IN*1* c nv. >lv1 JULY, ^°y SSCTS . fficial Bulletin U.S.GA The one fixed, permanent orb in the golfer'sr firmament. Then there are lesser bodies that shine by refletted light — several real dead ones, and also nebulous affairs with weird tails (tales). The B. F. Goodrich Co. AKRON, O. New York : 66-68 Reade St. and 1625 Broadway. lelptaia: 909 Arch St. Detroit: 80 E. Congress St. •; Main Bt. 3uperior 8t. SanFrancisco: 892 Mi - -inn St. Denver: 1444 Curtle Bt. l, E. C. : 7 8now Hill. ALL MAY BE FAIR , "K •-._*. IN FACE-AS WELL AS LOVE AND WAR. *n 'TIS SIMPLY A MATTER OF g^ Used continuously in the manner directed. The peculiar ingredients which combine to produce this Face Soap have been selected primarily for their healing, curative and tonic values. 25 cents a cake everywhere. Special —A postal will bring our Beauty Booklet. Send 10 cents (or superb bound collection or portraits (9 x 12 inches.) of 15 Theatrical Stars containing autograph letters (rom each, or 15 cents with samples. THE ANDREW JERGENS CO., Sole Licensee. Cincinnati. O. ELECTRIC LAUNCHES SAFE RELIABLE *• NOISELESS Simply constructed, easily operated, elegantly appointed and economically maintained It is the one form of power boat that leaves nothing to ask for, nothing to be desired We Build Also AUTO-BOATS, GASOLINE LAUNCHES and AUXILIARY SAIL YACHTS 30 minutes from Liberty St., New York 75he ELECTRIC LAUNCH CO. BAYONNE CITY, NEW JERSEY GOLF BOOKS GOLF FOR WOMEN By GENEVIEVE HECKER. (Mrs. Charles T. Stout) With a Chapter on American Golf by RHONA K. ADAIR English and Irish Champion. Sva, 'iOith j? full-page illustrations and many decorations. Net, $2.00; postage, 12 cents. HIS BOOK, by the leading woman player of the country, not only contain^ the best 01 Golf instruction, which will be useful to men as well as women, but is also a complete T guide for all details of Golf for women. It includes matters of dress, training and links for women, and furthermore is so prepared as to be a guide for the beginner and a complete manual of instruction for the more advanced player. Miss Adair's chapter will be found full of interest to every woman golfer. jV. Y. Sun : " Direct and helpful, and her advice that of an expert who should be heeded." N. V. Post and The Nation: "No woman player, however skillful, can fail to profit by a careful study of it," Admirably illustrated." The Header Magazine: " Interesting and instructive, not only to beginners, but to old players as well." GOliF, 213 East 24th St., ~ ~ \i<zux York City - ran ms Iron Lifctrti M., SE Cm, Vt« JEBfEV )KS. IMEI Stovit PAIR nlv contain the beat dres. training and» ibj«( id' 1* W york City Photofjraph by T. C. Turner. MRS. STOUT PUTTING ON FIFTEENTH GREEN. WOMEN'S METROPOLITAN CHAMPIONSHIP. GOLF BY APPOINTMENT AN OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED "GOLFING," ESTABLISHED 1894 VOL. XVII. JULY, 1905 No. I THE WOMEN'S METROPOLITAN GOLF ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP BALTUSROL GOLF CLUB, SHORT HILLS, N. J., JUNE 13—17, 1905. By "Oldcastle." This year's contest was encourag- golf was as good, if not better, than ing to those who have been some- ever, and so her very fine perform- what despairing of late years regard- ance in the qualifying round was not ing women's golf in the metropolitan much of a surprise. The course was •district. Low water mark was 6,059 yards long, one hundred yards reached at Apawamis last year. The having been cut off the playing dis- competition just ended had thirty- tance in the amateur championship of seven starters, more than had ever ap- 1904. Miss Rhona Adair, when she peared in the event since it was in- was over here in 1903, went round stituted in 1900. It was besides a Baltusrol in 88. Mrs. Stout took the truly representative gathering, marred medal with 86. It has often been said •only by the unavoidable absence of that Mrs. Stout at her best is in a Miss Georgiana Bishop of England, class by herself. The next score to where she was playing in the ladies' hers was 97, so that there would seem championship, and by the absence also to be something in the assertion. The •of Mrs. E. A. Manice, the title holder. summary : Championship Division— But a good substitute was found in Mrs. C. T. Stout, Richmond County, Mrs. Charles T. Stout, who made her 44. 