1 Beauty and the Beast There was once a very rich merchant, who plentifully set out with but one cover laid. As had six children: three sons and three he was wet quite through with the rain and daughters. His youngest daughter went by snow, he drew near the fire to dry himself. the name of Beauty, which made her sisters “I hope,” said he, “the master of the house, very jealous. She spent the greatest part of or his servants will excuse the liberty I take.” her time in reading good books. He waited and still nobody came. At last, he All at once, the merchant lost his whole was so hungry that he took a chicken and ate fortune, excepting a small country house, it in two mouthfuls, trembling all the while. and told his children with tears in his eyes, After this he drank a few glasses of wine, they must go there and work for their and growing more courageous, he went out living. When they came to their country of the hall until he came into a chamber, and house, Beauty rose at four in the morning he concluded it was best to shut the door and made haste to have the house clean and and go to bed. dinner ready for the family. In less than two It was ten the next morning before the months, she grew stronger and healthier merchant waked, and he was astonished than ever. After she had done her work, she to see a good suit of clothes on a little read, played on the harpsichord, or else sung table. “Thank you, good Madam Fairy,” whilst she spun. said he aloud. On the contrary, her two sisters got up at ten The good man went to look for his horse, and did nothing the whole day. After about but passing through an arbor of roses, he a year, the merchant received a letter that remembered Beauty’s request to him and a vessel was safely arrived. The two eldest gathered a branch; immediately, he heard a daughters immediately begged of him to great noise and saw a frightful Beast coming buy them new gowns; but Beauty asked toward him. for nothing. “What will you have, Beauty?” said her “You are very ungrateful,” said the Beast to father. “Since you have the goodness to him, in a terrible voice; “I have saved your think of me,” answered she, “be so kind to life and, in return, you steal my roses, but bring me a rose.” you shall die for it.” The good man went on his journey, and after The merchant fell on his knees and said, “I a great deal of trouble, he came back as poor beseech you to forgive me, indeed I had no as before. intention to offend in gathering a rose for one of my daughters.” He was within thirty miles of his own house, when going through a large forest he lost Replied the monster, “You say you have got himself. Night coming on, he began to daughters. I will forgive you, on condition apprehend being either starved to death that one of them come willingly. Go about with cold and hunger, or else devoured your business, and swear that if your by the wolves, when, on a sudden, he saw daughter refuse to die in your stead, you will a light at some distance; it came from a return within three months.” palace. His horse followed him, and seeing a The merchant had no mind to sacrifice large stable open, went in, and finding both his daughters to the ugly monster, but he hay and oats, the poor beast fell to eating thought he should see them once more, so very heartily; and entering into a large he promised he would return, and the Beast hall, the man found a good fire, and a table told him he might set out when he pleased. 9781544361154.indb 3 12/19/18 6:09 PM 1 In a few hours, the good man was at home. courage; and opening the library, she took a When his children came round him, he burst book and read these words, in letters of gold: into tears. “Here, Beauty,” said he, “take Welcome Beauty, banish fear, these roses, but how dear they are like to cost your unhappy father;” and then related You are queen and mistress here. his fatal adventure. Speak your wishes, speak your will, Answered Beauty, “My father shall not Swift obedience meets them still. suffer upon my account, since the monster “Alas,” said she, with a sigh, “there is will accept of one of his daughters, I will nothing I desire so much as to see my poor deliver myself up to all his fury, and I am father, and know what he is doing.” She very happy in thinking that my death will had no sooner said this, when casting her save my father’s life.” eyes on a great looking glass, to her great The horse took the direct road to the palace. amazement, she saw her own home, where The good man and his daughter came into her father arrived with a very dejected the great hall, where they found a table countenance. A moment after, everything splendidly served up, and two covers. When disappeared. they had supped, they heard a great noise. At noon she found dinner ready, though Beauty was sadly terrified at the beast’s without seeing anybody. But at night, as horrid form, but she took courage as well as she was going to sit down to supper, she she could, and the monster having asked her heard the noise Beast made and could not if she came willingly; “Ye – e – es,” said she, help being sadly terrified. “Beauty,” said trembling. the monster, “will you give me leave to see The beast responded, “You are very good, you sup?” “That is as you please,” answered and I am greatly obliged to you; honest Beauty trembling. man, go your way tomorrow morning, but “No,” replied the Beast, “you alone are never think of coming here again,” and mistress here; you need only bid me gone. immediately the monster withdrew. Tell me, do not you think me very ugly?” “Oh, daughter,” said the merchant, “That is true,” said Beauty, “for I cannot tell embracing Beauty, “I am almost frightened a lie, but I believe you are very good natured.” to death, believe me, you had better go back, “Yes, yes,” said the Beast, “my heart is and let me stay here.” good, but still I am a monster.” “Among “No, father,” said Beauty, in a resolute mankind,” says Beauty, “there are many tone, “you shall set out tomorrow morning that deserve that name more than you, and and leave me to the care and protection of I prefer you, just as you are, to those, who, providence.” under a human form, hide a treacherous, As soon as he was gone, Beauty sat down in corrupt, and ungrateful heart.” the great hall, and fell a crying, for she firmly Beauty ate a hearty supper and had almost believed Beast would eat her up that night. conquered her dread of the monster when However, she thought she might as well he said to her, “Beauty, will you be my wife?” walk about this fine castle; it was a delightful pleasant place, and she was extremely She said trembling, “No Beast.” Beast surprised at seeing a door, over which was said, in a mournful voice, “then farewell, written, “Beauty’s Apartment.” She opened Beauty,” and only turned back to look at her it hastily and was quite dazzled with the as he went out. magnificence, a large library, a harpsichord, Beauty spent three months very contentedly and several music books. “Well,” said she to in the palace. Every evening Beast paid her herself, “Were I but to stay here a day, there a visit, and Beauty daily discovered some would not have been all these preparations.” valuable qualifications in the monster. This consideration inspired her with fresh Every night, the monster always asked her, 9781544361154.indb 4 12/19/18 6:09 PM if she would be his wife. One day she said to Beast opened his eyes, and said to Beauty, 1 him, “Beast, I am too sincere to make you “You forgot your promise, but since I have believe that will ever happen; I shall always the happiness of seeing you once more, I die esteem you as a friend.” satisfied.” Said the Beast, “I love you with the tenderest “No, dear Beast,” said Beauty, “you must not affection. Promise me never to leave me.” die. Live to be my husband. The grief I now “I could,” answered she, “indeed, promise feel convinces me, that I cannot live without never to leave you entirely, but I have so you.” Beauty scarce had pronounced these great a desire to see my father that I shall words, when she saw the palace sparkle fret to death.” “I will send you to your with light. She turned to her dear Beast, father, you shall remain with him, and poor but how great was her surprise! Beast was Beast will die with grief.” “No,” said Beauty, disappeared, and she saw, at her feet, one weeping, “I love you too well to be the cause of the loveliest princes that eye ever beheld; of your death. I give you my promise to but she could not forbear asking where return in a week.” Beast was. “You shall be there tomorrow morning,” said “You see him at your feet,” said the prince.
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