New Staff Takes Me. Si^-O's Slold Fama Shapiro Over ECHO Plays; Jit Goihy A hew staff, headed by.Martha The Maine Intercollegiate Student Oomiii. Soncert Cornish, 54, will assume charge of Council Conference will be held here the Colby ECHO .at the start of at Colby this Friday and Saturday, The Colby-Community Symphony second semester, Sarah Packard,\ January 16 and 17. There will be Concert, to be presented at 8 :00 retiring Editor, has announced. representatives from the Student p.m., Sunday, January 18th in the Marty, a transfer from Denisori Councils of the following colleges : Lbrimer; Chapel,, will feature as its University last year, is an English Bates, 5 representatives ; Bowdoin, guest artist and soloist, Miss Fania ; major. She has worked on the: '51- 5 representatives ; Maine j 8 repre- Chapiro. Born in Sourabaya 1 , Java .'52 ECHO staff as Rewrite Editor. sentatives ; Colby, the entire Stud-r of Dutch parents; Miss Chapiro took She is from Slippery Rock, Pennsyl- ent Council. violin and piano lessons first with •; ¦' ' ¦ The Colby committee in charge vania./ • her father and later she7 studied ; Managing Editor in the new reg- of - the rcpnference includes Chase Under Johan Madlener. Her /first ime will be Herb Adams, '54, an Lasbury, Bob Wulfing^Betty Wink- recital was given when she ;tfas still ler,; -*nd Roy Shorey.; The girls at- English' major from Scarboro, Maine.. only seven years old. After Several Hennas done work on the ECHO tending the conference from other appearances in the Netlierland East since freshman year, serving in the colleges will be housed in the infirm- Indies, Miss Chapiro 'traveled to sports, news, and feature depart- ary ; and the boys will stay at the Europe where she studied with Prof- : Zete,. Phi Delt, and Lambda Chi ments. .: " ' essor Lazare-Levy . in Paris. Before houses. j ' the war, at the age of eleven, Fania , The program for the two day Chapiro was twice heard as soloist conference is as follows ? at the Symphony7,Orchestra of the Fnday- Hague in Scheyeningen, Holland.... .. 4 :15—Assembly — Discussion of Though she remained in Holland each separate Student Coun- throughout the German Occupation, cil set-up. and lost her home and all her pos- 6 :00—Banquet -— Hurd Room. Bob sessions in the March 1945 bombing Barlow, a young economics in- of the Hague, Miss Chapiro contin- structor will be the main ued her musical studies. Refusing speaker. to ally 1 her talents with the Germans 8 :00—Assembly — Discussion of she gave many home v recitals in forming a Maine Intercollege secret to her native countrymen in- 'Association of Student Coun- cluding,members of the Dutch under- cils. ground. Saturday After the liberation, Miss Chapiro 8 :30—Topic Discussion — The Work again gave public recitals both in of Student Council Sub-Com- Holland and in Paris and played as mittees — Colby. soloist with many ,of ithe -Dutch "-'-'-'" ' Topic;"Discussion — Student Symphony Orchestras. In . Maich of Faculty-Administration Rela-~ i949-"she*'Tnade her'American-debut , tions — -Bowdoin. at the Town -Hall in New York City Martha/ Corr)^h, E Cl(b rewrite 10 :00—Topic Discussion — Campus " Eternity and Miss Alma have such cool hands." Diane Stevens and and since then she has given con- certs in a number of cities through- editor who will assume the duties Campaigning — Bates. Herb Adams starring in Powder and Wig's latest production. Topic Discussion — Student out the country. of editor-in-chief with the next issue. Influence on Education Cur- The Colby-Community Concert on riculum — "Maine. Summer and Smoke Continues In Sunday night will feature Miss Chap- Business Manager will be Stan 1 :30—Assembly — Resume of ideas iro playing Beethoven's "Concerto Abfams, '54, History major, and a presented at discussion per- in C Minor, No. III". The concert member of Tau Delta Phi/ Stan iods. Vote on forming an As- Tradition Of Darkness At Noon program for the evening will in- ¦ ' clude :• "The Grand March" ' ¦ from oomes from Providence, R, I., and sociation of Maine Student .; , .. / has worked as Subscription : Editor . Councils, and any other bus- "Summer and Smoke", which is "Darkness", appears in the current Aida by /\Terdi, "The Angelas" by ¦ ¦ ¦/ on the present staff. ' 7V -'iness. .. ' ' i • /' scheduled for a second performance offering as Buchanan, Senior. Joe Massenet, '(Toccata" by Frescobaldi and Bach' A shift in the organization of the The Colby Student Council hopes tonight at 7 :30, was enthusiastically Perham relaxes from;;his former lead-: s "Jesu , Joy of Man's Editorial Department results in the to gain new ideas from this confer- received at last night's opening. ing role with a supporting part, Desiring". Miss , Chapiro will play ( Continued on Page Ten) ence for approaching problems. Powder and Wig, under the direction while Ridge Bullock is assigned a several solo selections. * of Gene Jellison, has proved that more'; rewarding character in the The Colby-Comriiunity Symphony the psychological subtleties of Ten- new production. Jirri .Smith advanced Orchestra also welcomes back Mr. nessee; Williams can bo handled as from a Communist guard . to a trav- Wolfe Wolfinssohn • of the ..' Stradi- No Doubt ^bout This successfully as the political complex- eling salesman, a dialectic antithesis varius String Quartet^ Mr7 Wolf- ities of, Sidney Kingsley. 