Duquesne Law Review Volume 49 Number 2 Constitutional Litigaton: Procedural Protections of Constitutionalism in the Article 6 Americas ... and Beyond 2011 The Amparo Proceedings in Venezuela: Constitutional Litigation and Procedural Protection of Constitutional Rights and Guarantees Allan R. Brewer-Carias Follow this and additional works at: https://dsc.duq.edu/dlr Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation Allan R. Brewer-Carias, The Amparo Proceedings in Venezuela: Constitutional Litigation and Procedural Protection of Constitutional Rights and Guarantees, 49 Duq. L. Rev. 161 (2011). Available at: https://dsc.duq.edu/dlr/vol49/iss2/6 This Symposium Article is brought to you for free and open access by Duquesne Scholarship Collection. It has been accepted for inclusion in Duquesne Law Review by an authorized editor of Duquesne Scholarship Collection. THE AMPARO PROCEEDING IN VENEZUELA: CONSTITUTIONAL LITIGATION AND PROCEDURAL PROTECTION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND GUARANTEES* Allan R. Brewer-Carias'" I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 162 II. THE RIGHT TO AMPARO IN VENEZUELA ........................ 163 III. THE INJURED PARTY IN THE AMPARO PROCEEDING ..... 167 IV. THE JUSTICIABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND GUARANTEES THROUGH THE AMPARO PROCEEDING ........................................... 172 V. THE INJURY IN THE AMPARO PROCEEDING .................. 175 VI. THE REPARABLE CHARACTER OF THE HARMS AND THE RESTORATIVE CHARACTER OF THE AMPARO PROCEEDING ........................................... 184 VII. THE IMMINENT CHARACTER OF THE THREATS AND THE PREVENTATIVE CHARACTER OF THE AMPARO AGAINST THREATS .................................. 189 VIII. THE INJURING PARTY IN THE AMPARO PROCEEDING... 193 IX. THE INJURING PUBLIC ACTIONS AND OMISSIONS .................................................... 197 X. THE ADMISSIBILITY CONDITIONS OF THE AMPARO ACTION BASED ON ITS EXTRAORDINARY CHARACTER.. 206 XI. THE MAIN PRINCIPLES OF THE PROCEDURE IN THE AMPARO PROCEEDING ...................................... 210 XII. THE PRELIMINARY PROTECTIVE MEASURES ON MATTERS OF AMPARO ............................................. 219 XIII. THE DEFINITIVE JUDICIAL ADJUDICATION ON MATTERS OF AMPARO ................................................... 225 XIV . CONCLUSIONS .............................................................. 236 * Paper written for the Seminar on ConstitutionalLitigation: ProceduralProtections of Constitutional Guarantees in the Americas... and Beyond, organized by Professor Rob- ert S. Barker, Duquesne University School of Law, Pittsburgh, Nov. 5 and 6, 2010. ** Professor at the Central University of Venezuela; former Sim6n Bolivar Professor at University of Cambridge Law School; and former Adjunct Professor of Laws at the Uni- versit6 de Paris II, and at Columbia Law School, New York. Duquesne Law Review Vol. 49 1. INTRODUCTION The amparo proceeding is an extraordinary judicial remedy spe- cifically conceived for the protection of constitutional rights against harms or threats inflicted by authorities or individuals. It is a Latin American procedural means for constitutional litigation that normally concludes with a judicial order or writ of protection (amparo,protecci6n or tutela), that has been indistinctly called an action, recourse or suit of amparo. 1 This constitutional litigation means was introduced in the American continent during the nineteenth century, and although similar remedies were established in the twentieth century in some European countries, like Austria, Germany, Spain and Swit- zerland, and also in Canada, it has been adopted by all Latin American countries, except in Cuba, being considered as one of the most distinguishable features of Latin American constitutional law. 2 As such, it has influenced the introduction of a similar rem- edy in the Philippines, the writ of amparo, which was created by the Supreme Court in 2007. 3 This specific remedy, providing for the protection of fundamen- tal rights, contrasts with the constitutional system of the United States, where the effective protection of human rights is effective- ly assured, following the British procedural law tradition, through the general judicial actions and equitable remedies, particularly the injunctions, which are also used to protect any other kind of personal or property rights or interests. The amparo proceeding was first introduced in Mexico in 1857 as the juicio de amparo, evolving in that country into a unique and 1. See HtCTOR FiX-ZAMUDIO AND EDUARDO FERRER MAC-GREGOR (COORD.), EL DERECHO DE AMPARO EN EL MUNDO, Edit. Porra, M6xico, 2006; ALLAN R. BREWER-CARIAS, EL AMPARO A LOS DERECHOS Y LIBERTADES CONSTITUCIONALES. UNA APROXIMACI6N COMPARATIVA, Cuadernos de la Cdtedra de Derecho Pdblico, n ° 1, Universidad Cat6lica del Tdchira, San Crist6bal, 1993; also published in LA PROTECCI6N JURiDICA DEL CIUDADANO. ESTUDIOS EN HOMENAJE AL PROFESOR JEStS GONZALEZ PPREZ, Tomo 3, Editorial Civitas, Madrid, 1993, pp. 2.695-2.740; and ALLAN R. BREWER-CARfAS, MECANISMOS NACIONALES DE PROTECCI6N DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS (GARANTiAS JUDICIALES DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS EN EL DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL COMPARADO LATINOAMERICANO), Instituto In- teramericano de Derechos Humanos, San Jos6, 2005. 