T h is W eek COVERING TOWNSHIPS OP One Section BCMLMDBL, MADUON MARLBORO. MATAWAN AND 16 P A G E S MATAWAN BOtOllQH Member 91 *t YEAR — 38th W EEK * MattoMl editorial Amn r li tlf M ATAW AN, N. J., THURSDAY, M ARCH 17,1960 SinfU Copy Ten Cant* Board Of Review Rules Out Vote Matawan Man Honored By JCP&L > -> j. - ' Jy- V J T J Five Contests Seen On Separation; Currie May Appeal v . r 1 In Primary Election Petition for the holding of a to maintain a properly graded tendent were sent to each member * Primary contests in all Matawaa referendum on constituting MaU­ school system; . of the Board of Review who subse­ area communities Were scheduled wan Borough as a separate school "(d) Inequality would result. quently held hearings on the mattei Service Camelled district, made by the borough coun­ when the desdllne wss reachud Board Answers Petition on Jan , 7 and 22, i960. In Trenton. cil, was denied Tuesday by the Mrs. David Tuttle, of Trinity “An answer to the petition also From a study of the record, the Thursday lor the filing of tioml' Episcopal Church, Matawan. who board of review in Trenton, dele­ was filed by the Board of Edu­ report of the County Superintendent natlng petitions. The contest* are gated by law to rule upon it. Fred­ and data on file in the Department was chairman of the planned World cation of the Township of Matawan slated In Matawan, Matawan erick M.. Kaubinger, State Com­ Day of Prayer service, which waa requesting that the petition be de­ of Education, the Board of Review to have been held In Trinity Church Townahlp, Marlboro, Madispn auu missioner of Education; Salvatore nied on the grounds that: , finds and determines the facts in A.. Bontempo, Director of the State this matter to be as follows: on Mar. 4, announces 'hat the serv­ Holmdel Townships. 1. On a separated basis neither Department of Coservation an d (continued on page fourteen) ice w as cancelled due to the of the separated school districts Econom ic Development, and weather. Mrs. Tuttle states that Matawan George C. SkiUman, Director of the could operate a high school ef­ each church la to hold Its own Division of Local Government, State fectively or economically. service In place of the combined "2. While regionalization is a pos­ Reported Slashing Mstawan Borough Republican! Department of the Treasury, were one. will decide a contest for the nom­ the members of the board of re­ sible solution to the high achool problem, there Is no assurance that ination for two seals an th* Bor­ view. They beld hearings in Tren­ Labelled A Hoax ough' Council. Three men am ton Jan. 8 and Jan! 22 on the pe­ regionalization could be effectu­ ated, ■ i Swimming Pool seeking the nomination Inciud'm tition. Seek Restriction "3. Even if regionalization could the ergsnltatlon-endorsed Lawrence E dw ard W. Currie, M atawan, a t­ be effectuated there appears to he On Teen Activities Bachman and. Edward'B, Hymt'. torney-for tba Committee for Bet­ little financial advantage to the Move Staved Off and Howard Wilson, ter Borough Schools, the group The reported razor slashing of a Thare Is no contest slated In Borough to consider regionalization Forbes Beach Plans originally to petition the borough since Slate aid tends to equalize 16-year-old Union Beach youth, an M atawan Dem ocratlo ranke with council for the vote on separation, organliatlon4>ackod n i m l n i n . current expense differences which alleged aftermath of a fight which Bitterly Opposed announced after hearing the ruling John J. Walsh Jr. and William arise from allocation of costs on -broke out at'a dance at Keyport of the board of review, that it would an assessed valuation basis. Cllltons Jammed the town hall at I-ormon, running In the Apr. II) be' appealed- He Stated there is 41 *’4. Separation would disrupt an High School Mar. 9, waa declared Browntown Monday to pratast the primary election unoppoaed. Can days for the appesl. integrated school system consisting a hoax Monday by Stale Pdllce at application ol Manchester Hooper, dldates are seeking the nnmlna ' Mr. Carrie, who.presented th e o( kindergarten through high school the Keyport Barracks. , Metuchen, for a variance to con­ tlon for two council seats to In' case for eepatatiqwin the Trenton without securing either financial or The fight at the dance, sponsored struct a swimming pool and a ca­ vacated by Cuuncllmen Cyrus K bana colony at Sledlor's Beach, la hearings, had the hearing Inter­ educational advantages. by the-Keyport High School Moth­ J. Raymond Ketchel, Matawan, (left), who re­ JCPAL, and John E. Logan, vice president of en­ Brown and Rntlln Richards whu rupted because Mr. Kaubinger