• " U - V . 24 - MANCHESTER HERALX). Fri.. March 26. 1982 Helps with lot, financing J.C Penney says Lee Silverstein, Watson shares Mover recycles pollution minimal Whalers' 'shrink' Heritage lead unwanted houses ... page 3 ...page 9 ... page 17 By Robert Crabbe The firm trades about 50 houses a The houses on Lozano’s lot range United Press International year. His office manager, Frank from three-bedroom dwellings to McNiff, says the company has a three-room prefabs from farm labor MANTECA, Calif. - A lot of peo­ backlog of more than 300 inquiries. camp's. Conditions vary, but some Manchester, Conn. ple run used-car lots. Tony J. The prices range from about $28,- have kitchen and bathroom fixtures Windy, cold Lozano is different. He runs a used- 500 down. inUct and fairly new carpets. through Sunday Sat., March 27, 1982 house lot. Lozano says about 5,000 houses , There are duplexes, triplexes and “ Your old house may be are destroyed every year in Califor­ even a fourplex once used as — See page 2 Single copy 25c somebody’s dream castle,” Lozano nia and up to 100,000 nationally. apartments for married men on a says. ‘‘Most of these homes can be military base. It has been sold for A professional house mover since saved,” he says. “They may look a use as a farni building, and soon will 19S1, Lozano buys unwanted houses little run down on the outside, but be moved to Escalon, about 20 miles and hauis them to his 20-acre display the framing structure is still good from Manteca. lot near Manteca in the San Joaquin , because it has been protected from Fifteen used houses currently Vailey 70 miles east of San Fran­ the weather.” stand on timber braces on the 20- cisco. A state Senate survey reported acre Lozano lot on a rural road near He sells them mostly to people Feb. 15 the median price of a house Manteca. Several already have been with low-income jobs and good in California rose from $23,100 in sold, and await moving with the credit ratings. Lozano's firm will 1970 to around $107,000 this year. arrival of spring weather. Shuttle clear help them find lots, arrange for Only about 5 percent of California He has written a 28-page booklet, foundations and plumbing connec­ families now are able to afford complete with testimonials from tions, and in some cases carry them them. buyers, telling other house movers 1^''' ' until conventional financing can be The same survey estimated how to get into the business of arranged. California needs about 310,000 new saving old dwellings to sell to the “ With a little work, they may end housing units a year. In the current young and the poor. He charges $5 TONY LOZAO STANDS IN FRONT OF ONE OF HIS USED HOUSES for full trip up with,a house worth four or five recession, there were only 117,000 for it, but he mailed a complimen- ... ‘Your old house may be somebody's dream castle.” times what they put into it.” starts in 1981. tilry copy to President Reagan. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fia. (UPI) control in Houston implied that of­ - A top space agency official Friday ficials would be talking about cleared the space shuttle Columbia possibly shortening the flight Permit for a full seven-day mission despite because of the radio problem. Your Connectkut Qievy Dealers a nagging radio problem — But John McLeaish, chief of assuming the weather cooperates. NABA’s Public Information Branch process “ As far as I am concerned, the in Houston, told UPI following that mission is going the fiill duration,” report: “ I don’t think it's serious at said Eugene Kranz, deputy director all. We are not in a come-home $500or ^ 5 0 Cosh Bonus of flight operations at the Johnson situation. I’m totally convinced of easy Space Center in Houston. that.” But he said: “ Weather is going to Kranz said at his briefing: “ All •V*' - be an important factor.” Astronauts things being equal, we intend to fly Manchester has ,a one- Jack Lousma and Gordon Fullerton through the planned mission dura­ stop subdivision permit are scheduled to land Monday but tion, If any one of those parameters process to avoid costly Kranz did not rule out a landing Sun­ is going to be favorable on one day delays in housing construc­ day or even Tuesday if the weather and not on another, we could com e tion just as Windsor does. NOBODY OTFERS YOU NIORE made that necessary. ih a day early or a day later. Windsor was recently cited The communications problem “ It’s a question, that you have to as a model in an article by caused no loss of the important in­ find a set of conditions that op­ “ Housing Advocate,” a formation Lousma and Fullerton timizes the chances for successful newsletter of the Housing were gathering