John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 3-25-1999 The aC rroll News- Vol. 91, No. 18 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: https://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 91, No. 18" (1999). The Carroll News. 1193. https://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1193 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. !For ~o u. J'Lbout ~ou. r.By ~o u . ~-------------------------------------- -------------- Volume 91 • Number 18 John C arro ll Un iver s ity C leveland, Ohio March 2 5 , I 999 WJCU thief convicted Kelly Norri s Accordmg to the Umversity Staff Re porter He1 ghts Police Departmenr,Cam­ A Clevela nd man was found pus Securnysropped Lundy with gUJ !t y of theft Tuesday after s teal­ 15 C O's near the Sc1ence Center ing 150 CO's from the WJCU-fM After h1scall toCampus Safety studios on campus in f ebruar y. Serv1ces,j ohansen began to re -m­ Chnstian Lundy, 19, was se n­ s peer the llbrary a nd noticed that te nced to !O days mne served, three numerous CO's we re m1ss ingf rom years active probation, and $250 the push box and md ustnal gen­ 1n court costs, which were wa1ved eral collection. because of indigence Altho ugh the stolen CO's l.und ycame tothejohn Carroll amounted to a sum worthy of Umversity campus with the in­ grand theft, WJCU did not press tent of stealing CO's to later ex­ felony charges. c h a nge for money, Univers it y Prior to Campus Safety He1ghts pol1 ce said Service's involvement, Half Pnce "Th1s IS becoming a popular Books, a record excha nge shop, fad," Sgt. Pasternak, a rresting of­ informed the stauon that they re­ fi cer, sa1d. "It is a quick turnover ceived what they beileved to be 79 for cash but exchange stores only CO's stolen from the rad 10 station. give $3 for a $17 CD." Accordmg to j ohansen, Lundy The extent to the number of was charged selling the CO's be­ CO's that were stolen was not no­ cause of a s ig ned rece1pr and ticed unril Lundy was arrested. driver's license information wl!h Lundy would pose as a substi­ his real name. tute disc jockey in order to be let Record Excha nge, on Va n A ken into the station. He would then Blvd., also contacted WJCU with take the CD's out of the station's the Information that several rap, A Cleveland man was convicted of theft after he was apprehended stealing CO's from WJCU . radi~'' studios. hbrar · and wa t 111 the oduc &;B an rc a CD's" 1th \\' CIJ tion room untiTtlle end of the cur­ markings were brought into rne re nt D.j.'s shift. When the new OJ. store over the last few weeks. fo r the next shift arrived, Lundy The CD's wer e reportedl y v·cted for would then leave the stat ion wah brought to the s tores by a "DJ" ca 11- the CD's. m g h1 mself "Charles Cheston." Lundy attempted the same op­ Out of the 150 C O's stolen making fake I.D.'s eration during Dr. jeff j ohansen's WJCU was able to recover a total radio shift. After being let in by of 100. Megan Hetman from the JCU Campus Safety Serv1ces on Feb. 2 at johansen, Lundy began removing There is some speculation as to Assist ant News Editor 10:15 p.m . Pacelli Hall Resident Assista nt Ke1th the C O's that johansen assumed whether or not Lundy worked john Carroll University freshman Nicholas Bernini Cockrell alerted Campus Safety Services of a Situa­ were for the fill-in shift. alone or if he h ad accomplises. Pat pleaded no contest in Shaker Heights court on March tion involving the production of fake J.D.'s. johansen was suspicious of Butler, student d irector for WJCU, 9 and was found guilty of criminal simulation. "I came across the paraphernalia used to make Lundy a nd called Campus Safety said that a few weeks before Lundy Bernini was sentenced to 30 days in prison and a fake !.D.'s while confronting another policy infrac­ Services after he heard the outside was caught, a couple of Saturday $1 ,000 fine. The jail time and $600 of the fine were tion issue so I then followed procedure and called door close and realized that Lundy morning disc jockeys reponed a suspended. Campus Safety Services," Cockrell said. left w ith the CO's. coupleof suspicious looking males University Heights police arrested Bernini, f eb. Glasener, Kmley and jCU Officer Stuart Galicz "I thought he looked kind of in the station studw. These men 24, for making fake d river's licenses. entered the room and found several pamally made susp1c10us but it was