VOL. XXIII PHILLIPS, MAINE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1900. ÑtuT SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES H O TELS AND CAMPS) Announcement.===Season of 1900. -.-gaiu.,.......... ■ .— ^ Don’t Shoot! until you are sure whether it’s a man—or a deer. A L W A Y S SHOOT a ilM lit iO D m arked 11. M. C, U, M. C. Primers are Sure. repeat. They don’t jam. catch, or fail to extract. In a U. M. C. Soft Point word, they are the only reliable repeaters., Winchester rifles are made in all desirable calibers, weights, and Bullets Always styles ; and are plain, partially or elaborately ornamented, Mushroom. suiting every purpose, every pocketbook, and every taste. ^Winchester .Ammunition is made for all kinds' of shooting in all kinds of guns. Union Metallic Cartridge Co. r p c r r Send Name and Address on a Postal 1 for our 164-Page Illustrated Catalogue. Agency^ 313 Broadway N .Y - Fa.ctory-Bridgeport,Ct WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE— I 9 OO. HOTELS AND CAMPSjHOTELS AND CAMPS Since the close of the season of 1899 fifty new rooms, en suite with bath New York Cit y . At W ils o n ’s Mil l s , M e . Aziscohos House. $L50 day. $7 to $10 week. have been added to the hotel. Additions have also been made to the mail.; Ashland House Licensed guides furnisheci. F red F l in t , Pr’r. For HEALTH, REST, or PLEASURE, Corner 4th Avenue and ‘24th street. Ameri­ V ia B in g h a m . dining room and kitchen making them more than twice their former siz*: Carry Pond Camps, THE RANGELEY LAKES are unsurpassed. can and European plans. 13$ miles above Bingham, terminus of Som­ erset R. R., are the Carry Pond Camps, which Write for a copy of the descriptive book, “The Rumford Great improvements have been made in the G o lf links, Groves and HoteX will be opened May 1st., 1900. Those seeking Rooms, per day, ^1.00 and upwards. Falls Line and the Rangeley Lakes Resorts,” issued by the a fishing trip can have tneir sport at this re­ grounds. W rite for descriptive circular relative to the Hotel, the Rangele1? sort. Twelve thousand trout caught in season Portland & Rumford Falls Railway. On Ra n g e le y La k e . of 1899, not including a large number that were returned to the water. New cabins were It contains half-tone cuts of every hotel and public camp on Mingo Spring Camps. Spring Water and Rangeley as a hay fever resort to built last season. New boats and other im­ the Rangeley Lakes, and is sent free to any address. Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake provements will he made in the early spring. Best of salmon and trout fishing; cosy cot­ Backboard road only 3$ miles. Semi for cir- The Rumford Falls line is the only all rail, ST A N D A R D JOHN B. MARBLE, tages: open tires; the famous Mingo Spring ittlar. H e n r y ,J. L a n k , Prop., Bingham. Me. G A U G E route direct to the heart o f the Rangeleys— and is water; pine and balsam groves. Everything j * j * for the comfort and convenience of Sportsmen On P h il l ip s & Ra n g e l e y r . r . the only line running Through Cars from Portland to the T Rangeley Lake House, Rangeley, Maine, and summer hoarders. Send for circular. Redington House, Chas. K. Be l c h e r . Rangeley, Me. Lakes. Excursion Tickets on sale during the season for all ♦ One minute's walk from station on P. & R Ra n g eley Lak es. R. R- The best of pond and stream fishing in Rangeley Lakes Points. Steamer connections at Bemis for J Camp Bemis and Birches close proximity to house. Deer, fox, wood­ all parts of the Lakes. ♦ BemLs, terminus of Rumford Falls & Range- cock or partridge shooting unexcelled any­ E E ley Lakes R. R. Two trains daily. Steamers where. Address Buy your tickets via the Rumford Falls Line. 4 J » J* THE CREATEST INLAND j * * connect to all points on the lakes. Birches M r s. W. H. Ha r r is o n , Prop’r, Write for one of our pocket maps of the Rangeley Lakes. + 3 is six miles distant on Student's Island. Cosy Redington, Maine. log cabins, open tires at both places afford PORTLAND & RUMFORD FALLS RAILWAY, J t E comfortable homes for the summer for ladies At Ja c k m a n . and gentlemen. Excellent fishing close'at Heald Pond Camps, Jackman, Maine, Fred ! £ R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Me. ^ 3 Summer * Resorts 3 hand. Send for circular. Henderson, Proprietor. Fine lake find brook I Ca p t . F. ('. B a r k er , Prop’r, Bends, Me. fishing, not only in the spring but every day E AND RETREATS FOR FISHERMEN Via Ra n g e le y or Be m is . during the entire season. “All the'trout you ! want to catch.” Comfortable, separate IN MAINE ARE T H E ..................... Mountain View' House. 