Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68277-0 - Phycology, Fourth Edition Robert Edward Lee Index More information CHLOROPLAST E.R.: EVOLUTION OF TWO MEMBRANES Index The most important page references are in bold, and page references that contain figures are in italics. abalone, 126 algal volatile compounds, 340 Antarctic, 513–4, Cryptophyta, 325; Acanthopeltis, 99 algicide, 66, 387 cyanobacteria, 61; Phaeophyta, Acarychloris marina, 43, 90 alginic acid, 10, 427–8, 458, 459, 466, 441, 464; Rhodophyceae, 89 accumulation body, 277, 297 470 Antarctic circumpolar current, Acetabularia, 22, 175–8; acetabulum, algology, 3 513–14 177; calyculus,176; crenulata, 176; alkadienes, 211 Antarctic coastal current, 513–4 kilneri, 176; mediterranea, 176 alkaloids, 65 Antarctic lakes, 515–6 acetate, 256 alkenes, 396 antheridium, Chlorophyta, 162, Achnanthes exigua, 393, 395; longipes, allantoin, 115 163–6; Rhodophyceae, 117–18, 378, 379; lanceolata, 395 allelochemical, 66, 513 125, 127, 155 acidic water, 155–7, 197, 258 allelopathic interactions, 66 Anthophysa, 342; vegetans, 337, 341 acritrachs, 277 alloparasite, 97 anthropogenic effects, 173, 189 Acrocarpia paniculata, 471 allophycocyanin, 17–18, 43, 90, 323 antibiotics, 68 Acrochaetiales, 107, 108, 115–16 alveolus, 310, 312 anticlinal division, 432, 446, 466 Acrochaetium, 96, 115; asparagopsis, ammonia, 26, 42–3, 47, 54, 72 anti-herbivore chemicals, 66 106; corymbiterum, 102 amnesic shellfish poisoning, 387–8, Antithamnion, 95; nipponicum, 106; acronematic flagellum, 7 509 plumula, 96; vesicular cell, 97 Acroseira, 448 AMP, cyclic, 37–8, 194, 504 Apedinella, 359–60; spinifera, 360 acrylic acid (propenic acid), 498, Amphidinium, 513; carteri, 263, 270, Aphanizomenon, 45, 61, 65, 509; flos- 511–12 cryophilum, 295; klebsii, 296–7 aquae, 42, 67 actin, 24, 156, 165, 195; chloroplast amphiesma, 263–5 Aphanocapsa thermalis,62 movement, 422; gliding, 380; Amphiprora, 514 Aphanothece sacrum,67 Fucus zygote orientation, 470–11 Amphiroa rigida, 122 Apicomplexa, 239, 310–23 Actiniscus pentasterias, 278, 279 Amphiscolops langerhansii, 296, 297 apicoplast, 310–2 Actinocyclus subtilis, 380–1 Amphora, 379, 388, 403; coffaeformis, Apistonema,499 adelphoparasite, 97 382–3; perpusilla, 395 aplanogamete, 156 aerolae, 371–3 amylopectin, 20, 92; Chlorophyta, aplanospore, 143; Chlorophyta, 169, Aethiops vegetabilis, 460 140; Cryptophyta, 323; 190, 208, 210–1, 223; Phaeophyta, agar, 10, 90, 99–100, 124–6 cyanobacteria, 41 434; Xanthophyceae, 415–16, 418 agaropectin, 10, 99 amyloplast, 11, 140, 178–9, 184–6, apoprotein, 141 agarophytes, 99, 100, 124–6 214 apotosis, cyanobacteria, 48; agarose, 10, 99 amylose, 140, 323 Phaeophyceae, 128 agglutination, 143, 193–4 amylum stars, Chara, 165 aquaculture, 504 agglutins, Chlamydomonas, 193–4 Anabaena, 34–5, 37, 47, 58, 61, 65, 509; aragonite, 93–4, 117; Chlorophyta, Aglaothamnion neglectum, 106 azollae, 57; circinalis, 72; crassa, 41; 184; Phaeophyta, 428; Aglaozonia, 438, 439–42 cylindrica, 62; flos-aquae, 42, 45 Prymnesiophyceae, 492 agricultural guild of diatoms, 394–5 Anacystis nidulans, 40 aragonite sea, 94–5 Ahnfeltia, 99 anaerobe, 44 arctic, cyanobacteria, 61, air bladder, 464, 473–5 