Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977 2-10-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 10, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1977 Volume 58, Issue 98 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 10, 1977." (Feb 1977). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Dave Dyer, 10 , of Carbondale, attacks a p int of to be liCKed clean. To comply, Dave took matters Baskin Robbins chocolate at an ice cream eating into his own hands before lifting the container to contest held at the University NIall. The rules of si9rl<'1 his victory (Staff photos by L inda Henson ) Saturday's contest stated thaI the conta iners had .- --------------- - --- - -- - --- - -~ 'Daily ~gyptian I tjouthem Illinois University J Proposed SWRF fee hike reduced By Man Edlar , presented by Student Government he Increast-d from $32.~ to $40 SWRF fet'5 that were collected In the Daily EepUu 8LaIf Wriaer leaders. The t lmversity had requested In the past Wil l pay for the operation and Tht' SIll Board of Trustees I ~ ongmal proposal that SWRF be ralsl'd mamtenance of the building in fisca l The proposed fee hike in the Student scheduled to act on the SWRF fet" as to $17.75 but deleted IS for new capita I vear 1978. Swmhurne said. Welfare and Recreation Trust Fund wt'li as proposed increases for the pr oj ecL~ and fo r maintenance and . The Student St-nate resolution pa~ (SWRF) fee was reduced Wednesda\' Student ('.enter fee and Medical Bt-nefll ope- ration of the- ne-w Hecreat Ion on Monday statl'd that any plans for from $11 7S to SII.7S per semester In fet" at Thursday 's meetLn~ In r:d· Building lind $1 f~r replacement of further expansion of the Recreation reaction to a Student Senate resolution wanisv 1\ Ie. equIpment for the building 3U1ldmg should be delayed until main ' denouncing the increase. If the Board approves the (,nlver Swinburne said the $6 fl:"ductlon tenance and operational costs art' Bruce Swinburne. VICe president for ~Ily ' s proposals, the SWRF ft'" \I.·ould would not .11:"0pardlze any eX isting as... umed by the state. student affairs. said he recmnmendt'd increasE> from SS to SII 75. the Student program but " II does plact' 11m Ita II 0 n.< the fee reduction after listening to Center fl'(' would mere-a.o;(' from $2(1 to on what we can do to Improve we lfan' ( Continued on Paqe 2) arguments opposing tht' Lncrf'ase $29 and tht' \tl'(hcal IWnE'fit fPl' wOlild and n'Cft'atloo art'a ~ 10 the futuTt' . Opinions vary on F -Senate bargaining poll 8 Y St~v~ La m bert througtl "'eh 111 . WIll he conducted senllmenttoward collective bargaining ster. in deciding whether SIU faculty get DaUy Egyptian Staff WrlLf'r Although Senate Vice President ~a\,ld " At that time we felt that the only way coLective bargaining rights. Bateman said the enti re senate to get the most faculty input into the faculty members currently are not Reactions to the Facul!\' Senatt" ~ recommended the referendum last falL survey was to devote a great deal of time allowed to unionize in bargaining decision to poll faculty members on some senate membf'rs were totally toward promotion." he said. matters. such ~ salary. Cringe benefits, collective bargainIng were m lxec1 unaware that it would he coming up so .. As a result." he added. " we ('v en and leave of absences . among leaders of the collecti\'p soon . accoraing to Donow conducted a sy mposium a few weeks 1lle CFUT , as well as the Carbondale baTJ!aimnll: mOVE'ment Wednesday The poll. an attempt to get faculty before the actual poll to let the faculty lhapter of the American Association of reaction to collective bargaining. was know what we were trying to achieve. ,. University Professors (AAUP ) and the Aristotel PappE'ILS. an organIZer for announced at Tuesday's Faculty Senate Of some 1,480 faculty members United Faculty Association of Car· the United Facult\· ASSOClallon of Ca r ' meeting Questioned in tha t survey: 75 pe~ cent bondale r lTF AC ) are trying to win bondale ( llf' AC l. 