4 ~ 18. nJ I :11 I I I INTERIM REPORT I BY I' ~~I. , t- . V\ INVESTIGATION.' COMMITTEE I ~ .,.. I FOH • I GOVERJ\1J;H<:NT PROJECTS IN THE I PORT OF :rvlELBODRNE/SODTH 'MELB01JRNE AREA I I I I I I I I . I ....-'-----------...--:---~ X 711. 4099 62210~71 C}:::.a.trr!'1F.tl"i : ,I: 45J DOC: Interim;report by Investigation Committee .J. R. Ashworth for' Government Projects Ex.cell tive Director in·the Port 'of Melbourne Public Works Department . ~-Ir I So~!.h·¥~lb?urne f.re~ 30th October, 1~75. ____ ~ ____~_~ __ ._ .. _.c.._ . ./ . ~ .. I CONTENTS I I 1 • PREANBLE I 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE I 3. , 'HEHBERSHIP HEETINGS AND PROCEDURES I 4 ~ l}-1eetings I 4.2 Sub-Committees 4.3 Sources and Pres~ntation of Information to the Committee II 5. SALIE1'\T ISSUES I 5.1 N.H.T. Commissioners proposed develupment pl~n 5.2 '''est Gate Bridge Approaches I 5.3 Johnson Stree,t Bridge Approaches, 5.4 ~ropo5ed ,{orld Trade Centre " 'I 5.5 Residential Areas and Developments I 6 . PORT OF NELBOURNE DEVELOPMENT I 6.1 Ba.ckground 6,.2' Trade Forecasts I 6.3 Dock Locations - Possible Alternatives I 6.4 Webb Dock Facilities 6.5 Generation of Road Traffic I 6.6 Rail Service to Webb Dock 6'.7 'Environmental Considerations - General - Physical Aspects I 6.8 Environmental Considerations - Sociological Aspects I 7. TRANSPOHT ASSOCIATED 'HTH I{EST GATE AND' JOHNSON STHEET BRIDGE 1 7 . 1 Gen era,l 7.2 Initial Considerations I 7 • J Traffic Pr'edic tions 7.4 Recent Investigatio~s and Situation I 7.5 Subsequent Action and Progreis r . I CONTENTS (Cont'd.) I 8. HOUSING COMHISSION·FLAT DEVELOPHENT, PORT HELBOlJRNE: I HOWE PARADE, BARAK ROAD, BEACON ROAD A~~ THE BOULEVARD I 9. "rORLD TRADE CENTRE .. I 10. CONCLUSIONS I 11 • . RECOHMENDATIONS APPENDIX "A" - Letter of 16th July, 1975, to the Honourable Murray Byrne, M.L.C., I Minister of State Development and Decentralization. I APPENDIX "B" - List of Documents made available to the Committee to date. I I I I I II I I I I I I I INTERnI REPORT" I BY INv~STIGATION COMMITTEE FOR I GOVERl'-.'1'1ENT PROJECTS IN THE I PORT OF }ffiLBOURi~E/SOUTH MELBOURNE AREA I 1 • PREAHBLE. The Committee ~as convened by direction ot Cabinet. in I March, 1975, :following repr·esenta tions :from the State Planning Council concerning the need :for overall co-. I ordination and direction o:f planning and development in the Port o:f ~felbourne/S·outh Helbourne area. I At that time the Parliamentary State Development Com­ mittee ~ad already been requested by the Premier to I inquire into and report upon "Port Utilization and De­ I velopment in Victoria" its term o:f re:ference being: To review the present port requirements o:f industry, I cornmerceand shipping in Victoria and the adequacy o:f Victorian ports in meeting these requirements. I To report on the :future development requirements :for ports in Victoria :for the year 1985 and the I year 2000, having regard to: - predicted econo~ic growth o:f Victoria I - '{orld trade -ship technology I - environmental and decentralization policies I - physical development possibilities. To recommend a co-ordinated port develo~ment strategy. I To consider any consequent recommendations :for admiri-· I istrative and organizational changes. Any other matters which appear to the Committee to be I relevant to the Inquiry. I That current enquiry,. there:fore, was pe·rLLnent to, but limited the scope of this Committee's activity to the extent that the Parliamentary ~tate Development Corrmittee's :findipgs could not be pre-empted. This meant that any proposalS or recommendations with regard to plans or de- velopment would generally need to be o:f short term nature 2. I I or such that they could not conflict with any recommenda­ tions, whatever they may be 9 coming out of the inquiry I into "Port Utiliza.tion arid Development in Victoria". I 2. TERNS OF REFERENCE -. The Committee was· designated "Investigation Committee I for Government Projects in the Port of Melbourne/South Nelbourne }\rea" and it was required, to report wi th re­ I commendations on.: Co~m~tted developmen~ and present plans for the I area. I Matters in the area requiring early attentio~. Guidelines for short term plans in the area. I Requiremerits for overall co-ordination of govern­ ment projects in the area. I J. MEHBERSHIP I The Committee, as established, comprised: I Public Works ~epartment Mr. J. R. Ashworth Executive .Director ( Chairman) . - I Ministry.of Transport }~r. J. M. Bayley Assistant Director of Transport. Ministry of Conservation }-Ir. IV. P. Dunk I Chief Assessment Officer. Victorian Railways Mr. R. J. Gallacher I Assistant Chief Civil Engirteer. Country Roads Board Mr. L. cTones Divisional Engineer, I Metropolitan Division. West Gate Bridge Authority - Mr. C. A. 1Vilson General }-1anager. - . - I Melbourne & Metropolitan Mr. R. E.Lee Board of -il'orKS Supervis~ng Engineer for Transportation Planning. I Town & Country Planning Mr. R. A. Nairn Board Assistant Director I (Planning Services) Ministry of Housing ~~. B. J. Seabrook Chief Technical Officer. I Melbourne Harbor Trust Mr. A. J. F. stevens Comrrlissioners Chief Engineer. Secretary to the Committee - l-Ir. L. Appelbee, I Town & C6untry Planning Board. I I 4. " MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES I 4.1 Meetings: The Committee met initially on 10th April, 1975, and its proceedings to date have comprised twelve I meetings incl~ding site and area ins~ections. I 4.2 Sub-Committees: For the purpose of investigating special aG~ects and to expedite proceedings, special purpose sub--commi ttees were formed. These were: I '''estgate Bridge and Transport Sub-Committee. Webb Dock Sub-Committee. I Railwaj Link Sub-Committee. I 4.3 Sources and Preseritation of Information to the Committee: D9cuments providing information and which ~ereavailable I to the Committee are listed in Appendix "B" to this report. The outlines of significant developments and proposals by I the~~rious authorities were presented directly and ex­ plained by the relevant ~epresentatives on the Committ€e. I In addition,a number of other persons were invited to attend .and present information on particular matters.­ I These, and the subjects of their presentations, were: Dr. W". T. 0 'Brien (Centre for Environmental Studies, I University of Melbourne) -Outlined and discussed the scope and nature of the Social and Economic Study which the "Centre" had been commissioned by the I Melbourne Ha.rbor Trust to undertake i.n the Port of I Melbourne. (Meeting No.7 - 20th June, 1975.) Mr. G. "IHlson (Department of Crown Lands and Survey) Outlined and discusse4 the situation with regard to the I issue and "renewal of long term leases of Crown Land in the Port of Melbourne area. (Meet~ng No.7 - 20th I­ June; 1975.) Mr. R. ~9-rclax: (Operatiol~S Manager, Australian National I Line) - Outlined and discussed A.N.L.'s developments, forecasts and requirements in the Port of Melbourne, I Webb Dock area. (Meeting No.8 - 10th July, 1975.) Mr. R. Dic~ (Consultant, Grahame Shaw & Partners) - I Outlined and discussed background to consultants study and. proposals wi th regard to a "\iorld Trade Centre. I (Meeting No. 11 - 21st iugust s 1975.) 4. ~. I .. ~ . I 5. SALIENT IS~UES After an initial review of the overall situation the I Committee agreed that, in general terms, the major issues on which investigations should b~ concentrated I were: 5.1 The Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioner's proposed I de~elopment of the Webb Dock complex and associated portindu~try with particular reference to - I (a) . the sociological and environmental effects and implications o~ ·this development; I -(b) the effects and im~lications on the surrollnding and connected road system; and I (e) the need for and effect-s of a rail system to service this dev~lopment. I 5.2 West Gate Bridge approaches with pa~ticula~ reference to: I (a) the situation with regard to the planning and programming of both short term and long term works necessary to provide adequate access, dis­ I ·posal and feeder network for the bridge and its immediate freeway; I (b) the effect of traffic, from this facility, On the surrounding road system; and. I (c) the effect of the extension of a freeway "from West Gate Bridge on both the adjacent road and rail system. I 5.3 Johnson Street Bridge approaches with particular reference to: I (a) the situation with reg~rd to the planning and pro­ gramming of both short term and long term works I necessary to provide adequate access, dispers~l and feeder network for the bridge; I the interlinking of traffj.c networks for this, and to West Gate Bridge; . and ( c ) the effects on both road and rail systems to the I adjacent areas. I The Proposed World 1~ade Centre with particular reference to: I the need; . concept and siting; and I its possible effect on traffic systems in the Port area and any other i~piicatio~s. 5. I Residential Areas and Deyelopments and their inter­ I relationships with any o~ the other developments in the environs with particular reference to: I (a) the existing residential are~adjacent to the Webb Dock cOmplex; and I . (b) . the Housing Commission of Victoria proposed flat development scheme in the land bourtded by Bowe I Parade, Barak Road, Beacon Road and The Boulevard. I 6. PORT OF MELBOURNE DE-IELOPNENT I 6.; Background 6.1.1 The Melbourrle Harbor Trust, as a statutory corporation I established by Act of Parliame~t, is responsible for en­ suring that th~ Port at Melbourne is planned and developed to cater for the increasing needs of the State of Victoria I and the adjacent areas in other States which the port also serves.
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