Please log in using the reference that corresponds to your club. If your club does not appear on the list below please use the reference RFLCOMMUNITYCLUB, you will then need to email [email protected] with the name of your club so that it can be added to your application. Cumbria Club Region Log In Reference Arlecdon ARLFC Cumbria CARLECDON Askam ARLFC Cumbria CASKAM Aspatria Hornets Cumbria CASPATRIA Barrow Island Cumbria CBARROWISLAND Barrow Referees Society Cumbria CBARROWREF Barrow RLFC Cumbria CBARROW Broughton Red Rose Cumbria CBROUGHTON Carlisle Gladiators Cumbria CCARLISLE Cockermouth Titans Cumbria CCOCKERMOUTH Cumbria Referee Society Cumbria CCUMBRIAREF Cumbria Storm Cumbria CCUMBRIASTORM Dalton ARLFC Cumbria CDALTON Distington Cumbria CDISTINGTON East Cumbria Crusaders Cumbria CEASTCUMBRIA Egremont Rangers Cumbria CEGREMONT Ellenborough Rangers Cumbria CELLENBOROUGH Flimby ARLFC Cumbria CFLIMBY Frizington ARLFC Cumbria CFRIZINGTON Glasson Rangers Cumbria CGLASSON Great Clifton ARLFC Cumbria CGREATCLIFTON Hawcoat Storm Cumbria CHAWCOAT Hensingham ARLFC Cumbria CHENSINGHAM Hindpool ARLFC Cumbria CHINDPOOL Kells ARLFC Cumbria CKELLS Lowca Cumbria CLOWCA Marsh Hornets Cumbria CMARSHHORNETS Maryport ARLFC Cumbria CMARYPORT Millom ARLFC Cumbria CMILLOM Penrith Pumas Cumbria CPENRITH Roose Pioneers Cumbria CROOSE Salterbeck Storm Cumbria CSALTERBECK Seaton Rangers Cumbria CSEATON Ulverston ARLFC Cumbria CULVERSTON Walney Central ARLFC Cumbria CWALNEY Wath Brow Hornets Cumbria CWATHBROW West cumbria Wildcats Cumbria CWESTCUMBRIA Whitehaven RLFC Cumbria CWHITEHAVEN Workington Town Cumbria CWORKINGTON Humberside/East Yorkshire Club Region Log In Reference Beverley Braves Hull HBEVERLEY Bilton Sullies Hull HBILTON Bransholme Dales Hull HBRANSHOLME Cottingham Tigers Hull HCOTTINGHAM East Hull Hull HEASTHULL Embassy Eagles Hull HEMBASSY Fenners ARLFC Hull HFENNERS G W Horners Hull HHORNERS Holderness Vikings Hull HHOLDERNESS Hull Wyke Hull HWYKE Hull All Blacks Hull HALLBLACKS Hull Dockers Hull HDOCKERS Hull FC Hull HHULLFC Hull FC Community Foundation Hull HHULLFCFOUNDATION Hull Ionians Hull HIONIANS Hull Isberg Hull HISBERG Hull Kingston Rovers Hull HHULLKR Hull KR Trust Hull HHULLKRTRUST Hull RLRS Hull HHULLREF Hull Service Area Hull HHULLSERVICE Hull Victoria Hull HVICTORIA Immingham Wasps Hull HIMMINGHAM Lambwath Lions Hull HLAMBWATH Myton Warriors Hull HMYTON Norland ALRFC Hull HNORLAND Orchard Park & Greenwood Hull HORCHARDPARK Parkers ARLFC Hull HPARKERS Reckitts ARLFC Hull HRECKITTS Scarborough Pirates Hull HSCARBOROUGH Sidney Sussex Sharks Hull HSIDNEY Skirlaugh Hull HSKIRLAUGH West Hull Hull HWESTHULL Yorkshire Coast Titans ARLFC Hull HYORKSHIRECOAST London & South Club Region Log In Reference Barking & Dagenham Bulldogs London & South SBARKING Beckenham Bears London & South SBECKENHAM Bedford Tigers London & South SBEDFORD Bovingdon Bulldogs London & South SBOVINGDON Brentwood Eels London & South SEELS Brentwood Elvers RLFC London & South SBRENTWOOD Bristol Sonics London & South SBRISTOL Brixton Bulls London & South SBRIXTON Cambridge Lions London & South SCAMBRIDGE Charlton Gunners London & South SCHARLTON Cheltenham Old Patesians London & South