
/American j^ronze C^- 41 Vai| pUreii S^ree^, - cHICAGO, ILLS- Co.i Detroit. ite arid <r\ntique t^ponze JVlonumer|tal Wopk.. Salesroom: ART FOUNDRY. II CHICAGO. H. N. HIBBARD, Pres't. PAUL CORNELL, Vice-Pres't, JAS, STEWART, Treas, R J, HAIGHT, Sec'y, THE HEMRT FRAXCIS du POJ^ WIXrERTHUR MUSEUM LIBRARIES Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/whiteantiquebronOOamer Tillr rr|ore prominent cemeteries in this country are noW arranged or) what is l<;noWn as the LfavVn I'lan, which gives the grounds a park-like appearaqce, n]ore in harmony With the impulse of our natures to make tl^ese lastresting places beautiful; in striking contrast to the gloomy burying places of olden times. pences, hedges, curbiqg aqd enclosures of all kinds are prol]ibited and tl^e money formerly expended for such fittings is invested in a central monu- ment, theicby enabling the lot oWner to purchase a better niemorial tl]an could otherwise haVe been afforded. (Corner posts are barely Visible aboVe the surface of the ground, and markers at the head of graVes are allowed ' only a feW inches higher, thus preserving the beautiful landscape effect. JViaiiy of tl]e n"ionum|ents novV being erected, and several that are illustrated in this pamphlet, bear feW, if aiw, fcmiily records, thus illustrating the growing desire to provide a fan]ily resting place and an enduring n-jonu- rqent. Without deferring it until there Fjos been a death in the family, as has been the custom in tlie past. For beauty of design, durability of material, "White bronze excels all other monumental material. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS. AMERICAN BRONZE CO., CHICAGO. Monumental Material ILLIONS of dollars are annually expeiided in carrying out the time-lqonored custoiT] of erecting menqorials to the departed, a custorr] tl-[at Iqas been ,haqded dovyq fronq tl]e time of {\]e pyraiTjid builders. Uqtil vyitl-[iq a guar- ter of a century, n-[arble was used alrqost entirely in tlqis couqtry, the preference beiqg given to imported Italiaq, with| a lin"[ited use of Scotch Granite. Withiq thjs past two decades, marble aqd graqite guarries Jnave been developed in all of tf|e Eastern aqd n-[ost of tlie Western States. The output has been so great and {\]e improvements in stone-workiqg i-qacfjiqery so varied, as to revolutionize tf]e prices of nqonurqental work. Marble has beeq so extensively used for monumental purposes, tl-|at wlqeq gran- ite was first introduced, it met witl] severe prejudice, qotwithstandiqg t\]e fact tl-[at the old marble moquments were becoming moss growq, aqd disintegratiqg. Granite, however, sooq became the favorite, as it was believed to be practically inqperishable, and t\-\e desire was to erect oqly the most eqduriqg rqaterial. But as tirqe rolled by aqd tl]is qew material was put to the test, it was fouqd to be little better thaq marble. Tlqere is sufficient evidence all around us to assure the most skeptical thjat there is qo stone guarried that is capable of successfully resisting tf|e severe climatic clianges of tf]is country, a fact tliat is readily adnqitted by experieqced aqd unpreju- diced nqoqument dealers. The best scientific authjorities Iqave giveq coqsiderable attention to tl-]e subject of enduring buildiqg and irionunqental stones, and have ackqowledged the deplorable fact that records entrusted to the best graqites caq endure but a brief period the resistless "Tooth of Time." Sucli evidence as is contained in this pamphlet, should convince the most skeptical of the superiority of White Bronze. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS THE HIBBARD SARCOPHAGUS, Oakwoods Cerr|eterLj, Chicago. This iiionumeut was (lesi,i,aie(l especially for H. X. Hibbard, President of the Fort Dearborn National Bank, Chicago. It is nine feet high, with a base about nine by six feet. AMERICAN BRONZE CO. CHICAGO lome Interesting pacts about White bronze. St '\A oa/6^t kowv a. refined, non-corrosiye metal. St clcve6. not abgorb moisture, t6- not affected by fro5t, and u>Ul not grow mogg nor require cleaning. ln3cription3 av© oou^t vw raiged letter^ tlvcX uvilt always remain ke-vfeott-u Ccat/Lt©. ^ rn/^an^- of uv^vok i/'n6'OVi/'j/i/tvO'n;S' can/ u© O/claea i/Vi/ tw/e iu/tvi/V-©. (#t 16- ©ndo-^^-ed W 6'Oi/©'vi/ti'6't(:v ai- (j/ei/wa practically inde- 3tructible, arid o-yv aooovtrit of vt6' ootot, ^uperior to copper bronze. St can li-c ca^t t/W i-ruo^/© arti3tic de^igng tka,v\, ca-yi/ (i/© ii/'Vodu/Ccd i/ri/ arua'Vut/© o^ a-'i/an/tt©. oT^ouafv more artigtic and enduring, tt v6 leg? co3tly tl^cvw tlve 6'ayw© q/Vuautu op too'ui'C' uvoufd u-e i-vi/ cttkc'i^ iTO/a'tW© oV q/Vawttc. 'Phe best monumcrjt-^ in the world are metal. WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS. Family Mouumeut of P. W. Gates, Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago. AMERICAN BRONZE CO, CHICAGO, XS IS01 W©L^^, p. W. GATES, President. Jilanii/'Uliircrs of THB GllEATEST XOSK ^^D ORE-SrUSHEI^ ON BAI^TH, Stamp, Mills and Mining Machinery. 