IN THIS CANYON section of the Gunnison River the grade will be improved to serve a s t he access road dam will be built near the location of the abandoned to the site. The dam and re s ervoir are upstre am from railroad bridge shown in the picture. The railroad the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument. Construction starts at Morrow Point Proiect in Colorado on Gunnison River include-s several 11firsts" for the Bureau of Reclamation: double curvature, thin arch dam, underground power plant and free-fall spillway. The $15A36,- 000 contract went to ioint venture of Al Johnson Construction Co. and Morrison-Knudsen Co., Inc. CONSTRUCTION of the Bureau downstream from Blue Mesa Dam, of Reclamation's first double­ a large earthfill structure under curvature. thin-arch dam began construction by the Bureau as part in June. The concrete structure is of the Cw·ecanti Unit. (The article Morrow Point Dam, a major fea­ ··work Starts on Blue Mesa Dam" ture of the Bureau·s Curecanti. Unit by Grant Blooctgood, published in of the Colorado River Storage the August 1962 issue of Western Project m west-central Colorndo. Construction. describes the earth­ The 515,436.066 contract for f'ill dam and plan of development construction of the dam wa~ of the Curecanti Unit.) awarded to the joint venture firm The Bureau's thinnest arch dam, of Al Johnson Construction Co. By 8. P. BELLPORT on the basis of width to height, and Monison-Knudsen Co., Inc. Chief Engineer Morrow Point will have a top Time allowed for completion of Bureau of Reclamation width of 12 ft. and a base width construction is 1,460 days-by Ma~· Denver, Colorado at the crown section of 52 ft. It 1967. will be 465 ft. high above founda­ The contract for construction of tion and will have a crest length the dam includes another Reclama­ of 720 ft. and a volume of 360,000 tion first-an underground power­ Morrow Point Dam i:; on the cu. yd. Capacity of the reservoir plant to be built in the left abut­ Gunnison River, a major tributary to be impounded by the dam will ment a short distance downstream of the Colorado River. It is near be 117,000 ac. ft. from the dam. The plant will house the village of Cimarron, about 22 The dam's powerplant will con­ two 60,000-kw. generating units. mi. east of Montrose and 12 mi. sist of two 60,000-kw. generators. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION- August 1963 Over two million pounds of rein­ replaced by an 86-ft. span steel­ Geologically, the damsite is forcing steel will be required. beam, concrete deck hridge. Re­ situated on the downstream limb placement of a second bridge will of a small transverse synclinal Access problems be obviated by a high fill. The re­ fold which plunges gently into the A major consideration in con­ maining bridge will be abandoned left abutment. The dam will abut struction of the dam is access to as a crossing is not required. against the upstream-dipping rock the damsite for the contractor's The access roads will be 20 ft. sequence comprising this limb of use. At present, existing access to wide and have a 4-in. gravel sur­ the fold. Rock in the damsite the site from U.S. Highway 50 is facing. The road running to the foundation is competent, consist­ along an abandoned narrow gauge powerplant will have a maximum ing of alternating lenticular and railroad grade going downstream grade of 10~. Maximum grade of irregular beds of micaceous quartz­ along Cimarron Creek (a tributary the road branching to the crest ite, quartz-mica schist, augen of the Gunnison River), then up­ of the dam will be 12 't. Steel-bin gneiss, and biotite schist, all of stream along the river about J/4 mi. retaining walls are to be installed which have been irregularly in­ to the darnsite. The abandoned in certain sections of the road to truded by pegmatite. The only railroad grade includes three 1- the crest of the dam to reduce significant foundation defect is a lane pin-type truss railroad bridges deep cuts in the canyon walJ. shallow system of stress relief which have been satisfactory for joints. access during preconstruction ac­ Geology of the site The dam and powerplant sites tivity but which are to be re­ Design of the dam and power­ were explored by approximately placed or removed to carry heavy plant is strengthened by one of 7,500 ft. of NX (3-in.) core drill traffic loads during construction. the most intensive geological in­ holes and 685 ft. of 6- by 8-ft. The contract for the dam con­ vestigations ever made by the exploratory tunnels. One explora­ struction calls for removal of the Bureau at a darnsite. The in­ tory