ST ETHELBERTS CHURCH, BARGATES, LEOMINSTER & ST JOSEPH'S, OLD ROAD, BROMYARD Parish Priest: Fr Paul Millar 86 Bargates, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 8QS Telephone:01568612238 Email:[email protected] 14th February 20216th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B Sat 13 Feb Weekday of Ordinany Time 5.30pm Zoomed Mass People of the Parish Sun 14 Feb 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time 9.00am Leominster Enid Brooks 5.30pm Leominster Fr Jim IVcKnight lVIon 15 Feb Weekday of Orciinary Time 9.00am Leominster Private lnt Tue 16 Feb Weekday of Ordinary Time Private Mass Wed 17 Feb Ash Wednesday 1O.00am Leominster Holy Souls Thur 18 Feb Thursday after Ash Wednesday Private Mass Fri 19 Feb Friday after Ash Wednesday 9.00am Leominster Marie Mellon {Wilkerson) Sat 20 Feb Saturday after Ash Wednesday 5.30pm Zoomed Mass Ralph & Joan iones Sun 21 Feb l" Sunday of Lent 9.00am Leominster lVlarie Mellon (Wilkerson) 5.30pm Leominster People of the Parish Zoom Mass Alternatively, you may wish to mark the day by The 5.30pm Mass on Saturday will be 'zoomed' from gathering as a family or with members of your support St Joseph's (or St Ethelbert's if the weather conditions bubble to read and reflect on the gospel of the day are poor). The lVlass can be accessed online using the (lVlatthew ch 6 verses 1-6,16-18) Then make the sign zoom app of the cross on each other's forehead whilst saying the gospel to join Zoom fVleeting click the link words. Repent and believe in the https ://us02web.zoom. us/j182 7966 7 8240?gwd:T0Jj L3 Lent Online from Belmont - The Art of Listening VI YXVoTy9hRzQ3 aWoraWZ2dz09 Wednesdays in Lent [Vlornings 1Oam to 1pm - or enter the following on the Zoom App 24th February, 3rd, 1Oth, 17lh &24th March Meeting lD'.827 9667 8240 Passcode: 260474 Christianity is above all a discipline of listening, an art of listening." So writes Enzo Bianchi, echoing the Ash Wednesday - A day of Fast and Abstinence experience of St Benedict and the monastic tradition to This coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the describe the path of spiritual growth beginning of the Lenten Season, a time for turning How do we begin to keep that two-fold commandment again to the practice of our faith, in prayer, self denial of love? We begin by listening - to God and to each and almsgiving. Normally we would come together on other. We grow in love as we begin to listen. ln a world this day to celebrate the Mass and to receive ashes on where people are increasingly shouting at each other it our foreheads, in the sign of the cross as a sign of our is quite a challenge. But as a task for Lent it is worthy desire to turn again to God, seeking his mercy, of our attention. Do join usl forgiveness and help. From 9.45 connect viaZoom to begin at: This year the situation is different because of the 10.00am LIVE Opening prayers and introduction. lockdown regulations. However I will celebrate Mass in AM VIDEO REFLECTIONS - Watch at your own St Ethelbert's at '10.00am which will be available on time (website). the zoom platform. During the blessing and distribution 11.30am LIVE Mass (via Zoom) of Ashes, those joining in the Mass via zoom may wish 12.l5pm LIVE Connecting together (via Zoom) for to make the sign of the cross on their foreheads whilst hnal thoughts, conversation and closing prayer to flnish by reflecting on the words 'Repent and believe in the 1.00pm. Gospel' as a sign of one's sincere desire to draw Please feel free to join in as little or as much as you closer to the Lord are able. The Zoom link will be sent out just before To join the Mass via 'zoom' click the link each event. https://usO2web.zoom.us/j/82 79667 8240?pwd=T0JjL3 VIYXVoTy9hRzO3 aWoraWZ2dz09 Churches Together in Leominster Lent Course Leominster running Lent or enter the following on the Zoom App Churches Together in are a Course via zoom. The meetings will take place at Meeting lD:827 9667 8240 7.30pm on February, 2nd March, 9th March, 16th Passcode: 264474 23rd March, and 23rd March. Further details are given below RIP Prayer for a Spiritual Communion Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr Ray My Jesus, O'Shea, a retired priest of the Archdiocese, who died I believe that You are present during the week, May he rest in peace in this Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love You above allthings Zoom Coffee Mornings and I passionately desire to