4-2—86; Miss Elsa Hurlbut, Mor- reappearance after an absence of two ris County, 51, 46—97; Miss E. years. She had not played in the Hurry, Apawamis, 49, 51—100; Mrs. Metropolitan championship since 1903 N. Pendleton Rogers, Plainfield, 52, at the Richmond County Country 49—101 ; Miss Julia A. Mix, Bal- Club, when she was beaten by Miss tusrol, 53, 48—101 ; Mrs. A. E. Har- Vanderhoef. This excellent player, ris, Apawamis, 51, 51—102; Mrs. E. too, was absent from Baltusrol. F, Sanford, Essex County, 49, 54— Mrs. Stout since the season opened 103; Miss G. Travers, Nassau, 52, this year had given evidence that her 52—104; Miss Helen Bishop, Brook- Copyright, 1905, by ARTHUR POTTOW. All rights r/srrved. WOMEN'S METROPOLITAN CHAMPIONSHIP. THE EKiHTH GREEN. MRS. STOUT AND MI89 GERTRUDE TRAVER8. lawn, 53, 53—106; Mrs. J. F. Hub- 57, 60—117; Mrs. W. Fellowes Mor- bard, Richmond County, 59, 49—108; gan, Baltusrol, 63, 55—118; Mrs. J. Mrs. D. A. Fuller, Nassau, 58, 51- B. Kinney, Baltusrol, 65, 53—118;. 109; Mrs. H. B. Clark, Apawamis, 58, Miss E. C. Chick, Essex County, 62, 52—no; Mrs. L. Daniels, Richmond 57—119; Miss Ellen Reid, Montclair,. County, 57, 53—no; Mrs. Charles L. 63, 57—120; Mrs. Roger S. White. Tiffany, Nassau, 56, 54—no; Miss Brooklawn, 65, 57—122. C. G. Willis, Morris County, 57, 55— Other scores—Mrs. C. H. Conner, 112; Mrs. S. F. Lefferts, Englewood, Apawamis, 66, 59—125; Miss L. 55, 57—112. Graham. North Jersey, 66, 62—128 r Consolation Cup Division—Mrs. T. Mrs. W. Gaston, Plainfield, 66, 66— H. Polhemus, Eastern Parkway, 58, 132; Mrs. W. C. Delano, Baltusrol. 54—112; Mrs. M. D. Paterson, Engle- 73, 61—134; Miss Surbrug, Mont- wood, 57, 55—112; Miss Maud K. clair, 69, 57—136. Wetmore, Baltusrol, 59, 54—113; This was evidently Mrs. Stout's- Mrs. Homer S. Ramsdell, Powelton. day, for she took the prize for driv- 60, 53—113; Miss Pauline Ramsdell, ing with a drive of 185 yards, Miss- Powelton, 60, 64—114; Miss Ruth Helen Bishop being second with 177. Badgley, Essex County, 63, 60, 54— Then the Richmond County repre- 114; Miss Van Boskerck, Plainfield, sentative tied with Miss Hurlbut in- 53—116; .Mrs. G. F. Brophy, Rich- the putting and approaching contest mond County, 63, 53—ri6; Mrs. \Y. at 8, and won the play off. Shippen, Morris County, 56, 6] —117: There were some good matches in Miss B. Graham, North Jersev, 65, the first round. Mrs. Sanford, the 52—117; Miss K. Travers, Nassau. runner-up at last year's women's. WOMEN'S METROPOLITAN CHAMPIONSHIP. championship, who was driving with Consolation Cup, First Round- a cleek, was beaten by Mrs. Daniels Miss Pauline Ramsdell beat Mrs. W. on the seventeenth green. Miss Ger- Shippen by 4 u]) and 3 to play; Miss trude Travers had to play one extra Van Boskerck beat Miss Ellen Reid hole to win from Mrs. Lefferts, and by 2 up; Mrs. W. Fellowes Morgan Miss Mix, a new-comer, won her beat Mrs. M. D. Paterson by 2 up and 9' game with Miss Bishop very easily— 1 to play; Miss Ruth Badgley beat \ Mrs. Stout played carelessly but won Miss B. (iraham by 5 up and 4 to play ; her match by a good margin. Miss Katharine Travers beat Mrs. G. The summary : Championship, First F. Brophy by default; Mrs, Roger S. Round—Miss Julia A. Mix beat Miss While beat Mrs. Homer S. Ramsdell Helen Bishop by 6 up and 5 to play ; by 5 up and 4 to play; Mrs. J. B. Miss E. Hurry beat Mrs. J. F. Hub- Kinney beat Mrs. T. H. Polhcmus by bard by 2 up; Mrs. N. Pendleton Rog- 5 up and 4 to play; Miss Maud Wet- , ers beat Mrs. H. B. Clark by 3 up and more beat Miss E. C. Chick by 6 up 2 to play; Mrs. Charles T. Stout beat and 4 to play. Miss C. G. Willis by 7 up and 5 to In the mixed foursomes fourteen play; Miss Elsa Hurlbut beat Mrs. C. pairs finished. Mrs. Daniels and L. Tiffany by 6 up and 5 to play; Mrs. Archibald (iraham, runner-up in the A. H. Harris beat Mrs. D. A. Fuller Metropolitan championship, had best by 6 up and 5 to play; Mrs. Lorenzo scores, 89. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Clark Daniels beat Mrs. E. F. Sanford by won the net prize. The summary: 2 up and 1 to play; Miss Gertrude Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Clark, 92, 10-82; Travers beat Mrs. S. F. Lefferts by 1 Mrs. L. Daniels and Archibald Gra- up ( 19 holes). ham, 89, n—83; Miss Julia A. Mix V *> 1 . THE SIXTH TEE. MK8. STOUT DRIVING. WOMEN'S METROPOLITAN CHAMPIONSHIP. Mrs. Stout 66484665 5—50 Mrs. Rogers 7 5 4 7 5 5 7 5 4—49 Mrs. Stoni 3 4 5 4 5 7 5 5 —38—88 Mrs.
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