d uri ng my signed u p to use the production Bernini was charged wnh criminal simulation, Michigan driver's licenses. shift so I had to leave him alone room using the name "El Drey." It forgery, and possession of criminal tools, all misde­ francis McCaffery, director of CampusSafety Ser­ w hile tryi ng to do the show," is not known who or what "El meanors in the first degree. The charges of forgery vices, said Campus Safety Services had no involve­ johansen said. "As soon as I heard Drey" refers to. a nd possession of criminal tools were dropped. ment in the situation once the University Heights the door shut, I knew he left and The University Heights Police According to a University He1ghts Police Depart­ Police Department was involved However, accord­ ment incident report, University Heightsofficersjen­ ing to Untversity Heights Pol ice Departmen t Lt. immediately called Campus Se­ see WJCU, page 3 curity." nifer Glasener and Todd Kinley responded to a call Dale Brady, Campus Safety Se rv ices d id confiscate ev1dence, includ ing the scanner fou nd in Bernini's room. Bernini was taken out of his class on Feb 24 by a Campus Safety Se rvices securay guard and taken imo custody by a pl am clothed University Heights police officer who was waitmg m the ha ll­ way. Brady said Bernim used a Site off rhe Internet which shows blank M1ch rgan licenses He sold the LD.' s for $25. According to Patrick Rombalski,deanof students, Bernmi also went through the Universitydisciplme system. The d isciplinary board IS made up of four faculty members and three students "The heanng board always does an excellent job in vesttgattnga n issue a nd making the nghtdecision and I have confidence that they have done the same in th1s case," Rombalsk1 sa 1d Bernini is also a football player, and accordmg to jCU football coach Reg1s Scafe no action IS being taken against Bernini because the inc1dem occurred 1n the off -season. "I spoke to him and he told me what he had to do as far as counseling goes," Scafe said. "His first prior­ ity is staying in school and getting himself straight." Bernini refused to comment. N E W S The Carroll News, March 25, 1999 _Th_e_c_ar_ro_n~__ w_ s_,M_a_rc_h_2_5,_1_99_9______________________ ~~ E ~ 3 2 ___S ____________________________________ ~----------------------------------~ City expands permit parking Dancing the night away for Habitat for Huntanity Ordinance can be applied to all streets in UH Rebecca Sw artz manny last weekend . Dance Marathon. whtle commtttee members who added ·we hope to conunue the Newsbriefs tion to University Heights Staff Reporter Friday and Saturday ftf ty-three 'The student participation m danced found sponsors to help tradition by havmga Dance Mara­ Melissa Beatty signed by at least 50 per­ The Dance Marathon raised john Carroll students danced for the dance marathon this year was them wse $250 each. thon every other year at john Assistant News Editor centof residents tn the pro­ over $12.000 for Habttat for Hu- 12 straight hours in the annual overwhelming," Meggan Babcock, ~CU students could also par­ Carroll" After the University •A Gvil Actionft author to speak to co-chair of the Dance larathon , uctpate by makmg .1 small dona­ llabitat for Humanity.founded Heights program banning posed area The City Counctl then sa1d "Eve ryone pulled together so non at the door The addinonal in 1976, is a non -profn orgamza­ john Carroll all parking withoma resi­ schedules a public hearing well to ratse money for Habllat for money came from corporate spon­ t 10ndedtcated weliminatingsub­ dent permit solved the janSchlichtmann,authorof the New York Tim~ bestseller where a survey and review Humantty." sors such as PA CO, Fcdch, standard housing snuattons for parking problem near A Civil Action_will becommg to john Carroll Apnl12 to take of traffiC and parking con­ Fcstivines began on Fridny Cablevtston, Drapery Such, and unfortunate famtlics around the part in an informal colloquium and workshop and give a pre­ John Carroll, the city has ditions of the proposed wnh a happy hourf rom 5to8 p.m Orion. world. dectded ro extend the op­ Today, Habitat for Humanny sentation. Schlichtmann's book was recently made mto a area are reviewed. The dancing began with lt ve The dnncc marathon commit­ tion to other streets as motion p1cture of the same name starringjohn Travolta.
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