anatoxin, 65, 504, 506, 509 Rhodophyceae, 89 akinete, cyanobacteria, 37, 41–2, 45–9, ancestral green flagellate, 154 Arthrobacteria, 99 72; Chlorophyta, 188, 208; androsporangia, 224–6 Ascophyllum, 96–7, 472; nodosum, 97, Xanthophyceae, 416 androspore, 225 473–4; sperm, 8 Alaria, 451, 455, 464, 466; esculenta, 464 anemones, symbiotic Dinophyta, Astasia, 250; klebsii, 257 Alariaceae, 453, 462, 464 295–6 astaxanthin, 139–40, 197 Alexandrium, 282, 284, 509, 513; anhydrobiotic, 62 Asterionella, 379; formosa, 393–4, 398 acatenella,281;catenella, 278; anisogamy, 143 Asterocytis, 101, 110 excavatum,281,283; minutum, 283, anisokont flagella, 9 atmosphere, ancient, 26, 44 505; ostenfeldii, 509; tamarensis,281 Anomoeoneis, 398 ATP, 4; in nitrogen fixation, 49–51 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68277-0 - Phycology, Fourth Edition Robert Edward Lee Index More information INDEX 535 ATPase in calcification, 494 biological oxygen demand, 216 calcite, 93–4; Chlorophyta, 198–9; Attheya, 350 bioluminescence, 96, 285–89, 293 Prymnesiophyceae, 491–3, 496 Audouinella, 115 biosilicification, 376 calcite sea, 94–5; Chlorophyta, 164, Aulosira fertilissima, 63–4; implexa, 72 bisporangia, 106 184–5 Aureococcus anophagegefferens, 365–6 bivalve, 285 calcium, channels, 281, 504; Aureodinium pigmentosum, 276 block, polyspermy, 470, 474 euglenoid movement, 247; Aureoumbra lagunensis, 365–6, 505 blooms, 504–10; control of, 387; flagella beating, 142, 265, 267; in autolysin, 194 cyanobacterial, 61; diatoms, 340; water, 160, 333; influx and autospore, 143, 217 Dinophyta, 282, 284–5; blocks, 470; phototaxis, 13; autotrophy, 23 Pelagophyceae, 365; Prymnesiophyceae, 484–5 auxiliary cells, Rhodophyceae, 101–2, Prymnesiophyceae, 498 calcium carbonate, 492–4; 117, 120, 125, 127–8, 130 blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), Chlorophyta, 164–5, 184; auxospore, 382, 383–6, 388–9, 399, 33–80; chlorophylls, 16; Dinophyta, 278; fossil 400–1, 403 endosymbiosis, 81–7; fossils, 26; cyanobacteria, 69; Phaeophyta, auxotroph, 23, 55 glycolate dehydrogenase, 20; 428; Rhodophyceae, 93–4, 117 axoneme, 4, 5 phycobilisomes, 11–12, 16–19; callose, 441, 451 Azolla, 56–58 symbioses, 393; thyllakoids, calmodulin, 504 Azotobacter,181 11–2; toxins, 504, 509 Calothrix, 42, 59; fusca, 72; scopulorum, Bodanella, 426 59 babesiosis, 311 bodonids, 248, 252 Campylodiscus clypeus, 398 Bacillariales, 399, 401–4 Bolidomonas, 368 canal, Euglenophyta, 246–7; 256–8; Bacillariophyceae (diatoms), 369–407, Bolidophyceae, 368; 398 Dinophyta, 270, 274 carotenoids, 17; chlorophyll, 16; Bonnemaisonia, 95–6 capitulum, 164, 166 chloroplast DNA, 14; Botrydiales, 416, 418 capsule, 37–8 chrysolaminarin, 21; evolution of, Botrydium, 418; granulatum, 416–18 carbon, forms in water, 239–42 368; glycolate dehydrogenase, 20; botryococcene, 211 carbon dioxide, and calcification, motile cell, 9; sea ice, 514; scales, Botryococcus brauni, 210–11 494; in water, 43; in the 336; silicification, 368; toxins, 509 Braarudosphaera bigelowii, 495 atmosphere, 511, 514–15 bacteria, 45; cell wall, 34; Rubisco, 12 Brachytrichia,67 carbon fixation, 12, 39, 40 bacteriocins, 68 brevetoxin, 409–10, 504, 508–9 carbonic acid, 124 