Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 6-2-1950 Bee Gee News June 2, 1950 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News June 2, 1950" (1950). BG News (Student Newspaper). 942. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/942 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. A* ■¥ ■-: Bee Qee i in mil, • ■ 0 , Official Student PubUcatior!V;»ow,.,Na oe««" "* Bowling Green. State University. Bowling Green. Ohio Friday. June 2. 1950 —, ■»«•. -»•• «*« r, ,.J5* ' Bwrw^K^-^K-^W'^^siKP Record Size Class To Graduate June 9 • • * By ROCER BONHAM Cap And Gown Initiates Ten The largest graduating class in the history of the Uni- ODK Taps New Members versity, including 660 candidates and three honorary degree recipients, will file into the Amphitheatre at 8 p.m. next Fri- day, June 9, to receive their diplomas. In the event of rain, however, the ceremony will be held ' in the Mail's Gym. The commencement speaker is the Rev. Bernard C. Clausen, pas- Honors Day tor of the Kuclid Ave. Baptist Church in Cleveland. Thirty graduate candidates will Show Halted receive master's degrees, including master of science in education. I ft. ft 1 matter of science ill business ad- Temporarily ministration, and master of arts. By DON TINDALL A magazine editor, a political science professor and writer, anil a Despite a last minute down- former president of three railroads will receive honorary degrees at NEWLY INITIATED member, of C»p and Gown, local leadership pour that dampened specta- the ceremonies. RECENTLY TAPPED members of ODK are (I. to r.) standing: tors and participants alike Louis Fernandez, Bob Frary, Herb Clarke, Dick Doll, Neil Pohlmann, honorary society for ■eniur woman, picturad abova (I. to r.) ara: and necessitated a change of Miss Ann Ratchelder, an associ- Norm. Harga, Nancy Hickanloopar, Jaan MacGlathary, Donna Walkar, ate editor of "Ladies' Home Jour- Alan Libbe, Bruce Oliver and Dr. Benjamin L. Pierce, a new advisor. location from the Amphithea- Kneeling: Louis Daigneau, Dick Lenhart, Jack Myers, John Wilson, Batty Jane Morrii, Elinor EUata, Elizabeth Curt Us, Paulina Miller, tre to the Main And., Honors nal," will be awarded the degree of Carl Maynard, and Tony Steere. Not pictured are Doug Hartiell Patricia Swinaford, and Jan Dunion. doctor of humane letters. and Ralph Villers. Day proved once again thai Dr. Ben A. Arneson, chairman the little extra something you of the political science dept. at put into life doesn't always go un- Ohio Wesleyan University, will re- recognized. ceive a doctor of laws degree. Senate Probes Raise Pres. Frank J. Prout presided it Robert J. Bowman, who is chair- Car Rules Released the program which saw scholastic man of the Executive Committee and a t h 1 o t i c and former presi- awards bestowed. In Today's NEWS dent of the Ches- In Student Union Fee in e in lierships apeake and Ohio For Fall Semester honorary or- Advertisers Congratulate Railway Co., will By BOB SMITH By BILL DAY ga n i zations an- Clui of 1850 Page 4 be conf erred a Student Senate discussed a requested increase in Student nounced, and the Basketball Schedule' ilnctor of busi- Modifications of the University Automobile Regulations ness administra- Union activity fees during a special meeting Tuesday evening. honoring of vari- 1950-51 Page 3 were announced this week by Pres. Frank J. Prout. These tion degree. ous c a m p u s or- modifications will become effective on and after September It was unable to take official action, however, because ganizations. Day's Swan Song Page 2 Miss 11.il rlii 1 the necessary quorum of 13 members was not present, but it New members Exam Alibi. Page 2 del- is the author 1950. expressed the belief that student opinion be voiced before a of Omicron Delta Fraternity Softball Page 3 of "Ann Bntchel- Most significant change in the regulations Is thai no di»- decision is made. Kappa, national NEWS Summary der's Own Cook criminauon will be made between men and women in granting The action was asked by the Stu- leadership honor 1949-50 Page 2 Book," and "East | auto permits. The privilege to dent Union Committee after a re- society for men, Senate Editorial Page 2 of Bridgcwater," drive an auto will bo given, how- cent disclosure that ground could were announced. as well as many be broken for the new Student Last Recital The 15 men tapped were Herbert magazine articles. Harig Heads ever, only to students who can Union building by next fall were S. Clarke, Louis A. Daigneau, Dr. Arneson is known in aca- establish a legitimate need for it. an increase approved at this