Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-8-1993 The BG News September 8, 1993 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 8, 1993" (1993). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5563. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5563 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. G The BG News TiiaffJUt September%, 1993 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 10 Briefs Weather Marcos' body returns to Philippines by Eileen Guerrero The Associated Press Partly pleasant: Today, partly cloudy with a high in the lower 70s. LAOAG, Philippines - To the cheers and sobbing of thousands, the body of Ferdin- and Marcos, who inspired both Inside the News loathing and adoration in 20 years as president, was re- Learning the ropes: turned today for burial seven Recent programs are years after he fled into exile. making it easier for new mi- His black-garbed widow nority students to adjust to Imelda kissed the closed cas- the University. ket and wept after a chartered jet brought the body from Ha- □ See page three. waii. The body was then taken by horse-drawn hearse to the city's Roman Catholic cathe- dral along 10 miles of crowd- Arrest dos and don'ts: lined roads. Don't fight the law or the A 74-year-old woman, Felicl- law will win, lawyers and dad Faustino, walked the entire police say. Here's what to do stretch. "I would walk a if you are arrested. thousand miles more," she said. "1 was born for, and I will □ See page four. die for, Marcos." Others were even more de- voted as members of the Alpha Outside campus Omega cult, which worships Marcos as a god. Student indicted on rape "My cause is God Almighty," charges: said Ernesto Ramirez. "With Thomas Dailey, 22, who his return, all our suffering was listed in the 1992-1993 will end." University telephone direc- Virtually every window tory as a University student, along the route was filled with was indicted by a Wood people viewing the cortege. County grand jury on one About 500 people packed the count of rape, an aggravated cathedral for the Mass, and first degree felony. He was thousands of others jammed also indicted on one count of the courtyard outside. sexual battery, a third de- After the Mass, the body was gree felony. taken to a black reviewing Judge Charles Kurfess stand in front of the gleaming has been assigned to hear Imelda Marcos cries at the coffin of her late husband Ferdinand mausoleum near his family home, was returned seven years white provincial capitol. It will further court proceedings in Marcos as the body arrives in Laoag Tuesday. At left Is Marcos' after he fled Into exile. lie there until Wednesday, the case. daughter Imee. Marcos' body, which will be burled Friday In a See Marcos, page five. Arts festival needs vol- unteers: Organizers of the Black Swamp Arts Festival are Organizational seeking volunteers to work Auto plant bid botched at the event Sept. 25 and 26. Workers are needed to help staff beer tents, sell t-shirts, Critics want development official's resignation fair begins today construct a stage and clean by Kelly Duquln up the festival area. The Associated Press would produce 60,000 four- the automaker's site-selection student life reporter Volunteers are being wheel-drive sport utility vehicles company. asked to attend organiza- annually by 1997. The company A telephone message left for tional meetings at 7 p.m. TOLEDO - The president of an was expected to select a site Failor was not immediately re- Students will have the opportunity to learn more about the several Sept. 12,14, and 16 at the economic development agency early next month. The plant was turned Tuesday. campus organizations today at the annual Student Organizational Huntington Bank, 130 S. should resign because he botched expected to employ 1,500 Linda Paulmeno, director of Fair in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom. Representatives will be on hand Main St. For more informa- a bid to bring an auto plant to the workers. communications for Mercedes- to provide information about their particular group. tion, call the Downtown area, several city officials said The Ohio Development De- Benz in Chicago, said the com- This year's fair, which will take place between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., Business Association at Tuesday. partment asked communities in pany is looking at more than 100 will be the largest one ever with 104 organizations represented, ac- 354-4332. "Gary Failor must go. It's May to submit a list of possible sites in more than 30 states. cording to Debra Helm, administrative assistant in the student activi- time," Councilman Jack Ford sites for the plant. The depart- "We have been provided a lot ties and orientation office. said about the man who heads the ment reviewed dozens of applica- of information from a lot of "The representatives will supply information for students who are Toledo-Lucas County Port Au- tions, then recommended 17 Ohio communities," Ms. Paulmeno interested in getting involved on campus or who want to join an or- Clinton and Gore to visit thority. sites to Mercedes-Benz. said. "But I cannot go into detail ganization," she said. Students will also be able to talk to members Cleveland tomorrow: Ford said he would introduce a The port authority, which col- the type of information given to and have refreshments. CLEVELAND - President resolution at Monday's council lects $1 million a year in prop- us." The wide variety of organizations represented will include frater- Clinton and Vice President meeting calling for Failor to quit. erty taxes for economic devel- Councilman Carty Flnkbeiner nities and sororities, honorary clubs, Christian organizations and in- Al Gore will push their pro- opment, submitted for considera- criticized port authority offi- tramurals. posals for reshaping the Councilman Peter Silverman tion only one site - a Wood County cials. Sports clubs will also offer facts about sports including soccer, federal bureaucracy during would support such a resolution. property about 15 miles south of "The sloppiness, lack of rugby and swimming. a joint appearance in the "Over a year ago, I stated that I Toledo. thoroughness and poor commu- "We have a big student involvement and we will be available to an- city tomorrow. thought Gary had been in too The authority did not submit nication with other members of swer questions such as which sports are offered, how to enter the Clinton and Gore on Tues- long and they needed new detailed information about a city- the Toledo economic develop- sport, entry dates and times of events,"said Thad Long, director of in- day presented a plan they leadership. I think that's all the owned site and an area adjacent ment team are inexcusable," tramurals and sports clubs. said would save $108 billion more true now," Silverman said. to the city. Finkbeiner said. In addition, Undergraduate Student Government will also have a over five years by cutting, City leaders are angry about Agency officials said they Ray Medlin, a port authority booth at the fair, according to Theresa DeFranco, USG director of combining and reorganizing the way the port authority han- submitted information directly board member, said Failor public relations. the federal work force. dled a bid for a Mercedes-Benz to the company Instead of "should have the opportunity to "We took the opportunity to get involved because we feel that we "This is an American im- plant. through state officials. resign." are an important group on campus," DeFranco said. "We want to let perative and we all need to The automaker plans to build a The authority did not respond students know what we are doing and appeal to students interested in be a part of it," Clinton said $300 million assembly plant that to a 31-page questionnaire from See Toledo, page five. joining." at Tuesday's news confer- ence in Washington. The plan would leave the government with 252,000 Clinton's reforms give elderly drug benefits fewer jobs, with the cuts coming through attrition, by Christopher Connell buyouts, early retirement The Associated Press sons, said Monday that Clinton aides told on a sliding scale. Those benefits will be tradeoff." and retraining for private him the drug benefits will be worth $32 to phased in over five years, with states "The key question is, is there system- sector jobs. $35 a month on average per senior citi- getting grants to furnish the services. wide cost containment or is it just from Medicare and Medlcald?" said Rother. Reducing the civilian, WASHINGTON - America's 32 million zen. Rother said he was told the long-term non-postal work force by 12 elderly would get major new prescription Seniors will be asked to bear 25 per- benefits would be worth $80 a month and "If it were just Medicare and Medicaid, we'd be jumping through the roof." percent over the next five drug benefits under Medicare for about cent of those costs in the form of higher would cost the elderly roughly $20 a Rep. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said, "Clearly years would bring the fed- $8 a month as part of President Clinton's monthly Medicare Part B premiums.
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