BULLETIN DE L'INST ITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE, BIOLOGIE, 67: 31-38, 1'9 ~)7 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLIJ K BELG ISCI-1 INSTITUUT YOOR NATUURWETENSC I-IAPPEN , BIOLOGI E, 67: 3I-38, I997 Distribution of Neritid, Viviparid and Valvatid freshwater gastropods 1n Belgium (Mollusca, Prosobranchia) by H. VAN LOEN & J.L. VAN GOETHEM Abstract bution maps have already been published: Planorbidae (SABLON & VAN GOETHEM, 1989), Lymnaeidae (SABLON The distribution of the freshwater gastropods Theodoxusjluvi­ & VA N GOETH EM, 1992; 1996), Margaritiferidae (VAN atilis (LINNAEUS, 1758), Viviparus viviparus (LINNAEUS, 1758), GOETHEM, 1995) and Unionidae (VAN GOETHEM , 1995; Viviparus contectus (MILLET, 1813), Va/vata cristata MOLLER, Nus & VAN GOETHEM, 1995). Moreover, information on 1774, Valvata macrostoma MORCJ-1, 1864 and Valva/a piscinalis taxonomy and/or distribution of non-marine molluscs in (MOLLER, 1774) in Be lgi um is recorded using data from the Belgium, is presented in VAN GOETHEM ( 1988, 1989, past 140 years. 1992). UTM-maps are presented for each species, based on the Most recently, Nus et al. ( 1996) published a bibliography collections of the Royal Belgian In stitute of Natural Sciences (RBJNS), on fie ld observations and on data derived from private of the recent non-marine molluscs of Belgium, covering co ll ections and literature. the period 1943 -1 995. The distribution maps suggest a decline from 1950 onwards for In this contribution the distribution in Belgium of the each of the six species. At present only V piscinalis can be following freshwater gastropods is presented and discussed: considered to be common in Be lgiu m, whereas V macrostoma the neritid Theodoxus jluviatilis (LINNAEUS, 1758), the has the most restricted distribution. viviparids Viviparus viviparus (LINNAEUS, 1758) and Key-words: Mollusca, Neritidae, Viviparidae, Valvat idae, Viviparus contectus (MILLET, 18 13) and the valvatids distribution, Be lgium. Valvata crista/a MOLL ER, 1774, Valvata macrostoma M6RCH, 1864 and Valva/a piscinalis (MOLLER, 1774 ). Previous distribution maps of these species date from Resume ADAM (1947). La distribution en Be lgique des gasteropodes dull;aquicoles Theodoxus jluviatilis (L!NNAEUS, 1758), Viviparus viviparus Material and methods (LJNNAEUS, 1758), Viviparus con teet us (MILLET, 18 13 ), Valva/a crista/a MOLLER, 1774, Valva/a macrostoma MORCJ-1 , 1864 et A total of 961 records from all over Belgium are analysed, Valva/a piscinalis (MOLLER, 1774) est presentee. Ell e se base sur des donnees des 140 derni eres annees. covering a sampling period of 140 years (the oldest Pour chaque espece, les cartes UTM presentees sont etablies samples of each species dating from 1857-1 867). The sur base des collections de l' Institut royal des Sciences naturelles records are based on the coll ections of the REINS, on de Belgique (IRScNB), des observations de terrain, des collec­ field observations and on data derived from private collec­ tion s privees et de Ia li tterature. Les cartes de distribution tions and literature. With this information, distribution suggerent une regression a partir de 1950 pour chaqu'une des maps are made as used in the fra mework of the EIS, six especes. Actue ll ement, V piscinalis peut etre considere comme considerin g a total of 3 76 Uni versal Transverse Mercator une espece commune en Belgique, tandis que V macrostoma (UTM) squares of I 0 km x I 0 km for Belgium. A sample presente Ia distribution Ia plus restreinte. list is available upon request. Mots-cles: Mollusca, Neritidae, Viviparidae, Valvatidae, di stribution, Belgique. Results and discussion Introduction In table 1 different data in relation to the distribution of the six species are summarised. The last column presents In the framework of the European Invertebrate Survey 10 I records whi ch are known from the li terature and (E IS) the Malacology Section of the Royal Belgian which we leave out of account in the following discussion. Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) is compiling a Hence all results are based on the RBINS coll ections, on database on the distribution of freshwater molluscs in fie ld observations and on data derived from private coll ec­ Belgium. As a result of this endeavour, following di stri- tions. These show that V piscinalis is found in the largest II 32 H. VAN LOEN & J.L. VAN GOETH EM Table I Species: Total number Pre 1950 1950 Pre 1950 Total Oldest Mo st Total Records of squares squares onwards and 1950 number of reco rd recent number of from with data squares onwards records record specimens literature sq uares T jluviatilis: 60 44 9 7 147 1860 1993 4060 20 V. contectus: 43 28 6 9 146 1860 1996 1469 7 V. viviparus: 60 36 17 7 151 1857 1993 866 22 V. crista/a: 39 22 12 5 104 1864 1995 1940 15 V. macrostoma: 14 8 6 0 