Archaeological Sites and Monument Records for Devizes, Potterne, Bishops Canning, Roundway, Heddington, Bromham and Rowde parishes 1. The data is supplied courtesy of Wiltshire Council SMR Archaeology Service 2. Listing does not imply that public access is available. Please consult the detailed page for this. 3. More up to date information is available for planning purposes from the Wiltshire Archaeology Service at the above link. This report • This research has been organised by merging the parish SMR site records for Devizes, Potterne, Bishops Canning, Roundway, Heddington, Bromham and Rowde parishes. • The table has been sorted first by archaeological period and then parish – this appears at the bottom of the report • Bar charts for the frequency of each archaeological period is shown below; this gives the number and percentage of sites in each period in the 7 parishes . Archaeological periods in UK A simplified version of this complex area is: • The Mesolithic (Meso) is ca 10,000 BC to 4000 BC • Neolithic (Neo) is ca 4000 BC to 2400 BC • Bronze Age (Bro) is ca 2400 BC to 800 BC • Iron Age (Iron) ca 800 BC to 43 AD • Romano-British (Rom); 43 AD to ca 410 AD. • Saxon (Sax) or early Medieval 410 AD to 1066 AD • Medieval (Med) 1066 to ca 1540 • Post medieval (Pmed) 1540 to 1910 Number of SMR sites in 7 parishes around Devizes by archaeological period 140 131 128 120 110 100 Number % 80 63 60 37 40 34 Numberand % 19 19 20 15 0 c ron val ted I ie ieval d d Bronze Roman Saxon nda esolithi Neolithic Me U M Post me Table showing all SMR listings for Devizes, Potterne, Bishops Canning, Roundway, Heddington, Bromham and Rowde parishes SMR No. Location Parish Description Age SU06NE804 All Cannings Bishops Canning Linear bank and ditch of probable Bronze Age Bro Down date. SU06NE166 Beckhampton Bishops Canning Bronze Age pottery. Bro Road Long Barrow SU06SW155 Bishops Bishops Canning Bronze Age bronze awl and axe head fragment. Bro Cannings SU06NE154 Bishops Bishops Canning Bronze Age settlement site excavated in 1976. Bro Cannings Down SU06NE160 Bishops Bishops Canning Bronze Age pottery fragments and a flint tool. Bro Cannings Down SU06NE163 Bishops Bishops Canning Fragment of Bronze Age pottery. Bro Cannings Down SU06NE612 Bishops Bishops Canning Bronze Age bowl barrow excavated by Hoare Bro Cannings and Thurnam. Down * SU06NE733 Bishops Bishops Canning Round barrow of probable Bronze Age date Bro Cannings excavated in 1964. Down * ST96SE150 Mother Bromham Bronze Age pottery fragments and flint tools. Bro Anthony’s Well ST96NEU02 Near Spye Bromham Bronze-Age spear head. Bro Park SU06SW151 Oliver’s Castle Bromham Bronze Age hearths found in 1907 excavations. Bro SU06SW611 Oliver’s Castle Bromham Bronze Age bowl barrow excavated in 1928 and Bro * 1977. SU06SW642 Oliver’s Castle Bromham Bronze Age bowl barrow excavated 1908 and Bro * 1977. SU06SW158 Devizes Devizes Possible Bronze Age flint and sherd found Bro School Edward during an evaluation excavation in 2001 Rd SU06SW154 E of Hillworth Devizes Bronze Age flint arrowhead. Bro House SU05NW151 Nine Hills Devizes A fragment of a Bronze Age axe head. Bro SU06SW156 Plot 11, Devizes Part of a Bronze Age sword Bro Quaker's Walk Allotments ST95NE150 Rangebourne Devizes Bronze age metalwork and pottery sherds Bro ST96NE152 Church Farm Heddington Fifty-five Bronze Age pottery fragments were Bro found in 1999. SU06NW160 Kings Play Hill Heddington A fragment from a bronze chisel type object. Bro near Long Barrow ST95NE151 Blackberry Potterne Bronze Age midden site excavated in 1982-4. Bro Lane Cemetery ST95NE156 Cherry Potterne 38 Bronze Age pottery fragments. Bro Orchard ST95NE152 Coxhill Lane Potterne Sherds of Bronze Age pottery and worked flints Bro ST95NE154 Land To the Potterne A Bronze Age pottery and 'prehistoric flint tools' Bro Rear of were found in evaluation excavations in 1995. Brownleaze Lane ST95NE153 Little Chilsbury Potterne Bronze Age pottery fragment. Bro Potterne Wick ST95NEU11 Unlocated - Potterne Bronze Age leather working knife. Bro Potterne SU06SW401 E of Oliver’s Roundway Saxon inhumation in Bronze Age barrow. Bro Castle (SU06SW601) SU06SW601 E of Oliver’s Roundway Bronze Age bowl barrow with Saxon Bro Castle inhumation. The barrow had been excavated at least three times. SU06SW605 NE of the Roundway Bronze Age bowl barrow excavated in 1856. Bro Plantation SU06SW157 Quakers Walk Roundway Bronze Age worked flint tools found during an Bro evaluation excavation in 2005 SU06SW150 Roundway Hill Roundway Bronze Age burial found with a pot. Bro SU06SW152 Roundway Hill Roundway Bronze Age flint implements found with a bronze Bro knife fragment. SU06SW603 Roundway Hill Roundway Bronze Age bowl barrow excavated by Bro * Cunnington. SU06SW609 Roundway Hill Roundway Bronze Age bowl barrow