receive You into my soul. The next zoom coffee morning for parishioners at St Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally Joseph's will be on Thursday morning at 11.00am.. lf come spirrtually into my soul you would like to join in the next meeting please let Fr so that I may unite myself wholly to You Paul or Kevin llsley know your email address and we now and forever. Amen. willforward the details for joining the zoom meeting The next zoom coffee morning for parishioners at St Ethelbert's. will be on Wednesday at 11.00am. This is a good opportunity for people to catch up with one At many moments in the past and by another and have general chat. anyone is a lf many means, God spoke to our ancestors interested in joining us please contact Margaret through the prophets; but in our time, the Wilkerson or Fr Paul and we will let you know the G6o final days, he has spoken to us in the details for joining the zoom meeting wHo SPEAKS^ person of his Son, whom he appointed things through he Hospital Chaplain heir to all and whom made the ages'. Fr Patrick Lobo is the Catholic Hospital Chaplain. His (Hebrews 1:1-2) mobile number is 07922323603 Churches Together in Leominster We invite you to o 5 session LENT COURSE f or ZOZ| by ZOOM AIL THTNGS ARE POSSIBLE Christions ore not alone in wanting o better world - most people would ogree. Collaborotion with each olher con increose possibilities, ond Christion churches have a very good record in working together with other Christions and non-Christions. This course is moking o simple point thot foith in 6od con change the world. Come and join us. Whof you hear could improve your conversotion. Here are the topics for the 5 sessions. Whot does it mecn to PROSPER? Whot does it meon to FULF:IL OUR POTENTIAL? whotoffi '#5ur "l"J:::,1,1:io,1l?1JT:5}ffWhqt does it meon to live in PARTNERSHIP WITH 6OD? Moy 6od's love be something we con oll share. By the end. you will hove visited Zambia, Brazil, fndio, Africa, Pakiston, and more, oll for free, ond leornt something from them, ond from the Bible too. The dates are 23'd Februory, 2d filorch, 9th ltlorch, 16th i otch, 23"d Morch, at 7.3opm ZOOM detoils will be circulated to those who wish to receive them. Remember you con join by telephone as well os on-line. For security reosons we need you to register for this course in odvance. That doesn't commit you to eveof session but we con then send you theZOOttr codes. Pleose contoct Roger on: 01568 513567 or email:[email protected] 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time . Divine Olfice Week ll . Year E , E&W: Day for the Unernplcyed 14 February 2021 rql I] L.,r\-, I- 1 Be touched JCSUS Two things strike me in man - he is ready and willing to I toduu't Gosoel - the first do anything Jesus asks of him. He I ir tf''l" physical healing of longs to know what plans .Jesus h the leper. Having battled several has for his newly healthy body. serious illnesses throughout And then he hears from Jesus my twenties, I know what it just one instruction. The next is to beg God for healing. The step. So often, God only shines lepert desperate words have a light on the next right thing, * been spoken by my own lips. knowing that too makes c next And while I still wait on healing us proud, but the in some areas, I know what it is us back to him 5A $ABFSS like to feel the touch of Jesus ::;Si Claire Wright is a ffi heal you miraculously. know I freelance writer who runs a ", what it is like to have doctors blog and a dumbfounded as they abandon website, allwhile stop heavier treatments upon finding two lively toddlers. a cancer disappeared. But the second thing is, in by Claire Wright many ways, the hardest for me to hear. Jesus has just healed this Jesus can be passed on too - so we we have a safety net, but there is Be healed are challenged to become aware Be cleansed damage in the fall. ofthe broken ones around us, and The Gospels make abundantly by Paul Higginson extend to them the hands that heal by James Gallogly clear that Jesus is always ready to and bless, so that the love of God answer when we call. Whether can spread from us to them. it is our health, our family or our We are all broken in some way few Throughout Gospels Jesus - the livelihood, we need to constantly of us are truly whole. This can be Paul Higginson is the Assistant is approached with requests for Principal at the Catholi.
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