MAKABUHAY ENGLISH NEWS AND FEATURES ILOCANO WITH PICTURES TAGALOG PUBLISHED WEEKLY VISAYAN VOLUME XI, N O . 6 HAWAII’S FILAMERICAN TRIBUNE, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1951 HONOLULU, T. H. 10 CENTS PER COPY FOR N. Y. CONSULATE GEN. Good Record In Hawaii B a l b o a H e a d s C . B . M akes Him The Strongest Solon Repeat Graft Charges Dr. Hearns Studies Probe Committee Candidate For The Post Illegal and unconstitutional. F o r E d u c a t io n Pidlaoan, is not going to be ap­ Lacson Declares Auditor Central Bank deputy govern­ then required the New York Aid pointed Consul General in New General Backs Assertion or Alfonso Calalang, chairman of consulate to give an accounting F E D E R A L Y o rk . Manuel Alzate, consul the bank’s personnel committee, if the funds, but until now no A former island school teacher of Honolulu, - may become con­ yesterday geared a probe com­ Ambassador Jose P. Melen- accounting has been rendered. Is b ack today to determine which sul of New York. Foreign Af­ although it has been reported Hawaii areas are most in need mittee for an all-out investiga­ cio’s counter-charge that Rep. fairs Undersecretary Felino Neri that Minister Emilio Abello who of help under a federal aid to tion of the. charges against Ceferi- Arsenio H. Lacson (N-Manila) will be Executive Secretary in taken charge of the of- education program, no Eugenio, assistant superin­ had misrepresented the facts on Malacanan and Senorito Ma- tendent of banks. “private funds” scandal in fice is now looking into the m at- Dr. Arthur L. Harris, who damba will take his place. Sus- was a teacher, principal and department N e w Y o r k consulate A new three-man subcommit­ mariajosep. After six months In this connection, Lacson partment of public instruction of- tee headed by Natalio Balboa, prompted the Manila solon yes­ Minister Abello will be ordered said, the consulate’s financial; ficial for 13 years, now is chief the, CB legal counsel, was form­ terday to insist that the auditor to Manila and be at the Foreign officer, a certain Mr. Dulay, has field representative in the school ed by Calalang to look into the Department. Counselor M. Gam­ general himself had ruled that the establishment of the said been required to make a report housing section of the U . S . Eugenio case and conduct an in­ boa will become Minister in fice of education.. quiry among officials and em­ fund was illegal and unconstitu­ on the case by Undersecretary place of Mr. Abello. M r. J. Neri upon Lacson’s complaint ployes of the exchange control tional. This is his first return since D. Justiniano will be transferred that the finance officer had he left in 1940. He expects to department regarding the char­ to San Francisco, as at first step Lacson explained that the 'private fund” case was first nied him cooperation when dur­ stay 10 days or two weeks. ges. Two other bank, officials will to take him to Manila. Mr. brought to the attention of the ing his recent stay in New York Under recent federal laws, asist Balboa, namely ose Car­ Paredes will take the place of auditor general’s office by M. E. he attempted to look into the money has been made available mona, chief accountant, and Gre­ Senor Jose Teodoro, who will be gorio S. Licaros, auditor. Fernandez, auditor of the con­ consulate’s finances. to help out areas throughout the sent to Manila. Mr. Urbano Za- Aside from the “private fund” This subcommittee will also sulate, who in his letter to Au­ nation where a heavy influx of fra will become Counselor, Dr. case, Lacson further charged look into the possibility other of­ ditor General Agregado dated federal employes has put an ex - D. M. Yap will be Commercial yesterday that while in New heavy burden on local school ficials may be conducting similar Counselor. Mr. J. M. Elizalde November 15, 1950, described d ep ro c ed u re as “not only ini­ York he discovered from the facilities. activities with the ECD as char­ will he changed if he does not ged against Eugenio. The group mical to the interests of the pub- records of the consulate that It is estimated that about resign voluntarily. First Secre­ Melencio had brought over from sought authority from Calalang tary Tomas de Castro may be­ lic service but also illegal and 12, 500. Oahu school children— anomalous. ” Europe a maid, a cook and a to suspend any employe found come Consul in New York, a about 20 per cent of the Oahu Subsequently on March 1, chauffeur to work for him at his undertaking unauthorized trans­ candidate together with a dozen school population—are children. 