BUILDING SUPPORT IN LETTER CARRIERS ARE DELIVERING THE CONGRESS MESSAGE IN WASHINGTON s we all know, Con- tized postal systems overseas. gress has a great deal In response, both the House of Rep- of power over us and resentatives and the Senate introduced A our employer, the U.S. resolutions calling for the Postal Service Postal Service (USPS). But every mem- to remain an independent establishment ber of Congress who seeks to abol- of the federal government, rebuk- ish our collective-bargaining rights, ing the call for privatization. Those cut our pay or limit our health and resolutions have garnered a bipartisan retirement benefits faces numerous majority in both the House and Senate lawmakers who seek to protect letter over the last two Congresses. carriers, stabilize USPS and ensure In addition, White House budget that we continue to provide the public proposals continue to come and go services relied upon by American every year—with recent ones calling for households and businesses. drastic changes to the Federal Employ- Our base of support is growing, ees Retirement System (FERS), includ- because of the hard work of letter car- ing increased employee contributions, riers in building and maintaining elimination of cost-of-living adjustments relationships. The attacks (COLAs), elimination of annuity supple- come and go, but letter ments for those under 62, reducing the carriers persevere. Thrift Savings Plan’s G-fund interest rate, For example, in and the basing of annuities on workers’ 2018, the White House highest average annual salary over five convened a special postal task force. years (high-5) instead of over the highest Among many harmful proposals in three years (high-3). the task force’s report, it specifi- Congress continues to reject these cally called for heavy cuts to delivery ideas when setting budget priorities service and for an end to the right of each year. Congress’s refusal to incor- letter carriers and other postal em- porate these cuts is directly attribut- ployees to negotiate pay, benefits able to the constant chorus of opposi- and working conditions through a tion communicated to lawmakers by union, among other ill-conceived NALC members and the coordinated proposals. It also praised priva- efforts with the federal-postal commu- 16 The Postal Record February 2020 February 2020 nity. This active defense is yet another Postal Service since 2007. our jobs and our future,” President victory worth celebrating, but it also The USPS Fairness Act (H.R. 2382), Rolando said. “Not only do they have can be used for offense. introduced in April 2019 by Reps. Peter near-total control over the Postal As the second session of the 116th DeFazio (D-OR), Tom Reed (R-NY), Service, they also legislate many of Congress begins, NALC continues to Xochitl Torres Small (D-NM) and Brian our benefits, including retirement and build upon successes. NALC’s four Fitzpatrick (R-PA), would repeal the health care, and set the bounds of our priority resolutions not only achieved mandate that USPS pre-fund decades’ collective-bargaining rights.” a majority of support in their respec- worth of health benefits for its future Lawmakers are willing to listen to tive chambers, but now have more retirees, enacted through the Postal a workforce that is consistently rated co-sponsors signed on to them than Accountability and Enhancement Act as the most trustworthy in all of the ever before: (PAEA) of 2006. The legislation is now federal government, with a 90 percent • House Resolution 23, calling for heading to the House floor, and a Sen- public favorability rating. They learn continued door delivery, had 257 co- ate companion bill introduced by Sens. about the unmatched services we pro- sponsors (204 Democrat, 53 Republi- Steve Daines (R-MT) and Brian Schatz vide. They learn about our daily acts can)* at press time. (D-HI) as S. 2965 is gaining traction. of heroism and humanitarianism on “The momentum on repeal is a our routes in their communities. They • House Resolution 33 and Senate monumental achievement and would learn that what is good for the Postal Resolution 99, calling for USPS not have been possible without sup- Service and its employees is good for to remain a public agency and not portive members of Congress who are their constituents and the American be subject to privatization, had 267 educated on our issues by our letter people as a whole. House co-sponsors (224 Democrat, carrier activists,” NALC President As for those who are unwilling 43 Republican)* and 53 Senate co- Fredric Rolando said. “Getting this to listen, refuse to learn and do not sponsors (43 Democrat, 8 Republi- support us, the power held over jobs can, 2 Independent), respectively, at important legislation to the finish line press time. is not guaranteed in the 116th Con- gress, which is why we will continue • House Resolution 54, calling for laying the groundwork for its success continued six-day mail delivery, had in the near future. That will require 291 co-sponsors (216 Democrat, 75 more education and more relationship Republican)* at press time. building, which LCPF allows us to do • House Resolution 60, calling for a in Washington and in congressional restoration of service standards, had districts around the country.” 