excavated in 1855/6. Bro * SU06SWU18 Unlocated - Roundway Bronze Age urn. Bro Roundway SU06SWU21 Unlocated - Roundway Bronze Age bronze implement. Bro Roundway SU06SW608 W of Roundway Two confluent Bronze Age bowl barrows, Bro Roundway Hill excavated in the 19th century. Farm * SU06SW204 Bourton Bishops Canning An Iron Age bronze object. Iron ST96SE204 NW of Mother Bromham Iron Age coin. Iron Anthony's Well ST96SE206 Mother Bromham An Iron Age brooch. Iron Anthony's Well ST96SE207 Mother Bromham An Iron Age finger ring. Iron Anthony's Well ST96SE203 Mother Bromham Iron Age pottery fragments and a whetstone. Iron Anthony’s Well SU06SW200 Oliver’s Castle Bromham Iron Age hillfort, excavated in 1907. Iron * SU06SW203 Brickley Farm Devizes Iron Age pottery found during an evaluation in Iron excavation in 1999. SU06SW202 Brickley Lane Devizes The remains of an Iron Age Settlement was Iron found during an evaluation excavation in 1999. ST95NE203 Rangebourne Devizes Iron Age metalwork and pottery sherds Iron SU06SW201 S of Belvedere Devizes Iron Age limestone spindle-whorl. Iron Wood ST95NE205 Furze Hill Farm Potterne An Iron Age coin. Iron ST95NE204 Porch House Potterne Iron Age stone implement. Iron ST95NE201 Rangebourne Potterne Iron Age pottery sherds Iron Mill ST95NE202 Rangebourne Potterne Iron Age pottery sherd Iron Mill ST95NEU13 Unlocated - Potterne A) Seven Iron Age silver coins. B) Four more. Iron Potterne ST95NEU03 Unlocated - Potterne Iron Age pottery. Iron Rangebourne Mill ST96SE201 Pipeline SW of Roundway Iron Age coin. Iron Mother Anthony’s Well ST96SE202 Pipeline W of Roundway Iron Age coin. Iron Mother Anthony’s Well ST96SE205 Rowde Rowde An Iron Age coin. Iron SU06SW470 Bishop Bishops Canning Medieval metalwork, pottery and floor tile. Med Cannings SU06SE461 Bishops Bishops Canning A Medieval iron shoe buckle. Med Canning Near Barrow G48 SU06NE458 Bishops Bishops Canning A Medieval brooch. Med Cannings SU06SW454 Bishops Bishops Canning Settlement with Medieval origins. Settlement Med Cannings earthworks linking Bishops Cannings, Bourton SU06SW471 Bishops Bishops Canning A Medieval rock crystal gemstone. Med Cannings SU06NE776 Bishops Bishops Canning Square enclosure which is probably a Medieval Med Cannings sheep penning. Down * SU06SW460 Bourton Bishops Canning Medieval silver coin. Med SU06SW461 Bourton Bishops Canning Medieval pewter spoon and coin of Stephen. Med SU06SW478 Bourton Bishops Canning Fragment of Medieval tile. Med SU06SW481 Bourton Bishops Canning Medieval ring brooches and a copper mount. Med SU06SW455 Bourton & Bishops Canning A) Shrunken Medieval village. B) Two medieval Med Easton Farm coins found. SU06SW464 Calcote Farm Bishops Canning Farmstead with Medieval origins. Med SU06SW456 Coate Bishops Canning Settlement with Medieval origins. Med SU06SW462 E of Bishops Bishops Canning Medieval bottle-shaped flask. Med Cannings SU06SW472 E of Bourton Bishops Canning Medieval bronze-work. Med SU06NW672 E of Hillbarn Bishops Canning Strip lynchets, probably Medieval in date. Med Cottages SU06NW672 E of Hillbarn Bishops Canning Strip lynchets, probably Medieval in date. Med Cottages ST96SE468 Abbotts Wood Bromham A farmstead with Medieval origins. Med Farm ST96NEU10 Bell Farm - Bromham A) Medieval coin weight. B) Medieval buckle Med Verlucio fragments. ST96NE456 Bromham Bromham Settlement with Medieval origins. Med ST96NE472 Bromham Bromham A Medieval deer park. Med SU06SE463 Bromham Bromham A Medieval harness pendant Med ST96NE450 Bromham Bromham Site of Medieval house. Garden excavated Med House Farm 1819. ST96NE458 Chittoe Bromham Medieval pottery fragment. Med ST96SE461 Clinghill Bromham Settlement with Medieval origins. Med ST96NE459 E of Chittoe Bromham Medieval bronze cross. Med Heath Plantation ST96SE462 Hawk Street Bromham Settlement with Medieval origins. Med ST96SW467 Maples Farm Bromham Farmstead with Medieval origins. Med ST96SE464 Moorhouse Bromham Farmstead with Medieval origins. Med Farm ST96SEU05 Mother Bromham Half of a Medieval ring. Med Anthony's Well ST96NW478 N of Reynolds Bromham Medieval pottery fragments possibly indicating a Med Hill Farm kiln site. ST96NE462 Nether Street Bromham Settlement with Medieval origins. Med SU06SW483 Oliver's Castle Bromham A Medieval pewter handle. Med ST96NE612 South of Calne without; Probable Medieval landscape associated with a Med Broads Green Heddington holloway. SU06SW499 17 Jackson Devizes A large quantity of Medieval pottery was Med Close collected over the course of several years from a garden. SU06SW476 2 Waiblingen Devizes Medieval coin. Med Way Devizes SU06SW469 21 St Johns Devizes Medieval lead papal seal. Med Churchyard SU06SW494 48 Queens Devizes Medieval lead coin weight. Med Road SU06SW495 8 Monday
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