Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 11-30-1944 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1944). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2244. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2244 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I NOV. 23, t9« EIGHT THURSDAY, �' i BACKWARDLOOK I The True Memorial • MRS. ARTHUlt rlJRNER, Editor TEN YEARS AGO 203 Collea Coulevard UNWRJTI'EN BUT EL0- • IS AN Nov. 29. 1934 'J'IMES Bulloch BULLOCH Social · Clubs Personal 1 From Times, ALL THAT QUENT STOI'I.Y OF DI D L Deal and Stothard Deal (STATESBORO NEWS-STA1'ESBORO EAGLE) In a deer hunt In won high honor S IS BEST IN LIFE. I the Briarpatch district last week when �������������������������� 210 killed a buck weighing Established ·1892 . they Bulloch Times, I Censolidated 17, 1917 VOL. 52-NO. 3& 10 Au­ reftect th_ 'Janual'J' NOV. 1944. Mrs 0 M Lanier visited Our work belps to pounds. Statesboro News, Established 1901 I STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY, 30, to erect M Math of Statesboro, Eatabli.hed 1917-Conaolidated Deeember 9, 1920 gusta lust week with Mrs Rex Hodges sptrtt which prompt. 70ll George is, ,statesboro Eagle, m the Marme Corps, has Personal and Mrs J R Buchanan Between Us the stone a. an aet of rn_ corporal Purely transferred from the Marme " been I Mrs Howell S..well and son, Steve, and devotion••.• Our experi_ Chester Kills Barracks. QuantICO, Va., to San DIego. Important Business Wil�cat CAMPAIGN 1S rela , from n short stay . Mrs W. G Raines VISIting have returned home i.e at yoUI' service. for with the fleet force.• HOLD STATESBORO GETS IBEGIN Most of us have and Cahf, duty TEACHERS TO I Small Shot rtenny banks, I � Has New Ownership With RUle atives 1ft Tallahassee, Fla \\ ith relatives III Cuthbert I = Two Statesboro chtldran, there are few who do not more certainly . Pree- the I and Mrs Wells of MIl­ and Mrs George Hitt and 80ns of '1.n and Mrs Herman Arthur Chester, emp;oyed by LEGION Dr. Mr A transaction ot QUARTERS• Guy ..1IiE�;'...ft - Important magrll- save penmes from time to time' but Monument Co. from STUDY SESSIONS FURTHER PAVING Brannen • here last week end of Thayer have received awards Ice displayed at the' ledgeville, were vtsttors Monday. George 3 were guests forms, tude the past few days was CIty Company. Movement Mrs.: Anme In connection durmg County-WIde Since 1922 Roebuck & Co I t�e . Hardaway, superintend­ A Local Industry Seur s, South Main Street Will T'imes office a WIldcat which Mrs. Bob Donaldson and Mrs. Claud Mr and Mrs. Fred T Lanier First Meeting of Year To purchase of the Statesboro Implement Saturday ent of nurses at the Bulloch County WIth their' recent nation-wide baby To Raise Funds For A JOHN M. THAYER Proprietor Be Placed in To had killed In the river near were vtsitros III Savannah Will to learn that Be Held In Statesboro the Repair he swamp Howard Fr-iends regret are Her man, 3 If., and Tom­ heretofore property Home HOSPital, has been saving them for show; they Company, �f Suitable Memorial In the 46 West Street PHONE 439 Statesboro, Ga. 12 Campus Entrance the afternoon preceding III an Mra, Rex Hodges IS a plltl�nt Main 1 each of whom were given Afternoon of December F A a firm comprised College Bhtcb Tuesday a a httle nne, Y.!, Smallwood, hy years. Once year she has .. and Mrs. an­ Out for game, Actl'.! arc at this mr-ment be Mr and Mrs. Waldo Pafford, of Augusta LIeut. John Edge cups of Aulbert and Hubert Brannen and an unusual way looking steps Univeraity HOSPital, the 'loving' A of Thanks to the co-operation �f celebration when they open banks; T Lanier Mrs W Groover, president III taken toward the construction of Mrs. ncunce a SOCIal Mrs. Fred Mr Chester heard II noise Ing were guests today of Mr Mrs W S Preetorlus and the biJll;h of daughter. Judith, evants C. who assumed se�- the shght Claxton, t Dekle, charge aggl esatve city couucil, energy be offered as an ex­ and the pust Saturday found her and Mrs H F Arundel wet e joint the Bulloch countly teachers stu� and a Legion home to Lamer returned (rom November 19. at the Bulloch RECEIVES DEGREE BIRTHDAY PARTY and the bushes some thirty feet away and Mrs. F,ed 'I' Walter