B4 | Monday, February 8, 2021 |beaumontenterprise.com |BeaumontEnterprise SPORTS SUPER BOWL Title game creates‘craziness’ inside, outside By Mark Long followingday to “checkout “The cardboardfansac- were required to wear face ratedbymetal barricades. should be here.” AP PROFOOTBALL WRITER the scene” and grab din- tually make it look like it’s coverings throughout the Miley Cyrus headlined Those lucky enough to ner.Theytookone look at full,”saidTampa native game unlesstheywereeat- the pregame event and landaticket felt grateful, TAMPA, Florida —Wear- all the maskless peopleand and longtime Bucsseason ing or drinking.Ushers donned ablack and hot especiallyGoodman.Itwas ing N95masks and plastic decidedtodrive back to Or- ticket ownerMattGeer.“It holding signs enforcedthe pink cheerleader outfit his first SuperBowlsince faceshields, John Good- lando. feels likeareal game again. rulesthat, by now, should during severalsongs. Her 1969 in Miami.Hewas 10 at man, hiswifeAlisonMcMil- So theyweren’t sur- It doesn’t feel programmed be standard operating pro- playlist included Nine Inch the time and attended the lianand their twoteenage prised to see similar issues likemanyregular-season cedure. Nonetheless, viola- Nails’ “HeadLikeaHole,” gamewith his14-year-old sons navigatedthe crowd- in and around the stadium games did.” tors could be found in ev- DollyParton’s“Jolene” and brother.Their father land- ed streets outsideRay- Sunday. Theywereready Geer spent $9,000 to get erydirection. “Heart of Glass” by Blon- ed twotickets to the big mondJamesStadiumand forit, though. aseatinthe upper deck Tampa MayorJane Cas- die. gameand let hisboysgoin- settled into their Super “Mom has us well pro- andsaid getting into the torissued an executive or- She wasjoined on stage side while he listened to on Bowl seatsabout three tected,” Goodmansaid. stadium was“afreaking der lastmonth requiring by Billy Idol and Joan Jett the carradio in the parking hoursbeforekickoff Sun- The NFL’s signature zoo.” masks to be worn outside fortwo songs. lot. day. event—withthe host Tam- “It wasapain.There was in the city’s most popular Fans trickledintothe JoeNamath and the New Theywerethe first ones pa BayBuccaneers andthe no direction,” he said. entertainment and recre- stadium forhours, some York Jets stunnedthe in theirsection.Theywant- defending champion Kan- “Therewereonlytwo ways ation areasduring Super more focused than others heavilyfavored Baltimore ed no part of the “crazi- sas CityChiefs playingin to enter forfans and the Bowl festivitiesand the about COVID-19 protocols. Colts 16-9 in that one. ness” takingplace mostev- the finale —lookednothing signagewas terrible. We days following the event. “It’sagreatthing the Goodman’s oldest son, erywhere else. likeany of the previous 54. lapped the stadiumonce No tailgating wasallowed, NFL is doing here,”said Lee, fell inlovewith the “Wewereprettyner- About25,000 fanswereal- before finallygettingin.” either. Kelvin Walls, aEMT sur- Buccaneers while playing vous about it,” said Good- lowedtoattend the game, Butwellworth it. Thatdid littletodis- geon from Kansas City.“To video games and wanting man, whomadethe trip with 7,500 of those being “I been through alot of suadethousands from invitehealthcareworkers nothingmorethan to see withhis familyfrom vaccinatedhealthcare downs withthisteam,” gathering around the stadi- to attend the gameisamaz- them in the Super Bowl for Greensboro, North Caroli- workers. Another 30,000 Geer said.“Iwasn’t going um. The TikTok Tailgate ing, but the NFL should the firsttimein18years. So na. cardboardcutouts filled to let thispass. Youcan’t went off just afew hundred have takenitastep further Goodman and McMillian TheyarrivedinOrlando emptyseats to create space take your money with yardsfromthe south end anddonethe samefor sup- made ithappen—and on Friday and made the 90- and meet social distancing you.” zone, with sections of sing- port staffaswell. Iknow vowed to stay as safeaspos- minutedrive to Tampa the mandates. Those in attendance ing and dancing fans sepa- theyfeel slightedand sible amidthe “craziness.