SOVEREIGNTY A Political Journal / Issue no. 12 / February 2020 Special poll: Published by The Sovereignty Movement founded by Women in Green A decisive majority of the Right is in favor of Sovereignty, even as a unilateral step A Time for Sovereignty Before the window of opportunity closes! Sovereignty over the Lovers of the Land This issue is in memory Jordan Valley: Closer of Israel bid farewell of historian than ever - David to Geula Cohen and and lover of Israel, Elhayani, Uzi Dayan, promise to continue in Prof. Robert Wolfe obm Sharren Haskel / p.7 her path / p.22 / p.23 2 / SOVEREIGNTY / Political Journal Table of Contents: A Word from the Editor Elyakim Haetzni, esq. in a resolute interview against the 14 Trump deal: This is a time bomb wrapped in a wrapping of 3 A new poll reveals: A decisive majority of the Right sovereignty. demands sovereignty, even without international agreement. Former Deputy Chief of Mission in the Israeli Embassy in 15 Washington D.C., Yoram Ettinger, cautions regarding the What is the Trump program, Oslo 3 or a sovereignty political and security implications of the Trump program. 4 program? Minister Smotrich is convinced that the answer depends on us. Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, Shlomo Neeman is aware of the dangers posed by the Trump program, but Former Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked, is not disregarding 16 at the same time, enumerates its advantages as a staged the dangers of the Trump program, but considers it an Israeli program on the path to sovereignty. 6 opportunity to begin the sovereignty process. What will change when we apply sovereignty? For three years now, MK Haskel has been attempting 17 Journalist Yehuda Yifrah answers. to promote sovereignty over the Jordan Valley. The recalcitrance of the opposition and the foot-dragging of Who are the real natives of this land? An article by Dr. Nan 7 the coalition prevented it. This time, she is convinced, it is 18 Marie Greer GLϑHUHQW Dr. Dore Gold considers the Pompeo declaration an The head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council David 19 unprecedented dramatic event. In an interview, he explains Elhayani LGHQWL¿HVDQHZVSLULWLQWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDODUHQD why. 8 and in Israeli society, and is convinced: The Jordanians, too, want Israeli sovereignty in the Jordan Valley. While Israel is taking one step forward and two steps back in the sovereignty process, Arab factions are exploiting the General (res.) Uzi Dayan explains why the Jordan Valley 20 OHJDOUHDOLW\WR¿OHDVHULHVRIUHDOHVWDWHODZVXLWVWKDWDUH is crucial for Israeli security, but does not forget when and being adjudicated at present. 9 where it all began. Pinchas Wallerstein: The public must wake up and Regarding the security aspect of sovereignty in the Jordan 21 prevent Gantz from forming the next government. 10 Valley, Colonel (res.) Ronen Itzik, one of the senior members of the Protectors of Israel Movement We bid farewell to the priestess of the love of the Land, one of the leaders of the Sovereignty Movement, the late Will Jordan place obstacles to application of sovereignty in 22 Geula Cohen obm. 11 the Jordan Valley? Professor Inbar is convinced that it will not. Outside the spotlight, the late Professor Robert Wolfe 23 obm FODUL¿HV WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ SROLF\ RI WKH 6RYHUHLJQW\ MK Yoaz Hendel is not impressed with the Prime Movement. A farewell column. Minister’s sovereignty campaign, characterizes it a spin, 12 and determines: Only actions like the promises of Benny Sovereignty Youth continues to initiate and lead; this Gantz will lead to actual sovereignty. time: The Sovereignty Shabbat, the beginning of a new 24 tradition. Chairman of the Jewish National Fund, Labor Party member Danny Atar unequivocally states: Rabin supported Sovereignty Membership Initiative 13 sovereignty in the Jordan Valley. 28 ĚŝƚŽƌƐ͛ŶŽƚĞ͗dŚĞƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƐďƌŽƵŐŚƚŝŶƚŚĞũŽƵƌŶĂů͕ŝŶŝŶƚĞƌǀŝĞǁƐĂŶĚĂƌƟĐůĞƐ͕ĚŽŶŽƚŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌŝůLJƌĞƉƌĞƐĞŶƚƚŚĞƉŽƐŝƟŽŶŽĨƚŚĞĞĚŝƚŽƌŝĂůƐƚĂī͘ dŚĞ^ŽǀĞƌĞŝŐŶƚLJƉůĂƞŽƌŵŝƐĂƉůĂƞŽƌŵĨŽƌƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĂƟŽŶŽĨǀĂƌŝŽƵƐ͕ƐŽŵĞƟŵĞƐĞǀĞŶĐŽŶƚƌĂĚŝĐƚŽƌLJ͕ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶƐ͘ Sovereignty Movement - Advisory Board SOVEREIGNTY / Political Journal hƌŝĂŶŬͬZƵƚŚŝĞĞŶ,ĂLJŝŵͬ^ŚŝŵŽŶŽŚĞŶͬzŽƐƐŝĂŐĂŶ Published by the Sovereignty Movement founded by Women in Green ͬzĞŚƵĚŝƚ<ĂƚƐŽǀĞƌͬZƵƚŚŝĞ>ŝĞďĞƌŵĂŶͬZĞŶĞĞDĂƌŐŽůŝƐͬ24 Editor-in-chief & interviews: Shimon Cohen Nadia Matar / Sam Salomon / Meryl Salomon / Shosh Shilo ͬƌ͘ǀŝLJĂ^ŚŽŚĂŵͬ>ŝŽƌ^ŚƵƌŬĂͬǀƌĂŚĂŵ^ŚǀƵƚ Chairman: Dudu Saada Editorial Board: Yehudit Katsover, Nadia Matar ͬƩLJ͘<ĂƌĞŶ^ƚĂŚůͲŽŶ Vice President: Dudi Finkler dƌĂŶƐůĂƟŽŶĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŽƌŝŐŝŶĂů,ĞďƌĞǁ͗ Sales Manager: Yossi Alkaslasi The Sovereignty Forum Graphic Design: Studio Besheva Sally Zahav, Josh Schreier, Ruchie