NOTICE TO READER: WImb jon nadins thU mao<lnr ptac* • le tump tax this noUrt. mail the BtcaalM. and It will be piao^ Is the bandt et our Mddlm or taikm dntinad to prnreed oter-ara* Me eraum'. Na addrtta—A. S. BURLEM>.V, P»tiiia«t«r General. Published .weekly at Cincinnati. O. Subscription, $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mail matter, June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879. mv THE DOMINANT NOTE IN THEAmCAL JOURNALISM THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 26 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 74 PER CENT READING MATTER I ‘‘The American People are with you.” —General Pershing to our soldiers. And General Pershing was right. The American People ARE “WITH” the boys over there. Their unanimity, solidarity, concurrence and agreement are wonderful. All classes have done nobly in the Fourth Liberty Loan drive, but one of them, showfolk, has been extra fine. Showfolk—and by showfolk we mean not only the actors, actresses, managers and agents, but the Chautauqua talent, the professional entertainers of all sorts, the platform speakers, and last but not least, THE SPLENDID FOUR-MINUTE MEN, who have labored valiantly in our movies and theaters side by side with the people thereof for so long now that they also belong— are 100% loyal. They have not only home the burdens of war as philosophically, accepted the draft as cheer¬ fully, paid their taxes as willingly, lent of their means to the government as eagerly and cut down on the use of food as uncomplainingly as have other classes, but they have given of their time and services so bountifully, so exuberantly and so lavishly that they have completely distanced all emulators. When the story is writ and the records of those who loved their native land made up they will find as did Abou-ben-Adhem that their name leads all the list. WANTED Colored Performers and Musicians for th» J. r Korkwell Sunny South fo.. ptople th»t mng, danrr or rao play In liand. douhle stagr and go6d PENNSYLVANIA. apt^'ialty iH’oplo. Stale all firt*! letter, Adrlreet aa Iter rout** ui Killboard to J. r. IttM'KWEIX, Manager. RED LION. Drgwlai PMlilatUa. 7,000. R K. QUIGLKY, Manager. Red Lion Upera Uuuao. Sealing capacity, l.ono WANTED TO BUY Want good ona-Dlgbt Hualctl romedy. Refirrtnlro nr Diamond I>yc Scenery auiiablr for real houaea. Want Tatilold Shows. Plm-claaa show town. Hotel art. Caliaret set and Oillege set. Must l>e In AT PRICES EASILY WITHIN THE REACH OF THE FAIR flrat-elasa eoudilion. Stale aire. lowest price and who painted tiy Address KKA.NK KINti, (luieral Dellr- FOR SALE—WAGON SHOW FOLLOWER AND STREETMAN'S TRADE One large Perform iig Elephant one Camel. 10 Wag'm, cry, Manhattan. Kansas. 30 head Draft llnrus, 10 brad Hhrtlaiid I'tuiies, rn-, so new wo have not yet had time to have illustrations made for the ad¬ Ford Tru(k. Ilamesa, ererything romplrle for small vertising. .Our general experience with Service Jewelry enables us to wag(,n show. Now on the road. Will sell cheap all assure you that these numbers are the big buy for you. rr any part of the aburo property. Address WACDV HHUW, rare Bllllxyatd. piamnind Dye. Oil or Water Colon. A-130—Persian Ivory Service 13121—Persian Ivory Sweetheart SCHCLl scenic studio. COLUMBUS. OHIO. King, in red, white and blue. Gross, and Chain, national colors. Gross, VELVET DROPS and STAGE SETTINGS $11.25. $12: AT LIBERTY Beautiful miora. any tire. Ilriiiala and easy terma 432—Persian Ivory Service Brooch, with Infantry or Artillery Insignia BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. dangling. One, two ami three stars. Brooch in red, white and blue. SOBER, RELIABLE, 245 West Ferty-lixth Strrat. - New York City. Gross, $13. Specify number of stars and branch of service. 935 Market Street. • . San Franciace. Cal. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES GUARANTEED. UNION CARPENTER Only first-class productions or hou.'ic coii- We .vhip same <lay orders arc received. Knclose small deposit to insure siderod. AH-round man. Wire or write WOMEN lUAIITEn shipment. MUSICIANS iillllltM E C. OARNOLD, B«i S17, Pirkersbsrt, West V>. STEADY ORCHESTRA WORK Slate experience, ulirther iir not union, age, Ii.weat T" Persian Ivory Is in Favor salary. Addres.** Itox 999. The Billboard, < incln- * Because It Never Tarnishes > AT LIBERTY MANAGER VAUDEVILLE HOUSE OR PICTURE ! .Streetmen who are up and doing will rccoR- THEATRE. ** niie the following assortment as the very one Two-car Show. Out all winter. Wire KIRBET'S DIX- life I -A * N*. 436—Electric Rtdium „ IKLA.ND MIXSTRKlyS. Coal Hill. Ark.. Oct. 10. 