![Legislative Assembly Hansard 1916](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 1916 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Sl4 Gas Bill, [ASSEMBLY.] Papers. LEGISLATIVE ASSElVIBLY. TUESDAY, 26 SEPTE~IBER, 1916. The SPEAKER (Hon. \V. McCormack, C{[irns) took tho chair at half-past 3 o'clock. PAPERS. The following papers, laid on the table, were ordered to be printed:- Annual report of the Chief Protector of Aborigines for the year 1915. Annual report of the Director, State Children Department, for the year 1915. Questions. [26 SEPTEMBbR.) Questions. 815 QUESTIONS. SUGAR IKDUSTRY-PROPOSED SUSPENSION OF DICK80N AWARD. GATTON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Mr. SWAYNE (J1irani) asked the Chief Mr. BEBBINGTOK (Dmyton) nsl~ed the Secretary- :Secretary for Agriculture and Stock- " 1. \Vill the Government, as a speedy " 1. The number of acres of land and effectiYe way of 1·elieYing the posi­ attached to the Agricultural College, tion of the sugar industry. now suspend G :ttoE: number of acres under cultiva­ the Dickson award that has ca1F.'d the grave trouble that has arisen? tion 1 "2. Is it not now plainly apparent that (' 2. Number of working· draught horse.:; any further delay in rcn1oYing the cau-.;e on hand 1st NoYembor, 1915; number oi means-(rz) A sugar famine in Australia; unbroken horses on that elate? (b) a permanent blow to the carr:ving on "3. :Ntunber of 111ilking CO\VS on hand of the' one industry that, so far, has 1st Noven1ber: 1915; nnmbt:l' of young shown itself capable of bringing about cattle on same elate? the settlement on our 1\orthern coast so essential to the future of a white Aus­ "4. Fa.rn1 produce on hand l~t l'\oYeln­ tralia; (c) unemployment leading to dis­ ber, 1915, including ensilage or uuy tress and dc;;;;titution an1ongst the -zvorker., fodder for stock '! who should at this tim<C be employed in "5. Number of hand•, ctnployf'd on the inclustry-bankruptcv to its pro­ farrn labour; nun1ber of students enl­ ducers; (d) that the rates and conditions ployed, and entrance fee:- paid f mm 1:-t of the aw<trd are not only impossible in No,·cmber, 1915, to 31st J anual·y, 1916 ·; any agricultural inclustr~v, bnt n1ust li1nit and render more difficult the carrying on " 6. ~ u1nbcr of gallons of n1ilk pro­ duced from 1st :\'oycmber, 1915, to 31st of our public worh? January, 1916; \'aluc of any other pro­ "3. J-Ias hls attention bcrn dra\Yn to duce produced or sold between those tho following utteraHce by :Mr. Presidl'nt dates? Jethro Brown, of the South Australian Industrial Court, and successor to Sir "7. Value of produce pun~has cl for John Gorclon in the presidency of the feed from let Non'mber. 1915. to 31st Commomvealth Sugar Commis ion, 'If January, 1916? this COUrt base'' an award Oil bad (•vide,;c(' " 8. Value of produce on hand for feed and will not anwncl that award, the purpoees 31st January, 1916' Legislature can annul or vary it at will'! "9. Aprnoxin1atr~ ya]uc of fann " 4. I-las not such an orcasron now machinery on hand 31st January. 1916 ?" arisen in Qucenslund ?" The T'REASFRER (Hon. E. G. Thoodorc, The SECRETARY FOR AGRTCULTCRE Chillagoe), for the Premier, replied- AND STOCK (Hon. W. Lennon, Hrrbcr!) " The GoYernn1ent arc giving th(~ sugar Teplied- difficulty their grayost attent;on, and "·ill " 1. The area of the college land is not overlook any conr; c of action likely 1,686 acres, the area under culti>ation to lead to a satisfactory solution of it." 828 acres. "2. \Vorking -draught horses and SUGAR INDUSTRY-RELIEF FOR DESTITcTE CAKE mules, 59 head; unbroken, 30 head. FAR)IERS. " 3. Milkers. 67 head; heifers, 67 head; Mr. SWAYNE asked the Home Secre­ young bulls, 28 ; stud bulls, 7. tary- "4. Hay and chaff about 10 tons. " Is it the intention of the Government to provide relief for those cane fanners " 5. The aYerage number of hands em­ rendere·d destitute through the operations ployed on farm labour during each month of the Dickson award?" was 10; the students employed on farm labour numbered 5; and the total fees The HO:\IE SECRETARY (Hon. J. received from etudents during that period Huxham. Ruranrla) replied- was £165. " Relief will be is.med to all necessitous " 6. Milk produced, 7,668 gallons. persons tvho make application." Value of other produce produced or eold betwE!en 1st November, 1915, and 31st AGRICULTURAL BANK-PENALTIES ON LATE January. 1916, £771. PAnrENTs. "7. Value of produce purchased for Mr. CORSER (Burnett) asked tho Secre­ feed from 1st NovPmber, 1915, to 31st tary for Public Lands- J anuarv. 