'i " "f"lpau »-«M»*riWM3«^,HrtK- ^'*)Hr^^^«f,**f+*' )| j^»i^S,i^aiji»,»Ba4--.«<eaCi!». ~*.*i*K£tv$Ar WW <E-CVM>"' «£«> • ffjar«««W»Ww—t* -.•^»^«H^tf Wot^*«^ ^r*-Brwn«jMrn4tt«*»Tinw**' {* »#-"<*-~ /-, f -^ * * *~* * !" s * * i- „ S trf-H * Li The Alcazar Will Not Surrender! THE CATHOUC .» *i ^ N. K Times Writer Seen OfflCIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE ROCHESTER DIOCESE iVjfjb-fyziritrift-tn 68th Year Rochester, N. Y., FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1957 10 Cents 4 I Bishop 25 Years Of 'Huge Haax^In Spain Book I 5afaTO*n»aJi*k\.1w^ Albany — (Special) — A new book on Spain by New Yoke and the Arrows," a book so full of distortiohs^ewori York Times correspondent Herbert L. Matthews is labelled Cardinal Spellman and contradictions that the Spaniards, consider ifi-'mAglpBk^ <**?*"* a "huge hoax" and chargred with presenting Communist s upon their "honor, courage0 J|8[^^s»fe-^f«r d^^"for propaganda according to a front page story in the current liberte" ^t^^*******„OTiKaa»»:0*-™ *" issue of The Evangelist, Albany diocesan weekly Matthews' pi'kcipa4-«ssauitis laSncIied"ag*ainst the saga To Mark Jubilee 2t^fl^stfcfii^e^r^f'!esls follows; of liie Alcazar of Toledo, one of the most significant feats of -\w York — (NC) —Plans to celebrate the 25th anni-., •In an attempt to reverse the verdiet of nistoiy and can Spanish history-which represents forever the courage of 'Na­ versary of the Episcopal consecration of Cafdrml Spellman' eel out both. Franco's vfclory and its effects on Spain, Her­ tionalists., and tJie_^aja^erx---Oi-Bfiuy^oj);ali3t methods. Hi* were- armmtneecrtrere by Auxiliary Bishop JosephT" Dona-: bert L. Matthews, a reporter who has covered Spain for the book is a repetition of the Communist version of this great hue. Vicar General of the New York archdiocese. New York Times for more than 25 years, has written "The epic Fortunately the Spanish press has exposed Afatthews. The Cardinal will offer a Mass of ThanksgivTrrg at noon ^|.li|:l M111MI Ml 11,111MI lil'H Ml I |,|,|ililll.liU1i 1111,1 Ililii-.tlllllillllliailtlilllilllilllllllllllsliMJIIiliBllfflfflililiffl!|:llSI!l!i:|ffltttl!Mlili|!lll'l3:l!|i|!|!M I.HitlWHIIIIIIWiHlililMlil.'fiiJ; A. well-known * journ|tiiiir fW in Yankee Stadium on September 7 to commemorate the diplomat, Manuel Aznar, fat a jubilee, it was announced. series of daily articles »n'4 now | Alcazar Saga Disputed I in a pamphlet, which Hat been The sermon will be preached by Cardinal Mcintyre, translated into English, -tdkttai. I I.U 111J U1U UUUIJJWUWW-im+WHM^^ 1111U Mil MIIHlHiMJ l.l'l!li# caz&r Wm Not SuiTwaerTfij'peiT Archbishop of Los Angeles, former Coadjutor Archbishop the true version of the sjege oi of New York. Matthews Claims: the iortregs. ,- - • A native of Whitman, JMass., Cardinal Spellman was Aznar Rebuts: Mir. Aznar's statements c*n be ordained in Rome on May 14, 1916, and was consecrated verified' not only in the Spanish Titular Bishop of Sila and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston on Set-Up 1. Matthews' hasn't even presented the so- newapaperjS, "but the world priss, called "Franco version" correc't. Moscardo's first incladtng- The New York Times, September 8, 1932. Impossible name was Jose', rtot Juan, He was not "nominal which reported the event IrnnW commander" of the AJcaisr but actual command­ dlately it w,«s known on StptehP Hi was named Archbishop of New York on April 15, 1. The hero of the story, Col. Juan Moscardo, er under the regulations of any army. The ber 29, 1936" and, fay kaptytifci; 1939 and was made a member of the College of Cardinals on nominal commander- of the Alcazar. Nationalist famous telephone call was from Toledo not February 18, 1946. fortress in Toledo beseiged by Loyalist forces Madrid. The city nwer had and does not luve Tbse summit of the Alcwair** could not have received the famous telephone call today, public gas service. The Loyalists who were glory of its 72^1ay afegt^ Wheii - from Madrid on July 23 demanding his surrender In the control of the exchanges and had Inter­ acts of heroism never aurj^uHwd because telephone service to the Alcazar—as also rupted the telephone service were also lq a po­ were common,., was th* ijunotii water, gas and electricity, had been cut on July 22. dialogue between CoL MoKmrdo* sition to restore It, when It should prove useful comrnsndcr of the fortress, an# W Queries US. to them. his son Luis. Tn tryttfTto dft» m prove this conversation, M«h Hero Already Dead t. Luis Moscardo was neither 16 nor 19 but thew?a has become embroiled: in 24 (evidence: a photostat of Luis birth certifi­ errors. On Vatican Status 