.22 registered offi ces and branches of the following institutions: economic, environmental and social impact of our operations. the values we seek to promote and serves as a reference point for all our employees. E-mail : [email protected] We subscribe to the following principles in our pursuit of sustainable development: Supplementary to The Umicore Way, we have also developed a comprehensive framework Fortis Bank for ethical business practice through our Code of Conduct and a document which sets out our ING Environmental Bert Swennen • We integrate sustainable development considerations within the corporate decision-making process. management philosophy and governance principles – the Corporate Governance Charter. information Phone: 32-2-227.74.45 • We implement risk management strategies based on valid data and sound science. Bank Degroof E-mail: [email protected] • We seek continual improvement of our environmental performance. Dexia Bank • We actively participate in the management and remediation of risks that are the result of historical KBC Bank Annual report This report is also available in French, Dutch operations. Petercam S.A. and German • We facilitate and encourage responsible design, use, re-use, recycling and disposal of our products. The Umicore Way Corporate Governance Charter Code of Conduct Internet This report can be downloaded from the • We engage with our stakeholders and implement effective and transparent communication and Umicore Website: www.umicore.com independently verifi ed reporting arrangements. Financial calendar Registered Umicore • We strive to be a preferred employer of both current and potential employees. offi ce Rue du Marais 31 B-1000 Brussels - Belgium • We uphold fundamental human rights and respect those rights in conducting the Group’s operations 25 April 2007 General Meeting of Shareholders Phone: 32-2-227.71.11 throughout the world. (fi nancial year 2006) Fax: 32-2-227.79.00 23 August 2007 Press release and interim results for Internet: www.umicore.com We hold the values of openness, respect, innovation, teamwork and commitment to be crucial to the fi rst half of 2007 E-mail: [email protected] its success. We promote these values and ensure that defi ciencies in living up to these values are Company Number: 0401574852 mid February 2008 Press release and results for addressed in an appropriate way. VAT No: BE 401.574.852 fi nancial year 2007 Umicore is a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development Publisher Umicore Corporate Communication End of April 2008 General Meeting of Shareholders and is a signatory of the United Nations’ Partnership Against Corruption Initiative (PACI). responsible Bart Crols Excerpt from “The Umicore Way” (fi nancial year 2007) at law Phone: 32-2-227.71.29 Umicore is part of the FTSE4Good Index, has been awarded a “best in class” rating by E-mail: [email protected] Storebrand Socially Responsible Investments and is also part of the Kempen / SNS Smaller Europe SRI Index. Production Concerto Photographs Umicore, Publication, Concerto Printing Dereume This document has been produced using Phoenix Motion paper. This paper is produced in a process which is constantly developed to reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible. The mills used to produce the paper are all certifi ed FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifi cation Schemes). WHAT WE BELIEVE WHERE WE STAND We believe that materials have been a key element in furthering the progress of mankind, that they Since 2001 we have been progressing towards sustainable development reporting and this are at the core of today’s life and will continue to be enablers for future wealth creation. report marks the full integration of economic, environmental and social elements in one Dividends Additional information We believe that metal related materials have a vital role, as they can be effi ciently and infi nitely comprehensive document. We have decided that it is more in keeping with our sustainable development vision If the appropriation of profi t proposed to you is approved, Stock Euronext Brussels recycled, which makes them the basis for sustainable products and services. € and strategy to combine these elements in one report instead of producing a separate Annual a gross dividend of 2.10 per share will be paid for the We want Umicore to be a leader in providing and creating material based solutions which contribute Financial Tim Weekes Report and sustainable development report. We have used the Global Reporting Initiative® fi nancial year 2006 upon presentation of coupon No. 16. to improvements in the quality of life. information Phone: 32-2-227.73.98 (GRI) to guide us in determining the scope of information contained in this report. E-mail: [email protected] We are committed to the growth of our business through the competence of our people, excellence Starting 27 April 2007 in operations and technological innovation. Our guiding document in terms of formulating our approach to this report comes in the Payment of dividends on presentation of coupon No. 16 at the Social Mark Dolfyn We recognize that our commitment to fi nancial success must also take into account the broader fi rst instance from The Umicore Way. This document sets out the vision of our Group and information Phone : 32-2-227.73.22 registered offi ces and branches of the following institutions: economic, environmental and social impact of our operations. the values we seek to promote and serves as a reference point for all our employees. E-mail : [email protected] We subscribe to the following principles in our pursuit of sustainable development: Supplementary to The Umicore Way, we have also developed a comprehensive framework Fortis Bank for ethical business practice through our Code of Conduct and a document which sets out our ING Environmental Bert Swennen • We integrate sustainable development considerations within the corporate decision-making process.
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