1916, was £741. " \Yi11 he' secure infonnation a,nd "8. There was practically no collcg<e­ inform thi, House if tlw wiYos of men grown fodder on hand on 31st Januan·. who hayc left their frnms. and arc on 1916. The summer crops were a failm:e. active service, are bci11g charged penal­ and what little growth there was in these ties on late payments, some of whic·h are and on the lucerne paddocks was gra.:cd as low as 3s. Bel. in somc; cases. b,- the off by stock. As 4 tons of chaff (ya]no Agricultural Bank. >Yiwn such pa:·inents £28 17s. lld.), included in the expendi­ are only three days overdue?" ture mentioned in reply to 7, wa~ pur­ The SECRETARY FOR P'CBLIC LANDS chased during the last few clays of J a nu· (Hon ..J. YI. Hnntcr. Jf,lranoo) replied- ary, tho whole of this mav be taken to haYC been on hand on the 31st of the " Selectors ha Y0 been infonned that no month. harsh measures will be taken during their absence on actiYe service. provided the "9. Approximate value, £1,996." property is properly cared for." 816 Qtteensland Govunmrnt [ASSE~fBLY.] Sa&it~gs I3onk BiF. BUTTER PRODUCTION IX QCKE::~S­ te> be made and whnt it ought to be; but LAND. it was entirely different with the settler upon the land, who required to have n1en . On the motion of Mr. BAR::\TES (ll"ancick), dcrdiLg, with him who \vere in absolute sym­ It was formally resoh·ed- pathy with him. As he said before, no· " That there be laid upon the ta !,]c cf m<.rtcr how good the staff of the Savings the House a return showing the quantity Ihnk might be, unless they haJ practical of butter produced in Que n~land fro;n L .perience, which ,~~as {;'Ssential in order to 7th July, 1915, to 31st August, 1916." as .ist the man on the land, they could not mccessfully do so. The SECRETARY FOR PcBLIC LANDS: You QUEENSLAND GOVERNME.'-lT SAVIXGS a re not suggesting that the officers of the BANK BILL. .\t!ri.-·ultural Bank are not practical men 1 INITIATIO" 1:<1 COM:I!ITTEE. Ho". J. TOLMIE: He said that two of the men there were practical men. ~1r. (J1r. Coyne, H'arrego, in the chair.) '\iel'on had been making his living en th& Question- land; he was a practical man who had " That it is desirable that a Bill be cxperic>IlCC, and \vas gaining experience introduced to constitute and regulate the dailv. Queensland Government Savings Bank, The SECRETARY FOR PL'BLIC LANDS : For and for purposes consequent thereon y0ars he \vas a comrnission agent in Chade­ and incidental thereto"- Yille. put. Hox. J. TOLMIE: He might retort that Ho.N. J. TOLMIE (Toowoomba) said that othf'r people were engaged in differ:nt lines of business, which ought not to d1squahfy the Minister ought to be in a position to give them some information as to what the thcn1. for the position they \vere in uow. contents of the Bill would be. Thev had He ;vantc•d to point out that no matter how asked for some information as to what the rnany ~-cars th11t gentlcn1an bad br_'en acting contents of the Bill "·ould be. The had as n con1n1is"ion agent in Chilrlc,·ille, ho had asked for son1e inforrnation in the ffiatter k11ovdcdge of the \Ycstcrn rondjtions. For on the preceding stage of the Bill, nnd a ·.-t r eo I: ,idcra blc number of vears he hnd hon. members ought to know a little more L e.~ , rn",'cti(1l farn1er makir!g hls living than they· did about it. O!~ thr l~·ad. One of the other D1Cnlbcrs had D- d frrn11.lng experience. and had ah\ ays The SECRETARY FOR l'CBLIC LAl\DS: You l:cvn a:"··~ocintf:cl \rith the fanners. 'I_1hat v:as should know "' lot more than you do nm:. dlffc·re11t from nFn ln the office who did Eot , out iLto the di3tricts and corne into HoN ..J. TOLMIE: '\Vhen they askcJ for ro ':ith tlH s~ttlcrs. He knew the diffi- son1e inforrr1ation a 1t. '.vero bout thev accesed c:dt!r i that ~·urronndcd rnatter, ho-\v n1uch by hon. gentlcr:1en opposite "of n1aking a :l'.._· hac: to be Pxen in the making of scare about the Savings Bank. They did io r:nd he knt:\'.' that nruch of the success not y,.·aut to 1nake anv scare about the lt h a<,_ i nr?d h_,d be ~:n due 1-.1 the personal Sa.ving:- B[lnk, but they V\~anted to know -what (·onLtd of the dirrctors of the bank ·with the po·;;ition \Va,<;;, llcnv the accouut.:; stood, the mn1 on tlw land. They ho,d Yisited them and how the Uovcnlnient -..vere going to iu , heir homPs ru~d seen the conditions under rr1ake the Dill operate upon the Savings Bank.
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