The Clinton Independent. VOL. XXXVr.-NO. 8. ST. JOHNS MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901. WHOLE NO.—1831 THAT’S RIGHT. PERSONAL BUSINESS LOCALS. REED NOW ON TRIAL Money To Loan At Lowest Kate of Interea An Ideal Adverl isemeiit of a Progressive Geo. A. Steel, of Detroit, was in St II. J. Patterson , St. Johns. Huslness Man. Johns yesterday. W. C. Lyon Sundayed with his Capitalists Plan a Road to An ideal advertisement from a news­ December Term of Circuit Ccurt family in this village. Dealers Agree that the Holiday- All the Leading Railroads paper man ’s standpoint, was that of E. J. Bullard transacted business in Are fenced with American Fencing Connect With the Road John Hicks in the St. Johns papers Opened Last Monday with Trade This Year is Very- which in Itself is a sufficient guarantee last week. The ad., which occupied Grand Rapids yesterday. to Lansing. Full Panel Present. L. II. Pease, of Essex, was in Lan ­ Satisfactory. - that it is the best fencing on earth. two full pages shows that Mr. Hicks Spaulding & Co., Agents. is an aggressive business man, and sing on business Tuesday. believes in the merits of printers ink. Dr. A. H. Kenyon transacted busi­ ness in Owosso last Monday. Buy Holiday Books at He employs the methods of up-to-date Fildkw & Millman ’s. GETTING RIGHT OF WAY. merchants by quoting prices on all THE ONLY CRIMINAL CASK W. J. Smith, of Grand Rapids, spent WINDOWS ARE INVITING. goods advertised. We are not ac­ Sunday with his son in St. Johns. quainted with the advertising rates of See Will & Ed. Osgood for a Mrs. Frank II. Rose went to Corunna Christmas present. tiie St. Johns papers but would esti­ Tuesday evening to care for an invalid mate the cost of placing tile adver ­ Business Men are Satisfied, the Owners of the Coal Mines tisement in the three papers at from Jury Obtained Without Much aunt. All the latest and most lasting per­ Chiefly Interested in the •lOOtolUS. We might add t hat Mr. Trouble and the Case is L. W. Smith and wife, of Owosso, Children Expectant —Books fumes at Fildkw & Millman ’s. Hicks has been in business for fifty- spent Sunday witli Oscar Earle and That Sell in St. Johns. New Line. two years and is a literal user of space Rapidly Progressing. family. Handsomely Hound Hooks. in tiie local papers every week in the Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ball and Mrs. E. By the most popular authors of the year. We don ’t believe he ever said L. Dooiing are spending a few days in day, at quick-selling prices at to the editor “1 have been in business Detroit. Aldrich ’s Book Store . An electric railroad from Saginaw half a century, everybody knows me, The December term of Circuit Court Di spite the fact that the weather southwest to this village to meet the opened last Monday with Judge Stone Frank Vauconsant went toSt. Louis man is a little shy of good winter and 1 don ’t have to advertise. ”— Tuesday evening to test the virtues of Fine Pocket & Bill Books at Lansing, St. Johns and St. Louis elec­ Grand Ledge Independent. presiding. tiie celebrated mineral water. weather. St. Johns ’ business men are Fildew & Millman ’s. tric line is now an assured fact. expecting a good holiday trade tiie The only criminal case on the Calen ­ Mrs. James Richardson is spending Everything; From Mr. E. P. Waldron, who is in dar is that of Geo. 11. Reed, charged tiie present week witli friends in Ray next two weeks. Visitors to our city A PRETTY WEDDING City. often compliment tiie local merchants In Nickle Plated Ware for Holiday close touch with the prom iters, we are with assault witli intent to commit Presents at Spaulding & Co.’s. informed that the Saginaw Southern, rape upon the little daughter of Win. J. F. Andrews, of Greenbush, went on their show windows and the tasie .Just Over tiie Gratiot County Line l.».t which originally was headed for Mulder, of this village, a child then to Lansing Tuesday, as a delegate to a shown in arranging tlieir stock of Week. meeting of the State Union Farmers’ merchandise. Will & Ed. Osiidod will sell you a St. Lansing, will come to St. Johns, thus nine years old, while coming from Club. There is no end to the delightful Johns extension table at factory price. saving many miles of track, and gain­ A very pretty weddiug took place DeWitt on tiie 19th day of August last, displays in the stores this year. Tiie ing the same ultimate object. The Frank Goller. of Fowler, and Math. Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the an account of which was published in Bung, of Westphalia, am! wives were stationers have tlieir windows tilled See Fildew & Millman ’s display of 'ow nersof the coal mines near Saginaw, home of John Keller and wife when witli beautiful pictures, books and beautiful albums, 50 cents to $5.00. Bay City and St. Charles, desiring an The Independent at tlie time. This in St. Johns Monday and had their their youngest daughter. C’lio, was was t he firtt case of the term called. pictures taken. nick-nacks; the confectioners have outlet for their products in this direc ­ united in marriage with Edward After some objections on the part of tlieir finest bonbons and candies of For Holiday Presents. tion. have the right of way already Grubaugh of Washington. Miss Keller Mrs. Wm. Brainard went to the prosecution and defense, the fol­ Oshtemof Kalamazoo county, Monday all kinds on show to attract the F. E. Aldrich, of the book, news secured as far as St. Charles and are has resided in Fulton all her life and lowing named jurymen were accepted passersby; the dry goods men, hab­ and stationery store, St. Johns, has a now securing franchises from towns in has many friends and relatives there, to spend a few days with her daughter, to sit in the case: Mrs. E. J. Brad tier. erdashers, the hardware men, tiie varied and desirable line of school the southwest part of Saginaw county, the ceremony was performed by Rev. Lewis Savageot, Victor; Jesse Bark­ grocers and tiie furniture men have supplies and holiday presents to select in Gratiot county and in Duplain and J. S. Beers, pastor of tiie U. R. church er. Victor; Chas. Faudcll, Dallas; J. 11. Conn, of Petoskey, who has all taken particular pains with tlieir from. Bingham townships, in this county, of North Star. After the ceremony a Chester Blank, Essex; Frank L. Bro- been spending a vacation with rela­ display windows. The bazaars are a and the road will be built directly bountiful supper was served to about tives and friends in St. Johns, went wonder to tiie small child and he is southwest to this village as soon as kaw, Eagle; Willard Livesay, Green- Handsleds and coasters, all sizes and twenty invited guests. The bride hush; Chas. Vnderhill, Victor; F. L. to Grand Ledge Tuesday. troubled in his dreams with tiie vis ­ prices at Spaclding & Co.’s. possible. was handsomely attired in nile green; ions of some wonderful toy which lie The villages of Elsie and St. Charles Burch, Lebanon; Cyrus G. Pope, Ben ­ Tiie genial “Bobby” Smith, years the groom wore the customary black. gal: Andrew Nellor, DeWitt: Oscar O. and years ago publbher of the Clinton hopes to receive on Christmas night. The finest line of Ladies desks at are on nearly an air line from St. Misses Nora Keller and Erma Ceasar Knight, Bengal; Gabe Anderson. Republican, was shaking hands witli The storekeepers, one and all, de ­ Johns to Saginaw, and would open up acted as bridesmaids; James Hill and Essex. St. Johns friends Tuesday. clare that tiie signs presage a good Will & Ed . O sgood ’s. a tine country, giving this village Roy Whitman best men. The house trade and a merry Christmas for all exceedingly good connections with Mr. Reed, from Jiis confinement, Masters Charles and William Mont ­ Fine Dressing Cases, Collar and Cuff was decorated with evergreen. Tiie in tiie county jail, looks bleached and gomery who had been spending a few The Independent questioned sev­ thecjuntry north by way of electric happy couple was the recipients of pale. eral business men as to whether peo­ Boxes, Necktie Boxes at lines. There is no competition witli days, with their father, employed at Fildew & Millman ’s. many beautiful gifts. Lyon & Molnet. appear for the re­ The Steel, returned home last Monday. ple were buying a different class of steam roads to be met along the route spondent, and Win. M. Smith, prose­ presents than in former years, and was from Saginaw to this point after cuting attorney, for tiie people. J. T. Daniells and Geo Jewett went informed that it was the regular Skates, Skates, Skates. leaving the immediate vicinity of St. to Lansing Tuesday as delegates from search for presents for the different Charles. PROMOTED. The first witness called was Mrs. Essex to tiie State Grange and Far­ Gent ’s Skates. Ladies ’ Skates, Boh The construction of this road will Flora Mulder, mother of the child, mers’ club, nowin session in that city. members of the family, with possibly Skates for children. All sizes at Former Resident of St. Johns Now Station after which tiie following were called the book and picture sales a little Spaulding & Co.’s. in no way interfere with the building in the order named: Mrs. Ada Van- J. II. Collins, of Ionia, who spent stronger than in former years.
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