SCHELTENHAM Cornish Rebels London & South SCORNISH Coxford Tigers London & South SCOXFORD Croydon Hurricanes London & South SCROYDON Devon Sharks London & South SDEVON East Devon Eagles London & South SEASTDEVON Eastbourne Exiles London & South SEASTBOURNE Eastern Rhinos London & South SEASTERN Elmbridge ARLFC London & South SELMBRIDGE Esher Exiles London & South SEXILES Esher Lions London & South SESHER Exeter Centurions London & South SEXETER Fleet Mustangs London & South SMUSTANGS Fulham Foxes London & South SFULHAM Gloucestershire Warriors London & South SWARRIORS Guildford Giants London & South SGUILDFORD Hammersmith Hill Hoists London & South SHAMMERSMITH Havant London & South SHAVANT Hayes & Ealing Vikings London & South SHAYES Hemel Stags London & South SHEMEL Invicta Panthers London & South SINVICTA Kings Lynn Black Knights London & South SKINGSLYNN London & South RLRS London & South SLONDONREF London Broncos London & South SBRONCOS London Broncos Foundation London & South SBRONCOSFOUNDATION London Skolars London & South SSKOLARS Medway Dragons London & South SMEDWAY Milton Keynes Wolves London & South SMILTONKEYNES Newham Dockers ARLFC London & South SNEWHAM North Devon Raiders London & South SNORTHDEVON North Herts Crusaders London & South SNORTHHERTS Norwich City Saxons London & South SNORWICH Oxford Cavaliers London & South SCAVALIERS Plymouth Titans London & South SPLYMOUTH Richmond Warriors London & South SRICHMOND Rutlish Raiders London & South SRUTLISH Somerset Vikings London & South SSOMERSET South West London Chargers London & South SCHARGERS Southampton Spitfires London & South SSOUTHAMPTON Southend Spartans London & South SSOUTHEND Southern RLRS London & South SSOUTHREF St Albans Centruions London & South SSTALBANS St Ives Roosters London & South SSTIVES Staines Titans London & South SSTAINES Surrey Sharks London & South SSURREY Sussex Merlins London & South SSUSSEX Swindon St George London & South SSWINDON Touch Rugby Kent London & South STRKENT Utd Services Portsmouth Seahawks London & South SSEAHAWKS University of Gloucestershire All GoldsLondon & South SALLGOLDS Weald Warriors London & South SWEALD West Craven Warriors London & South SWESTCRAVEN West Kent Warriors London & South SWESTKENT Winchester RL London & South SWINCHESTER Wymondham Trojans London & South SWYMONDHAM Midlands Club Region Log In Reference Birmingham Bulldogs Midlands MBIRMINGHAM Boston Buccaneers Midlands MBOSTON Buxton ARLFC Midlands MBUXTON Coventry Bears Midlands MBEARS Coventry Dragons Midlands MDRAGONS Coventry Warriors Midlands MWARRIORS Derby City Midlands MDERBY Leamington Royals Midlands MLEAMINGTON Leicester Storm Midlands MLEICESTER Midlands Regional Academy Midlands MMIDLANDS New Ravens Midlands MRAVENS North Derbyshire Chargers Midlands MCHARGERS North East Worcestershire Ravens Midlands MWORCESTERSHIRE Northampton Demons Midlands MNORTHAMPTON Nottingham Outlaws Midlands MOUTLAWS Sherwood Wolf Hunt Midlands MSHERWOOD Telford Raiders Midlands MTELFORD Wolverhampton Wasps Midlands MWASPS North East Club Region Log In Reference Consett Steelers North East NECONSETT Cramlington Rockets North East NECRAMLINGTON Darlington ARLFC North East NEDARLINGTON