time, Richard L. Doll, Louis C. Fernan- demic circles as the founder and New regulations state that mem- to be effective in the fall. Of Year Held dez, Robert D. Frary, Douglas K. director of the Institute of Practi- Church Here bers of the following groups are An increase from $5 to $12.50 Hartzell, Richard l.enhart, Allan cal Politics at Ohio Wesleyan Uni- the only ones that have a justifi- was requested. Estimated cost of The last student music recital of J. Libbe, Carl E. Maynard, Jack L. versity. He has written two books, Richard Harig, who was gradu- able need for an automobile: Myers, Bruce D. Oliver, Neil A, "Elements of Constitutional Law" the proposed building has in- the spring semester was presented ated from Bowling Green in 1047, A. Married students. creased from $600,000 to one mil- yesterday afternoon in the PA Pohlman, Anthony W. Stcerc, and "Democratic Monarchies of B. Commuters. A commuter is has been assigned by the Episcopal lion since plans were first started. Aud. Music dept. students who Ralph Villers, and John W. Wil- Scandinavia." The holder of three defined as a student living outside For this reason more capital must performed were Donna Gillette, son. degrees from the University of Bishop to assume ministerial duties tho city limits of Bowling Green be available before construction Phil Pendleton, James Richard, Ten junior women were honored Wisconsin, Dr. Arneson belongs to at Bowling Green and Napoleon. who is driving back and forth regu- can begin. by election to Cap and Gown. Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta larly to classes. Charles Trusdale, Douglas Hart- Mr. Harig is to be graduated If ground can be broken within zell, Ruth Bowen, Cleva Price, These women didn't know until Kappa, and Alpha Tau Omega so- C. Disabled students whose dis- the next year, a majority of stu- James-L oo m is , Nancy Church. Tuesday morning that they had cial fraternity. from Bexlcy Hall, theological sem- ability necessitates the use of a dents enrolled for next year would James Thompson, Jo Anne Dakc, been selected. Elizabeth S. Cur- Mr. Bowman is the former presi- inary of Kenyon College, this June car. (Continued on page two) and Dean Renwand. (Continued on page two) (Continued on page two) and will be ordained this summer. (Continued on page two) Ann Barbour Crowned Queen In Annual Ceremony By RALPH VILLERS by Miss Mulqueeney entertainment was pro- Crowning of Ann Barbour as Queen for 1950 vided for the court. climaxed the annual May Day program in the Douglas McEwen sang "The Night is Young;" Amphitheatre Tuesday evening. Miss Barbour Shirley Hollis and Ellie Young performed a was the Delta Gamma candidate in last week's comedy duet based on "The Merry Month^ of all-campus election for selecting the queen and May," Phyllis Brlggs played a violin solo, "A her four attendants. Pretty Girl." Jean Gray accompanied Miss Rita Roof, Alpha Xi Delta, was-presented Brlggs and also sang "The Song is You." Clark as senior attendant; Ilene Lahey, Shatzel Hall, Austin sang "You, and the Night and the junior attendant; Patsy Thomas, Delta Gamma, Music." sophomore attendant; and Ruth Raymond, Chi The organ prelude to the program was Omega, frashmem attendant. played by David Fay. Carole Mulqueeney, last year's May Queen, Dancers were: JoAnn Harrah, Pat Caudwell, crowned Miss Barbour. LaVonne Tonkinson, Ruth Schoonover, Mar- The queen and her four attendants were re- jorie Miller, Dawn Voelzow, Phyllis Wlgle, vealed during the course of a fantasy in which Helen Onsel, Beverly Pryor, Helene Nitzsche, a painter, Jeannine Morris, was ordered to paint and Nancy Curtin. a portrait of the most beautiful girl in "May- The six male attendants were: Russell Bre- land." sien, Harold Garrett, Richard Gessaman, Robert Four painter's helpers called in to help, each Reed, Glenn Rietz, and Tom Miller. took strokes at a giant paint box with their large Herb Clarke was narrator for the program. brushes. As they did so one of the attendants It was directed by Alice Connor and Gordon broke through the covering and was revealed. Beck. The queen was revealed in the same manner Other members of the committee for the event after the painter decided upon a composite of were Helen Kreitzer, Abe Bassett, Jim Spon- the beauty of the attendants to serve as May seller, Dick Hoffman, Ralph Villers, Barbara Queen ANN BARBOUR is crowned May Queen by last year's Queen, Carole Mulqsmeny. The attendants, Bottenus, and Jeannine Morris. Male attendants escorted the queens and at- I.
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