RED BANK J REGISTER. VOLUME XVIII, NO. 39, RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1896, $1,50 PER YEAR. ivenuo to_hiti now hoiwo on lx>iKbton SHOT WHILE INSANE. FIRST OF APRIL CHANGES. avenue. Daniel McCarthy of Herbert TWO TROLLEYS WANTED AN OLD VETERAN'S DEATH. NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN, Htrcot will also movo into hia new houao Minnie Ileattu Wantlern From MORE BOUSES UNRENTED THAN on BbrevvHlniry avenue and River street. APPLICATIONS MADE FOR TWO HANB PETERSON STRICKEN Home at Sight, ROAD OVERSEERS APPOINTED AT THIS DATE. William Bhieldrt i« now occupying his KOAUH IN KKD BANK, W1TU MIHH Minnie Bt-iitlic, who liven witii LAST WEDNESDAY, new lioUHO on River street, iiT father, William Beattio on Locust Very Few ituHlnettm Change*-Many Frank Finkle will move from Locust lioth ItoatlH to fin Thfoiif/h Ittoit- lie H'MN Halkltta Alonu the Ntvvet venue, while tompornrilly iiiHiine on Mont of the Old OverHeerti Moving* In IIV«f Red, Bank avenue to Herbert street. tnniith atnl llroail Ntreetg and to When Attaekeit telth the IHHeaHeSaturday night, wandered from her jtolntrt! A Church, Sociable— IVete George Oramniaun will move into bin lome, and was found lying by the Voting folks Who Will Het , in the Nteaiiihout Whnrf-One Iloatl —Knllxtcil Tirlve an a Sailor In Monmoitth'tt ijootl School Children Houmeknepinff, new house on Shrewsbury avenue about lii to he « lioiiblr Track iioail, the i niteil NtateH Xavu, oudside near Holmdel on Sunday"after- -A Trlfllna Hohbery, Next Wednesday is the annual moving the middle of April. His apartments in Applications were made to the board HatiH J, I'etersen, a veteran of the late noon. While trying to get in a house, Very few ehangeH were made among day in the country. Moat of the people the opem house block have been rented of commissioners lust night for franchises war, WUH .stricken with paralysis while t 1H supposed at Lineroft. she was shot the road overseers by the township com- who are going to move have already no- by Burton A, Lyons. for two trolley roads. One of the appli- walking mi Herbert street oil Sundnv, n the arm. No serious results are ex- mittee last WwliiuHday. The full list of cured their houses. More houses than Jophia Clayton will move from Shrews- cations WOH from the rond which has shortly (ifior one o'clock, and died with- let*ted from the wound, road overseers appointed is as follows : bury avenue to the house on Chestnut Mks Beattie lias been subject to tits of usual are unrented, Theodore F. White, been trying ever since last summer to in a half hour after the attack. At the Hcniliicn'H ComiT—(ironje Tllton, who is the oldest real estate agent in street recently vacated by Mrs, Sarah M. get a road t'onstructod in Red Bank, time of the attack he wan on bin way nsauity for some time. During these Hivcrslili! im-nut! chnrlitt Allen, Hr. Red Bank, says that he does not remem- Grover, The other was an application for a road from IIIH homo on Broad xtreot to visit from her true mental Htutfi who is Niivc'siuk- Omar Sickles, Frank Pretlmoro will move from .usually quite Hick. Fur the pn.Ht three Holford—Joliii T, lioppintr. ber a year when ao many houses in town to come to Red Bank from Long Branch John MeCiiickin of Shrewsbury avenue, Port Mimiumilh- Ui'iijmiiiii (iilgffH, were not taken at this date, Wm. F, Shrewsbury avenue to Mrs, E, M, Dur- by way of Port-nu-Peck. Tliis road is He NV iH picked up and carried into Henry weeks she has been conlined to her room. Holland—W. ». Uoypr. Durhani says that in moat of Iiia housed ham's house on Catherine street. C. P. mi extension of the Long Branch trolley Grnu-u»'H house, where bo died, On Saturday night her sUter-iu-hiw Nut ttwump—j, T, Fiiiltl. Kline lias rented the house vacated by went to her room with her supper, but Llnrroft—Joseph W, Thoinpson. the tenants will remain without change, road and is locally known as William Mr, Peterson was about 03 yearn old. Llncroft—A, J, nray, Thomas Davis, Jr., has rented almost all Mr. Predmore. W. Conover's trolley rond. He %vuB born in Denmark and tuinio to lie had eocnpod from the room, A dog ltivor—Andrew Winter.. of hifl houses, but he has a few left m E. Gerry Robert's houses on Oakland The meeting was the most orderly this country when' a young man, On •elonging to'Mr. Beattie was also mta- HJKiilaiuIs-Alfml Rwd.