Vol.LXIV no.lO UNNERSilY OF CINCINNATI Tuesday, November 2, 1976 UC officials differ on reimbursement Elliston Foundation funds A&S salaries By Joe Levy and "The dean (Lipsich) told me he had the business office did that." added revenue, according to McCall. Harold Perlstein looked into it and I was ready to Interpreting the Elliston grant He explained the lump sum of N R staff writers believe it. If we would have started would have been the responsibility of borrowed money would be returned The Elliston Poetry Foundation is firing people to make up a $250,000- Harvey Ingram, director of the Office to the foundation as well as the in­ now funding $130,000 of English 300,000 cut, we would have had to of Deferred Giving, according to terest lost this year. McCall com­ Department salaries and staff fire maybe 20 people," said McCall. Lawrence Hawk'ins, senior vice presi­ pared the procedure to "mortgag­ benefits, although a legal advisor had "I only talked to Dean Lipsich." dent for administration and ing." not been consulted by the former Lipsich said the use of Elliston operations. McCall said he "got a commitment provost for academic affairs, the Arts money for salaries "comes within the Ingram: however, said he hl!-d not from the dean (Lipsich)" that the & Sciences dean or the English terms of the grant. It would be illegal been consulted about the legalities of money would be reimbursed. "I sent Department head before the decision if it were against the terms of the using Elliston money to pay English him a memo outlining our understan­ was made last spring. The acting grant." Department salaries. ding. That was done last spring. provost for academic affairs and the The idea to use Elliston money for McCall said the Elliston Founda­ "I would take that kind of restora­ A&S dean also disagree whether the salaries came from the "central Ad­ tion "is only one" foundation used to tion to be a first priority," McCall money will be repaid to the fund. ministration," according to Lipsich. pay salaries. added. Money was taken from the Elliston "It was not a question of me making a "There are dangers in this business Lipsich, however, contends there is Foundation last spring to offset part decision; it was a suggestion that I (using foundation money to pay "no reason" to repay the Elliston of the $270,143 A&S budget cut found feasible. I would have had salaries). If donors read this, they money and could not remember any made to balance the University's great difficulty getting the dollars rna y think the University is ripping agreement made with McCall. budget. Elliston money had never somewhere else that I got from this off their endowments. They may McCall said he did not have a copy previously been used to pay English option." think, 'Why give them money.' We of the memo he sent to Lipsich out­ Department salaries other than that But Gene Lewis, former provost could slit our own throats," McCall lining the reimbursement. of the Elliston poet-in-residence, a for academic affairs, said the idea to said. Dallas Wiebe, professor of English $10,000 per year cost which is includ­ use Elliston funds for English Lipsich said some foundation whose salary is paid from the Elliston ed in the $130,000 expenditure for Department salaries "was no one's funds "are regularly used for Foundation, said McCall told him salaries. idea. Once the policy was deter­ salaries.'' He mentioned that the last spring he had a written agree­ John McCall, who was English mined, in this year of transition, we Philosophy and · Economics ment from Lipsich guaranteeing the Department head last spnng and had to use every source of available departments also pay some salaries repayment. who is now acting provost for funds. All you do is turn to the · through foundation money. James Bertolino, professor of academic affairs, said he was told it business office and say, 'Where are An agreement was made last spring English whose salary is also paid was legal to use Elliston Foundation the reserve funds?"' to reimburse the Elliston Foundation through the Elliston Foundation, money by H. David Lipsich, A&S Lewis added he never read the beginning next year, after full-state dean. · terms of the Elliston will. "I assume affiliation takes effect and brings UC -see Elliston, continued on page 3 Saban named UC athletic 'director By Sandor W. Sternberg "I'm concerned with the entire N R copy editor athletic picture. I want sports to be a Lou Saban, who resigned three total success," he continued. weeks ago as head coach of the Buf­ "Basketball is well on its way and falo Bills, yesterday became the new Tony Mason has done a great job Steve Jelen/the NewsRecord athletic director at UC. with football." This is not your typical male student