A Joint Venture of 由下列公司合資成立: CASL Spirits China Aircraft Services Ltd. 中國飛機服務有限公司 SPIRITS: Safety First ∙ Positive Communication ∙ Innovation ∙ Resources Management ∙ Improvement on Continuous Basis ∙ Teamwork ∙ Satisfaction of Customers Newsletter Issue 4 July 2013 中飛 通訊 第四期 2013 年 7 月 Reliable, Professional, Affordable 可靠、專業、實惠 Message from the CEO 行政總裁的話 ……………………….. 1 Corporate Activities 企業活動 ………………………… 10 Line & Base Maintenance Updates 航線及基地維修 …… 3 Interview 人物專訪 ……………………………….………. 13 Quality Information Updates 質量保證…………….………….. 8 . Engineering – From an Aircraft to a Career Special Events 特別活動 …............................................... 9 從飛機維修工程發展個人事業 . Press Conference of TVB Drama 新聞發佈會 HR Column 人逢喜事 ……………………………………… 14 Phone 電話: +852 2261 2838 / 32 / 30 Fax 傳真: +852 2261 2388 Email 電郵: [email protected] China Aircraft Services Limited 中國飛機服務有限公司 81 South Perimeter Road, Hong Kong International Airport 香港大嶼山香港國際機場南環路 81 號 Lantau, Hong Kong Message from the CEO 行政總裁的話 Dear readers, 親愛的讀者︰ It has been 15 years since CASL commenced operations at 中飛公司從 1998 年 7 月 6 日位於赤鱲角的香港國際機場啟用 the Hong Kong International Airport on 6 July 1998, when the 當天開始營運,到今天我們已經運作了十五個年頭!我很高 new airport at Chek Lap Kok opened. I am delighted to witness 興見證著我們多年來的進步,尤其是自機庫於 2009 年落成啟 our great progress throughout the years. CASL has proven 用以後,中飛公司無論是公司規模還是業務範圍都在不斷擴 remarkable business development from company scale to 展。 scope of business, especially after the opening our hangar in 2009. 3 月,中飛公司與捷星香港簽署服務協議,為其 A320 機隊於 香港國際機場提供航線維修、機艙服務及機坪支援設備服 Highlighting our first half year was the agreement signed 務。捷星香港是由澳洲航空、中國東方航空及信德集團合資, between CASL and Jetstar Hong Kong, a newly established 以香港為基地的航空公司。我相信,捷星香港的開航將會進 Hong Kong-based joint venture among Qantas, China Eastern 一步促進香港的廉價航空營商模式的發展。 Airlines and Shun Tak Holdings, in March. We will provide line maintenance services, cabin services and ground support 我們為聯合航空完成了不同的維修項目,包括為其 B737NG equipment services to the A320 fleet of Jetstar Hong Kong at 機隊進行廣播式自動回報監視系統改裝、發動機拆裝工程, the Hong Kong International Airport. I am certain that the 並為另一架 B737NG 飛機進行腐蝕檢測及修復工程。此外, airline will further boost the trend of low cost carrier model in 中飛公司亦為多個客戶如不丹皇家航空及馬爾代夫航空進行 Hong Kong. 各類檢修,並為中華航空完成 AV15 年檢工作。無論是例行 或非例行的維修檢查,足見我們出色的表現及專業的精神, A number of base maintenance projects have been 我相信未來中飛公司與航空公司客戶的合作將會更緊密。 accomplished for United Airlines (UA). We completed the ADS-B modification and thrust reverser change for its B737NG 2013 年首六個月期間,我們迎來三個新的航線維修客戶,包 fleet, as well as corrosion inspection and repair for another 括 Myanmar Airways、Lion Air 及 Regent Airways。除維修 B737NG airplane. CASL also performed various maintenance 服務之外,我們亦不斷加強機艙服務的質素,特別成立專責 projects for customers such as Drukair and Mega Maldives 小組,為香港航空及香港快運提供飛機外部清洗的服務。 Airlines, and AV15 Check for China Airlines. With our excellent performance and professionalism in both scheduled and 7 月 11 日,無線電視於中飛公司飛機維修庫舉行《衝上雲霄 non-scheduled maintenance services, we are confident to II》「夢想啟航」的新聞發佈會,我們日常繁忙的機庫雲集明 enhance our cooperation with airline customers in the coming 星,頓時充滿熱鬧氣氛。今輯電視劇加入了飛機維修員的角 future. 色,藉著劇集近日成為熱門話題,我希望可加深大眾對飛機 維修行業的認識。 