did Held Two Hearings In Trentoa ers' Club. coupled with the alleged, tired recently as general superintendent of produc­ gineering and generation (or both companies. Mr. ter known as Forbes Deach. Mr. are not seeking re-election. not sit in perion at them but depu­ “Copies of the petition, answers slashing Friday morning, resulted tion for Jersey Central Power A Light Company and Ketchel was honored at a dinner given by hli fellow Hooper aald he represented the Mr. Bachman, 39, a member ol Raritan Bay Bosch Co., Inc. tised Eric Groezinger, an assistant and report of the County Superin- in a aeries of "nimble" warnings, New Jersey Power A Ugbt Company is congratulated employee* Thursday night al Buttonwood Manor, the Midway lloae Co , is the proa commissioner of education, to act received by police resulted In a full by J. Warren Frasee, (right) personnel director ter Matawan. The Irate cltlzena foreaaw a re­ ent Flro y h lrf uf Matawan. Hr for him. Mr. Currie contended this scale a|ert over the .weekend by turn to conditions they held to have Is superintendent of maintenance been objectionable when Forbes for the Rollo Tranall Corp. at As was a deviation from the Intent of Silver Dollars police of four area municipalities. | Appeal For Blood the law to hkve the three persons The lf-year-old youth, Richard Bayview Church State Penalizes Beach was In existence. Former bury I’srk and Keyport. Mr Bach Mayor John P. Chamborlaln and named In tbe etatute present at Anderson, 407 Harris Ave., Union urgeal appeal for blood man la a veteran of the U. 3 Townahlp Committeeman Donald Navy and law service durliij; all hearings. The state attorney Betray Youths Beach, Friday reported to police in was made yesterday by M acrae both objected because general’s office sustained the po­ he had been dragged into, a car 10th Anniversary Matthews, chairman ol the Marlboro Tavern World War II granting the variance would set a sition of Dr. Raublnger that ths Theft* Solved By while going to school on Morning- wan Townahlp Blood Bank. Mr Myrtle. 4(1, li employed b> side Ave. by. K>ur colored youths Rev. Douglas M erriam Orders Immediate precedent lor allowing a non-con­ Weitorn lilectrlc t o , Hillside, It' statute gave him discretion as to Maltha**, reported that all Trie* To Pau Them <Mio slashed him on both cheeks forming use In s residential tone. deputising assistant commissioners W ill Speak Sunday dent* In Cliffwood Beach will License Revocation charge of engineering, lie Is a for and released him. Mayor John Phillips also waa an to act lor him. ' 1 3 asked te make a donation ta mar member ot the Borough Couu Two more teen-age boya have Admlte Story Falsa objector, lie doubted Mr. Hooper Accepted Opinion On Sunday the Bayvlew Pres­ lenlsh the supply ol blood in Because of nine alleged viola­ ell and served as chairman ol tin been 't»fc»n Into Custody In the solv­ State Police reported Monday could prove ownership of the Isnd Mr. CuriH* accepted the opinion byterian Church,- Cliffwood Beach, (b« bank. tions of the rule book, the book water, streets and roads commit ing of a aeries of eight robberies that the youth, after questioning, until after Apr. 1. The applicant of the attorney general to let the will celebrkte the beginning oi ihe tees of the borough from 1992 ti In the Matawan area, Chief John admitted hla story was false and '■ Blood from tbe bank presently has been thrown tt the Countryside defended his project as * necessary proceedings continue but did not church It yean ago/ On Mar. ’I, 1WI8. Mr. Wilson. I Center St , Melna. borough poliee, announced that he had taken hla father’a razor is furnished to sny resident ol T*vem , Route 79, M*rlboro Town­ one to provide bathing privileges assent to it and obtained the re­ 1150, a total of. (7 persons under Is a former president al the Mala yesterday. Two had been picked blade and Inflicted the cuta oa both the township who may require lt lor persons In the bayshore aroa lease of th; board ot Ttview that the leadership of the Rev. R. Doug­ ship. State ABC Director William wan Township Board ol Education. up Monday and there were five his cheeks himself. He told state However, Mr. Mstthews warned with no chance of membership et las Merrlan. signed a covenant In­ 11. Dtvls rovokod the Uvern’s Mr. Walsh has been a resldem he waa not prejudicing his right of breaking* and entries charged to Ihat It this appeal falls to bring other beach clubs. The arousod police he had run away when the dicating their desire to organize of tha borough tor Ihe past iti appeal by going ahead with the them.
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