19 1867 1989 2527 0 V. piscinalis: 106 43 36 27 293 1858 1996 3795 37 The first column presents the total number of UTM-squares sampled per species. The second column presents the number of only pre 1950 UTM-squares sampled per species. The third column presents the number of only 1950 onwards UTM-squares sampled per species. The fourth column presents for each species the number of UTM-squares whi ch are sampled pre 1950 and 1950 onwards. The fifth column presents the number of records per species. Records are based on shells, living animals and observations. The sixth and seventh column specify for each species the year of resp. the oldest and most recent record. The eighth co lumn presents the total number of specimens per species. The last column presents for each species all records derived from literature. number of UTM-squares, while V. macrostoma is the rarest does not occur in the province of Luxembourg, yet, we species, even though at some sites where it occurs this came across two records from that province: 5 specimens species is relatively abundant. All six species show a from Marche-en-Famenne, 1933 and 1 specimen from higher number of pre 1950 squares compared to 1950 Grandmenil, 1869. onwards squares. The number of squares sampled pre 1950 as well as 1950 onwards is relatively small. For V. macrostoma there is even no overlap. Viviparus viviparus (LINNA EUS , 1758) V. piscinalis has the highest total number of records, Seems at present more or less common in Lower and whereas V. macrostoma has the lowest one. The o ldest Middle Belgium, with some rare occurences in Upper records range from 1857 for V. viviparus to 1867 for Belgium (fig. 3). V. viviparus lives in rivers and canals V. macrostoma, the most recent ones date from 1989 for (e.g. Meuse in Hastiere-par-Dela and in Yvoir, Durme in V. macrostoma to 1996 for V. piscinalis. Hamme, A1bertkanaal in Gee!, canal de Bruxelles-Charleroi in Godarville). A few records are from brooks, river­ banks, as well as from stagnant water like ponds (e.g. Th eodoxus jluviatilis (LINNAEUS, 1758) etang du Hazendael in Hoeilaart). Seems at present more or less common in Belgium (fig. 1) and li ves in running waters like rivers ( e.g. Meuse in Valvata cristata MOLLER , 1774 Hermeton-sur-Meuse, Ourthe in Hamoir and Durbuy) and Seems at present more or less common in Lower Belgium brooks. Of all records, 20% are sampled from more or less and Middle Belgium (fig. 4). This species occurs in more stagnant waters (e.g. kanaal van Dessei-Schoten in Beerse or less stagnant waters like ponds (e.g. etang du Fer a and Turnhout, Kempisch kanaal in Retie). Former findings Cheval in Watermael-Boitsfort, etangs d' Auderghem in are thus not so exceptional as stated in ADAM (1947, p. I 5). Auderghem), pools (e.g. les mares de Herstal), marshes Records from brackish water are absent for Belgium, which and canals . The species has been recorded in brooks and confirms earli er findings by ADAM (1947, p. 16, 1960, only one sample was found in a river (Zenne in Brussels). p. 126) and is in agreement with a situation in France (GERMAIN, 1930, p. 682). On the other hand, T jluviatilis has been found in brackish water in the Netherlands Valvata macrostoma MbRCH, 1864 (JANSSEN & DE VO GE L, 1965, p. 26), in Great-Britain and Seems at present limited to a very few localities in Denmark (FRETTER & GRAHAM, 1978, p . 1 05) and in Middle Belgium (fig. 5), with the exception of one shell Germany (GLOER & M EIER-BROOK, 1994, p. 36). from Upper Belgium (Meuse in Hastiere-par-Dela). V. macrostoma is frequently regarded synonymous with Valvata pulchella STUD ER, 1820, yet currently both are Viviparus contectus (MILLET, 1813) considered separate species (WELLS & CHATFIELD, 1992, Seems at present less common in Lower and Middle p. 78). According to FECHTER & FALKNER ( 1990, p. 120), Belgium (fig. 2). Samples are found in stagnant water V. pulchella inhabits the moorland waters bordering the li ke ponds (e.g. etang du Hazendael in Hoeilaart), pools Alps, whereas V. macrostoma is di stributed over central and ditches. There are also records from running waters and northern Europe. It is beyond this contribution to go like brooks (e.g. Nieuwe Sluisbeek in B aasrode). further into this problem. So far, all our records are According to ADAM ( 1947, p. 20; 1960, p. 130) the species treated as V. macrostoma. .. I Distribution of fres hwater gastropods in Belgium 33 I t""! A') .. J \ !' I" I) .......-~--'-- "-- fl_r rC- b \ lilt j ./'1 rr -......... ~~ ~ r\ ~ t1 ,.r'\ I ~ ~---...../ bW ./. :.s_ ""'("-. ~l, .. ~ 0 ~ >: ~ ,_lit -If I "' r \ )\• iJl * .---- \ 1 \ \ ---- )r ~ ....... .A ( I~ ~ f* ~ h ~ ) v If lJ f* f,1 \ * ( '-V~ ' ~ _,.J I "'""'\!:=>\ 1\,..., ---- \ / ~ ) f* ,.,;-- * I _./ (' L ')-"1- ~ r-'"' "rL f.-- V' v y J li~ 7• ) \ c ?.,.
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