1951, Lacson made a strong Weschester c o u n t y mansion, actions with the bank. other candidates. When Gen. Ro- of federal employees. representation with Undersec­ purchased with Philippine gov­ Dr. Harris said it is definite The Balboa subcommittee im­ mulo becomes the ambassador retary of Foreign Affairs Felino ernment funds, and that those mediately started its inquiry yes­ there will be many changes in that the territory will qualify Neri for action on the case re­ French employees had been put terday. the embassy. He will put his New for the aid granted toward meet­ ported by Auditor Hernandez the payroll of the consulate. York staff in Washington. ing school operating expenses, al­ Although tire Balboa subcom- where the then Consul-General Lacson also said that during though the exact amount is still committee promised speedy Melencio was accused of accu­ his stay in New York, Mrs. Me­ to be determined. vestigation of the Eugenio c SENATOR FEARS mulating the “private fund” lencio was the one running the Payments, he said can be ex­ its activities suffered a minor from the sales of privately print­ consulate by remote control from hitch because of the failure by ALL OUT WAR pected to include - the present SEATTLE, Wash. — Sen. ed invoice forms. Lacson point­ her mansion, giving instructions Nicanor Tomas, acting exchange 1950-51 fiscal year. W a r r e n G. Magnuson, D., ed out to Neri that while the the consulate staff by tele­ control director, to submit a. re­ phone. Melencio himself, Lacson Whether aid can be granted Wash., believes the United Na­ form itself was an official was appropriated and requests for pent. Tomas-was-previously ask­ form required by the foreign added, used to come to his of­ ed to look into the charges against tions may have to fight an all in building new schools is less out war against Red China. 'service, the sale of these forms fice at eleven o’clock in the Eugenio and submit his findings morning and leave around lunch certain, since only $46, 000, 000 back today was b eing handled by the employees aid total nearly $400, 000, 000, he from a 30 day visit to japan, o f the co n sulate in the time. Lacson said he could easily Korea and Formosa. course of their official of former consulate employees However, Dr. Harris said, the MRS. MELENCIO DOESN’T “W e should not take any un­ The proceeds were being spent for “private, purposes. ” who are now in Manila. • influx of military population here LIKE SOCIETY IN JAPAN necessary risks until such time creates several specific situations Upon receipt, of this note, "If this government is sincere TOKYO — Minister - Am­ as we may be ready to win a in which he feels the territory Neri referred the matter to the in its desire to operate on an bassador Jose P. Melencio ar­ war of any size that we may get may qualify for aid. rived here more than a month into, ’’ he said. auditor general who subsequent­ austerity basis, ” Lacson said, ly ruled that the purpose for “Malacanan can do no b e tter He has talks, scheduled with ago from New York. Since then “I think that if and when military officials in the next few he has not done anything of which the fund was accumulated than to remove Melencio from such a war becomes necessary as well as its disbursement was the foreign service. ” days to try to determine the ex­ importance. He is telling Filipinos we should employ the Japanese Regala Predicts Stronger. ACTIVATED BY tent of the problem. around his office he will ask the as a fighting force and u se Japan EISENHOW ER Japanese a lot of reparations so Philippine-Australian Ties as a main base of operations, ” PA RIS Gen. Dwight D. J udge McLaughlin Tenders BRITAIN WILL CLOSE that the Filipinos will be rich. Magnuson said. SYDNEY, Australia — Judge some support the 20, 000 Huks. Eisenhower activated a new U. S. Mrs. Melencio doesn’t like So Resignation AS U. H. Regent 6 CHINA CONSULATES He said there was too much Roberto Regala, Philippine Min­ Only recently we had to deport air force in Britain and an­ LONDON — Britain will piety here because it is dull. Mr. Federal Judge J . Frank M c- “confused and emotional’' think­ ister to Australia, told the Daily two wealthy Chinese merchants nounced that additional planes shut down six consulates in Red Melencio wants to go to Manila Laughlin disclosed today that he ing and talking in the controver­ Telegraph “there are strong ties who had been financing the rev are on the way from the he is willing to continue to serve, China this month because of lack “to report about the Jap si has submitted his resignation as sy which has raged since Pres­ between the Philippines and Aus- olutionaries.
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