7 which would conmsP eyeri kingsley. inssohn,. who performed 7 here last August will play Sunday Several contributors to the ne\v Diane Stevens, cast ; as -Alma (sym- ; evening¦ ¦ in the viola section. ' .'. '¦"- - Maine play's success are, of course, vet- bolic of the feminine protagonist in ?..?C olby 87 68 erans of "Darkness at Noon" . Herb nearly every Williams play), won Adams; who rocketed to fame with critical acclaim with in. supporting By Ken Gosner ly-touted Rhode Island State (rank- h is ravings as a demented Czaris't role in last year's Powder/'and Wig A power-packed Mule quintet; ed third in New England) and was prisoner takes the , ma lead in prpduojbipri of ' Antigonp,||./ ' Glass ; Off ims '^j , le; : dominating both boards, dumped the looking to avenge the Mule football "Summer and Smoke" , : as John . Alma's parents, playIe4'V';Dy;:;.'Biir- University, of' Maine's Black Bears upset last fall wore really up for Buchanan, .Junior. Robert.' Grindle, bara Leavy arid John Erioksorij prb- Announced At last Wednesday night, 87-68. this one. remembered for the cafe brawl in yido hor ,th an obvious ' cause : for ' ^i The win .was the twenty-second A capacity house filled the Orono neurosis, as well as 7 reasonable consecutive win inj state series com- gym expecting; the top game in grounds for matricide. 7; 7 Senior Dance ' haven these parts - in many a year and petition for the Mulos, who 't , '^Rospeotability", in th;e persons Bowdoin upset the two teams 7.responded with a Photo Fans Begin Officers for the Senior, Junior and lost a game since of, Mrs. Bassett; Rosemary, arid Tho vic- wild and wooly first period which Sophomore classes were announced thorn in their 1950 oponor. Roger Dorenvus, is contributed by Williams- ended with Maine loading 19-18, at the all-college danoo sponsored tory virtually assured the Membersh ip Drive Betty Lpngbottpm, Ann Itolden, and: ' series title Colby s chances looked bad with by the Seniors, Thursdayi January men' of their third state ' Louis Tliomas. "Et ernity", ' in*tho; " Dick Hawes and Tod Weigand Camera Club hold a mooting to 8, in Roberts Union. in .a row, as it was their second both person of the uHra-violet lighted thoir toughest resting on the bench with four start its midsoason Membership Now president of the Class of 1953 straight oyer Maine, statue, is contributed by DjoW personal fouls after only one period drive in, Union last Tues- is Ed Fraktman, ATO, f rom New- competitor. Barring a sharp reversal Roberts Baggs. In . addition - to his ''Gon- "Mules should add to of play, but Coaoh Williams sur- day; night. Club officers explained ton, Mass. Vibe President is. Warren of form the zales',! role, Ridge Bullock assisted becoming the second prised Maine , by inserting Tony that riot ¦ chough of the: students Johnson, DKE, of Portland, Maine. their laurels by in ', the direction of "Summer and to swoop through Jabar into the fray and responded know about the club facilities Secretary is' Barbara Best-. Tn Delt team in ' history |.^r Smoke" arid is in charge of pub- by sparking the Mules from hereon. processing filrns and print's, so spec- ffoiri Soituatp, Mass. Treasurer is the j |tato series undefeated, and the / licity and spoojal sound effects. Toqh-i ' it two year s ago ' Oolby load' by Jabar and sophomore ial emphasis is being given to: pub- Roland Naglo, Lambda Chi,' from first team to do ' ; nical direction ancl sot design are by am was the first to stars Pino Siralcidos and Lou Zam- lic relations this year. Four'students Flushing, Now York. , ' as last year's te Harriot' Fain. Lighting by 7 John 1- , ' " bollo outsoorod Maine by oigh|> points dropped in to find out' about the ;' , '. President of the Glass of 1954 . is swoop . ' . I-Iagor, alorig with "turn of the cen- Bears, by virtue of in tho second period to take an eight olub arid added their names to Bob Fischer,, Tau Delt Lawren Tlio Black ' . j tury" costumes and properties by , ce, loss on the Mules point load, 40-82, at the half. In the blub roster.; , ' ,; '; New York. Ho will bo ^assisted py their one-point ' • Barbara Porto arid Martha Meyer, ! earlier this year the second hal f it was all Colby The bmb has decided to , hold an y ioo Prpsidprit' jftby Bliorpy, e homo oo^rt , entered add the final note of illusion which Z te, slight favorites duto to with Tod Lallior and big Rowo Naglo exhibit {of members' photos in; tfto Ridgpwood, Now¦: Jersey } ;Qeorotary tho game as make '(Summer , and Smoke" oho of .
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