>pie st SUMMIT .f 'It, N_ Serving Summit Since 1889 VOL. 89, NO. 44 27S40B9 THURSDAY, MARCH ft, 1978 $? A Y EAR i id to-Elecf rtf feoff on Program Council Meeting lively Summit's Roifrood Station Railroad Fixup Living With an Eyesore Members Disagree Tm fniwiiiK' «i*-!'^- %h;:\*. !• l'Hov< p«tnt IHJI ill \t\H\ detail Uir * Uti**s>Vi ii t ,>ndUiiii; thr !-. is Causing Seme I in Law .mim <a;itum !?> mtw EM t oshovcU-tt ptaWortus t<-m1it»K to the trulns. tMiNketi |)a ot ^IURS ust (tw*if \ .trttl missing jtiete?. wt tailing on the hUcet 0<H»t Malu'iiM-. an )u!*t •» of (he SBIH\ hiuard* lhal liiiR in thrpattinl UK uWtfiiimuisrs Tbt- '!.s!l(n> v.tilrh bai > On Future of The an t'>t-M>rc for tiiiin\ >eaih, is deteriuiJHIIH; ra|iidl>, and there *<"itm So IH no answ Local Concerns thi* ttfm- oti lum to \i\ up Us (Tumbling ifitrnitt or tff ab (Uctlur b> !.ue> Meyer Summit area will go out in Th? nropfiHoa It- vaiiy iST» ufii '.he ?."": system will be in use by the City Minibus System I'leclriflealion o! the railroad lias caused Summit summer of l'-iisO, he s-.atu (ieriild A Hale "We are we have risudentb to raise questions "The Gladstone branch may j about noise, safety, be ready six months earlier A tftnlli-manlv argument duvm to the bottom nf ihe * ourseiiruiui Swir^*'.U r drainage, interiererice with in the off-peak hours Fur Ux>k j>iacr iumm Common barrel V\v can't r\m the disagreed, saying he »;« television and the uiiwieidlv regular customer service, Count: il rnern btT minibus when there are no considering Sunday in his height for the Morris count on July, i»6u tiig^il over she mimhub s. funds He ^KKmtti yus tht- ':gun" on v;apar!?> ^ht-n ,1 nttmbub was* operaltng at 50 «ah never intends to have A new sub-station will be fjeicent o! capacity with in** required [or Suimnii as ific we r v in u g r ee mt- tt t When contacted at UK- :i\ ailjihli* (-(julpJtiefit "1 alii hvt. diiyh :% wei'k Department of Trail old (me was planned for 3,(K.H) agiitrisl buying tnoir bu&e.i spoliation (DOT) Clifford l> C . idirect current) and th**re \sii!s ont- vote agatu^t Kills, supervising engineer the new system needs 25.000 retnandm^ Fair oakh up ^hen wtr can't operate what in design, said: "Our con AC, alternating current. plication hack (o the Board sultants maintain there Trie new Minion wilt be built (A Adjustmeni ivoiiUi in- tio effect Gn on the ssnw In! as the old ( fui nr i Irnen A if red K television or radio. As to the near Passaic avenue, bui Schretter and Dr Murra> Other Action other questions, we are nearer the tracks looking into these areas and "The new station will be resoKitio?i rejecling a bid for In olher action Tuesday WTtisemenl of bids lor ihe purchase of a minibus will cover them in our further east and more away 1 rrtghr Common Cuunctl snmibus jKirt* arid v^eiding Environmental Assessment from Passaic avenue This *Thi t. rt^olu t ton t s morf • Amended ihe license services Report This is similar to an supply station, including the imjxjrtant LKan it seems, fees ordinance • Aulhumfd nd Environmental Impact fenced-in area, will be 620 by Schretier saui "It means « iiranU*d laxi driver v«-rlisenn*nt ul the sale of Statement but doesn't have 95 feel. It will contain we \A iti have a two-bus licenses, ihe maxibus sybtem I am opposed to*il » Authurued a sick leave the federal red tape." transformers, and circuit MAKESHIFT IIKI'UKS—A settion ol mioMiig lallinR is "repaired" l>> l>ln|( .> |>ir<<- of • (granted rallies licenses us it will slowly strangle the of ateencv ^ Hhoul pay to The assessment report breakers in a masonry lope between two pu**ts. The missing piece of raiting presents a severe safrtx Itanird to the Lincoln school ['To minibus service Funds u> VVoodrow Horn will be available at a public- control house which will be, espectalh lur MH.UI ihUurrn, of r%en aduHs who could ^asih trip and pliingi' *l«w» ii flight lor May 13 and to Temple hearing in June, he said roughly, 50 by 50 feet run tlie niiniijus are whist • Authorized tht' execui ?on «f -.tails ( Ml photo-, b> Judy Krlch Krrrdmau) council uses first when it Sinai 'or June 17 Design lor the re Landscaping will be planned • Authori7;eii a contract ol a deed in relationship to;) and will be worked out with needs money, but fundb, land gill from Beech Spring electrification is about 75 w hen a v a liable a re not extension in relationship lo percent completed, ac- the city engineer," he ex ihe Balish lot, Associates, plained transferred back to