tunnel was driven 100 ft. into three bridges and construction of a vestigations embraced five dis­ each abutment in the direction of road beginning at U.S. Highway tinct but correlated methods of maximum thrust from the dam, 50 and running 1.7 mi. to the pow­ testing the foundation and abut­ and a third tunnel was driven the erplant. An additional 0.6 mi. of ment rock---core drilling, labora­ full length of the underground access road is to be constructed to tory tests of drilled cores, in-situ powerplant. Most of the power­ branch from the powerplant road jacking tests, seismic investiga­ plant investigations, including 17 and continue to the crest of the tions, and bore hole observation vertical and angled drill holes, dam. One of the bridges will be with closed-circuit television. were conducted from the power­ plant exploratory tunnel. Several small di'ameter holes were drilled in conjunction with the in-situ---~--~­ rock properties tests and seismic measurements completed in the -f tunnels. Observation of the 3-in. drill­ hole sidewalls was carried out by T a Bureau-owned, 21h-in. diameter, closed-circuit television probe. This direct examination included a study and correlation of the de­ gree and extent of jointing, fault­ ing. folding, and foliation that ex­ MORROW POINT Dam is between Montrose and Blue Mesa Dam. ist in the foundation rock. Diversion plan Diversion of the Gunnison River at the Morrow Point site during construction is to be closely allied with the construction of the Blue Mesa Dam. Closure of the Blue Mesa Dam diversion works is ex­ pected to take place in December 1964. After that closure date, the flows of the river will be con­ trolled by the Bureau to such an extPnt that not more than 5,000 cfs. will be released from the dam in 1965 and not more than 8,000 cfs. will be released during the remainder of construction of Mor­ row Point Dam. Any damage to any part of the permanent work or to any part of the contractor's diversion or pro­ UNUSUAL DESIGN features of Morrow Point project are the free-fall spill­ way shown in action in this artist's sketch and the underground power­ tective works caused. by flows in house In the abutment, with discharge indicated. The thin concrete arch excess of 5,000 cfs. in 1965 and will be 465 ft. high, 52 ft. thick at the base and 12 ft. thick at the crest. 8,000 cfs. thereafter will be the WESTERN CONSTRUCTION-August 1963 responsibility of the Bureau. Any 1965. The Bureau anticipates the the freshly placed layers of con­ damage to the contractor's con­ placement of concrete will be crete. The gang vibrators .may be struction plant or equipment which completed within two construction used only if they can be readily may occur from flows in excess seasons. raised and lowered to eliminate of 5,000 cfs. in 1965 and 8,000 To assist in construction of the dragging through the fresh con­ cfs. thereafter will remain the re­ dam, Bureau designers, using an crete and provided all other place­ sponsibility of the contractor. electronic computer, have pre­ ment and consolidation require­ The contractor has the option pared data on the coordinate points ments are met. of at least two methods of diverting for each lift of concrete in each Concrete is to be cooled by river the river during construction. He block. The coordinates can be water, supplemented by refrig­ may divert the flow of the river used by the contractor to set forms erated water, circulated through through a concrete-lined diver­ for concrete placement. 1-in. embedded cooling pipe placed sion tunnel in the right abutment, Placement will be in 7 12-ft. lifts. on top of each 71h -ft. lift. About or he may construct diversion Maximum differential levels of 59 mi. of cooling pipe will be em­ channels or flumes in conjunction adjacent blocks during construc­ bedded in the concrete. Placing with diversion conduits through tion are not to exceed 30 ft., and temperature will be limited to 60 the dam. The final closure struc­ the highest block is to be not more deg. maximum. After the tempera­ ture or structures, whether for than 52.5 ft. above the lowest ture of the concrete has been low­ conduits through the. dam or for a block. The differential between ered to 40 deg., the transverse con­ tunnel, are to be designed to with­ adjacent blocks is to be reduced traction joints will be grouted. The stand a 300-ft. head of water. to not more than 15 ft. prior to concrete will be successively cooled If the contractor elects to divert the cessation of concreting at the and grouted in 60-ft.
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