50 TO 55 SOUTH CLINTON STREETt <PtkiW>. June 1, 1888. American Bronze Co. Chicago: The White Bronze family monument you have erected on my lot in Rosehill Cemetery gives entire satisfaction. Prior to seeing your exhibit in the Exposition Building, I had decided to have a granite monument erected, believing that material to be as enduring as any stone, but after seeing White Bronze I gave the subject a closer investigation, consulted various authorities, ' advised with professors of chemistry, traversed cemeteries and had the pros and cons of monument builders, and finally concluded to give While Bronze the preference, believing that it will out- last all other monumental material. Yours Truly, WHITE BRONZE MONUMENTS. Family Monument laj.Jas.f. Broctay PRESIDENT It. Greenwood Ceme- tery, Chicago. EVIDENCE OF SCIENTISTS. White Bronze monuments WILI. NOT DISINTEGRATE and crumbi^E 1.IKE STONE. FAI.KENAU & Reese, Assayers, San Francisco, Cal. After different tests bj' exposure to different liquids and gases, I feel no hesitation in recommending White Bronze as filling every requirement for cemetery purposes. F. Iv. Bartlett, Assayer of Metals, Portland, Me. [Mr. Bartlett has a White Bronze marker that has been erected seven years ] The material is one of the MOST DURABLE metals under atmospheric Exposure; the probabilities are White Bronze will improve with age. W. Latham, Jr., Prof. Chemistry, University of West Virginia. The DURABILITY of White Bronze monuments is AN UNQUESTIONABLE SCIENTIFIC EACT; thev are practically indestructible. Geo. a. Konic, Ph. D., Prof. Metallurgy and Chemistry. AMERICAN BRONZE CO., CHICAGO. " CKaterra n Ui« Ptwi Offlct o "'•'" ir. t — So^oo CliM MftllW . A WEEKLV JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL LNFORMATION. APJ. SCIENCE. MECILINICS. CIIEMISTRV. ASb MAJVITACTURES. Vol LIU. Itrc »•] NEW YORK, NOVEMBF.R 14, IBSo. (HI. <EIU» 1 n.zr.'.%t^:.iT- HE various White Braqze foundries iq the Uqited States aqd Caqada vyere illustrated iq tl^e Scieqtific Americaq some time ago; the nqaterial aqd the processes of construction vyritteq ip very tl-ioroughly. We subjoiq a portioq of the article, thiat our readers may kqovy wh^at tl^at well known paper had to say of Wf]ite Broqze, "Tl~ie qame Wi'\ite Broqze was adopted for this perfected aqd fiqished material as aq appropriate oqe to distiqguish it from tl^e dark or aqtique broqze, also from tl"ie cheap statues made of sheet metal. It is clairqed by t\'\e rqaqufactufers tl^at White Broqze, as qow made, is so well adapted to moqumeqtal pLirposes tlqat it will ultimately supersede all other nqaterials. Experieqce hias eqabled th^e producers to overcome the iTiaqy obstacles that at first preseqted th^enqselves, principal amoqg wlqict^ was tl^e difficulty of obtaiqiqg metal sufficieqtiy purified to retain its color; tl^is l^as beeq eqtirely overcome. Fronq t\-[e earliest use of the nqaterial, there seems to |-\ave beeq but oqe opiqioq regardiqg its eqduriqg qualities. Eqcyclopedias, staqdard works oq metallurgy aqd cf^emistry, aqd scieqtists are uqaqin-jous in comn^ending its lasting nature; and th^e facility witl-[ which it is moulded iqto tlqe n^ost artistic desigqs will ultimately make Wlqite Broqze more popular for art work tl-^aq tl-\e copper or antique bronze, Vv/I^ich i^as l"[eretofore been used so exteqsively. Moquments and Statuary for cemetery purposes are produced in all sizes, styles aqd desigqs, coi-qpeteqt artists beiqg coqstaqtiy engaged iq rqodeling original irionunqental designs, as well as statues, portrait busts, medallioqs, etc., to be used iq coqqection with granite aqd bronze monu- meqtal v^ork. Tl^e moqumeqts aqd statuary are cast as thick, or tl-iicker thaq copper broqze. The designs are first modeled iq clay and reproduced iq plaster of Paris, from whicl^ a wax cast is taken, tl^^is cast beiqg qecessary iq order to procure a perfect nqetal patterq, from wh^ich the moqumeqt is rqoulded aqd cast in th^e ordiqary way. Tl^e fusing and joiniqg togetl^er of the differeqt parts by pouring molten irietal of the sanqe material as the castings, at a higlq degree of f^eat, aloqg the joiqts, makes tlqenq practically one solid piece, aqd the corqers tlqe strongest part of tl-^e work. Tlqe saqd-blast gives th^e surface of tlqe work a pleasiqg appearance,, whicl^ it retaiqs, beiqg in tlqis respect superior to copper broqze, wl-[icln, sooq after exposure, becomes black aqd unattractive, The work of finisl^ing and preparing for tl^e sand-blast requires a l^iglq degree of artistic and n^ecf^anical skill; witlq tl"ie exceptioq of the saqd-blast, all tl-^e finishing is hand-work, aqd necessarily expeqsive.
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