eyeing a female student on the TUC Saban was unanimously bridge, but Igor the hunchback, who got all tied up in the spirit of recommended last week by the Saban said he would not go back Halloween last week. athletic director search committee to professional football if offered a and was expected to sign a four or job. He said that as of last Sunday he five year contract at presstime with is free of any commitment to the Buf­ Bennis requests audit UC yesterday. falo Bills. (Saban had five years :'I'm tremdously pleased to be here remaining on his contract when he to cover all student groups and I'll do all I can to make the resigned from the Bills). athletic program a continuing Mason, Interim Interim Athletic By Terry Kramer the open." success," Saban told reporters at Director William Schwarberg and N R news manager According to Bennis, the Financial yesterday's press conference. head basketball coach Gale Catlett Board has never been audited before. Saban contacted UC President could not be reached for comment on UC Pzesident Warren Bennis has "I am given the responsibility for that Warren Bennis Saturday evening and Saban's acceptance. requested an internal audit of the money, " said Bennis. Therefore, he told Bennis he decided to accept the When asked if he might be tempted Financial Board's records for student has requested this audit, he said, after post at UC. "He is the man of the to assist Mason with the football groups, to be undertaken by the of­ receiving approval from Robert hour to bring leadership to our team, Saban replied, "It's not my job fice of William Modene, director of Carroll, acting vice provost of Stu­ athletic program," said Bennis in a to coach, they (the coaches) can take finance . dent Affairs. written statement to the press. care of themselves." The internal audit will incorporate However, Carroll said he was not Saban said he would assume the According to Saban, UC's $540,000 the financial records of Concert aware this would be another audit, in athletic director's post "immediate­ football deficit can be resolved, Co)llmittee, a student group, current­ addition to the current UC Concert ly." The position has been open since however, he said he had not yet seen ly under suspension. Committee audit of Paul Wells, Hindman Wall's resignation July 15. the financial records. There is "no particular reason" for financial advisor to student groups. Citing a commitment by the Un­ Asked about the difference the audit, said Bennis. "I have asked for help from Mr. iversity and Bennis to a "good, solid between college and professional athletic program" as the reason for The audit will cover the monies of Modene's office. Someone from football Saban said, "I don't look at accepting the job, Saban said he was all student groups, said Bennis. He Modene's office is taking a look with it any differently. But then he added, hopes the audit will get all the Wells (at the Concert Committee impressed by the concern for just "There aren't any $2.5 million half­ Lou Saban accepts UC's athletic directorship backs to deal with, thank God.'' problems of student groups "out in books)," Carroll said. such a program at UC. ference in Alumni Lounge. r Search committee Purchase order for second stage payment lists five candidates should have been stopped two years ago By Andy Telli Adolf Olivas, executive presi­ By Bob Bowman Trojanski was unavailable for accounts receivable, a charge ac~ in October, 1974, Purchasing did not N R asst. university affairs editor dent of Residence Hall Authori­ N R staff writer comment Sunday night, but last count the University holds for the receive Mytopia's invoice until last ty, confirmed that the Residence A former Office of Student Affairs week denied he was responsible for group, on his purchase order request Feb. 27. The search committee for the Hall Association (RHA) employe two years ago should have the duplicate payment, blaming it on he -sent to Purchasing the previous Following standard procedure, the position of associate vice provost recommended Evans to the stopped a purchase order that led to a what he called the lack of an "ade­ July. department sent a copy of the invoice for residence halls has narrowed search committee Oct. 18. second payment made last February quate way" to inform Purchasing an According to University records, to Trojanski's office, where his its list to five candidates. "We tried to find a person who for a $3640 stage, G. Robert Deubel!, item has already been paid for on a Trojanski, Program Board advisor at secretary, Charlene Gildea, wrote his The candidates are: in our opinion had the best UC director of Purchasing, said Fri­ student group checking account.
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