Durham Demons North East NEDEMONS Durham Tigers North East NETIGERS Gateshead Storm North East NESTORM Gateshead Thunder North East NEGATESHEAD Hartlepool West View Warriors North East NEHARTLEPOOL Jarrow Vikings North East NEJARROW Miners RL North East NEMINERS North East RL North East NENORTHEASTRL Peterlee Pumas North East NEPETERLEE Sunderland Scorpions North East NESUNDERLAND Wallsend Eagles North East NEWALLSEND Whitley Bay Barbarians North East NEBARBARIANS Winlaton Warriors North East NEWINLATON North West Club Region Log In Reference Accrington Panthers North West NWPANTHERS Accrington Wildcats North West NWWILDCATS Albert Park North West NWALBERT Ashton Bears North West NWASHTON Atherton Dragons North West NWATHERTON Bamber Bridge North West NWBAMBER Bank Quay Bulls North West NWBANKQUAY Blackbrook North West NWBLACKBROOK Blackpool Referees Society North West NWBLACKPOOLREF Blackpool Scorpions North West NWSCORPIONS Blackpool Sea Eagles North West NWSEAEAGLES Blackpool Stanley North West NWSTANLEY Bold Miners North West NWBOLDMINERS Bolton Mets ARLFC North West NWBOLTON Burnley & Pendle North West NWBURNLEY Burtonwood Bridge North West NWBRIDGE Burtonwood Bulldogs North West NWBURTONWOOD Bury Broncos North West NWBURYBRONCOS Bury Jigsaw North West NWJIGSAW Cadishead Rhinos North West NWCADISHEAD Carr Mill Bears North West NWCARRMILL Chester Gladiators North West NWCHESTER Chorley Panthers North West NWCHORLEY Clayton North West NWCLAYTON Clock Face Community ARLFC North West NWCLOCKFACE Crosfields ARLFC North West NWCROSFIELDS Culcheth Eagles North West NWCULCHETH East Manchester Rangers North West NWEASTMANCHESTER Eccles ARLFC North West NWECCLES Eccleston Lions ARLFC North West NWECCLESTON Eccleston Vikings North West NWECCLESTONVIKINGS Fitton & Hathershaw North West NWFITTON Folly Lane North West NWFOLLY Garswood Stags North West NWGARSWOOD Golborne Parkside North West NWGOLBORNE Halton Farnworth Hornets North West NWHALTON Halton Simms Cross North West NWHALTONSIMMS Haresfinch ARLFC North West NWHARESFINCH Haydock ARLFC North West NWHAYDOCK Heysham Atoms North West NWHEYSHAM Higginshaw ARLFC North West NWHIGGINSHAW Hindley ARLFC North West NWHINDLEY Hollinwood ARLFC North West NWHOLLINWOOD Ince Rose Bridge North West NWINCE Irlam Hornets North West NWIRLAM Kirkby Cougars North West NWKIRKBY Langworthy Reds North West NWLANGWORTHY Lanmore College North West NWLANMORE Latchford Albion North West NWLATCHFORD Leigh Centurions North West NWCENTURIONS Leigh East North West NWLEIGHEAST Leigh Miners North West NWLEIGHMINERS Leigh Referee Society North West NWLEIGHREF Leyland Warriors North West NWLEYLAND Limehurst Lions ARLFC North West NWLIMEHURST Little Hulton Reds North West NWLITTLEHULTON Littleborough ARLFC North West NWLITTLEBOROUGH Liverpool City RL North West NWLIVERPOOLCITY Liverpool Lions North West NWLIVERPOOLLIONS Liverpool Storm North West NWLIVERPOOLSTORM Manchester Canalsiders North West NWCANALSIDERS Manchester RLRS North West NWMANCHESTERREF Manchester Storm North West NWMANCHESTERSTORM Mancunians RL North West NWMANCUNIANS Mersey Storm Wheelchair North West NWMERSEYSTORM New Springs
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