203 co-sponsors (176 Democrat, 27 We have the power Republican)* at press time. *Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) changed parties Ultimately, Congress will decide from Democrat to Republican, which has whether to promote beneficial legisla- not been reflected on congress.gov. tion and defend letter carriers and the The high level of support for these Postal Service against attacks. That is priority resolutions is not our only ac- why NALC’s year-round engagement of complishment; the 116th Congress also letter carrier activists from across the saw the introduction of one of the most country, who educate lawmakers on significant pieces of postal legislation both sides of the aisle on the value of in years. USPS to all Americans, is pivotal. The Repealing the mandate to pre-fund work they do in lawmakers’ home states retiree health is at the top of NALC’s and districts is the foundation of NALC’s legislative agenda. The mandate, ongoing legislative and political efforts. which no other agency or company “Congress is the Postal Service’s de faces, is responsible for 90 percent of facto board of directors—535 people the financial losses incurred by the who have enormous power over February 2020 February 2020 The Postal Record 17 isn’t a one-way street. Every two years, alike—were elected or re-elected to difficult to compete with. LCPF is a each seat in the House and one-third Congress. Because of LCPF, NALC was small yet effective piece of the puzzle of Senate seats are up for grabs. Letter able to help most of these campaigns, and ensures that letter carriers are at carriers need lawmakers in those seats and we can see the results that this the table, as opposed to being on the who support letter carriers and are help has brought us. menu. To be there, we need to rely, as committed to maintaining a strong and all unions do, on our power in num- innovative Postal Service. How LCPF works bers, and we need all of our members LCPF builds NALC’s clout on Capitol there with us to make a difference. The power of LCPF Hill in various ways. It provides direct We want to continue helping to elect support to candidates’ campaigns, How to support LCPF House and Senate candidates who will giving them resources they need to The easiest way to support LCPF is protect the interests of letter carriers, communicate with voters, and devotes to sign up for automatic withdrawal of but we cannot do it without your help. resources to working get-out-the-vote a small amount from your paycheck Federal law prohibits union dues from efforts. This vital effort involves direct each pay period through PostalEASE. being used to support candidates for member engagement through coordi- “Most of our supporters use auto- political office, so NALC relies 100 nated work with our brothers and sisters matic payroll deductions, and it works percent on voluntary member contri- in the labor movement. LCPF also offers well for them and for the Political butions to the Letter Carrier Political communications, education and regular Fund,” Rolando said. “It spaces the Fund (LCPF). LCPF may accept contri- outreach throughout the election cycle to total donation across the year—you butions only from NALC members and our members so they are well-informed won’t even notice it—and it gives LCPF family members. With letter carrier about everything they need to know a steady source of income and the abil- help, we have the opportunity to build about their states, such as voter registra- ity to plan how to best use the funds.” the electoral and legislative power tion, early-voting/absentee/vote by mail, Both career carriers and city carrier required to ensure that decisions af- candidates, issues and policies. assistants (CCAs) may sign up for LCPF fecting letter carriers’ lives are made As we draw near a presidential elec- donations through payroll deduction. with our best interests in mind. tion this November, LCPF will devote CCAs must sign up again following a Through the LCPF, we are able to the necessary resources to ensure that five-day break in service, and former amplify our voices every two years and the next leader in the White House is CCAs who have converted to career send a strong message to lawmakers one who supports letter carriers and status must sign up again following seeking reelection and candidates who can hear our voices loud and clear.
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