“ dy and the Bucs. cop’ssuccessful fieldgoal CHAMPS Brady accomplished a gave the Buccaneers afirst FrompageB1 career-first when he tossed down. Sarah Thomas, the an 8-yard TD pass to Rob firstwomanofficialinaSu- outs made the stadiumlook Gronkowksi to give the Buc- per Bowl,threw thatflag. full. caneers a7-3 lead with 37 Brady neededone play, Astreakerwearing ahot- seconds left in thefirst firing astriketoGronkow- pink onesie eludedsecurity quarter. Brady’s nine Super skifor a17-yard TD and a14-3 and slid intothe end zone Bowl teamsinNew England lead.Gronk hesitatedbe- with 5:03left in the game. producedjust three points fore spiking the ball, wait- Mahomesand Kansas City’s totalinthe first quarter. ing to makesurethe flag on high-poweredoffense nev- Gronkowski, whocame out the playwas again against er gotthatfar against Tam- of retirement to playwith the Chiefs. pa’s ferociousdefense. hisbuddy, caught his13th Mahomes drove the of- Bruce Ariansbecame the and14thpostseason TDs fense fora34-yard field goal oldest coach at age68to fromBrady. Thatbroke the by Harrison Butker thatcut win the Super Bowl.His recordtheysharedwith Jer- it to 14-6,but Kansas City’s mom, 95-year-old KayAri- ry Riceand JoeMontana, defense fell apartinthe fi- ans, witnessed it in person. whocombined for12. nal minuteofthe firsthalf — Brady,Gronk and defensive Despiteplaying at home, allowing42yards on two coordinatorTodd Bowles theBuccaneers weren’tal- pass interference penalties. helped Arians getthat lowedtofirethe cannons One againstMathieu in the VinceLombardiTrophy. from theirfamed pirate end zone set up Brady’s TD Bowles devised amaster- ship after touchdowns and pass to Brownfor a21-6half- ful plan to frustrate Ma- bigplays.Theydid it soon time lead. homesand shut down the after the clock expired as Stephen M. Dowell /AssociatedPress It wasBrady whocon- Chiefs, the completeoppo- red, whiteand black confet- Buccaneerstight end RobGronkowski, whocame outofretirementtojoinBrady vinced hisnew team to give siteofKansas City’s27-24 ti fell ontothe field. in Tampa, scored twice in thewin. Brownachance after the win in Tampa in Week 12, Fans still enjoyedthe troubledformerAll-Pro when the Chiefs jumped to thud of Gronk’sthunderous Joneswas stoppedshorton other. Kansas City’s38insteadof came off suspension.His a17-0leadinthe first quar- spikeafter hisfirstscore. consecutive carriesasAri- First,All-Pro tightend their 27. TD toss to Brownwas his ter. Tyreek Hill had269 Tampa missed an oppor- ans stuck to his“No riskit, TravisKelce dropped apass Aholding call on Chiefs 50th of the season, includ- yardsreceiving and three tunitytoextend the lead no biscuit” philosophyand thatwould’vebeen abig cornerback Charvarius ing 10 in the postseason. TDs in that one. He was when Brady’s 2-yard pass to went on fourthdown. gain on thirddown. Then Ward negatedanintercep- Mathieu took an un- held to 73 yardsonseven offensive lineman JoeHaeg But the Chiefs didn’t gain punter TommyTownsend tion by All-ProsafetyTy- sportsmanlike penaltyafter catches. wasknocked outofhis anymomentumoff the shanked a29-yarder after a rann Mathieu. Kansas City’s the TD pass forgetting into Afterthe Chiefstook a hands by AnthonyHitchens stop.Instead, theymade penaltyforcedhim to kick defense held but an offside it with Bradyasheran to 3-0early lead,itwas all Bra- in the end zone. Ronald one costlymistake after an- again.The Bucsstarted at penaltyduringRyanSuc- the sideline. Real Estate For Sale | For Rent | Services Autos & More Vehicles | Boats | Motorcycles | RVs | Misc. WANTED CASH Paid | FOR Junk Cars and Pick-Ups. Free Towing: 409-540-3344 SOUTHEAST Accepting Applications | SENIOR Citizens 62 &uporhandicapped. Now available Low income, Efficiency, 1&2Bedroom Apartments. 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Call 409-893-0891 TRINITY BAY CONSERVATION DISTRICT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR LEGAL SERVICES Request for Proposals (“RFP”) for legal services will be received at Trinity Bay Conservation District office at P.O. Box 599, 2500 SH 124, Stowell, Texas 77661 until 2:00 p.m. on February 17, 2021,at MENTAL HEALTH AIDES DRIVERS which time they will be opened and then The Wood Group Coastal Ready Mix,Inc reviewed for award consideration. The Board of Directors of the District will con- The Wood Group is hiring Mental Health Aides for Residential sider award of legal services agreement facility. Fulltime Monday to Friday (11pm to 7am) andPRN (as Coastal Ready Mix, Inc. is hiring Class A&BCDL drivers for cement at aspecial board meeting February
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