2. The Colonel's son. Luis, whom trie Loyalists cate). He was no* a soldier tn July 198S. He had I .. —the "myth" has it—threatened to kill unless the .completed his military service In 1932, and In "It Is only a jreat pity;* write* Washington — (NC) — The State Department has Colonel surrendered, could not have been 021 the 1888 waa attending college in Toledo. On that day Mr, Aznar, ,fthis new atts?k oit- other end of the telephone, because he was dead: of his alleged death fan Madrid, he was with his promised to answer "in due course" a letter asking whether He had been killed as a private soldier in Madrid, the Alcazar'' nhould' hawe com* - the United States has recognized the Vatican as a sovereign parents tn Toledo. Witnesses to this fact can be after Moscardo'g dea«i; VKitk on July 19. Moreover, Luis was 19 years old and' produced. what gusto hi would havt state since the Lateran Treaty of, —• not as the Franco version has it, sixteen, answered.* Mr. Whits gave reporters th« fol­ 1929. S. Chief of militia: you are responsible for •TTha spisetfe at AJeawr," lowing background information all the crimes and everything else which fat hap­ Lincoln White, the depart­ concerning diplomatic relations pening In Toledo and 1 give* you ten minutes to •»ya MattKtws, ^mm'.lmi^, ment's pres» officer, said th« between the United State* and | surrender the AJcamr. If you don't do It, HI pen«d." It. la a ttssua •< faJas- State Department's answer, when the Vatican. shoot your son L.uii who is here standlaf beside It li made, will take care of the Madonna Franco Version me. Says' 'i*flBta¥^'*^SaW-i - questions set forth in the letter. "A consular relationship was ; Col. Moscardo: I Mlievs you. «w«r ts> ^'«;iMaav, established as far back as 1797. Story Is Repetition Chief of MUlUat And 10 that yo« caa see U7« THE ORGANIZATION known | That went on up to J*23Hvrsen a Palntinf of the Mudonnsi And tote, he will apwsk (o gag, J -ii as Protestants and Other Amerl- resident minister wa*- annotated Child (above) by Virginia Of "Old Hat" HLAUS ipos$al(sMi? ^TJM|1 *t Aavl cans United for Separation oil-This diplomatic post endect tn BrodericJc, •religious painter. Is CoL Noacarav: What W up, my boy? Church and State (POAU) raised: i Congress refused to 3. The atory (What's happening my »on?" 867 wnen cllmsx of n. dream of 17-years CoL Moscardo asked. "Nada—3notht»s,'the#. My xtaas ta the question in a letter sent to( appropriate funds for the mil ago. At that Unae, • photo- . li^fl^Hp ^tSjS -al^aWiW^v •^••^W ja^aV -.^s^^aj ^aa^a^^a^a^aaa>,. ^s^^^a* ^^•s' 'a^^a^a^r* they are going to shoot roe it you dcaa't iurr«nd«r <laawV-1>n*Sy3s*^ ^_ Loftus Becker, State Department, »j0n. fntpher fr&eM of Joe K£q «» Aic*»rr "Weir thee,, cgmqmniwir fgjO* legal advisor. POAU said It assistant maaifinx •dltoe JGod, cry *VIva EspW, wid. d&Mike l\pthM^y raised the question because t "The next is, history- In 193! tha Universe-BuHettis, ^ Und. an»pp*sd a pi-cture, afcowa f*>too .'good, to be true becaiwseUt-fe* ^WJburtJ.tt. •'aP^J^-JRWaaaTP WLjtgQUJI^^ JfWT -aalawPK W^MPPI^jWai!Wiy5'*!WPaW ^a^ H^a^wfc* f Washington news report gjiotetlL&Ir. Myron C. Taylor tits Up- really happened to Guzman el BUUMO, at larifa. tula:MToatea1o> Cto•»/•,-aay -ftaaar, a mrjmrl a "State Department spokesman'^polnted Personal Representative at tight, of jn«y mnig hatolng k ! their younr daujiiter ltetty la in 1294: ^Gtnkfflati contempttiosaulydbnewWta ow» strong Idis.' > • " -•• " :''•'- *<*'>[ ' 10 if* - N*p as saying the U.S. has recog-' of President Roosevelt, but with- dagger «nd flung it at f the Moort), telllnjr them Col. Moscars* (spealriar-aaw-to Cat•-, Ua^rj^aaWfel nUed the Vatican as a sovereign' out diplomatic recognition. This tier arms. Impressed by the picture. Mr. Brelgr hoped that to kill his son (whom they held In plalh *ijht) of the militia). y»u CM forg?ei«« #anM:«rgMf*f "" state sines the Lateran Treaty. I was a personal relationship with that," . - j ». ». ' father than a diplomatir c one. someday It would Inspire a Ma­ you gave nmTh* Afcassr wW.ime*M¥?~>!9**r*. !_____.., ^ __ A newsman pointed out to Mr. donna pslnfctnj. The work of White that the POAU letter "Mr. Taylor retained his post Wm«lf haylag e*wck*d « sri*:l«*JH,,««*:'eM^|.i,^B*^' ** ^-(wlftpJ- art la now complete and has a asked whether recognition had I until January. 1950. Then, in only to be sewn by Betty Breiff, firmed It a ttioaiwiadf ttow*) »y ««e ^* *^±Ji^tMmM&-(*dimifaKnKWSr been given the Vatican "and If | 1951 General Mark Clark was wRo had powed as the Christ *hs- were U ikr »c«ie«1war-lhtjnrit.
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