2. See generally ALLAN R. BREWER-CARiAS, CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN LATIN AMERICA, A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE AMPARO PROCEEDINGS (Cam- bridge University Press 2009)., pp. 77ff. 3. See generally Allan R. Brewer-Carias, The Latin American Amparo Proceedingand the Writ of Amparo in The Philippines, 1.1 CITY UNIV. HONG KONG L. REV. 73-90 (Oct. 2009). Spring 2011 The Amparo Proceeding in Venezuela 163 very complex institution exclusively found in Mexico. Not only was it designed to guarantee judicial protection of constitutional guarantees against the State acts or actions, but to perform mul- tipurpose judicial roles, including actions and procedures that in all other countries are separate processes, like judicial review, cassation review and judicial review of administrative actions. In the rest of Latin America the amparo gave rise to a very dif- ferent specific judicial remedy established with the exclusive pur- pose of protecting human rights and freedoms, becoming in many cases, more protective than the original Mexican institution. The institution has been described in various ways, always meaning the same, such as: Amparo (Guatemala); Acci6n de amparo (Ar- gentina, Ecuador, Honduras, Paraguay, Uruguay, Dominican Re- public, Venezuela); Accidn de tutela (Colombia); Proceso de amparo (El Salvador, Peru); Recurso de amparo (Bolivia, Costa Rica, Nica- ragua, Panama); Recurso de protecci6n (Chile) or Mandado de se- guranga and mandado de injun~ao (Brazil).4 In all of the Latin American countries, the provisions for the action are embodied in the constitutions; and in all of them, except Chile, the actions of amparo have been expressly regulated by statutes, particularly in special statutes related to constitutional litigations, with the ex- ception of Panama and Paraguay where the amparo action is regu- lated in the general procedural codes (C6digo Judicial, C6digo Procesal Civil). II. THE RIGHT TO AMPARO IN VENEZUELA Within a mixed system of judicial review, since 1961, the Vene- zuelan Constitution establishes a "constitutional right for amparo" or to be protected by the courts, 5 that according to article 27 of the 4. See generally Allan R. Brewer-Carias, Ensayo de sintesis comparativa sobre el rdgimen del amparo en la legislacidn latinoamericana,in REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE DERECHO PROCESAL CONSTITUCIONAL, No. 9 enero-junio 2008, Editorial Porrfia, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Procesal Constitucional, Mxico 2008, pp. 311-321; Eduardo Ferrer Mac-Gregor, Breves notas sobre el amparo latinoamericano(desde el derecho proce- sal constitucional comparado), in HtCTOR FIX-ZAMUDIO AND EDUARDO FERRER MAC- GREGOR, EL DERECHO DE AMPARO EN EL MUNDO, Edit. Porrdia, M6xico, 2006, 3-39. 5. VENEZ. CONST. ART. 27 (1999); VENEZ. CONST. ART. 49 (1961). See generally, on the action of amparo in Venezuela, Allan R. Brewer-Carias, INSTITUCIONES POLfrICAS Y CONSTITUCIONALES, TOMO V, EL DERECHO Y LA ACCI6N DE AMPARO, Editorial Juridica Ve- nezolana, Caracas, 1998; GUsTAVO BRICEI&O V., COMENTARIOS A LA LEY DE AMPARO, Edit. Kinesis, Caracas, (1991); RAFAEL J. CHAVERO GAZDIK, EL NUEVO RIGIMEN DEL AMPARO CONSTITUCIONAL EN VENEZUELA, Editorial Sherwood, Caracas, 2001; GUsTAVO Jost LINARES BENZO, EL PROCESO DE AMPARO, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Politicas, Caracas, (1999); HILDEGARD ROND6N DE SANS6, AMPARO CONSTITUCIONAL, Caracas, (1988); Hildegard Rond6n De Sans6, LA ACCION DE AMPARO 164 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 49 1999 Constitution everybody has for the protection of all the rights, freedoms and guarantees enshrined in the constitution and in international treaties, or which, even if not listed in the text, are inherent to the human person. The constitution does not set forth a separate action of habeas corpus for the protection of per- sonal freedom and liberty; which are also protected by the action for amparo. In this latter case of amparo for the protection of per- sonal freedom or safety, it can be exercised by any person in which cases "the detainee shall be immediately transferred to the court, without delay" 6 Additionally, the Venezuelan Constitution has also set forth the habeas data recourse, in order to guarantee the right to have ac- cess to the information and data concerning
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