'sa Id organizatIOn hL~ " Tht're won' t De e-nough ti me to responded Results showed that 45 collective bargaining rights at SIU-C is intereste<l In helping PreSident publicize it." DonoII.' said. adding that percent of those respondents supported Warren Brandt obtain mformation 00 faculty members wiII be receiving in the collective- bargaining, .0 percent were the feelinll:~ of the f;,('ulty on the sub· mail a poll they know nothing about opposed to it and 15 percent were un · gus ject Dono"," said that as a result of what he certain Pappehs. a profE'ssor In botany. called the senate's negligence- In " What's surprising about th08e results urged faculty membt-rs to respond to promoting the referendum. he expects a IS that bE'fore the ar:tual poll . most 'Bode the senate's poll m heu of a UF AC poll low percentage of the ballots will he people thoug.'1t that bargaining would which has aiready hPt'n .o;('r.t through returned not win faculty support." Donoy; said the mails. " Therefore . no definite conclusion Despi te .... ha t Donow called Results of a campuswide faculty could be made from the responses ." hE' " weaknesses" In the upcoming referendum on collectIve bargaining. to said. adding that the only way to get referendum . he sa id he expects 60 be sponsored by thf' Faculty Senate. will conclusive results frum such a poll IS to percent of the respondents to vote In probably prov~ to be " unreliable." have more input favor of collective bargaining Herbert Donow. president of the Car " The current senate does not seem too " Realistical]y spealung." he said. " I bondal~ federation of t:niversity the best think there's a good chance d even a 66 Teachers ICFUT I. said Wednesday. ~nu~~~, ego!~~i!etting percent favorable response." Donow. who once presided over the Oonow said he expects the Board of 'Nhen the senate, said he is disappointed in the in ~rt:i~~at~ ~!Ju~~!f:S.i~~h Trustees will conduct 8 similar poll by Gus says isn't whatever ~' ay the poll. schE'duled for Feb. 11 morl" prepared" survey of faculty A~il. a move he feels could be the final FaOJlty Senate does unreliable? Northern Californiantfrationi~ng water OAKLAND. Calif. (APl-8bo.en ra tioniq b.. been melttioned a. a exterior QIe. ~a"~ restrictions impAem.... eedI niIbl. cleu Ihirta enry clay aDd diatiDt ~lbitity ill IeCtionI 01 ~ TIM illlpae't on the lifestyles of anmedia~ly . The goal ill to .......... .. ..... IMmI may became ~ aDd in tile Denver area. Oakland residents could not be im­ year's daily awra. OIIIIIUInptioe". memeries for mare thaa a mUlion The Ea.t Bay rationing, covering me~i.tely .au4ed, but at least one million plions 01. water • dliy to .. Del"tbem Caliroraia.... ho ••oke 00lAIDd and IUITeUDdI.nI commWlitiel re&ldent. Catherioe You, sajd abe and million plJons dailY. W~day to strict .ater r.tionlnl in Alameda and Coatra Costa counties, her hUllband considered tbe limit ac­ ....... came with .amlna' that cbronic ceptable. " I'm not a wuteful penon," D61trict d.lrecton WIU meet March. to Dtrecton 01 the Eat Bay MUDJd ..1 abusers of the restriction. would find !!he said. COIIIider a IItrict penalty schedule aad pouible They said utW~ Diarict. wtUdl aerves 1.1 million tbeir water supply monitored and the rate increases. tbe1 The water shortalle will especially a110 may review the household allot­ IN!ft.... across the bay from San valve turned off when the limit was affect some businesses . ments. FnacDeo, ~ the new I'elltriCtiOOl reached. ~ a two-yeu drotcbt has lleverely Each penon wiU be limited to 60 Andy Shahwan, owner 01. a Berkeley Di~tor John Reynolds laid lea reduced rwervtor Ievell. galiOll8 a day with a maximum 01 280 commercial laundry, said he has been severe cutbacks .ould be enforced Jut 10 days earlier, 11111 ,000 Marin .allons per family . regaNiless of size. cutting back his water U5E by 25 per cent against industry becaule 01 fean of Couaty resicleob! north 01 San Fnlncisco District figures show families in for several weeks in anticipatioo 01 the increas~ unemployment. district'. .ction. W8'e ordered to cut their water ~ in suburban areas CJl Contra Costa County Under the plan, water luprlles for b.If, S.n Francisco hAIl declared a have been using as much as &45 gallons a Leonidas Jacks on , proprietor of an ind.-trial WIenI would be cu 10 per ....ter emergency" but bas Dot yet day, 01 which 600 gallons went to land· Oakland car lush, said simply, " I need cent; commercia.I interior uaen. 25 per ~ any restriCtiODll . scape watering and other exteriOl" UlIeS . water to survive." cent ; multiple dwelllnis with (l~e..nr Lad at raiD and snow bas alBo This compares with East Bay urban The utility district directon declared more unib!, 30 pet' ceftt ; public AleftCl.' threatened water shortagell in many dweller who have been using an average a " water s hortage emergency con· interiOl" WIt! , 25 per cent; public ..-­ otber an!U 01 thl' West. and water of 325 gallons a day. witlJ 135 gallons for dltlOn " late Tuesday and oniered thl' des, exterior W1e , 50 per cent.
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