on this pathfinding conclusion of this mission. And that Coalition for the Capitol third test flight. The concern is true of any mission we have Region. CARS AND TRUCKS centered on maintaining backup flown. The article, in the communications capability and Officials already had ordered con­ February-March: issue of Kranz said the shuttle still had the servation of hydrogen and oxygen the newsletter, cites the necessary “ redundancy.” for Columbia's fuel cell generators Windsor system as one that Fullerton continued to flex the to give the option of extending the takes only two or three able muscles of the 50-foot remote fUght for another day or two, and months. In some towns the AT THESE SAVINGS! cargo arm, and Lousma wound up a still leave Columbia some emergen­ process is much longer. key medical research experiment. cy reserve. Alan F. Lamson, direc­ Initial forecasts for the Northrop Kranz said confusion about the tor of planning, said the Strip in New Mexico’s high desert ' radio situation was caused in part by process in Manchester is indicated the astronauts would en­ the complexity and flexibility of the the same as that in Wind­ counter no weather problems on lan­ ship’s radio system. sor, and, if anything, is Chevette Scooter $ 4,9 9 7 * ding there, scheduled at 2-.30 p.m. TTie radio problem concerned two faster where wetlands per­ EST Monday. receiver-transmitter units aboard ■ Herald photo by Pinto mits are needed. That is But by the time Kranz discussed the Columbia, each with two power so, he sad, because the Cash Bonus $ 500 the situation, forecasters were levels. Planning and Zoning Com­ Balancing act saying the outlook at Northrop was The lower-power shuttle to Earth mission in Manchester is expected to take a turn for the worse segment of one of the units, called a also the wetlands authori­ about two hours before the transponder, failed Thursday. Then ty. In Windsor they are The New Cavalier Cadet $ 6 ,4 3 3 * Felicia Petito (left) and Joanne Parker balance on a log to cross a creek Into Charter Oak Park. both the high and low-power scheduled touchdown. The outlook separate. there for Sunday was much better. downward transmission units went Under the procedure Military forecasters at White out on the second unit two orbits used by both towns, a (wHh 32 Standard Features) Sands said clearing skies were later. group of town officials for Big turnout predicted expected Sunday and that landing water, sewer, police, Kranz said engineers had not conditions looked good before noon engineering, and public Cash Bonus $ 750 given up on that backup unit, but EST Monday, b“t were expected to works, as well as planning, half of the other unit had failed com ­ worsen after that. meets with the developer pletely. “ We are continuing to watch the after the application has The Earth-to-shuttle sections of Citatien $ 6 ,8 9 9 * weather,” Kranz said. “ We have been filed and reviews the both units continued to operate nor­ Salvadoran to vote taken a look at the weather at application with him. mally. That was important because Northrup Strip.” they are used to transmit important Later it writes reports that $ 750 Kranz held an early evening news go on to the Planning and Cash Bonus navigation data to the Columbia. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador Reagan’s policies have threatened was reported in nearly all of the questioned would vote. conference to clear up day-long con­ Zoning Commission with (UPI) — Officials said Friday they to move to cut off all U.S. aid to El eight military outposts in “The results of the most recent fusion and conflicting reports about Lousma and Fullerton had little to the application. expected a turnout of 85 percent for Salvador should Arena, which has northeastern Morazan province. polls have been marvelous,” he the communications problem on say on the subject — except to con­ That process avoids Celebrity $ 8,3 1 3 * Sunday's elections despite a rebel been linked to right-wing death The rebels have cut off the eastern said. Columbia and how serious it was. tinue talking about a Monday lan­ delays between reviews by offensive that has disrupted com­ squads, win the elections. third of the country from the rest of Foreign observers, including a “ We haven’t had any significant ding. They went ahead with their the various' officials and munications and transportation in The rightists, for their part, have El Salvador and have disrupted delegation, from the United States, discussions relative to barly mission chores,..having lunch, doing some cuts down on the time Cash Bonus $ 500 nearly half of the country.
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