- street have been rented by C. K. Bishop ng. Search was kept up until two Miiidk'towu—(iuorgij A. novvnt;, good locations. This is Francis White's which bus yet hreri held at 'which trolley Octubtr BOth, 1863, be inlisted as a sea- Crawfonl'i) Richard Cniwford. first year as a real estate agent. He has of Oakland street, Thomas M. Voorhees matters have been considered, and a man in tins navy. Ho wna_.assigncd to o'clock on Sunday morning, but no trace Nut Swamp—T. Leopard DiiviR, a number of houses still to rent. of Bridge avenue, Alfred Botticher of greater spirit of harmony prevailed than the Eleanior Commodore McDonougli, on could be found of the missing woman. lA'Onnrilvllli;—Thpodoro nunlge. of Bridge avenue, and A. Percy Sher- at any previous meeting. At the last which ho served one year, the term of About three o'clock on Sunday afternoon, I^conartlrillc—John VVoodwonJ. The number of removals will be consid- Garret Magee, the overseer of the poor Locust Polpt—Juscph Lufburrow. erable, but the business changes will be man, who will begin housekeeping. meeting of the commissioners, when the his enlistment. A month after his dig- imnpol Uill—Geoifte W, EvaiiH, Mrs. Eleanor Watts will move from trolley mutter was under discussion, Mr. charge he reenlistud for a term of three f Holmdel township, drove up to the I'nrki'rtown—Joseph Brown,' very few. There will be only two on bouse with Miss Beattie in his wagon, Broad street, , Charles L, Cook will move the Sehanek Smock house on Wallace Nevius, who represented some of the yearn. This time he served on bofird the HlHlilaiida - Kobert Hartahorne. street to the Capt. William Mount house opponents of the road, said that he Metaeoniot, of the West Gulf blockading he dog was with them. Her arm was Hilton Park-William Thorne.- from the second floor of the Borden uound up with a bandage. Mr. Magee building to the first floor of the Miller on the same street. would not opjxjse the.construction of the squadron, He was promoted to quarter The road money thia year was appor- Mrs. Emily Halb will move to Win- road provided that the road was properly gunner on January 3d, 1804, During his itated that Miss Beattie had been found in tioned at the rate of $58 per milo of building, Mrs.' M. E. Venable has re- 'runt of the cemetery on the road le.id- tired from business and her store in the field Whites house on Borden street, built and that the town received a fair service he took part in the battle of fort roads. Last year the apportionment was now occupied by Samuel B, Keeler, Mr. return for the uwe of the roads. It was Wagner, South Carolina, July 10th, 1803; ng from Morrisville to Holmdel. He $62 per mile, Haddon block will be occupied by out ad been notified and went to assist of town parties. On Shrewsbury avenue Keeler will move to New York. stated lust night that the flpplioation of in tlie uttnek on Fort Sumpter, Septem- A sociable was given on Wednesday Mrs. Eliza Odell of Broad street will the trolley company had be-n submitted ber 8th, 1803, and in tlie battles at Mobile icr. He was told by Miss Beattie where night in the basement of the Baptist R, C, Wells will move his bakery to the ihe lived, and waa brought home. Clayton building on the corner of Her- move to Mrs. Annie Conover's house on to him and such changes had been made on August 5th and December 32d, 1804. church of Atlantic Highlands for the bert street and Shrewsbury avenue. Front street, now occupied by John in the application as would make it satis- After the war lie enlisted in the navy On being questioned by her relatives benefit of the Christian Endeavor society. The store vacated by Mr. Wells will be Schenck. Mr. Schenck will move to his faotory to moat of the opponents of the and served on the Pensncola for nearly Miss Beattie stated that after leaving the About seventy were present and the re- occupied by John Farley, who will open own house on Chestnut street. trolley. two nnd a half years, when he was dis- house on Saturday night she went up ceipts were $13.71. The following pro- a candy store. The trolley company Henry A. Holzapfel will move from When the matter was first brought up charged on account of a wound he had Shrewsbury avenue to the Newman gramme was rendered : will open an office in the Mill ward build- the Joseph Winter house on Wallace last night Mr. Greonburg stated that he received in his left arm. Tliis later on Springs road, where she turned and went Singing. street to the Lum house on Branch ave- developed into paralysis. up the road across the Newman Springs Recitation .,,.,.
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