During the first six months of 2013, we had three new line maintenance customers, namely Myanmar Airways, Lion Air 一直以來,中飛公司致力履行企業社會責任,我們榮膺多個 and Regent Airways, joining us. Apart from maintenance 獎項,包括「商界展關懷」標誌及「十八區關愛僱主」獎項 services, we also put efforts to strengthen our cabin services. 等。我們將會繼續竭盡所能,落實企業社會責任的項目,促 We have formed a special team to carry out aircraft exterior 進社區的可持續發展。 wash for A320 and A330 fleet of Hong Kong Airlines and Hong Kong Express Airways. 中國飛機服務有限公司 On 11 July, our busy hangar took a little break. Star-studded 行政總裁 and filled with excitement, our hangar was the venue for the press conference of TVB drama Triumph in the Skies II. 張謙華 Following the popularity of the drama, which has included aircraft maintenance as one of the major features, I think it would be a good chance to raise public awareness about our industry. Over the years, CASL is committed to fulfilling our corporate social responsibility. We were awarded various social awards such as the Caring Company Logo and 18 Districts Caring Employers Award. We will continue to make every effort to implement our corporate social responsibility initiatives in a way to foster the sustainable development of the community. Angus Cheung Chief Executive Officer China Aircraft Services Limited CASL Spirits Newsletter|July 2013|Issue 4 Page 1 第 1 頁 中飛 通訊|2013 年 7 月|第四期 Company Introduction 公司簡介 China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) is a joint experiences and a wide range of capabilities. We venture among China National Aviation Corporation are fully committed to providing the highest quality (Group) Limited (CNACG) (40%), Hutchison of services to our customers by focusing on Whampoa (China) Limited (20%), United Airlines technical development, customer care and (20%) and China Airlines (20%). continuous improvement. CASL was founded in 1995 to provide aircraft line Advisory Board maintenance, cabin cleaning, and ground support 中國飛機服務有限公司(中飛公司)由中國航空(集 Angus Cheung, CEO equipment services at the Hong Kong International 團)有限公司(40%)、和記黃埔(中國)有限公司 Jack Li, GM, CCS Airport. (20%)、美國聯合航空公司(20%)和中華航空公司 Patrick Li, GM, MO Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern (20%)合資成立。 Sunny So, GM, Finance Airlines and Xiamen Airlines have representations in 中飛公司創辦於 1995 年,在香港國際機場提供飛 Stella Chan, Manager, HR the company via CNACG’s shareholding ownership 機航線維護、機艙清潔和機坪支援設備等服務。 of CASL. 中國國際航空公司、中國東方航空公司、中國南方 Editorial Board Apart from operating in Hong Kong, CASL and China 航空公司及廈門航空公司通過中航集團有限公司的 Chief Editor : Ernest Tai Eastern Airlines established a joint venture company 40% 股權,在中飛公司中也具有股權代表利益。 Deputy Chief Editor : Tracy Chow - Shanghai Eastern Aircraft Maintenance Limited 除了香港以外,中飛公司於 2002 年與中國東方航 Deputy Chief Editor : Ricky Cheung (SEAM) in 2002, providing aircraft line maintenance 空公司合資成立上海東方飛機維修有限公司,在上 and ground support equipment services at Pudong 海浦東國際機場及虹橋國際機場提供飛機航線維護 Editors : Claret Lin International Airport and Hongqiao International 及機坪支援設備服務 Jackie Mui Airport in Shanghai. 2009 年 5 月,中飛公司位於香港國際機場的飛機維 Matthew Chan CASL opened its aircraft maintenance hangar at 修機庫正式投入使用,中飛公司有能力支援以香港 William Cheung Hong Kong International Airport in May 2009. CASL 作為基地的航空公司營運,中飛公司也能為全球各 Wing Chung Wong is capable of providing higher level of aircraft 地的航空公司提供更高水準的飛機航線維修服務和 maintenance services to worldwide airline customers 飛機機庫大修服務。 