11. aaat-1 >.'i „ „ , _ „ siruwd stud. Nobody 12; Clarksnlle. Ark., Oct. 11, 15, 16. r.em ScATf Pin. Starrs at missn the shirt-front that Soeen yean’ etperlenee as Preas Agent and Manager you like Jupiter on a starry allows Orta the fellow of Hall and Tent Shows. Known personally or by Musical ..i.k, c,.„w. "'Rtt the trim look and reput at loo to puolithcra of erery dally paper In the C S as promoter of aperlal fcaturci. Ad*lrcaa General ■H ZAZIT Gross.S5 Gross. S6 Delixery. CharleroL Pennayltanla._ ne. louow—Ehorjr Peralan Irory Ring. In White or Black. This Bing U IfTMlginila Looks equally well on a Queen and a country Prnce (Q '' AX 1 IRrOT'V Barltotre Player, necount girl. KeeiM the crowd cumins. UIUM, /\1 l.-lDi:.rLl 1 closing Waller Main CU- nia. AI.BX KOWFTTr. O.t >*. Clayton, Del.. 10. Cheatertowm. Md., 11, Mlddlctcwn. Del.; then Harre WANTED—BOY OR GIRL de Grace. Md. WIRE WALKER Patriotic Novelties Take Finely Tell all In flrat letter. Must Join at once. Write or PERSIAN IVORY MAKES METAL “STRIKE ITS COLORS.” WANT LADY AND GENT TO WORK wire .VETTIK CARROLL, rare of BlUboard. New York The Call of niir Country U being met ererywhere. The sweet- heart and the folks left behind publish their patriotism and bind m * # their bleeding hearu by showing their colors in modem fashion. | | SMALL ANIMALS AND BIRDS No. 431—Amerloan Flag Serr- Will consider learner. Write or call MUSICIANS WANTED I'-e Rangle—In N'aUonal colon— Ne. 43S--Rwi • 'larinet. Bass and Snare Drums. Baritone, Tuba and the leader of the tot. Bangle Pin. Admirably PROF. PAMAHASIKA, HMdquarteri, 232MII4 N. Trombmie. Salary from $18.00 to $11.00. All wlii- shows one, two or three aura, girl who's wall iir’s wi>rk. Don’t write, but wire D.YVID .tRIZ/Ol.I, Gross, $10 FairbiU St., Philadelphia, Pa. r.andraa.atcr Superior Shows. Nashville. Tintresscr shown .... .Gross, 51210"" . 1 Semr-e Pin, 1, S or 3 stars. Means I much to father, mother, sister, brother. Gross, $9 . VIOLINIST WANTED Ala<i natmet Player; must be experienced in vaude- I I l2-j( Gold Filled Service Rings I GENERAL BUSINESS MAN md WOMAN • ille. Salary, $25 per week. Open October 12. Wire - Every soldier and tailor ii as proud of one of these mi’Hin’M ’niE.Y’TER. S-iuth Bend. Tn.l'ana aa»* Ue would be a college degree. Worn by tua family, loo. at once. Wire MUSICIANS SUBJECT TO DRAFT - \Vantc*l - Musl- No, 2796-Gross, $27. No. 2771—Dozen, $4 0^ Knickerbocker Theatre, Holland, Mkh. ians on all instrumenta. Upenliie for A-sistant Band . L«r While we gladly ship C O. D., a amall deposit will , Leader and non-commission. Can be inducted by com- hasten the shipment. nunlcating with BAND LEADER E. E. FLA.M)F3L>», "^811 Ulw' Btcegntiing flu; acute huylnr »e-»e r’ fttreetoeo. are are ISth Field ArUllery Band. Camp Funston. Kansas. keen to bare you aoe a copy of our new WANTED—Blackface S. and D. Comedian. BUYERS’ GUIDE—FREE TO YOU. -Man, Sketch Team. Medb-lne Shew. Week. I*. S—Just get thrc'HKh with a RUrk a posUI in the mail and be dad you did. that do Specialtiea. Make isltriei low. aa they are Iclne show. S F DEWEY ■ Orange Co. aure. You must Join ou wire. Tell all first letter. Vew Y'ork._ ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., '»« ALBERT H. LOTZ. Craig. Miseourl. WANTFD ONCE-One A-.No. 1 Sketch Band Leader At Liberty Team that does Singlra and Dou- I'lif and ran put on Acta; one A-N'o. 1 N<'relty Man: ' cimet In Band and Orchi-;tra. Locate or traveL ■■ must be able to work In arts, and all must change >VH1 accept engagement on Comet. Ad*lress JAS. Stop—MANAGERS, AGENTS—Stop strong for one week This la a real rauderille show, HEN'XES.SY. 4132 West Pine. St. Louis. Missouri. and you must be able to deliver. Top salaries to real - ^ tu-rfnrmera. P. 8 —Butlers. Bawley and King. Jack iA/AtdTFr^ Partner, to rajioti Store Show; for,d Wallace write. Wire or write FRED A JJTOCK. Ledurer or .Mind Reader: also Manager Gay Bllllng’a Entertainers. Tipton. Iowa. Kretka and Attra»‘tlons. Aii«w'r quick. FRANK Worden, 61S so. Main St., Rndszepnrt. Conn. WANTED-VIOLIN LEADER WANTED-FREAKS Either sex. exclusive tstnlevUle; experienced lea<ier; RECKLIESS DUO AT UNCE. for Store Boom Show. Salary or per¬ ho other; $25.00. VIKUI.VIAN ’niE.YTRE; Kenosha. The classiest gymnasts of them all centage. Wire beat terms. BTERS ft RICHARDS. Wisconsin._ and the bigeewt thrillers in the midair. 7 So. nigh St., CrlumbiM, Ohio. ’ITiit is one that you can put in any spot. WANTED—ALL-ROUND PERFORMER WANTED —B. F. CemedUn, who ren operate M. P. Sketch Team and Ijdy do single. O. DELLS 3IKU.
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