E!tt at 12 Irish restaurants - in one day Pf.4\'1 OurHisto • ~ Contest ry Page2 ' :'.:'.] Community Newspaper Company allstonbrigf 1tontab.com FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2006 Vol. 11, No. 11 3H Pages 3 Sections 75¢ - ~~~~~- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:_~~~- SAFE"I c ED Activist: Getting ahead Reservoir ~~afe, despite sex assault By Meghann Ackerman to address publH safety around ~F WRI [R the reservoir. woman was sexually Around 12: 1.5 p.m. on Sun­ assaulted last weekend day, Oct. 22 ,, 19-year-old A at the Chestnut Hill Boston College ~mde nt reported Reservoir and pohce are still that she had heen jogging looking for the suspect. While around the reset voir and was the attack has been described as groped by a man 1>n a mountain an isolated incident, local au­ bike. According 11 1 the State Po­ thorities are planning a meetmg lice, who are co11ducting an in- REs!::RVOIR, page 4 UNO EEDS M Presentation School P~ M nt not quite theirs The Men's Ugtrtwelght Eight team from Boston College competes In the 2006 Head of the Charles Regatta 011 Sunday, Oct. 22. By Meghann Ackerman STAFFW1 .R "Getti gthe Just a day after reaching an purchase nd sale eighbors m~bilize against BC, St. E's plans agt'fCllll.lll \v ll, L '>'­ agreement with the of Bostor to purL h:ht.: th t.: Our By Meghann Ackennan sion of Bo~ton College and St. Elizabeth' chaired the meeung with l 1~resa Hynes. Lad) of the Presentation St.:h >ol art!'1dittCese STAFF'w T R Medical Center. Representatives from the "There's not really a vehicle for us to gl!t building, the Presentauon gets us half-way NeighborS and communit) act1v1sts tiJtd two institutions 'Nere not im ited to explain our views into the task forces." School Foundation Inc. was al­ of dealing \\-ith "hand-picked" task forces the!f projects. The meeting, hf'ld on Wednesda] night. read) receiving national praise. home ••• W hope to and large imtitutions met this week to~t­ "'We need a system to give input to the in­ was organized hy the Allston-Brighton .. This 1.., an excellent lesson cuss ways to approach the pending ex .- stitutions," said Tiffi McHale, who co- for \OUr <.hildn:n.'· said Senator own the building within MEETING, page 3 kd Kennedy. at the fo unda­ six me>1tlhs 1 tion's gala last Friday night, re­ femng to the all-volunteer and ceJtainly group s two year fi ght to get the within a year." building. State rep candidates keep it clean Mayor Thomas Menmo, who Kevin (lliragee v. as being honored by the foun­ dation for his support, also Moran, Evans clash on gay marria1re, MCAS praised the group's persever­ a celebration of the purchase ance and hard work and sale agreemrhl, 1t was origi­ By Jessica Scarpati ly congruou-.. B111 state Rep. Michael Moran "We had JUSt1ce the other nally planned aci a fund-raiser. Mone) for schools-good. and l11s elect0ral opponent Rus­ da). · he said "When you fight Through donati011s, the price of For a state race pitting an in­ Private unin!rsity expansion into sell I· vans differed over issues fo r the nght thmgs you always admission, and 11 hve auction, cumbent freshman Democrat the neighborhood- bad. Small such as gay marriage and the v.in." the foundation has already against a first-timer Republican busine~-.es good. Declining MCAS exams and at an editorial Although the gala turned into candidate. the dialogue is awful- housing affordability-bad. board meeting hosted last week OLP, page 5 l\llchael Mofsar1 Rusell Evens REPRESENTATIVEX, page 4 Art exhibit not by the book Library s Book Art "It's very exciting to exhibit kicks off have an exhibit of the new gallery space quality Ronni put together." Raphael Kohan CO RRESr ~ .."T Sru .ih Markell. head libranan Just a little n1ore than five years after it ope11c!CI. the Honan­ Allston Branch I ibraJ} and its gam<'s). adjoining gallery have the first " 11 1s a hotspot of the commu­ art exhibit they can truly call nity;· said Komarow, a 20-year their own. "Bey1 md the Book: Alhlnn resident, of the library. An Exhibit of Bo11k Art and Col- "My kids come to the library al­ Bluegrass legend lage" is now showing. mo~I every day to do their home­ The exhibit - .1 brainchild of worl It is a happening place." plays local show Allston resident H nni Komarow The gallery - nestled in the 1car of the library - fills the ..,.SEEPAGE39 - opened Oct. 6 ,111.d will have its closing reception on Nov. l - a spal(' of what otherwise appears day after the r ~ hibit officially to bl' an empty hallway. Aside ends. from the annual Allston­ THIS WEEK On a typical .a ft ernoon. time Brighton Art Exposition, exhibits clicks away slov. I Y at the library: haw been set up from time to Commentary 8 school-age child en ~ tucked time .is artists have expressed in­ tere~t in displaying their work. deep in the stad ), while othei:s iOTO BY ~1 M E '11.i >BSON Community Notes 6 sit at computer and do their flonnle Komarow of Allston shows off her artwork, which is one of the pieces featured In the wBeyond the Ne\.n before, though, has the li- homework (or play video Hook" exhibit at the Ho na~Allston Ubrary. GALLERY' page 7 Crime 10 Ubrary Notes 18 MAEL Have Fun and Be Safe (>__ Call For a Free Mortgage Loans U W<UI/ Market Analysis! Obituaries 23 CHIRt )PR:\[TI<: Si~n up NOW for Laundry&. ,.