she ft Authorized tht' exreuhon cording to the engineer minibus ' • Granled a luneheonelte "The contract for the license to the Magic of a contract with the Youth He thought ('omiiiJoii Fountain, (."enter, anil CwcicU shuuM buv ® thirti • Authorised Ihe nrjecifcun bus snd ecniin'ue with the of bidi for minibus and agreetneni in relationship to neighbors Fear full service relocation assistance m ihe Opposed was Councilman welding services. Club's Expansion • Authorized the read amount of $3,wo by Lucy Meyer high and would be mounted, About a dozen residents not like floodlights but level Tenants Complain of Rent appeared at the Zoning with the ground, he ex Board of Adjustment plained meeting Monday night to The light stanchions About a dozen residents complex were looking for rent had started at $225 lour hear Beacon Hill Club's would be at a steep angle appeared belore Common cheaper places out-of-town years ago, was no« $325 a experts testify about from the homes on Hobart Council Tuesday night to "I have been in Summit month and would go up to lighting for a planned ice and Londonderry Way and complain about alleged rent (or 23 years, but a! $100 a $395 in May when her lease rink-tennls court facility almost invisible, John E gouging at 412 Morris month 1 cant stay here, he ended The proposed expansion is Tweart, an electrical avenue said Other tenants com estimated at $500,000. engineer representing Louis Feiertag. a tenant. plained of "unreasonable Council President WatMHi Neighbors of the club fear Sterner Lighting Supplies, said he was not in favor of increases ' B Smith said Ihe Council the beams from the 30-ioot in Minnesota, stated rerH control but rent Charles Leuthardt pointed was waiting (or the Hent high stanchions will invade "A thousand watt lamp leveling He objected to out that leases used to be for Commission to give them all their property, but the would be enclosed In a box jumps of S170 a month in two or three years but were the facts "Then \vi» will engineers said it was not with a flat optical lens," he rent for apartments in the now for one year only This consider their recom- possible said "There would be two complex "Perhaps the allowed the landlord to raise mendations One suggestion "'|he lights will be nothing units per pole, 2,000 watts Council could talk to ihe the rents oftener has been made that land- likeihat required for indoor for both, facing in the same landlord and get him to roll After the meeting one lords be required to notify coijts," said George Kirgis. direction The fixture is hack the rents" He said senior citizen who didn'i the Kent Commission (it) a licensed planner for static, set, and can never be some residents in (he vi iinl her name used said tier days ahead of an increase " Stffch Engineers, Florham readjusted by the user I'irk The new facility Comparing the intensity of a wjuld have eight light street light with the stnehions on the long sides proposed light, the street (| the rink, four on each light would be 10 to 15 times Ktngsford Heads School Board fie, approximately 30 feet (Car>llmj«d on P»8« 21 Wilmer Kingsford, who colleges. He is on the board citing her "intimate has referred to education as of trustees of Drew knowledge of school his vocation and his University and is a trustee workings" and her "altitude I Three Will Receive avocation, was elected of the Summit Area Public of understanding, open president of the Board of Foundation The new board concern and good humor '' Education at its annual president serves also as a Noting that in education Chamber Recognition organization meeting March director and vice president "quality is not something I'USH WITH CAUE~~/\ cracked window pane on one of the doors presents ,t safrl\ luu.ird 1. of the New York Association that can be turned on and off A special highlight of the 39th annual dinner of the for those who wish to enter the station, lienis O'Dell of William street, uln^cr i> opens lln for the Blind as a valve and certainly not door less the glass break providing him with a cut hand. Kingsford is president- • Chamber of Commerce of Summit, New Providence and executive director of Global Kingsford was named to at the board level," Kinj^ ! Berkeley Heights tomorrow night will be Ihe induction of Development Studies ford urged the staff to three new honorary members into the Chamber, ac- the Board of Education in Institute, a nonprofit 1975.
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