Avital, Moshe Devere <ĞŶďƌĂŵŽǀŝƚnjͬƌĂŶĂƌdĂůͬ/ƚĂLJůŝƚƐƵƌͬ,ĞůĞŶ Studio manager: Sguli Kirshenbaum Responses: [email protected] Fax: 02-9309148 Cellphone: 050-5500834 &ƌĞĞĚŵĂŶͬŵď͘zŽƌĂŵƫŶŐĞƌͬĂƌŽůŝŶĞ'ůŝĐŬ Editorial manager: Naama Ben Hayim ͬƩLJůLJĂŬŝŵ,ĂĞƚnjŶŝͬƌ͘DŽƫ<ĞĚĂƌͬZĂďĂŶŝƚ^ŚƵůĂŵŝƚ The Sovereignty Movement founded by Women in Green, POB 7352, Jerusalem WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶDĂŶĂŐĞƌ͗^Śŝŵƌŝƚ^ĂŵĞĂĐŚ Melamed / Gen. Moshe Peled Publisher: Besheva Israel, 91072, www.ribonut.co.il Political Journal / SOVEREIGNTY / 3 A Word from the Editors This issue of the Sovereignty Journal that ing the Land of Israel. We apply sovereign- rity warning are intertwined and become you are reading is being published in the tu- ty over the Land of Israel, we build and de- one. multuous days between the Trump program velop the Land of Israel, and in it we realize In the pages of this issue, you will read and an additional round of elections. the Zionist vision and the longings of the of the internal debate among the Right re- It seems that the Trump plan has man- Jewish people throughout its years in exile. garding the approach to the Trump plan, aged to sow perplexity and confusion in the The very existence of Israeli agreement to about the historic and security value of the Israeli Right. This is because it has com- the idea of establishment of a foreign state Jordan Valley, about the increased activity bined the blessed discourse regarding sov- on the inheritance of our forefathers would of the members of Sovereignty Youth who ereignty over the Jordan Valley and Judea constitute a fatal blow to the Zionist idea gather from throughout the land under one and Samaria with the tragic discourse that and its virtue as the expression of our his- ideological roof, and about the understand- views as its objective the establishment of toric right to the Land of Israel. We will not ing of the Zionist mission of this genera- a foreign state in our heartland. agree to this under any circumstances. The tion: the mission of sovereignty. Jewish people have not returned to its land Nevertheless, we must not be mistaken We contacted Likud ministers and re- in order to treat it like merchandise. or confused. We must categorically reject quested to interview them about the Trump an Israeli declaration that recognizes the All this, not to mention the expected ex- plan, but, based on the Likud campaign falsehood of the national rights of anoth- istential danger that will face the State of GLVFLSOLQHWKH\GHFLGHGWRZDLYHWKHRϑHU er people in the Land of Israel. We must Israel with the establishment of a terrorist However, between the pages of this issue battle against the very possibility that any state on the mountain ridges overlooking \RXZLOO¿QGWKHSRVLWLRQVRIRWKHU/LNXGRI- leader of the Right, certainly the Prime Min- Greater Tel Aviv, Ben-Gurion Airport, Jeru- ¿FLDOV ister, would consider a program that would salem and more. Likewise, we invite you, in the pages of culminate in the establishment of an Arab The Israeli leadership must not be duped this journal as well, to join the “Members country in the heart of our Biblical home- by the discourse of a demilitarized Arab for Sovereignty” initiative, which grants ev- land. state, or reliance on the consistent Arab er-widening public clout for the information The dependence of some of us on Arab obstinacy. Demilitarization is not realistic, activity of our movement vis-à-vis leaders recalcitrance as the factor that will lead the especially considering the blatant objective and decision-makers in the political arena. program to self-implode is a dependence of the Arab enemy: the liquidation of the on haggling and the thinking of real-estate State of Israel and the establishment of an merchants; however, we don’t make deals Arab state upon its ruins. The statement of Meaningful and pleasant reading, and exchanges or conduct business regard- principles, the Zionist vision and the secu- The Sovereignty Editorial Staff A Decisive Majority of the Right: Sovereignty, Even as a Unilateral Step A special poll, commissioned by under total Israeli control. 2. Netanyahu announced that after the elections 3. If the State of Israel applies sovereignty in the Sovereignty Movement, reveals he will apply sovereignty over the Jordan Valley part of Judea and Samaria, what is your position the positions of right-wing voters The poll also examined the position and the settlements. The Trump Administration regarding establishment of a Palestinian state in regarding sovereignty and the future of the respondents regarding will, apparently, support Netanyahu’s decision – the remaining territory? of Judea and Samaria and the Jordan establishment of a Palestinian state in the framework of the “Deal of the Century” Valley. The survey found that a vast over Areas A and B. 74% would that Trump initiated. Will you support or oppose majority of right-wing voters in Israel oppose that step. Only
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