3 cabins with good spring beds. Excellent j HOTELS AND CAMPS. HOTELS AND CAMPS. table and beautiful location, 2700 feet above. I I the sea. Large and small game in abundance. Eustis M e. Send for circular. On M oohelookmeguntic L a k e . Tim Pond Camps. RANGELEY LAKES I Mooselookmeguntic House, In the Dead River region. Trout rise to the Milo , Me ., V. <>. fly . very day in the season. Game Plenty, I - » A n d - » E Nollesemic House, on Mpllesemio lake, 5 miles I situated in the heart of the best fishing li>00 feet.above the sea level. Send for circu- ! district of the Rango'ey lakes. The hotel is 1 ir. Ju l ia n K, V ilk s , Eustis. Me, 3 from the railroad at Millinoket. Reached by I 2.000 feet above sea level and bay fever is canoe or buckboard. One of the best regions ' guaranteed to be absolutely unknown, D E A D RIVER REGIONS. V ia Ra n g e l e y . I E in the state lor hunting. Pickerel and perch i Address, from November until May, Tiieo j L. P a g e , Proprietor Senate Cafe, Washington, York’s Camps at Loon Lake, within live miles 3 ^ — R E A C H E D at the door, while the trout can’t be beaten. D. C. After May 1, Haines’ Landing, Me. of Rangeley village. There are ten ponds Camps newly furnished. Pure spring water. within two miles. Partridges, deer and Via. SANDY RIVER, PHILLIPS & RANGELEY, W.M. L. Hobbs, Prop’r., Milo, Me. V ia Carrabassett . moose in abuiAlanee. Hunting unexcelled. 1 i Mt. Bigelow House FRANKLIN & MECANTIC RAILROADS. 1 M oose:h e a d L a k e . In the Dead River valley, seven miles from Camps neat and each party has a camp by E £ Mount Kineo House. Carrabassett station on the F. A M. railroad. itself. Ttiose planning a hunting trip | A delightful resort for hunters, fishermen can find ho better place than York’s Camps. 3 Send your address and receive a copy of ■ and those who want to spend the summer in Here is situated a hotel of rare attractive­ For particulars, address Parlor Car service direct from Boston to Farmington and return. ness in beautiful location for summer board­ ■Picturesque Kin'eo,” which contains a full 1 the green fields. Parties met at Carrabassett E i I if desired. Good teams always in readiness R. S. Y o r k , Prop’r, ers and at the same time in close proximity description of this famous resort. to the best places for fishing on Rangeley to let. L. W. P arso ns Ss Co .. Prop’rs., Rangeley, Maine. 3 Write for new 1900 booklet of information, with lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty C. A. JUDKINS, Manager, Dead River, Me. map, t o ................ of deer, partridge and woodcock near the Kineo, Maine. hotel. The cuisine here is such as to hold Via Ra n g e l e y . Write to the F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCFER POPE, Redington, Me. patrons year after year, the rooms are what Dead River House on the line of P. & R. R. R. ' Kennebago,Lake House, on the shore of Ken- people from the cities like, large, well lighted Good stream fishing near house. Deer and Supt. S. R. R. R. Ger». Man’ g ’ r. P. & R. R. R. I j nebago lake. The best fly fishing in the Maine Woods and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, partridge shooting. Registered guides fur­ Ci. M .VOSE, Kingfield, Me., Supt. F. & fl. Ry. fish and game at appropriate times in the nished. For terms address country every day in the year. High altitude. year and the table is always supplied with Gt'sx Jo h n so n , No hay lever. Pure water. Game in abun- Information i excellent fresh milk and cream. Pure water Box 103. Rangeley, Me. ! dance. Ric h a r d so n Bros., Proprietors. runs to the house from a spring above. This is a particularly good place for safe and pleasant boating and the drives and walks Via EcsTrs, At Ra n g e l e y La k e s . Bureau, are unsurpassed. Croquet.and lawn tennis Bald Mountain Camps. grounds adjoin the house.
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