Enquiries: 2261 2832 in both aircraft line maintenance and heavy 中飛公司雇有超過千名具豐富經驗及能力出眾的員 E-Mail: [email protected] maintenance. 工。我們殷切關注客戶的要求並不斷力求進步,竭 [email protected] CASL employs more than 1000 staff with extensive 誠為客戶提供最優質服務。 CASL Spirits is a quarterly newsletter for its customers, partners, and employees. http://www.casl.com.hk Our Customers 我們的客戶︰ Air Busan Donghai Airlines Jet Aviation Orient Thai Airlines Air China Dragonair Jetstar Hong Kong Palau Airways Air China Cargo Druk Air Jin Air Regent Airways Air Hong Kong Eastar Jet JuneYao Airlines S7 Airlines Air Macau Egypt Air Kartika Airlines Shandong Airlines Asiana Airlines Federal Express K-Mile Air Shanghai Airlines Aviastar Far East Air Transport Lion Air Shenzhen Airlines British Airways Fly Guam LLC Globus Sichuan Airlines Cargolux Airlines Grandstar Cargo Lufthansa German Airlines Tianjin Airlines China Airlines Hainan Airlines Lufthansa Technik AG Transasia Airlines China Cargo Airlines Hong Kong Airlines Mandala Airlines Transaero Airlines China Eastern Airlines Hong Kong BAC Mandarin Airlines Tonlesap Airlines China Postal Airlines Hong Kong Express Mega Maldives Airlines United Airlines China Southern Airlines Hunnu Air MIAT Mongolian Airlines Virgin Atlantic Airways City Airways Japan Airlines MNG Airlines Xiamen Airlines Delta Airlines Jeju Air Myanmar Airways Yangtze River Express CASL Spirits Newsletter|July 2013|Issue 4 Page 2 第 2 頁 中飛 通訊|2013 年 7 月|第四期 Line & Base Maintenance Updates 航線及基地維修 Jetstar Hong Kong signed Maintenance Service Agreement with CASL 捷星香港與中飛簽署服務協議 (left to right) Mr. Nick Rohrlach (EVP of Jetstar HK), Dr. Angus Cheung (CEO of CASL) and Group photo of Jetstar Hong Kong and CASL management staff Mr. Erning Fan (EVP of Jetstar HK) sign maintenance service agreement 捷星香港與中飛管理層合照 (左至右)捷星香港執行副總裁羅力行先生、中飛公司行政總裁張謙華博士及捷星香港執行 副總裁范爾寧先生簽署服務協議 On 8 March 2013, CASL and Jetstar Hong Kong signed a maintenance service Jetstar Hong Kong is currently progressing with regulatory approvals. agreement whereby CASL will provide line maintenance, cabin services, and CASL will provide unparalleled services to Jetstar Hong Kong with its ground support equipment services to Jetstar Hong Kong at the Hong Kong expertise in line and base maintenance for A320 aircraft. International Airport. Jetstar Hong Kong is a joint venture among Shun Tak Holdings, Qantas, and China 本年 3 月 8 日,中飛與捷星香港簽訂維修服務協議,將於香港國際機場為其 Eastern Airlines. Jetstar Hong Kong will bring the low cost carrier model to Hong 提供航線維護、機艙服務及機坪支援設備服務。捷星香港是一間由信德集團、 Kong market, benefiting travelers with choices of low fare tickets. 澳洲航空和中國東方航空合資經營的廉價航空公司,運作初期會有三架 A320 Initially Jetstar Hong Kong will start with three A320 aircraft and will eventually 飛機,至 2015 年飛機數目會增至 18 架,主要提供距離香港五小時之内的航 線,目的地包括:東南亞、日本、南韓及中國大陸等。他們現正申請航空運輸 develop into a full fleet of eighteen A320 in year 2015. Jetstar Hong Kong intends 企業經營許可證。憑藉多年來對 A320 機型的航線及基地維修之專門知識,中 to fly to destinations within five hours of Hong Kong and is considering destinations 飛將為捷星香港提供超卓及不一樣之服務!
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