baeocyte, 53–5 brine algae, 514 carbonic anhydrase, 39–40, 66, 240 Bahamas, 69–70 bromine, 95 carboxysome, 39–40 Bangia, 113–4; atropurpurea, 113; cell brown algae (Phaeophyceae), 426–83; carotene, 139–40; Bolidophyceae, 368; wall, 90; fossil, 108; carotenoids, 17; chloroplasts, 11; Cryptophyta, 322; Euglenophyta, fuscopurpurea, 114; mucilage, 10 evolution of, 346, 413; glycolate 250; Eustigmatophyceae, 355; Bangiales, 90, 92, 107, 108, 110–15 oxidase, 20; mucilages, 10; Pinguiophyceae, 358; Bangiomorpha pubescens, 114 storage product, 21–2 Prymnesiophyceae, 484; Bangiophycidae, 107 brown tides, 365 Raphidophyceae, 410 barium carbonate crystals, 160 Bryopsis, 265–6; plumosa, 179, 182 carotenoids, 17; Chlorophyta, 139, barium sulphide statolith, 165 Bulbochaete gigantea, 222 197; cyanobacteria, 43; basal body of flagellum, 5 Bumilleria, 14 Dinophyta, 263, 269–71; basidiomycete, 57 buoyancy, cyanobacteria, 41–3, 45; Euglenophyta, 250; Batrachospermales, 107, 116–18 Bacillariophyceae, 391, 393 Raphidophyceae, 410 Batrachospermum, 106, 117–18 butyric acid, 256 carpogonium, 101–3, 111, 115–16, betaine and halotolerance, 64–5 118–19, 121, 124–8, 130 bicarbonate, 39, 40; in calcium Cachonia niei, 264 carposporangium, 101–3, 122, 125–7, deposition, 94–5; in water, calcareous ooze, 496 130 239–42 Calcidinellum operosum, 278 carpospore, 91, 101–3, 109, 112, 117, bicosoecids, 8 calcification, Chlorophyta, 164–7, 174, 118–20 Biddulphiales, 398–401 198–9, 336; Chrysophyceae, 337; carposporophyte, 98, 116–17, 124, Bigelowiella natans, 318 corals, 296; Dinophyta, 278; 126–8 biocides, 99, 496 Phaeophyceae, 427–8, 434; carrageenan, 10, 90, 99–101 biofilms, 377 reaction, 494; Rhodophyceae, catalase, 149 biological clock, 289–91 93–5, 117–18, 121 Campylodiscus clypeus, 398 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68277-0 - Phycology, Fourth Edition Robert Edward Lee Index More information 536 INDEX Caulerpa, 140, 185; floridana, 182; chlamydopsin, 141 Chroothece,110 microphysa; 182, prolifera, 182; chlamyrhodopsin, 13 Chrysoamoeba, radians, 360 taxifolia, 186–7 Chlorarachnion reprans,317–19 Chrysochromulina, 485, 487, 497, 504; Caulerpaceae, 179, 185–7 Chlorarachniophyta, 317–19 ephippum, 487; ericina, 490–1; Caulerpales, 139, 168, 178–88 Chlorella, 141, 143, 213; vulgaris, 216 kappa, 490–1, minor, 342; 490–1; caulerpenyene, 187 Chlorellales, 191, 211, 212–18 parkae, 491; polylepis, 488, 491; cell wall, 9–10 Chlorobotrys regularis, 354 pringsheimii, 490–1 cellulose, 9, 89; Chlorophyta, 139, Chlorococcum, 212–4; echinozygotum, Chrysocossus, 342; rufescens, 337 147, 153, 178; Dinophyta, 263; 212; humicola, 214 chrysolaminarin (leucosin), 21; Phaeophyta, 427, 434, 458–9, Chlorogloea fritschii, 56 Bacillariophyceae, 369, 381; 470; Prymnesiophyceae, 491; chloromonads, 409–12 Chrysophyceae, 33–4; 337–8, Rhodophyceae, 114; Chlorophyceae, 144, 146–9, 152, 341–4; Dictyochophyceae, 361; Xanthophyceae, 413 189 Euglenophyta, 245, 255; cellulose synthetase, 147 chlorophyll, 14–6 Heterokontophyta, 317, 333; Centrales, 399 Chlorophyta, chlorophylls, 15–16; Synurophyceae, 349, 352–3; centrin, 486 chloroplast DNA, 14; Prymnesiophyceae,
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