-...~ • local knowledge. EARLY FALL Cleaners 1 '-"' llU°'21 "'hoots 21 SportI'! Experienced answers. PROGRAM .........-,... • Expert Cleaning Shawmut Properties Polltlcal Notebook 22 Auto 2006 CLASSES • Shirt Service 134 Tremont Street • Brighton Work Injuries Peoples Oak Square YMCA 6 5 Washington St All work done on premises. 4 Federal Savings Bank \ "1tr Neiglibor/10011 f<ealtor® \lb n _ Brighton, MA 02 I 35 556 Cambridl!.. t., Brighton 6 I 7-782-3535 535 Washington Street 10 Tel. 617-787-2121 1.r~'!:. www.ymcobostonorg 25 9/30 .ILU llltl J (617) 7117-8700 " ww. c::z I \haw11u1t. t ·11111 Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, October .'_7_. _2006______ _ _ _______________________________ www.allstonbrightontab.com l~hen Now I I I I I I I I By Biii Marchione Is the Faneull Depot, one of Brighton's BRIGHTON-ALLSTON HISTORICAL SOCIElY three handsome passenger depots Here's the answer to this week's dating from the late 1880s, all I contest (hint g1ven last week; photos designed by the mnowned architectural shown above): The Brooks Street firm of Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, I Underpass, with Nonantum Road under successors to thE1great H. H. construction, c. 1916. Richardson. Toda~ only the Allston A number of landmarks appear In Depot survives. Behind the train one this fascinating photograph (above, also sees the ro~ · of stone and brick left). The sprawling Industrial bulldlng duplex cottages that llne the lower end (center left) on Parkman Street (now of Newton Street, built In 1873, to Woodmont Street) was the local accommodate employees of the nearby headquarters of the Ensign Watertown Arserial, and beyond them, Manufacturing Company, a national the many homes that dotted the concern that produced railroad cars. northern slope of Bigelow Hiii I Just In front of the Ensign building, overlooking the !.cenlc Charles River. partially obscured by a train which had 8111 Marchione can be reached at apparently Just pulled Into the station, wpmarchlone@rc:n.com. I I Winners Phyllis Harrington Priscilla Falter Bing McGilvray .Al Gricus Next week:s contest Bill Nixon Richard B. Sullivan PHOTO COUI ..r Al 5- •..r H1ST 1R1CAL SOCIETY Hint: This 1888 Fire Station was converted Into artists' studios In the early 199lls, but tts name and a mural on the front door celebrates Its ortglnal use. Can you Identify Its location? Louise Kuhlman Please e-mall your answer to [email protected] or fax It to 781-433-820.J no later than Wednesday, Nov. 1. You may also call your answer In directly t o 781-433-8365. CHA .RLES ~ l~IVER SCHOOL '.' 56 CENTRE STREET DOVER. MA Allston-Brighton TAB submissi 1n ' ENROLLING PRE-KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE 8 iii STUDENTS F"lOM 30 DIFFERENT COMMUNITIES deadlines for obituaries, releas esl ':·~-~~;-~~~~~'::.:~.-. ; The Allston-Brighton TAB wel­ lowing week's paper. :,,> ., OPEN HOUSES comes press relea-;es, calendar list­ • Obituaries and letters tot e ed. ..:\ ings and other submissions fo1 m­ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. 2006 7:30-9:00 PM itor are due by Tuesday at 1 a.m, SUN DAY. NOVEM BER 5.'2'006 2:00-4:00 PM clusion in the newsp.1per. for that week's publication. WEEKLY SPECIALS However, due to the nature 01 the • Weddings, engagemen and OCT. 24TH TO OCT. 29TB business, deadlines must be ob­ birth announcements are pub ishec!I , i,\ cs·· . ·. INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS served. as space becomes availabl , and We have a complete selection oJ p remium quallt'r '· t~. INGAND ~NGAGIN GACADEM ICS '· -.'1-· ..· .··_.._.·>~··-.·: .. -. THEMATIC LEARNING In general, the earlier an itt'1n is can sometimes take several veekS local pumpkins, mums, fall plants and materl~ . -~ .. ' • • · • . .- . 'J I, DIVERSE COMMUNITY received, the better the chancr- that to appear from the time th y are Fresh crisp clean extra fancy . -.- .·. .,,. ._ ; SMALL CLASS SIZES it will be printed at the appro1111ate Red leaf, green leaf, boston and iceberg Jct tuce ...............89• head submitted. The same app esi C '.."\I .
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