Johnson hnve County era I days ago. ( and mtttative of a mayor who never of to the some of her frlOnds a real at a at announced that ftJ'st pressron appreciation boys having week Mrs Lesley hostesses lovely bndge party group. has tile around to what he the Md LIeut. IS now sta- During- the past he looked ,dISCO"')1 wn- will Mrs Cornell Foy left dur-ing u few days' stay III Baltimore, Hospital Edge Mr. and Mrs Wade Hodges, MIss Mrs E Donehoo Tues­ The purchase included not only and outside contacts which are of the present World ... ar penny-counting party Already one the home of J. meetmg for the year will be held on sleeps, at Fort entertained WIth a quilting believed was IlL large owl under 8 home at some tuture date. week fOI Atlanta to jom MI Foy, Mrs Elms Hodges has to tioned Benning Jane Hodges and Mrs. Eugene Brog- Spence when fifteen guests busmess operated but the handsome ta2 the2 of be cornmg retu9'ed of bunks culled and told her day afternoon. December 12 ThIS sessron WIll con- necessary accoruphshing the had her birth­ limbs IS lIo;,kt:d as a the occasion being Mrs. Gordon Mays en­ near clump of overhunging Taking Bulloch county being where they UI e making their home her home In Claxton after spending don and httle Frederick, of Ly­ party, were present; new structure on Vme street final results, Statesboro IS to have wanted when she M I' Mrs an- son, vene at the Statesboro School t .&11.41 they her pennies and Reppard Hart carried otber. HIgh u firedrhnd was whole to 111 the- movement, At noon the tertained the,Myst�cy club and new ann WIth .22 'rlfle, he jom DI and M1 S R J H DeLoach had last week here WIth Mr and Mrs. Ell ens, WIll spend In Auburn, da_y. par�f�as the cotton warehouses. The another street Improve- son FrIday m afternoon. important that the structure willt , the bank When they were nouace the birth of u at the Bul- hom on Zetterower ave­ at 3 o'clock the It IS nitended opened Into the wh � delieious­ guests at her amazed at the noise which followed as over end Mrs R. Ala., where will attend the grad- diningroom :iJ owners are among Bulloch ment whIch . they ImmedIately. ornament guests the. .... three tables of The schools will at be an of everybody ,J"ek Ilodges; ..., all through countmg she hud exaetl'Y l8"ch County Erospltal No 'lind He .... nue. Friday afternoon, public adjourn county;. n WIldcat WIthout ,,,allz- dinner WllS served by.)( Molly the Brannen from He had shot Shelton lumbia, S. C Mrs. Culbreth has returned uutlon of MfSfj·Martha Evelyn Hodges membe... of young. bU8me�8 men, ThiS allnouncement cnme WIll t'J proud Paschal, o�'.(; Wayne - p1'escnt;- on date tn order to 2,702 penrues men our football has been named Mrs players being noon thaE' gIve the alll- Wllh�,-"n. J. E M,sses Ing I t The shot had struck 1ll.ltt.". has been devel­ Mrs Frank was called to from New York where sh� spent'last from Institute. ca..8Idr,.Mrs. �d the Three O'clock club .were brothers belllg sons of Mr. and Mrs. Atlanta Tuesday, where, followlIlg a Tho slowly Park�., Dubhn I' was before her Aub�""1folytechnlc brtdge teachers tIme to attend the meet,ng. tealll played FrldaY.nlght, tlart MIS; 'and lmf'ia Wald. mal full Itl the buck and hud pone· fol' but the flrlt week because '_r;�ge W11l Bobby Spence· entertained afternoon by Mrs. Juhan and' Mr. Dekle the con­ oplng many years, LOUISVIlle dUllng the week WIth her' husband, LIeut. (Jg) They .1)., accompanied home by FrIday has ar- Oranaen, ,VISIt of Mayor Dom1an. the two Sherman back Bernice Hall. An In'arestmg program been personal arc now In progreaa. brought glrls those present -.l4rs. Law­ Waldo her on North of tho· tratcd Its spmc, which paralyzed the definltc steps � .. hOl)1e H. of the death of hel\. brother, George Culbreth I MISS HodlfMwand .. her �sI8ter, MISS Among Floyd_at son of J Dekle, Reglstrr tracts .....re SIgned for the re-surfac- I and the comnuttee, of whIch Funds are �oliClred, Bnd it i. for the game, Margaret. Betty Clint Morns and Mam street; the Moan MUSIC Club ranged by hmdpa[ts, but did not incapacitate It bClng ton Mrs. Mum from street .. Allen MIS. B. V Collins returned Monday Betty Grace Hodges.
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